Something About Nothing ... #12

Yay! No thunder or lightning, but the house sounded like it was under a strong waterfall for about 1/2 hour, and then it was gone by the 10 o'clock news. Almost cool this morning, and what a beautiful sight pushing the clouds away. Sunglasses needed. Foggy in the early morning. So much moisture. But, we really did need it, no puddles to be seen this morning. And with the sun out, that fog was short history.
We are having damp weather here on the edge of the Peak District - I opted out of our walking group today but hubs and my brother have gone - I'm sorry to have missed it as the hike was around the Annual Well Dressings - if you like flowers you may like to look - all the pictures are individual petals set into damp clay. They take days to make!
i glanced thru the site and there was so much to read.
lots of words with more than 3
i just teasing about the 3 letters. i used to teach school so i do know words that have 12 letters in them...
truly, the Peak District is amazing, i will look thru it later as it looks absolutely lovely.

weather is so different all over.
Carole/schumi shares with us her weather.
last year i got to spend time with her in orlando, and of course we talked about the weather a lot!

i lived in st louis area growing up, which by the way is the armpit of america, moved to chicago for a job and stayed north for years.
snow is fun to look at as long as you don't have to live in it.

moved to Georgia before christmas and thrilled i wil only see snow when watching the weather and news on the tv each winter.

We are having damp weather here on the edge of the Peak District - I opted out of our walking group today but hubs and my brother have gone - I'm sorry to have missed it as the hike was around the Annual Well Dressings - if you like flowers you may like to look - all the pictures are individual petals set into damp clay. They take days to make!

That is so pretty. It's what is done for the Rose Parade out in California. All the floats are made from rose and other flower petals and other parts of plants/natural items.
What a great place to hike. No damp here now. The sun is in full brightness, and we will be in the high 80's by the afternoon. I like where I live, I can complain about the hot, the cold, and enjoy the just right fall and spring. We had a really wet spring, so all are hoping to have a long, not too hot, sunny summer days. Haven't vacationed in England in quite a while. Maybe one of these days. Kids are English football fans.
Sorry just seen your post. Hugs and thoughts with you all. Sadly we just got a terminal diagnosis yesterday on my father in law - maybe three months. So lots to sort out and arrange to make things as comfortable as possible for him. Hope you are able to help them x

don't know how i missed it
i even put my glasses on to read the thread........

so sorry to read about your FIl.
it had to hit you hard getting that type of news.

:grouphug: from all of us to youse.

making him comfortable is most important, some of us here have gone thru taking care of parental units so we know the road you will be on.
Lynne, if i promise to real good, will you please send that rain to me?
we are going into a draught and i have an acre of land.
can you imagine having to put in a new yard .......

i do water the flowers regularly.
i think when we get the water bill it will be as high as the mortgage we pay.
of course we talked about the weather a lot!

is that mostly an English thing or do Americans also frequent the weather as a conversation topic?

Loved that Epcot thing, I had one of my UK CM friends send that to me. I was in stitches. haha. Its all very animated over here, well in the way that the English can be animated, that is to say lots of snide facebook messages about those that voted... I really don't get it. We lost, get over it and move on.

I was just reading a article about all the different places to get married in WDW, you can get married in the hub for a starting prices of $75,000! If you had that sort of money to throw down for one day... yikes!
I was just reading a article about all the different places to get married in WDW, you can get married in the hub for a starting prices of $75,000! If you had that sort of money to throw down for one day... yikes!

i could think of beter ways to spend $75,000 than to get married.

i mean to get married in the motherland or the darkside.

that would buy a LOT of cat food.
i'm a cat person btw....
i could think of beter ways to spend $75,000 than to get married.

i mean to get married in the motherland or the darkside.

that would buy a LOT of cat food.
i'm a cat person btw....

I know, so am I ;)

Also forgot to mention everyone, My USO tickets arrived in the post yesterday! woop woop. I may have done a little dance to celebrate.

