June 2023 W.I.S.H. Thread - New Season, New Start

Good Morning Happy Monday!!

@Summer2018 Congrats on another school year completed, you are the best!

@Oneanne enjoy your cruise I am so excited to hear about it!!

Saturday was great for volunteering, did several things outside of my “normal duties” and “comfort zones” and I was feeling pretty good about all of it. Got 4.9 miles and 12k steps in that day just during my volunteering!

Yesterday was fantastic, I think I enjoyed the day just as much as my husband. DS1 surprised him by coming to church and staying for the Father’s Day picnic after. Then all the kids came back here with their dogs and we had a dog party in the backyard-so hubs got to see all the kids and his grand dogs yesterday ☺️

Today I am off and DD has a youth group outing to a water park all day so after I drop her off I am going to volunteer for a bit then get groceries.

Motivation for this week-staying on track and getting my watch rings closed everyday!!!

That is so great! I need to work on finding somewhere meaningful to me to volunteer at. I've always volunteered quite a bit at my church, but I don't as often anymore since my kids are not in the youth programs any more. Pretty much all I do there now if financial stuff (balance checkbooks and do some financial reports). I have more time now with the kids grown, so definitely need to work on that!

I like that quote! This isn't the food or fitness kind of health-related, but it does effect my mood, so I'm going to say it counts: I plan to do some floor cleaning today - vacuuming, mopping, getting the dustbuster into tight spots...It's the kind of cleaning that feels like a big production number to me (so I make excuses to put it off) but isn't actually difficult after I start, so I will definitely thank myself tomorrow!.

That will feel great to have done!

I am motivated by summer itself...this is my opportunity to really focus on myself without the usual work stress and time restraints. Let's not forget that last summer I was bombarded by obnoxious, needy, and messy construction morons who took over my house in order to gut my upstairs bathroom forcing me to sleep on my living room couch all summer. During the pandemic, DD did school online and wasn't working, so she was always around which I loved. When she started working again, she always had one or two days during the week home that we would spend together. Now she has only weekends off, so Monday-Friday, I'm on my own. It's sad, but she and I had a good run...25 years!!! Most parents get 17 if they are lucky. One day, I will probably be watching my future Grandkids over the summer, and of course the day that DH retires is LOOMING...God help me. So this summer is actually quite precious. I cannot waste it on being lazy and gaining or even maintaining my weight. I need to make some REAL PROGRESS. This will be the SUMMER OF ME!!!

1. Find a good YouTube chair Yoga routine and do it Monday-Friday
2. Walk on Treadmill Monday-Friday
3. Eat healthy daily except for special occasions and during trip to Cape Cod
4. Work on a house project for an hour or two daily
5. Read books for pleasure (the easiest on the list since I inhale books all year long)

6. Make plans to see at least one of my friends once a week

What a great list - I find it so much easier to accomplish things when you write down specific goals. I love lists with items to check off!

This may sound weird, but my motivation this week is that this month so far has shown me how poorly I used to eat and it makes it clearer that I can live a healthier lifestyle going forward. The times this month where I haven't made good choices (either food-wise or activity-wise) have left me feeling not great physically - usually more tired and just blah. We are getting ready to leave on a trip and I'm feeling good that this will help me to make better choices while we're gone - knowing that the choices that I make have a direct impact on how my body will feel afterwards!

Whew - that was long winded and hope it made a little sense lol!
My aha moments were sort of piggybacking on DH's health issues. When he had to change his eating habits, I changed mine at first by default. I've gradually found a happy medium for myself (including a few things he can't have when he's at work, for instance) but I'm definitely more aware than I was, and make better choices most of the time.
I eventually came to the conclusion that healthy eating and portion control would have to become my lifestyle.

I came to this realization kicking and screaming. For a long time, I wanted the quick fix.
Over the past couple of years, I accepted that it won't be a quick fix and may
take a year or more. Most recently, I experienced my moment of AHA!!! This is my new way of life, like it or not.

I guess I have finally grown up...begrudgingly.
One of my aha moments is when I finally realized that not everyone who was "skinny and fit" was that way by default. Many of them worked at it too.

I guess I kind of felt sorry for myself that it didn't come easy to me, but when talking to my sister-in-law one day (who is a perfect size in my opinion), I realized how much thought she puts into keeping herself healthy too, I don't know why I just assumed that it was just automatic for her and everyone else, but that was definitely an aha moment for me!
Good Topic!!!!

My grandfather died of a fatty liver, my father has the same along with diabetes, my aunt has diabetes and has lost her sight and my uncle is almost completely disabled due to multiple heart attacks and strokes-all are caused weight and lifestyle issues. Their suffering was/is extreme and I just can’t set myself up for that.

