Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

Anyhow... my question is.... what would you like someone to say to YOU if you were the one making the excuses? What kind of excuses did you make up for yourself on day #1? How did you get PAST those excuses?

I'm the worst person to ask because I'm always making excuses, but I think a reminder that everything is hard at the beginning always helps. We all learned to walk at some point in our lives - but it's not like we got up one day and were walking like crazy. It was a process. Everything starts out hard, but if you're willing to put in a little bit of a commitment, it'll become a routine.
Also - and not everyone responds well to this, but for those who do, it's a good reminder - putting in the work to be healthy now saves you from lots of doctors appointments, surgeries, medications, etc later.

But, as others have said ... if this person is making excuses right away, they may not be truly motivated, and it's hard to lose weight when you're not really motivated.

I was at the doctor this morning and the result is that I have flat feet and that caused an inflamation of my tibalis posterior tendon. The result is that I get physical therapy and inserts. Not too thrilled about the inserts. How will I put those into my nicer shoes? Anyway, the good news is that the doctor said to just take it easy and see to what level I can continue walking. He did not say to immediately stop all walking activity. He thinks that once my foot gets reliefe from the inserts this should no longer be an issue. Hopefully he is right! I already got all my PT appointments set up. The funny thing is that it affects both feet equally, but only one of them hurts. Strange! So, instead of walking to work, I am going to bike now and I will try to add in some swimming and continue to do the workout DVDs (but will modify anything that includes jumping) and hopefully in a few weeks I will be back to normal!

I'm glad the news isn't too bad, and I hope the inserts help! They do make some inserts that fit well in nice shoes, but not all of them - ask your physical therapist about it, they might know.


Hey guys! I'm already about an hour behind schedule today, so I can't really stick around. Plus, I'm groggy and my stomach is bothering me (no idea why, since I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary lately), so ... definitely not going to be a good morning :(. Oh well. At least I got in an okay run this morning and I tracked everything I've eaten so far, so the day isn't a total wash.

Okay, I'm off to wash some dishes and get some work done ... have a great day, all!
Quite simply he isn't ready and I doubt one-on-one counseling is going to flip the switch for him, but it might plant the seeds.

What would I want to hear if I'm blowing smoke? Hmmmm... It really could vary. I'm pretty self aware and if someone calls me out on my "stuff" I probably already know it. I guess giving options for other things to consider or alternate next steps?
Happy Thursday everyone! :)

I am less than 36 hours to my graduation and just four days away from my trip... it's been quite nail biting time. Why is packing for Disney so much more difficult than packing for any other vacation? I can pack for a race in like 10 mins the day I'm leaving on a plane, yet I feel like with this Disney trip there is so much more involved. I have a piece of paper taped to my desk and as I think of things I need I just write them down. I've been packing and adding things to my suitcase every night I get home - so at least I feel like something is progressing.

I'm a ball of excitement and nervousness right now -- perhaps a combination of Fear and Joy! I'll check back in later. Heading into the conference room for a Project Management training. (Yay?)
QOTD: I am going to echo @SarahDisney and say I always make excuses, so I am not sure I am going to be helpful. What has worked for me is listening to myself, recognizing the excuses for what they are, and letting them go. But that took several attempts before it worked. Countless false starts at losing weight. When I finally lost 40 pounds I reframed pretty much every excuse telling myself that change meant turning them around into motivation. I am struggling to come up with an example, the best I can think of relates to running. On a cold day in New England I can really talk myself out of runs sometimes, but then I tell myself that I have no guarantee of the weather on race day, so I need to prepare in all conditions. The Frozen 5k in 2015 at WDW was the perfect example. Who expects a 32 degree run in Orlando? But it happened, and I was ready.

Until people are ready to see their excuses for what they are (usually fear) they will have trouble conquering them in my opinion.
I get the name should have told you that it would be freezing! :rotfl:

@courtneybeth You will manage the packing and then have a fabulous trip!!

