Something About Nothing ... #12

Was charging my phone as I watched tv And got hooked on a show

Jaws was my favorite shark
Or was he a shark ?
My you first membership officially upgraded itself to blue level. So how do you go about getting a upgrade. It says "if available." When I go to check in do I ask if an upgrade is available?

Hope you all have a happy Thursday! Only one day until the long weekend!
Except for our friends over the pond.... You all probably don't get Monday off for the 4th.

So on the topic of the upgrades... Does it just mean if I book a standard room I'll get an upgrade to a room with a view? So one level up? Is it possible to book a deluxe room and get a suite upgrade at blue level?
I did just read that the benefits run on a 12 month cycle which kind of stinks. Means I'll probably never make gold
Nope, regular weekend for us. And unfortunately it's going to be busy busy busy for me on the 4th at work. Here's hoping your fireworks go off without a hitch if anyone is planning on watching any.

I think it was a quote from the Simpsons that makes me laugh the most.... what better way to show love of your country than to blow up a small part of it!

You know, back when the simpsons was funny.
It's shark week in tv this week
I don't normally know about Shark Week here in the UK but a few years ago I tracked down my childhood pen friend in the US and now we have caught up on Facebook - her father and mine held the same position in the company in their respective countries. One of her 3 daughters is a research graduate working with sharks and she is on the Tiger Shark programme. I found it was also on Discovery here so we watched it last night it was great to see her. I think it's repeated in the US tonight.

Nope, regular weekend for us. And unfortunately it's going to be busy busy busy for me on the 4th at work. Here's hoping your fireworks go off without a hitch if anyone is planning on watching any.

I think it was a quote from the Simpsons that makes me laugh the most.... what better way to show love of your country than to blow up a small part of it!

You know, back when the simpsons was funny.
So you think the Simpsons.........jumped the shark?
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So on the topic of the upgrades... Does it just mean if I book a standard room I'll get an upgrade to a room with a view? So one level up? Is it possible to book a deluxe room and get a suite upgrade at blue level?
I did just read that the benefits run on a 12 month cycle which kind of stinks. Means I'll probably never make gold

If you are blue and booked standard view, it is possible to be upgraded to the water view
This can happen when there are rooms open and no bookings for them during your stay

All 3 deluxe has the policy
Easier to get a better room at pbh in a free upgrade than the other two
Meaning, their level of it more if any upgrade due to the room itself
Hi all 4.30 pm here - just home hubs and I have been helping my daughter get rid of an old bed and wardrobe ready for new ones arriving.

This morning was so good - my grandson's sports day - big stress as he has dyspraxia but he now has extra help so we knew would be a little easier this year. Any how he always tries his best and doesn't get upset - unlike some of the other 7 year old alpha males who cannot cope with not winning. So he's last in the running. Has help in the sack race comes second to last. Gets to the egg and spoon race (do you do that too?) and he just goes at his own pace - the alpha males are dropping their eggs all over the place and he just keeps going.......and he wins! It was so good but the best part was as he walked back to his seat past the girls they all stood up and high fived him - I was an emotional wreck !!!
Aww, that story of your grandson is so sweet Realfood. Yep, we do spoon races too, but usually around Easter. All the sports days are during the school year. Now that my kids are teens, the younger one likes doing 5K races. She's never won yet either, but so enjoys running with the crowd. I cheer from the finish line. I did a 5K walk or run with her. I was walking more than running. Nice that daughter gets new furniture. I bet it will brighten her room.

Just ate lunch, and a large lunch, so ready to be beached right now. Except more food to come, so I am trying to pace. Kids will be starving for dinner, I will be relaxing.

:wave2: all you homies!
Aww, that story of your grandson is so sweet Realfood. Yep, we do spoon races too, but usually around Easter. All the sports days are during the school year. Now that my kids are teens, the younger one likes doing 5K races. She's never won yet either, but so enjoys running with the crowd. I cheer from the finish line. I did a 5K walk or run with her. I was walking more than running. Nice that daughter gets new furniture. I bet it will brighten her room.

Just ate lunch, and a large lunch, so ready to be beached right now. Except more food to come, so I am trying to pace. Kids will be starving for dinner, I will be relaxing.

:wave2: all you homies!
Well done for doing the run/walk! Our schools mostly break up towards end of July (private schools earlier). My son enjoyed running (now 32) and ran cross country for his school. Daughter didn't enjoy sport except for horse riding but her husband loves tennis. He can't persuade her to join! We enjoy walking and walk with a group of people from where we used to work - lots of good walking around here and sometimes we go further afield.
Thank you Cam. My FIL is very calm and prepared in himself - we want to keep him comfortable - we have a beautiful hospice nearby so we are hoping there will be a bed there for him. So pleased to hear your son has done so well that must have been so tough on you all. I expect you treasure him just that little bit more. My GS is 7 and has health problems and spent a long while in and out of hospital from age 2-5. He's physically a lot stronger now though he struggles with co-ordination with Dyspraxia and SPD. He is my absolute joy I think we have a special bond (I hope we can keep it). When he was unwell the last time my daughter was expecting and struggling so I slept at the hospital on the end of his bed and stayed the whole time trying to entertain him - we share a wicked sense of humour! He is on my picture - it was pure magic he got out of hospital in time to have his 4th birthday at WDW!

guess i can't figure out a nickname for cam.
think the 757 didn't fit.

all i can think of now is cambo to call her.

i could become like my mom now.
i could call you different names until i get the correct one.
my mom would call out lots of names until she said mine.
usually this happened when we were in trouble as kids and she had a temper....

that had to be a difficult time in your lives with your son's illness.
such a scary thing to deal with.

thank goodness for a complete healing for him!
answered prayers!

i'm glad to read that he is fine now and that illness is behind you.

Thanks for the kind words! We are truly blessed compared to so many families.

RFF- read your last post about your GS and I was cheering along for him. Slow and steady wins the race! Glad he is doing well. It is so nice that you have a special relationship.

Mac-Cambo is fine, too. My mom is the same way, she will call you any name but your own. I think I have inherited the gene because I find myself doing the same thing. Except I only have one kid, so I call my son the dog's name. :rolleyes1

Love shark week! Did not watch last nights, so I will catch up today. No plans for the weekend other than fireworks on the 4th. Everyone have a great weekend.


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