Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

oh that's easy! Booked holiday after getting an amazing deal that was not in this year plan at all - heading away to sunny Lanzarote in 2 weeks! Whoo Hoo! sun, delicious fruit, swimming, awesome gym/tennis courts etc!

Also, doing smashing staying on track!

I would be interesting to hear where you are staying at, I was thinking about going to the Canary Islands sometime in the nearish future and would love to hear a recommendation for a great place to stay at! If you don't want to post in public before your trip, I would be happy if you sent me a PM or told us once you are back. :goodvibes
no secret at all! We have been many times to Lanzarote (10+) and our favorite little cafe/eatery is owned by German family! Probably best food I had anywhere!

We stay at Fariones Playa hotel and they have great sports facilities, on the beach, with amazing food around, long cycle lanes, buses to take you everywhere on the island, 15 minutes form the airport. It's not fancy hotel really but location is spectacular

It's my home away from home! I just adore waking up early and taking long walk & swim before breakfast enjoying the sunrise. I hope to retire one day there. This was exactly my hotel room view last time

I will pm you more specific in the next few days

Also, I often (but not always) come back same weight or less as there is plenty of delicious food, I love to be able to go to some of the classes they do as salsa, trx, bodypump, zumba, love walking swimming and enjoying being outdoors too - it's great for a recharge holiday.
Woohoo Wednesday, well let's see...

The transition back to work life hasn't been too shocking and I'm pretty much caught back up.

When I went to dinner with my Sister Monday night she was talking about the "longest yard-sale" that happens Memorial Weekend down on the Washington Coast where we are from. She made the comment that everyone was probably booked because it was a holiday weekend but I found a twin room, super cheap, at a new little place I've been wanting to try. Then she called her wife's sister to see if she could stay that weekend to help out and the answer was yes. So we're making a trip to the beach for some junking and for my sister to get a little break.

Now that I've pretty much decided not to go to WDW in October I'm having fun exploring other options... In addition to Norway I've started checking out Rick Steve's tours and am also considering going back to England.
Hi Gang.. Lots of Great Wooohooo's!!! Love it!

Still haven't heard back about the appraisal - I sent a note yesterday afternoon but still waiting.... Not a WhooHoo.. but ....

I have decided that Hubs and I can do a long weekend over Labor Day to a local resort - Fri to Monday, cabin, meals and entertainment included, using some of the $ that will be left from the sale of our house since our vacations (last week and again the middle of June) will be spent packing/unpacking (which we consider very worth it!) ..

well back to work for the afternoon.. Hugs and Smiles to all.. Michelle
Now that I've pretty much decided not to go to WDW in October I'm having fun exploring other options... In addition to Norway I've started checking out Rick Steve's tours and am also considering going back to England.

Ah, I meant to comment on your idea about Norway! My sister and I went on the inaugural Disney cruise to Norway last year and had a fantastic time! We really loved Norway. It is not a warm weather destination for sure, but it was such an easy and friendly country to travel in. I remember reading some Disney Parks Blog posts about the Norway Adventure by Disney trip that looked fabulous and it seemed like they went to similar places as the cruise. In my opinion the ABD trips are quite a bit overpriced, but I do understand the appeal of traveling with a group of like minded people. And as group trips go, these seem to be very well run.
QOTD - May 18

Good morning everyone! It is Woohoo Wednesday!!!! Yay!!!

What has made you smile in the past seven days?

I celebrated my 24th wedding anniversary yesterday and DH brought me a huge bunch of pale pink tulips. He is great about remembering special days and I appreciate that so much. Pink tulips are pretty much my favorite spring flower and I carried them in my wedding bouquet, they had extra special meaning.

no secret at all! We have been many times to Lanzarote (10+) and our favorite little cafe/eatery is owned by German family! Probably best food I had anywhere!