Yeah, the common response here on the boards was runDisney doomed us with that theme:) The 10k was chilly for standing around waiting that year, but perfect for running, Half was great start to finish if I recall correctly. The Frozen 5k would have been fine for me to deal with, but it was my then 5 year olds daughter first ever 5k and she was very cold waiting around. The weather forecast before we left Massachusetts was very different from when we got to Disney (we went to my parents FL home first). So we hadn't packed all that well. But we survived and she chose to do it again this year, with an Ariel theme and more beach appropriate weather;)
Yeah, the common response here on the boards was runDisney doomed us with that theme:) The 10k was chilly for standing around waiting that year, but perfect for running, Half was great start to finish if I recall correctly. The Frozen 5k would have been fine for me to deal with, but it was my then 5 year olds daughter first ever 5k and she was very cold waiting around. The weather forecast before we left Massachusetts was very different from when we got to Disney (we went to my parents FL home first). So we hadn't packed all that well. But we survived and she chose to do it again this year, with an Ariel theme and more beach appropriate weather;)

Great that you got your daughter sharing the fun of these races!! Is this the Princess Marathon weekend? I love the idea of the Ariel race - since she so much wanted to get legs, she should be celebrated with a race!

I love your new avatar btw!
I walked the neighborhood with my daughter for 2 miles worth it was 47 minutes. I was shocked she made it. She wanted to stop by 1.25 miles. I've come to the conclusion I may have to go try out some walking shoes and replace my shoes. My shoes are about a year old and I think they have little to no arch support left. And hurt quite a bit on right side last night especially after getting strained from barefoot and flip flop beach walking treatment in California I know my shoes aren't as supportive. I really have had great luck with the Ryka brand fitting good but these ones I bought on Amazon and for some reason the heel is extra tough and always rubbing only on the back of my heel/ankle. So I may go out looking at shoes soon. When I mentioned to my brother(because he has my cash savings in his safe) he said he will probably be shopping soon for some shoes because he has noticed his feet aching at work.

I put in a dozen or more resumes yesterday afternoon. I hope to get some calls soon. I hope I got them all changed to my prepay phone. I was kinda left with two phones one for work and that one broke somehow. I noticed Monday morning that it had frozen somehow and was keeping Sunday's date. So I turned it off and when it came back on it was changed . Next thing I knew it was beeping that it was low battery despite being charged all night Sunday. Now it won't turn on. Thankfully I have the back up. The one is a subsidized phone I got when I had no job years ago. It's been on the fritz awhile. So I may just cancel it and try to keep this other prepay(for my sprint smartphone handed down from my brother)one up. I can go lower but won't have as much data. I know our Amazon fulfillment center is always hiring and pay is decent. I could possibly check into that for work. A three to four 12 hour shifts might be worth the drive to them about a half hour.

Going to the gym this evening though will be rough but I'll make it my 2 miles and possibly do my leg day on the machines. I need to get some laundry going though this morning what is left of it. I have all the weekend laundry plus what was used this week. Several loads an I really want to wash my linens too.

Stopping in with a quick 2nd WooHoo to end WooHoo Wednesday:
No coffee today!
I woke up groggy and with a terrible headache, but since I've had coffee every day this week, I didn't want to have coffee today. My morning was pretty rough and I was close to saying screw it and having coffee, but I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. The afternoon wasn't great, but it was better, and I made it through the day without coffee!
I do think I need to start regulating my coffee intake a bit more (I did it last summer, but kinda gave it up after a while) so that I don't get into situations like this. But for now ... I'll take the victory. And we'll deal with tomorrow's coffee issue if/when it comes.

Yay!! It was hard for me to give up caffeine. I still get minimal amounts in green tea on occasion or in chocolate. I just remind myself what it does to my anxiety levels. My "drug" of choice was a can of soda in the morning. It is much easier to resist having it even though it is around in my kitchen all the time but especially on weekends.

Good morning friends! I am up and moving with a few extra minutes to spare to say hello! For some reason I was able to pop out of bed a bit early today, despite not really closing my eyes until well after 11 pm (darn that Survivor Finale!). But I needed to get stuff done here and there has been no other time to do it... so laundry is shuffling along, yesterday's lunch sack containers are washed (DS is supposed to empty his lunch sack as soon as he gets home, but he rarely does), bed is made, living room is picked up, my lunch is packed (DS doesn't have to go in until the end of the day because of Senior Expo tonight), and I even ironed a blouse for tomorrow.

