Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

Bing Bong sacrificed himself to the memory dump in order to save Riley. Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?

I would like to forget that cake and candy exist ... and I'd like to eat less chocolate (but never no chocolate ... life is not worth living without chocolate), but so far no luck.
It's hard for me to "give up" certain things because I don't really have any control over what the other people in my house eat, so the food is there, and if it's there, sometimes I eat it.
One thing I have sent to the memory dump is soda - and I haven't really looked back. I will still have a cup of soda every few months, but I don't enjoy it.


Hey guys! I know I haven't been chatting much lately ... I've been a little out of it, but thankfully I'm doing a little better now. Hopefully today will be a good day and I can come back later and participate a little more!
Ok, I finally gave in. Doctor's appointment for my foot is on Thursday. I was very happy to get one so quickly. It is a new, young doctor who took over from my previous doctor. He seems to be 10 years younger than me!! Kind of strange that I am getting so old that the yound doctors are really younger than me. I recently had a discussion with friends about this and my line of thought is that a young doctor will know all the newest developments and still has more enthusiasm, even when he might lack some experience. However, before a doctor is allowed to have their own practice here, they had to go through so much training that I don't think the experience is going to be an issue.

Now I am afraid that I will hear that I am not allowed to walk for a month or so! I already kind of expect that there is no chance that I can run the 10k in two weeks. But no walking would be really really hard! I have tried to cut down on exercise, but I just love my walking so much! Last two days still got me to 7.000 steps each. And I really love the additional calories that I earn by moving! So, I am afraid that my weight loss might slow down quite a bit if I cannot walk anymore!
Hope everything turns out OK with your foot.
Now I am afraid that I will hear that I am not allowed to walk for a month or so! I already kind of expect that there is no chance that I can run the 10k in two weeks. But no walking would be really really hard! I have tried to cut down on exercise, but I just love my walking so much! Last two days still got me to 7.000 steps each. And I really love the additional calories that I earn by moving! So, I am afraid that my weight loss might slow down quite a bit if I cannot walk anymore!

I had an foot injury and caused myself further pain by not listening but I recall swimming and cycling were ok to do at the time. I took 12 months to get over it, custom made insoles for about 6 months, strength training program to targeted specific weaknesses (in my case post pregnancy core) and I had to give up running. I run very little very rarely now

But I wish I listened straight away and didn't attempt to keep walking.

Hope everything goes ok
ile Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?
Honestly, right now I have zero desire to eat junk. I stopped loving it! It's too hard to love food that doesn't love me back! The price is too high. So I left loving food that doesn't love me back. It's not worthy of my love or the struggle that it causes me. I will eat healthy and will love food that makes me feel good about myself

I can put the chips on the high shelf, take them out for guests and not be tempted by them.

If I kept telling myself I love this or that I will keep struggling and I don't think my love went that far so we ran our course and we parted our ways.

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QOTD - May 17
View attachment 169001

Warning: movie spoiler ahead!!!!

Bing Bong sacrificed himself to the memory dump in order to save Riley. Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?
I can't say that I have... Seeing how easily I've slid back in to old habits I have to acknowledge that stuff is all still there, particularly sugar. Once an addict always an addict, I am just going to have to learn how to live with it in a more healthful way.

I ate a lot of food yesterday. I consumed enough during the day that I was planning on fruit for dinner then my Sister asked if I would go out with her and I said yes. I need to remember Monday is one of the evenings when someone comes in and she can get out of the house, so I save up points. The scale was not friendly this morning, so today needs to be a better day.

My WDW trip was so satisfying that I've been thinking about not going back in October, which opens up a lot of other possibilities. I always end up traveling on my own, which I'm kind of tired of doing, so I've started looking at Disney Adventure tours, and wouldn't you know it, there's a tour of Norway in September. Super expensive but super exciting to think about. Norway is at the top of my list as my family is Norwegian on my Dad's side. Hmmmm... Is planning about to begin?
One more I thought of I am leaving behind viewing holidays as opportunity to eat anything and everything in different location.