We stay at Fariones Playa hotel and they have great sports facilities, on the beach, with amazing food around, long cycle lanes, buses to take you everywhere on the island, 15 minutes form the airport. It's not fancy hotel really but location is spectacular

It's my home away from home! I just adore waking up early and taking long walk & swim before breakfast enjoying the sunrise. I hope to retire one day there. This was exactly my hotel room view last time

I will pm you more specific in the next few days


Hi Gang.. Lots of Great Wooohooo's!!! Love it!

Still haven't heard back about the appraisal - I sent a note yesterday afternoon but still waiting.... Not a WhooHoo.. but ....

I have decided that Hubs and I can do a long weekend over Labor Day to a local resort - Fri to Monday, cabin, meals and entertainment included, using some of the $ that will be left from the sale of our house since our vacations (last week and again the middle of June) will be spent packing/unpacking (which we consider very worth it!) ..

well back to work for the afternoon.. Hugs and Smiles to all.. Michelle

So glad to hear that things are going well..... but I'm sure you are anxious to hear about the appraisal. Good for you for planning some down time later in the summer.


Woohoo #2..... I am catching up here! My student is home sick and while I feel badly about that, I'm not feeling well today (nauseaous during the night for some reason), so having a less stressful day is MUCH appreciated. I did get time to take ONE lap around the school in the sunshine, so that felt good. And since I don't have my student today, I am hopeful that I can get out a few minutes early today and get that walk time (if my belly allows). Found out at breakfast that DH is heading out about 5pm for robotics mentor meeting and DS won't get home from track practice until about that time, so no time for a meal together. I'll feed DH something before he leaves and then eat something with DS when he gets home. I also have some meat in the fridge I'd like to get prepped and cooked and frozen for some extra meals to bring to DD next time I visit, so I may try to squeeze that in this afternoon too.

Between some high calorie days over the weekend, more carbs than usual over the past 5 days, and a gross feeling belly today, I hold out exactly ZERO hope for any weight loss this week AND I'll be happy to see a maintain. I have a dress to wear to DS's graduation and Dniece's wedding on 6/11 that I don't want to wear if I am feeling "fluffy" so I've GOT to get on the stick and get down a few more pounds!

Okay.... break time is over.... time to go help proctor testing!.............P
QOTD - May 18

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Good morning everyone! It is Woohoo Wednesday!!!! Yay!!!

What has made you smile in the past seven days?

  • I took a "personal morning" this morning and spent an extra two hours in bed before heading into the office. It was just enough to clear my head and enjoy the "me time".
  • Flight for Rock n Roll Vancouver Half Marathon weekend is booked! (Just need St Louis and Montreal)
  • I began packing for the Disney trip last night. YAY! I'm half packed. I just... need some time to clear my head and really think about what I need and what I don't want to forget.
QOTD - May 17
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Warning: movie spoiler ahead!!!!

Bing Bong sacrificed himself to the memory dump in order to save Riley. Are there things, routines, or activities that you've sent to the memory dump on your way to a healthier you? Things that you would like to forget even exist? Or are you one of the lucky ones who can put the potato chips on a high shelf and take them out only on special occasions?

Doritos and salt and vinegar potato chips are a weakness that I do need to keep shoving in the memory dump. Somehow a file keeps coming back. LOL I don't buy them often because if they are here I will eat. I do know if I get potato chips that are not salt and vinegar I don't touch them much unless nothing else to eat is around. Ice cream was one for a while but only in phases. I'm lactose intolerant so I'll get some and then have horrible gassy tummy aches and then stop eating it for MONTHS only to have some again. LOL

Hello everyone!