I put in a request to work 38 hours/week at this summer's maintenance job, but I'm starting to rethink that. Right now I work 35 hrs/week at school, plus my two WW jobs and I'm not even keeping my head above water as far as household chores and exercise go.... so requesting 38 hours/week (cannot do 40 because I cannot take benefits) over the summer is actually pretty stupid. The ONLY good thing about it is I can start working earlier and get home earlier. Or cut back on my 24/7 chat hours (because, sadly, summer maintenance pays marginally better :rolleyes: ). Dang those stupid tuition bills.... they just keep coming! Anyone know any "get-rich-quick" schemes that aren't illegal? :rotfl:

I need some help and I think you are a great group to ask, so here goes....

during a recent 24/7 chat session I was talking with a brand new "on-line only" Weight Watchers member. He was initially asking how much to count his lunch for, in terms of SmartPoints. He said he had sweet and sour pork chow mein (not something I've ever eaten). It was catered from a restaurant and he didn't know the name of the restaurant nor the nutrition information for the food nor his portion size . I did the best I could to direct him to the list of foods available and suggested he pick from the middle of the SmartPoints range of similar items. He was frustrated that I couldn't give him a more exact answer and I did my best to explain why. Then he went on to give all kinds of excuses on why this "isn't going to work." That he "doesn't have time" to be looking stuff up like this, and using a scanner, and tracking everything, etc. In hindsight I realize that I probably should have suggested the WW Simply Filling technique to him (much less tracking involved), but it didn't occur to me right then. I asked him how often he ate out and from his rather generalized answer, it seems like MOST of his meals are eaten away from home. Anyhow, the remainder of the conversation was basically a list of excuses from him about how this is "too hard" and he is "too busy" for all of this, etc, etc. It seemed like he was making excuses on DAY #1 why this won't work and setting himself up for failure. I did my very best to be encouraging and tell him that tracking DOES get easier over time and made some suggestion on how to pick restaurant foods that are easier to track (grilled chicken breast or baked fish for example). I honestly don't hold out much hope for this member right now, unless he changes his mindset. He did mention making an appointment for one-on-one coaching, which I think would help him tremendously.

Anyhow... my question is.... what would you like someone to say to YOU if you were the one making the excuses? What kind of excuses did you make up for yourself on day #1? How did you get PAST those excuses?

Off to refill my coffee and check email before I must dash! Hoping you all have a THRILLING THURSDAY!!..................P

First oh no on agreeing to hours you now think won't be good. Maybe you can get in a change on that.

Second on the guy and your question. Hmm perhaps he should stick to a set of food groups that are easier to track. But I would tell him to just get a good solid base of foods that he will memorize the points on. I did that when I did WW in my early 20s. I did well but only when I was going to meetings and having to weigh in. I switched to online and excuses and other commitments got in the way, I was doing 40 hours a week plus full load of college courses at the same time. The latter may also be an excuse. Big excuses for me are sometimes that it does take up sooo much of the day to track, plan and keep a support base. Exercise takes time and when I'm home I easily put it off until its too late and I need sleep. I am doing good with the gym because well I know I'll be paying for it and I will want to use it. Plus I actually like going to the gym. Walking on the treadmill isn't as fun but I really love doing weight lifting. Some other excuses I've used on food is I can't afford to eat what I really would want to for health, those foods cost too much. I'm not sure how to overcome some as I still struggle. I'm really not sure what I would want someone to say to me. In non health related instance of my photography I also make excuses. I'm not good enough, I don't have the "equipment", I don't have this or that. And people have said nicely don't make excuses and I didn't take offense. I just don't know if you could do such thing without either causing him to run off the plan or complain and get you in trouble. Seems though he isn't ready or maybe he's just really really overwhelmed.

I'm the worst person to ask because I'm always making excuses, but I think a reminder that everything is hard at the beginning always helps. We all learned to walk at some point in our lives - but it's not like we got up one day and were walking like crazy. It was a process. Everything starts out hard, but if you're willing to put in a little bit of a commitment, it'll become a routine.
Also - and not everyone responds well to this, but for those who do, it's a good reminder - putting in the work to be healthy now saves you from lots of doctors appointments, surgeries, medications, etc later.