I used to smoke Oneanne. I am definitely not addict anymore - over 12 years. You just need to find a way that suits you, and you don't feel you are missing out on things as you are happy eating the way you do

Go for it! (Norway
QOTD - May 17
View attachment 169001

Warning: movie spoiler ahead!!!!

Bing Bong sacrificed himself to the memory dump in order to save Riley. Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?

No, there is nothing I have given up completely. I believe more in an everything in moderation approach, so I have not eliminated anything 100%. I have learned to co-exist with tempting snack foods pretty well most of the time, but I do give into them particularly when I am super stressed. I have to keep them in the house because my husband is an adult, and if he wants them its not my place to tell them he can't have them. I have silly skinny kids too, so I don't restrict their snacks - though I do make them have healthy snacks before they have junk like Oreos.
QOTD - May 17
View attachment 169001

Warning: movie spoiler ahead!!!!

Bing Bong sacrificed himself to the memory dump in order to save Riley. Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?

There are so many places that I once ate at and no longer can - unless I decide to starve myself for two days before or decide to run 39 miles to burn the calories (let's be real - neither are happening!). Long gone are the days of Taco Bell and In N Out Burger. Some days I ache for a milk shake and burger - but i know it's not worth it.

In keeping with the "Anger" theme for the week, Anger took over control of my console as I've been fighting with United Airlines the last 24 hours regarding my flight home from Orlando. They shifted our flight so that instead of a one hour layover, we now have a 2.5 hour layover! And they put my husband in a middle seat when they redid the plane arrangement and it took a call into their service center to try to get it fixed last night.... and they offered to "have us pay a discounted price to get an aisle seat in Premium Economy". Uh... no way! We paid for an aisle seat for both of us and finally after last night's inability to get someone to help us, a nice lady this morning got it fixed.

We still have a long layover to contend with, but... at this point I'm just ready to get to Orlando and enjoy the trip!
QOTD - May 17
View attachment 169001

Warning: movie spoiler ahead!!!!

Bing Bong sacrificed himself to the memory dump in order to save Riley. Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?

I think purchasing spontaneous snacks is one of the routines that I've (thankfully) sent to the memory dump. I would eat healthy food in the house, but get a 600 calorie muffin with my morning coffee at the train station, grab a candy bar along with my other purchases at the drug store, or run through the drive through for a milkshake or a bag of fries. It was like - if I don't eat inside the house the calories don't count. Obviously I didn't actually think that, it was more about putting on a false facade for the world. Look at my fridge full of healthy food - I don't know why I weigh what I weigh.
I had an foot injury and caused myself further pain by not listening but I recall swimming and cycling were ok to do at the time. I took 12 months to get over it, custom made insoles for about 6 months, strength training program to targeted specific weaknesses (in my case post pregnancy core) and I had to give up running. I run very little very rarely now

But I wish I listened straight away and didn't attempt to keep walking.

Hope everything goes ok

Thanks for the warning! Yes, I think I need to try to take a step back and find other activities. Just did some exercises at home. situps, pushups and squats don't hurt my foot. And Since you mentioned core weakness, this is something I need to work on as well - even without a pregnancy ever...
I lost 3 lbs/out of 6 lbs revised goal. It's getting little unlikely I will reach the revised goal even but I will keep trying

Are few people missing? It feels little quieter then normal here.

Hope everybody are still on track of achieving their long term goals.
Good morning all! I have exactly 3 minutes to say hello before I must dash! I did give myself a little extra time this morning, but I had 97 unread emails from the past 4 days that I had to at least peek at, so there went my "extra" time!

Beautiful day here today! I have to work tonight 5-8, but I am planning a walk after school, at least! Also hoping to get my student outside for a walk during her breaks today, plus she has PE... so hopefully she will join the class and we will get some steps outside and have fun!

Our results post is looking good! Hope you all are feeling satisfied with your results! If not, what are you going to do differently today?