I think it hit me hard at 35 that this is not how I want to live and I have been trying my hardest since!! Not perfect but trying!!
I've emerged from my hole!! Seriously, though, that final infusion kicked my BUTT! I was asleep most of the time Friday through Monday afternoon before I finally started to feel like something even close to myself. Truly, I woke up Monday, had breakfast, and went back to bed. I'm nowhere near 100% today, but I haven't needed a nap and I did some lunch yoga, so I think it's safe to say I'm on the mend.

Topic Tuesday - What was your Ah-Ha moment or moments on your journey to getting healthier?

I've had a few times in my life where I've been able to make healthy choices, but the one that lasted the longest by far was when my girls were 20 months old. I was a stressed mom to toddler triplets and it was completely normal for me to go grab an ice cream sundae once they were finally in bed for the night. We were at a community event with inflatables and I could barely drag myself up the ladder to slide down with them. I decided right then and there I needed to step up my game to make sure I could keep up with them as they got older and faster. They weren't going to stay stumbling toddlers much longer! I needed to nix the stress eating and find a healthier outlet for myself.

I started watching my food and running with my triple jogging stroller (holy moly, what a workout!), building up my exercise endurance. When I had proven to myself that I was going to stick with it, I joined a gym, too, so that I could take strength classes along with my cardio. I got myself into a healthy weight for my height and regularly worked out 5-6 days a week, even through the pandemic. It wasn't until 7 years later when the cancer symptoms kicked in that I fell out of that routine.

My current battle is less an "Ah-ha" and more a reminder to myself: while I don't have control over so much that cancer and chemo has done to my body, I can respond in healthy ways rather than allowing myself to spiral. Soon (hopefully very, very soon!!) I'll be able to get back to my healthy activity level and it shouldn't be too hard to take care of these 10lb.
I've emerged from my hole!! Seriously, though, that final infusion kicked my BUTT! I was asleep most of the time Friday through Monday afternoon before I finally started to feel like something even close to myself. Truly, I woke up Monday, had breakfast, and went back to bed. I'm nowhere near 100% today, but I haven't needed a nap and I did some lunch yoga, so I think it's safe to say I'm on the mend.

I've had a few times in my life where I've been able to make healthy choices, but the one that lasted the longest by far was when my girls were 20 months old. I was a stressed mom to toddler triplets and it was completely normal for me to go grab an ice cream sundae once they were finally in bed for the night. We were at a community event with inflatables and I could barely drag myself up the ladder to slide down with them. I decided right then and there I needed to step up my game to make sure I could keep up with them as they got older and faster. They weren't going to stay stumbling toddlers much longer! I needed to nix the stress eating and find a healthier outlet for myself.

I started watching my food and running with my triple jogging stroller (holy moly, what a workout!), building up my exercise endurance. When I had proven to myself that I was going to stick with it, I joined a gym, too, so that I could take strength classes along with my cardio. I got myself into a healthy weight for my height and regularly worked out 5-6 days a week, even through the pandemic. It wasn't until 7 years later when the cancer symptoms kicked in that I fell out of that routine.

My current battle is less an "Ah-ha" and more a reminder to myself: while I don't have control over so much that cancer and chemo has done to my body, I can respond in healthy ways rather than allowing myself to spiral. Soon (hopefully very, very soon!!) I'll be able to get back to my healthy activity level and it shouldn't be too hard to take care of these 10lb.
So happy to see you back!!! Final fusion ✅ rest up and take care of yourself!!!
I am thankful to have rediscovered the dancer in me!!!

A little history...
I took dance lessons for 15 years, and then went out to the clubs dancing twice a week for 10 years after that. Marrying DH, an athlete/coach, unfortunately put an end to clubbing since he preferred sports arenas to nightclubs. :( Taking classes sporadically at the gym didn't do it for me, and I got very busy being a mom, attending grad school, volunteering at church, and working on my career.

30 years later...I have started dancing again! Today, I completed a 30-minute Zumba routine! it was so fun, and I had no issues modifying the high impact moves to low impact. The fact that I kept up with the young instructor amazes me. It was quite evident that I'm not in the same shape I was 30 years ago, but I can certainly get better from here. I'm actually quite hopeful.


1. Dance!!! (Dancing is more my thing than Yoga)
2. Walk on Treadmill Monday-Friday
3. Eat healthy daily except for special occasions and during trip to Cape Cod
4. Work on a house project for an hour or two daily
5. Read books for pleasure (the easiest on the list since I inhale books all year long)

6. Make plans to see at least one of my friends once a week


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