My foot is feeling better today, so I hope that with the right care I will be back to my usual exercise soon enough. I was kind of thinking that when I cannot walk and run, there go all my weight loss goals. But this is stupid. I know that when I am sick, I have a hard time losing weight. But this is also because I am feeling bad and then have to battle the urge to comfort eat. If it is just my foot, that means that my brain should still work and then it can protect me from crazy comfort eating attacks! And there is other exercise that I can do. I need to build up more strength and this might be a good thing that I am forced to get out of the running and concentrate on other things. Also, I love swimming, but I rarely do it. And hopefully the doctor says that cycling is ok and that will help me to get around! So, all in all, maybe it is even a good thing if this injury forces me to cross train more and maybe I can even get some new habits!

I am also thinking about yoga and I remember that someone recently recommended some yoga on youtube?? Anyone still remember that?

@HappyGrape, halfway to goal does not sound too bad! I think you are seeing some slowing down because you are getting close to your goal and I understand that you started out from a point that was not overly high either. 3 pounds is still great!

It is scary to be benched from exercise and worry you won't stick to the plans. Speedy healing vibes!! Yeah I'd do upper body strength or even punching the air while seated will burn calories and tone arms. We have a Wii and the sports game has boxing that can be fun. Maybe see if the injury can handle biking? Or swimming I'm sure is a decent cardio possibility but I know not everyone has the weather or the access for swimming.

QOTD - May 18

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Good morning everyone! It is Woohoo Wednesday!!!! Yay!!!

What has made you smile in the past seven days?

The beach over the weekend made me smile and looking at and editing the photos. It seemed so rushed I didn't even sit the entire time at the beach Saturday. Sunday I was sitting more in the amusement area but then we went down to the beach for the last 3 hours or so and purely standing and walking was done. I feel like I need another beach trip. LOL I pretty much told my dd we'd try to go more in the L.A. area later in summer. I want to hit Disneyland for a 2 or 3 days. I have only been once despite spending most of my life 6 hours away. I haven't seen any of the California Adventures side. So if possible I want to take a longer weekend away to California again soon. My brother has some vacation time to use(or lose it) and then gets 3 more weeks after. We keep talking about a trip later in the year so maybe can make that happen sometimes September to December. Myself I love Sept in the parks less people and weather is awesome. October is my second favorite and I've always want to do trick or treat but now my daughter likes dressing up but not trick or treating houses. She might enjoy a last go at it in the parks. Who knows! Rollercoasters(because my brother is wanting to do Universal too) and my size aren't as fun because I always worry about embarrassing moments I have to get off because I'm too big. I had it happen at Sea World once. They did have a bigger seat and I had to wait for it. I barely passed the one at the beach over the weekend. I hate that I can't always take my daughter on those things so hopefully it's late enough in the year to get some major progress on this weight.

On our next trip will be a weekend up at The Grand Canyon. DD has not gone so it will be neat to take her. I'm thinking of getting a cabin but camping is another slightly cheaper option. I always love getting away from the 100s. I'm actually shocked the 10 day is showing 80s again for us. It has been a weird year for Phoenix temps.

Woohoo Wednesday, well let's see...

The transition back to work life hasn't been too shocking and I'm pretty much caught back up.

When I went to dinner with my Sister Monday night she was talking about the "longest yard-sale" that happens Memorial Weekend down on the Washington Coast where we are from. She made the comment that everyone was probably booked because it was a holiday weekend but I found a twin room, super cheap, at a new little place I've been wanting to try. Then she called her wife's sister to see if she could stay that weekend to help out and the answer was yes. So we're making a trip to the beach for some junking and for my sister to get a little break.