But, as others have said ... if this person is making excuses right away, they may not be truly motivated, and it's hard to lose weight when you're not really motivated.

I'm glad the news isn't too bad, and I hope the inserts help! They do make some inserts that fit well in nice shoes, but not all of them - ask your physical therapist about it, they might know.


Hey guys! I'm already about an hour behind schedule today, so I can't really stick around. Plus, I'm groggy and my stomach is bothering me (no idea why, since I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary lately), so ... definitely not going to be a good morning :(. Oh well. At least I got in an okay run this morning and I tracked everything I've eaten so far, so the day isn't a total wash.

Okay, I'm off to wash some dishes and get some work done ... have a great day, all!

Yes not much a person to ask but I agree. We have to remind ourselves that nothing comes easy. But a lot of times he'll have to come to that conclusion on his own with his self improvement.
Great that you got your daughter sharing the fun of these races!! Is this the Princess Marathon weekend? I love the idea of the Ariel race - since she so much wanted to get legs, she should be celebrated with a race!

I love your new avatar btw!

Yes, it was the Princess Weekend in February. They change the theme of the weekend which matches the 5k medal and kids runs medals to a new princess every year, the 10k and half medals stay the same and are not themed per se. Some year there have been subtle hints early on, other years obvious ones. For 2016 all the "in-training" stuff they released had seashells, so it was pretty obvious. Guesses this year are for Snow White in 2017. I won't be doing it next year, which is making me a bit sad, but it is because we need to be at WDW for a wedding in June. Plus I have been promising my husband we'd be taking a ski vacation.

My daughter does love doing Disney races, she's done 2 Princess 5ks and the Avengers 5k. Its so fun to watch her excitement for the races:) And thanks for noticing the avatar change. That was the Princess half in 2016.
@DVCFan1994 - what races do you have coming up on the horizon? You mentioned you won't be doing Princess, but any others?

We've planned for: Star Wars Light, Star Wars Dark, Princess and Tink challenges... and maybe Dumbo Double Dare if we like it this year. Avengers next year will be just the 10K again.
@DVCFan1994 - what races do you have coming up on the horizon? You mentioned you won't be doing Princess, but any others?

We've planned for: Star Wars Light, Star Wars Dark, Princess and Tink challenges... and maybe Dumbo Double Dare if we like it this year. Avengers next year will be just the 10K again.

Nothing planned until my first full marathon in the fall. I likely will add some local races, but I am waiting to make sure I am totally over my injuries to register for anything. 10ks are my favorite race distance so I will probably do one or two of those to keep a proof of time in case I need it. We've been doing WDW twice a year almost every year for over 20 years and DH is starting to tire of it. The week before PHM weekend is our winter school break, and we've done PHM the last three years, so I promised we'd skip this year and likely do a Colorado ski trip. We have a wedding at YC in June, so I'll still get a Disney fix:) I have no other Disney plans right now. I am hoping to do Dopey in 2018, but if that won't work out I may do the Kessel Run. I would have done Dark Side in 2017, but that would mean being at WDW Easter week. While it is conveniently my kids vacation and the race weekend, it will just be waaaay to busy for my tastes. Eventually I will do all the races, but I have decided to spread them out over time. I love the DL races, and how much easier the logistics are out there, so if anything in 2017 I might try to Dumbo or Avengers again. I know Avengers wasn't super popular, but I absolutely loved it. But then again I love the Avengers and Captain America in particular:) I saw a preview finally for Dr. Strange at Capt. America Civil War and it looks great too.

I read somewhere about a theory Tink would be replaced by a Pixar race. While I love Pixar, I will be disappointed to miss out on the Pixie Dust Challenge and the Pink Coast to Coast. That was on my to-do list:) Hope they keep it next year so you get it before it disappears! My Coast to Coast medal is my pride and joy:) Luckily I am more of a blue girl than pink;)
Catching up - I've been very busy with a volunteer project the past couple of days. I love all the woo-hoo's - Wednesdays around this thread are awesome!