I also got a VIP dine4less orlando card. I won't use it but if anyone else wants it let me know. I've not signed it or anything so its free to anyone who wants it. Not sure how i'm going to get it to anyone but I don't think post would be too expensive.
bagsolaughs, you know it is easier to say rachel instead of all those letters.......jk

weather is the topic that brought my Mr Mac and me together.
we talk weather all the time.

i just assumed everyone talked about the weather.

did i spell your name correctly?
it says Rachel in my signature doesn't it? Although I've noticed that my signature doesn't show up if i'm using my phone.

I guess weather is what we've all got in common, well except for anyone that lives underground I suppose. I would laugh but I'm sure there is someone in this big wide world that lives completely underground.
now that i put my glasses in, it does say

i find the name has different spellings and i would hate to use the wrong spelling....

yea, weather rules in my life....

sometimes it is the talk of the day rather than, what will be for dinner..
don't know how i missed it
i even put my glasses on to read the thread........

so sorry to read about your FIl.
it had to hit you hard getting that type of news.

:grouphug: from all of us to youse.

making him comfortable is most important, some of us here have gone thru taking care of parental units so we know the road you will be on.
Thank you - we knew with 4 parents in their 80's that time was moving on but you just hope it will be a gentler pathway than cancer.
If we don't get rain soon they will likely cancel the fireworks for July 4. They did that a few years ago then did the fireworks at midnight New Year's Eve instead. That was kind of cool, standing there freezing watching fireworks.
now that i put my glasses in, it does say

i find the name has different spellings and i would hate to use the wrong spelling....

I'm not too worried, it gets spelt wrong all the time so I'm very chilled about it :) I had a white lab coat with it spelt Rachael for 3 years. lol. It didn't bother me because I didn't have to look at it, but my colleges did.

If we don't get rain soon they will likely cancel the fireworks for July 4.

Really? Fire risk i'm assuming? where do you live?

Thank you - we knew with 4 parents in their 80's that time was moving on but you just hope it will be a gentler pathway than cancer.

It is so hard and completely not fair when life is so unkind, i'm sorry you're going through this.
If we don't get rain soon they will likely cancel the fireworks for July 4. They did that a few years ago then did the fireworks at midnight New Year's Eve instead. That was kind of cool, standing there freezing watching fireworks.
me too!!

i hate when rain ruins fireworks.

but i have no worries here as we are in a draught.
but i would take rain on the 4th as we need it.
rather have the rain on the 6th if i could choose.....

fireworks are big in the south.
saw them and heard them go off in our neighborhood on christmas evening and NY eve....
Oh no, Squirlz. The city does the fireworks from barges in the larger river. I like to watch the fireworks show on my TV.:happytv: Too many people flood the city to watch. Have only watched it from the waterfront one time. :crowded: After that, I try to not be in wall to wall people looking up.

And cancer. I so wish we could find a cure for it. Too many I know have passed. :grouphug:

and a cat for Mac:

:welcome:to our newest homie Rff.
So sorry to hear about your fil :grouphug:

Rachel, your signature will show up on your phone if you turn it sideways.

Thanks for the minionions tinyD and to Lynne for the cats and camels, it starts the day off with a smile :flower1:
well, i got an email from Carole.

she asked if i would post something for her as she is not up to chit chat.

Her best friend, dear lady that she has been like a sister to for much of her life, passed last night. :littleangel:

Carole said she needs time to be away from the everyday talking but she sends her love to all of us here.
She will come back and post when she is up to it.

She is busy today cooking for the family and helping out.

i think all here that have gone thru the process of a friend or family member passing, there is a lot on your mind and going thru the motions of what to do next...

i've been through that and remember how difficult it was to make simple conversations with anyone between the tears i had. so i understand her needing time to return to us.

when you have known someone a very long time it is hard to digest that they could pass within days once they are in the hospital.
here today and not tomorrow. it is shocking to take in and understand at the time they pass.

she has appreciated being thought of as i told her the past few days she has been missed by many here.

when she comes back i hope she uses those kewl words of Lush when she talks about food.
i miss our friend and love the way she has taught us the english language.....::yes::


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