Now that I've pretty much decided not to go to WDW in October I'm having fun exploring other options... In addition to Norway I've started checking out Rick Steve's tours and am also considering going back to England.
Aww I was hoping to go in October. Could have been fun to meet a DISer. I've never done that. Most I know I knew from other things(mommy birth month boards etc.) One I met in person at a volunteer position.
Ah, I meant to comment on your idea about Norway! My sister and I went on the inaugural Disney cruise to Norway last year and had a fantastic time! We really loved Norway. It is not a warm weather destination for sure, but it was such an easy and friendly country to travel in. I remember reading some Disney Parks Blog posts about the Norway Adventure by Disney trip that looked fabulous and it seemed like they went to similar places as the cruise. In my opinion the ABD trips are quite a bit overpriced, but I do understand the appeal of traveling with a group of like minded people. And as group trips go, these seem to be very well run.
I've already changed direction a bit and am holding space in a Rick Steves two week tour of Britian. I did his tour of London several years ago and enjoyed it... Not quite as pricey as Disney, but still expensive. My only qualm is do I want to revisit England or go some place new. I do love London so, and would totally do a couple days on my own there. One of the other places on the tour is a sheep farm in Wales which is a big draw.
Things have been super busy so I am catching up from yesterday.

As for the memory dump: I dumped all beverages (except the occasional cocktails!) except water and don't miss them in the least. When I realized how much sugar I was drinking and how many calories I was wasting I said nope! Occasionally, I will have a soda with Mexican (for some reason I just need a coke with Mexican haha!), but other than that I don't miss it.

Woohoo-- 9 days until WDW! I am currently planning out where to squeeze in a visit to the new Disney Springs stores and an evening at Jellyrolls! And also figuring out how I can get some Disneybounding into this trip! I got some great headgear from Tokyo that is begging to be disbounded with hahaha!

My other new favorite is Chick-fil-A - I go with the side salad and the grilled chicken nuggets - 310 calories with the fat free honey mustard dressing.

YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I am so thankful that they have the superfood side and grilled nuggets these days! That's my go to fast food lunch. I don't even feel too guilty having their icedream cone from time to time either :-)
I've already changed direction a bit and am holding space in a Rick Steves two week tour of Britian. I did his tour of London several years ago and enjoyed it... Not quite as pricey as Disney, but still expensive. My only qualm is do I want to revisit England or go some place new. I do love London so, and would totally do a couple days on my own there. One of the other places on the tour is a sheep farm in Wales which is a big draw.

Where else is the trip going? There are some amazing areas in the UK!
Stopping in with a quick 2nd WooHoo to end WooHoo Wednesday:
No coffee today!
I woke up groggy and with a terrible headache, but since I've had coffee every day this week, I didn't want to have coffee today. My morning was pretty rough and I was close to saying screw it and having coffee, but I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. The afternoon wasn't great, but it was better, and I made it through the day without coffee!
I do think I need to start regulating my coffee intake a bit more (I did it last summer, but kinda gave it up after a while) so that I don't get into situations like this. But for now ... I'll take the victory. And we'll deal with tomorrow's coffee issue if/when it comes.
Good morning friends! I am up and moving with a few extra minutes to spare to say hello! For some reason I was able to pop out of bed a bit early today, despite not really closing my eyes until well after 11 pm (darn that Survivor Finale!). But I needed to get stuff done here and there has been no other time to do it... so laundry is shuffling along, yesterday's lunch sack containers are washed (DS is supposed to empty his lunch sack as soon as he gets home, but he rarely does), bed is made, living room is picked up, my lunch is packed (DS doesn't have to go in until the end of the day because of Senior Expo tonight), and I even ironed a blouse for tomorrow.

I put in a request to work 38 hours/week at this summer's maintenance job, but I'm starting to rethink that. Right now I work 35 hrs/week at school, plus my two WW jobs and I'm not even keeping my head above water as far as household chores and exercise go.... so requesting 38 hours/week (cannot do 40 because I cannot take benefits) over the summer is actually pretty stupid. The ONLY good thing about it is I can start working earlier and get home earlier. Or cut back on my 24/7 chat hours (because, sadly, summer maintenance pays marginally better :rolleyes: ). Dang those stupid tuition bills.... they just keep coming! Anyone know any "get-rich-quick" schemes that aren't illegal? :rotfl:

I need some help and I think you are a great group to ask, so here goes....