My day late woo-hoo is that my project is over for another year. I do the yearbook for the elementary school and I finished and sent it to print today. I think next year will be my last year doing it. This was my 5th year doing it - I've gone from enjoying it, to tolerating it, to - this year - dreading it. It needs some new blood, I think.

Anyway, I've had very little sleep the past couple of days, but it's done!

Now I can start looking forward to the kids getting out of school and to vacation - we'll be in Orlando in less than a month. We'll be at Magic Kingdom 30 days from today - normally I could book fast passes, but I'm not going to bother because three of us are using a castmember friend's passes and we can't book fastpasses for those until 7 days out - so what good is booking 2 fast passes when the likelihood of the other 3 of us getting the same times is slim to none.

As far as today's question of the day, on what advice would I like to receive if I'm making excuses:

I'm a big fan of breaking things down into bite size pieces. So, when I say - I have no time to exercise, they could say - you don't need to take a boot camp class; just walk 10 minutes specifically as exercise. For tracking, I think many of us have been doing it so long, it seems like no big deal, but it is pretty time consuming in the beginning. If you are like me, though, it gets easy quickly because I eat the same things all the time. Now on MFP, I type the first couple letters of a food and it comes right up. Except for restaurants, I rarely have to research my meals anymore.
Happy Friday All!

Booked 4 days trail for a really nice gym near home, with swimming pool. I have access to gym in work but no swimming pool and I really miss swimming. It's little expensive, but I feel it will deliver benefit of having many options as classes, swimming or just gym but operating weekends too
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Hello friends,

I am back - the funeral service was simple but well done - a very sad day but also good to see some cousins and share memories. I booked us a fantastic 3 bedroom apartment to stay in - the staff were wonderful and gave us a room with a beautiful relaxing view of the bay. My parents would never usually book accommodation like this - they would typically go cheaper and think ok we just need a bed. But I knew things were going to be hard emotionally especially for Mum having lost her sister who was also her best friend so I didn't want a drab motel room to go back to. It wasn't too extravagant, I think it was pretty reasonable considering. Mum really liked it and wants us to save up and go back for longer - I fudged a little when I told her the cost lol or I would have been in trouble - yes even at 43! So I absorbed most of the cost. I didn't eat particularly well and indulged in some wine sitting on our balcony at sunset each day. I did however get exercise in I walked twice a day - each morning we walked down the beach to the patisserie for breakfast (no you didn't ready that lol), then walked again in the afternoon, I had a tennis game with DS12 and on our last day we walked out along an old pier that is .53 miles long, so double that.

You know I love to share and entice you with pics of Australia's wonderful beaches so I will share a couple of sunset pics - the beach one is from my walk on the afternoon after the funeral.

I have caught up on everything that has been happening but think I will just start from today with QOTDs

yesterday's lunch sack containers are washed (DS is supposed to empty his lunch sack as soon as he gets home, but he rarely does),

I am glad to hear kids are the same all over the world :rotfl:

I need some help and I think you are a great group to ask, so here goes....

during a recent 24/7 chat session I was talking with a brand new "on-line only" Weight Watchers member. He was initially asking how much to count his lunch for, in terms of SmartPoints. He said he had sweet and sour pork chow mein (not something I've ever eaten). It was catered from a restaurant and he didn't know the name of the restaurant nor the nutrition information for the food nor his portion size . I did the best I could to direct him to the list of foods available and suggested he pick from the middle of the SmartPoints range of similar items. He was frustrated that I couldn't give him a more exact answer and I did my best to explain why. Then he went on to give all kinds of excuses on why this "isn't going to work." That he "doesn't have time" to be looking stuff up like this, and using a scanner, and tracking everything, etc. In hindsight I realize that I probably should have suggested the WW Simply Filling technique to him (much less tracking involved), but it didn't occur to me right then. I asked him how often he ate out and from his rather generalized answer, it seems like MOST of his meals are eaten away from home. Anyhow, the remainder of the conversation was basically a list of excuses from him about how this is "too hard" and he is "too busy" for all of this, etc, etc. It seemed like he was making excuses on DAY #1 why this won't work and setting himself up for failure. I did my very best to be encouraging and tell him that tracking DOES get easier over time and made some suggestion on how to pick restaurant foods that are easier to track (grilled chicken breast or baked fish for example). I honestly don't hold out much hope for this member right now, unless he changes his mindset. He did mention making an appointment for one-on-one coaching, which I think would help him tremendously.