I just remembered I need to water my hanging basket before I dash, so I'll fly away now! BBL to chat!.............P
Hello everyone!

My foot is feeling better today, so I hope that with the right care I will be back to my usual exercise soon enough. I was kind of thinking that when I cannot walk and run, there go all my weight loss goals. But this is stupid. I know that when I am sick, I have a hard time losing weight. But this is also because I am feeling bad and then have to battle the urge to comfort eat. If it is just my foot, that means that my brain should still work and then it can protect me from crazy comfort eating attacks! And there is other exercise that I can do. I need to build up more strength and this might be a good thing that I am forced to get out of the running and concentrate on other things. Also, I love swimming, but I rarely do it. And hopefully the doctor says that cycling is ok and that will help me to get around! So, all in all, maybe it is even a good thing if this injury forces me to cross train more and maybe I can even get some new habits!

I am also thinking about yoga and I remember that someone recently recommended some yoga on youtube?? Anyone still remember that?

@HappyGrape, halfway to goal does not sound too bad! I think you are seeing some slowing down because you are getting close to your goal and I understand that you started out from a point that was not overly high either. 3 pounds is still great!
QOTD - May 18

View attachment 169330

Good morning everyone! It is Woohoo Wednesday!!!! Yay!!!

What has made you smile in the past seven days?

This week has been rough. Between the fighting with my husband and my daughter being sick there is not a whole lot of smiles right now. I do have a few bright spots.

1. 17 days until we check in at Disney (I am a little stressed about packing. I normally give myself an extra day off of work to pack but I didn't have the time to take)
2. My daughter made the gymnastics team.
3. My daughter has an ear infection and last night we thought she might be allergic to her antibiotic. She is already allergic to Amoxicillian. Luckily she woke up this morning and all the issues from last night seem to be gone. Yeah for being better and that I didn't need to take more time off of work.
4. Here is the best one. I haven't talked much about my son in awhile. We got a letter in the mail on Friday saying that he will be receiving the President's award for his good grades last year and this year. He was telling me a few weeks ago that he wanted to get it. The school said that they want this to be a surprise for the kids. It is killing me to not tell him. This came at a good time too. My husband and I were getting frustrated with him because he is not doing his homework. They only have a week and a half left of school. I think he has checked out for the summer.
I am not feeling very woohoo this week. Lot of extended family stressors with people hospitalized etc. I am mostly keeping up with my workouts, but missed one Monday. So that is frustrating. I think I will go with the fact I am sticking with my tracking in MFP even when it means I know I am going to go over my calorie goals.

- Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday! She turns 6, and I'm looking forward to her party this weekend. We will also be going to St Louis on Sunday to take her to the American Girl store to get her first one. I know she's excited.

- Tomorrow is also our last day of school with the kids. Teachers have to come in Friday for an awards breakfast, but then we are pretty much done. My summer starts at 2:00 Thursday!

- Did my second 6.2 mile treadmill run last night. The first one last Sunday was just basicly to see if I can do it, this time I picked up the pace and knocked 7:00 off my previous time. Now I have a good baseline (84:38) to start working from. There is a local 10K in next week to support an officer who was killed back in the line of duty in 2007 - really thinking about doing it, just don't know if I'm ready yet.

- Did my Disney Virtual Shorts run on Sunday and for the first time, all my splits were under 12:00. I also went down each mile which was a first. Excited to get my medal in a few weeks!
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Long gone are the days of Taco Bell and In N Out Burger. Some days I ache for a milk shake and burger - but i know it's not worth it.

I wasn't a huge Taco Bell fan, but it's one of the places that I go to now when I crave fast food. They have the fresco menu which is all low cal items. I go with the fresco chicken soft taco and it's only 140 calories. It's not bad. My other new favorite is Chick-fil-A - I go with the side salad and the grilled chicken nuggets - 310 calories with the fat free honey mustard dressing. Sometimes I'll double up on the nuggets and it's 450 calories (ok, most of the time I double up on the nuggets).


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