during a recent 24/7 chat session I was talking with a brand new "on-line only" Weight Watchers member. He was initially asking how much to count his lunch for, in terms of SmartPoints. He said he had sweet and sour pork chow mein (not something I've ever eaten). It was catered from a restaurant and he didn't know the name of the restaurant nor the nutrition information for the food nor his portion size . I did the best I could to direct him to the list of foods available and suggested he pick from the middle of the SmartPoints range of similar items. He was frustrated that I couldn't give him a more exact answer and I did my best to explain why. Then he went on to give all kinds of excuses on why this "isn't going to work." That he "doesn't have time" to be looking stuff up like this, and using a scanner, and tracking everything, etc. In hindsight I realize that I probably should have suggested the WW Simply Filling technique to him (much less tracking involved), but it didn't occur to me right then. I asked him how often he ate out and from his rather generalized answer, it seems like MOST of his meals are eaten away from home. Anyhow, the remainder of the conversation was basically a list of excuses from him about how this is "too hard" and he is "too busy" for all of this, etc, etc. It seemed like he was making excuses on DAY #1 why this won't work and setting himself up for failure. I did my very best to be encouraging and tell him that tracking DOES get easier over time and made some suggestion on how to pick restaurant foods that are easier to track (grilled chicken breast or baked fish for example). I honestly don't hold out much hope for this member right now, unless he changes his mindset. He did mention making an appointment for one-on-one coaching, which I think would help him tremendously.

Anyhow... my question is.... what would you like someone to say to YOU if you were the one making the excuses? What kind of excuses did you make up for yourself on day #1? How did you get PAST those excuses?

Off to refill my coffee and check email before I must dash! Hoping you all have a THRILLING THURSDAY!!..................P
Good morning friends! I am up and moving with a few extra minutes to spare to say hello! For some reason I was able to pop out of bed a bit early today, despite not really closing my eyes until well after 11 pm (darn that Survivor Finale!). But I needed to get stuff done here and there has been no other time to do it... so laundry is shuffling along, yesterday's lunch sack containers are washed (DS is supposed to empty his lunch sack as soon as he gets home, but he rarely does), bed is made, living room is picked up, my lunch is packed (DS doesn't have to go in until the end of the day because of Senior Expo tonight), and I even ironed a blouse for tomorrow.

I put in a request to work 38 hours/week at this summer's maintenance job, but I'm starting to rethink that. Right now I work 35 hrs/week at school, plus my two WW jobs and I'm not even keeping my head above water as far as household chores and exercise go.... so requesting 38 hours/week (cannot do 40 because I cannot take benefits) over the summer is actually pretty stupid. The ONLY good thing about it is I can start working earlier and get home earlier. Or cut back on my 24/7 chat hours (because, sadly, summer maintenance pays marginally better :rolleyes: ). Dang those stupid tuition bills.... they just keep coming! Anyone know any "get-rich-quick" schemes that aren't illegal? :rotfl:

I need some help and I think you are a great group to ask, so here goes....

during a recent 24/7 chat session I was talking with a brand new "on-line only" Weight Watchers member. He was initially asking how much to count his lunch for, in terms of SmartPoints. He said he had sweet and sour pork chow mein (not something I've ever eaten). It was catered from a restaurant and he didn't know the name of the restaurant nor the nutrition information for the food nor his portion size . I did the best I could to direct him to the list of foods available and suggested he pick from the middle of the SmartPoints range of similar items. He was frustrated that I couldn't give him a more exact answer and I did my best to explain why. Then he went on to give all kinds of excuses on why this "isn't going to work." That he "doesn't have time" to be looking stuff up like this, and using a scanner, and tracking everything, etc. In hindsight I realize that I probably should have suggested the WW Simply Filling technique to him (much less tracking involved), but it didn't occur to me right then. I asked him how often he ate out and from his rather generalized answer, it seems like MOST of his meals are eaten away from home. Anyhow, the remainder of the conversation was basically a list of excuses from him about how this is "too hard" and he is "too busy" for all of this, etc, etc. It seemed like he was making excuses on DAY #1 why this won't work and setting himself up for failure. I did my very best to be encouraging and tell him that tracking DOES get easier over time and made some suggestion on how to pick restaurant foods that are easier to track (grilled chicken breast or baked fish for example). I honestly don't hold out much hope for this member right now, unless he changes his mindset. He did mention making an appointment for one-on-one coaching, which I think would help him tremendously.