Anyhow... my question is.... what would you like someone to say to YOU if you were the one making the excuses? What kind of excuses did you make up for yourself on day #1? How did you get PAST those excuses?

He is clearly near the start of his journey - I kind of know how he feels - it can be overwhelming at the start and I have been using excuses myself still. I remembered something we learned at University about a stages of change model that I thought might help you Pamela - I found this link to a power point presentation explaining the stages and giving hints for strategies to support people in each phase - now at the end it kind of looks like this specific slideshow had people with drug addiction for clients but the stages of change information is applicable to any type of changes including weight loss - I hope you find this useful - you may not get to speak to him again but it might be useful for other clients. He sounds like he is only just entering the contemplation stage. Movement through changes is not linear we cycle through them and this can occur more than once.

Oops had to edit to put the link in - I forgot -Not sure if it works as a click on link but I tested copying and pasting into my browser and it works - click open and it is a PDF document.

As for what I would want someone to say to me - it can depend on the person - example I have one friend and we are pretty brutally honest with each other (in a good way) so she could possibly get away with calling me on it and telling me I'm full of S..... but from other people I wouldn't take that and would probably appreciate some encouragement and positive reinforcement and acknowledgement of the first step of at least joining WW. His venting outloud may have just been part of his process to start to come to terms with hard changes - even though you might not have felt like you helped him - I think you did. :-)
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QOTD - May 20

View attachment 170267

Let's have a bit of Friday Fun today! Rearrange the parks to your liking. Want to move a ride or a land from Florida to California? A snack from Tokyo that should show up at
Epcot? A long lost ride or friend that needs to be brought back? Snacks that need to be stripped of calories and pronounced the most healthy thing ever?

What would you do to construct your most perfect Disney park ever? Create the Bing Bong of Disney experiences!

Also, don't forget to check in sometime between now and Monday morning!

I will have to think about this. I will come back later with my answer.

I do have a woohoo to share even though it is not Wednesday. Hubby and I came to a decision about my daughters gymnastics. She is going to do it. We didn't even fight anymore about it. Down side to this is it costing us almost as much as our disney trip.

On a disappointing note. I just found dead out frozen ever after is not opening until june 21. We will miss it by like 2 weeks. I am super bummed by this but still excited to go. Now I need to be up early tomorrow to get the dinner show or fastpasses for the jungle book night time show at ak. I can finally finalize our plans.
I am less than 36 hours to my graduation and just four days away from my trip... it's been quite nail biting time. Why is packing for Disney so much more difficult than packing for any other vacation? I can pack for a race in like 10 mins the day I'm leaving on a plane, yet I feel like with this Disney trip there is so much more involved. I have a piece of paper taped to my desk and as I think of things I need I just write them down. I've been packing and adding things to my suitcase every night I get home - so at least I feel like something is progressing.

Yay!!! So excited for you for your trip! I hear ya on the packing---- going abroad for two weeks = 1 carry on.... Disney for just the weekend = the big kahuna suitcase crammed with every little thing I can think of and list (I don't even use half of it). In my defense, Disney is usually HOT and involves at least one outfit change per day :laughing:

He is clearly near the start of his journey - I kind of know how he feels - it can be overwhelming at the start and I have been using excuses myself still. I remembered something we learned at University about a stages of change model that I thought might help you Pamela - I found this link to a power point presentation explaining the stages and giving hints for strategies to support people in each phase - now at the end it kind of looks like this specific slideshow had people with drug addiction for clients but the stages of change information is applicable to any type of changes including weight loss - I hope you find this useful - you may not get to speak to him again but it might be useful for other clients. He sounds like he is only just entering the contemplation stage. Movement through changes is not linear we cycle through them and this can occur more than once.

That power point is soooo interesting. Thank you for sharing that. I would agree it's totally relevant to weight loss as well. Change is HARD-- Heck, I keep bouncing around this commitment myself.

QOTD - May 20

View attachment 170267

Let's have a bit of Friday Fun today! Rearrange the parks to your liking. Want to move a ride or a land from Florida to California? A snack from Tokyo that should show up at
Epcot? A long lost ride or friend that needs to be brought back? Snacks that need to be stripped of calories and pronounced the most healthy thing ever?

What would you do to construct your most perfect Disney park ever? Create the Bing Bong of Disney experiences!

Also, don't forget to check in sometime between now and Monday morning!

Oh.... my.... goodness.... I could write a novel, but I am going to try to keep it short!

- Bring back Animation Academy in HS
- Move Hyperspace Mountain (DL) and Cars Land (DCA) to WDW
- Move Phantom Manor (DLP) to WDW
- Intergrate the whole spectacle of Dreams (DLP castle show) into Wishes somehow
- Move Pooh's Honey Hunt (TDL) to WDW complete with the (calorie free!) honey popcorn stand right outside
- Move the whoooooole Tokyo Disney Sea Park to WDW (let's bring the awesome CM's from there too!)
- And bring back Marie! And add in the rest of the kittens because why not?! (Yes, I am queen of the crazy cat ladies! :cat: )

Now I need to be up early tomorrow to get the dinner show or fastpasses for the jungle book night time show at ak.

What's up with the Jungle Book show? Are fastpasses out for that? I am hoping to catch it on this trip or next, but I can't seem to find any info! I didn't even think there was a date announced. But I have not been super on top of this either :-)
QOTD - May 20

View attachment 170267

Let's have a bit of Friday Fun today! Rearrange the parks to your liking. Want to move a ride or a land from Florida to California? A snack from Tokyo that should show up at
Epcot? A long lost ride or friend that needs to be brought back? Snacks that need to be stripped of calories and pronounced the most healthy thing ever?

What would you do to construct your most perfect Disney park ever? Create the Bing Bong of Disney experiences!

Also, don't forget to check in sometime between now and Monday morning!

Husband and I just talked about this last night during our Disney date - how funny! We discussed if Disneyland were to bring EPCOT's World Showcase to the left coast that we'd never have to go to Florida. :rotfl:

I'd love to see Bugs Land removed from California Adventure - maybe replace it with the Ratatouille ride and surrounding shops from Disneyland Paris. I am not a fan of A Bugs Life by any means and the area is filled with cheap carnival rides and grounds that collect puddles! Please please please replace it - anything that has Patton Oswalt as a theme is a +30 in my book :)

As for food... CROQUE GLACE doesn't have calories in it, right? I'd definitely make those calorie-free.
QOTD - May 20

View attachment 170267

Let's have a bit of Friday Fun today! Rearrange the parks to your liking. Want to move a ride or a land from Florida to California? A snack from Tokyo that should show up at
Epcot? A long lost ride or friend that needs to be brought back? Snacks that need to be stripped of calories and pronounced the most healthy thing ever?

What would you do to construct your most perfect Disney park ever? Create the Bing Bong of Disney experiences!

Also, don't forget to check in sometime between now and Monday morning!

I'm one of those who would want to "put EPCOT's Future World back to the way it was." Bring Body Wars back --- how Disney ever dismantled a ride building and replaced it with nothing still staggers me --- maybe even Body Wars could become an Inside Out-themed journey through the human mind? I'd want Captain EO back, put Imagination back to the way it was with Dreamfinder, fix Nemo to show more of the amazing aquarium, is there room in The Land to bring back the Kitchen Cabaret? And I don't know what to do with the Energy pavilion except keep the dinosaurs and cut 2/3rds out of the movie to start.

But on the other hand with World Showcase, I've come full circle and actually think there's neat opportunity to put some more classic Disney elements in the Pavilions like Frozen in Norway. How great would a Mary Poppins stage show be in the UK? The music is so universally beloved the show wouldn't even need to tell the whole story, it could just be a musical revue like The Lion King show in AK. And MORE Pavilions --- Brazil, Russia ... and India! How does Disney World have 280+ restaurants and there's nowhere to get good Indian food?! (I tried Sanaa --- yummy --- but it's African/Indian fusion)

Love reading everyone's responses!


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