Anyhow... my question is.... what would you like someone to say to YOU if you were the one making the excuses? What kind of excuses did you make up for yourself on day #1? How did you get PAST those excuses?

Off to refill my coffee and check email before I must dash! Hoping you all have a THRILLING THURSDAY!!..................P

I have never made excuses on day 1. Usually I am all in until a week or two in then the excuses start. If I do make excuses day 1 I will never do anything and say I will start another day. I don't know what I would want someone to say to me. I would think just encouraging words.
Hello Everyone!

I can't believe it is already Thursday!

I was at the doctor this morning and the result is that I have flat feet and that caused an inflamation of my tibalis posterior tendon. The result is that I get physical therapy and inserts. Not too thrilled about the inserts. How will I put those into my nicer shoes? Anyway, the good news is that the doctor said to just take it easy and see to what level I can continue walking. He did not say to immediately stop all walking activity. He thinks that once my foot gets reliefe from the inserts this should no longer be an issue. Hopefully he is right! I already got all my PT appointments set up. The funny thing is that it affects both feet equally, but only one of them hurts. Strange! So, instead of walking to work, I am going to bike now and I will try to add in some swimming and continue to do the workout DVDs (but will modify anything that includes jumping) and hopefully in a few weeks I will be back to normal!

Bath, Glastonbury, Lacock, Avebury, Blenheim Castle, misc Cotswolds villages, Conwy Wales, the Lake District, Hadrian's Wall, York Minster, and London. Sounds pretty good :)

Yes, sounds good! I love Bath and the Lake District. I have als been to Glastonbury, Lacock, Avebury, Blenheim Castle (but only the grounds) and the Cotswolds. All was really nice! To me a lot of these places are the typical charming English countryside. It is beautiful in the summer!

Anyhow... my question is.... what would you like someone to say to YOU if you were the one making the excuses? What kind of excuses did you make up for yourself on day #1? How did you get PAST those excuses?

Wow, I am afraid that the first question that comes to mind would be if this person really wanted to lose weight? It sure does not sound like it. BUT he did make the first step to register and then to call, so I guess I should not question this. I think excuses often happen when people feel overwhelmed in some way. So, I think if I were making all the excuses, I would appreciate if someone would try to help me to identify the excuse that is the easiest to let go and would help me find a way on how to deal with this one. Once I have realised that it really was just an excuse and that there was a solution for my perceived problem, it would encourage me to find solutions for the other "problems".

Excuses that I made up for myself are:
I am too picky of an eater, I don't want to eat vegetables, they don't taste good to me.
I don't have the time to exercise, it is too hot or too cold to exercise.
Tracking food is just too time consuming.
Meal planning is not for me, because I need to eat what I feel in the mood for that day and not what I planned days before.

How I got over them? To a part identifying them as stupid excuses. If weight loss were as easy as to just say, ok, the next week I am going to lose two pounds, then nobody would be overweight. A lot of the other excuses were eliminated by my support group giving me good examles of how they were dealing with these perceived problems and showed me that there were solutions for everything if you just kept looking for it, and they encouraged me to just go ahead and try new things. This started with my college friends who just dragged me a long to the university exercise classes and who when we cooked together insisted on healthy food. It turned out that I could tolerate both and in the end grew to enjoy them. Now it is these threads. I love reading what other people are doing as it always gives me new ideas of what I could do.

---Maggie, Absentee Dictator for the month of May. :)



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