October is here!!! A Semi-live TR!!! Our Oct 7-14 trip to the world!

Hope all is well and things quiet down for you you soon. Just hate it when life gets in the way of my DIS'ing ; )
I don't think I'd worry about the special dessert party. It looks like there's SOOOO much to see and do, and you'll be plenty wowed by the goings-on.

I hope so!! I think it will be fine...I just might be a bit jealous when I see people comfortably seated munching on desserts while I'm sardine-like during the parade...but...sigh..it is what it is...

It seems like it's been forever since you booked.

I know!! The summer has gone by like it has been on fast-forward...crazy....but that is good because I know soon the kids will be in school and the time will fly by and we'll be on our way!!

Hope all is well and things quiet down for you you soon.

Thanks!! I'm hoping they will too!
Finally I have a few mins of DIS time to catch up a bit..I know I won't get to read all that I've missed...but I'll try to read a few of your PTR's and TR's...

This weekend is hubby's IronMan triathlon that he has been training for...what seems like forever. He is nervous and excited...and I'm nervous and excited...for it to be OVER. I. Can't. Wait. This has been the craziest 6 months. Hubby has been super busy at work. And when he wasn't working, he was swim/bike or running...Nuts. I tell you.

He promised me he wouldn't sign up for another one for at least a year. I may divorce him on the spot if he does lol. Kidding. Sort of. But seriously...it is crazy how much time he has put into this thing. I hope he finishes and is satisfied and can just check that one off the ole' bucket list...and never do it again. But if he's like a lot of other serious marathoners I know...it is kind of addicting and...it will be hard for him to not want to do it again.

Anyway.....we are leaving tomorrow morning for up North of Toronto - in Muskoka where the IronMan is being held. That will give us some time to check in to our hotel and there are a lot of pre-race activities and such. The kids are doing a 1 mile "IronKids" race which should be fun. Then Saturday we will all lounge around the pool while hubby does...probably nothing other than stress about the race and make sure he has all his equipment set up and where it should be. Sunday is the race and we'll be watching the transitions and hanging around the hotel while hubby burns 10000 calories lol. At least it's at a nice place where there are watersports and a pool and lots to do for the kids. Monday we'll do some more lounging around (hopefully hubby is able to move :) And then we come home on Tuesday...

That's the plan for the weekend....haven't thought about Disney all that much. Although - funny thing - my MIL was at the Disney store with my DD (the 9 year old one who is going on the Disney trip with me in October but doesn't know it yet) and she fell in love with these Anna boots. My mil bought them for her and she has been wearing them nonstop since she got them. They do have a slight heel though. I was thinking that might be good as part of her MNSSHP costume...but then...I'm not sure she would last in them all day. I could bring other shoes for her...but then I'd be stuck carrying the boots in my bag if she got tired of wearing them...but...something to think about...
Good luck to the hubs this weekend and have a GREAT trip. I know when these men of ours get a bug, it can become all comsuming for them; seems they can't multi-task like women and have only enough energy to focus on one thing at a time. :)

I'd forgotten that the Frozen attraction may be open for me trip! WOOT!
Just catching up. Hope your DH did well! (Or is doing well, depending on the start time, I suppose.)

My mil bought them for her and she has been wearing them nonstop since she got them. They do have a slight heel though. I was thinking that might be good as part of her MNSSHP costume...but then...I'm not sure she would last in them all day. I could bring other shoes for her...but then I'd be stuck carrying the boots in my bag if she got tired of wearing them...but...something to think about...

Here's a link for locker rentals at WDW.

Or take an afternoon break back at your resort and change then.
That's what we did.
I hope the IronMan went well ... next up is a runDisney race, right?? (At least I hope you can fit a runDisney race into your schedule some time soon!)

In terms of the boots ... you could get a locker. But let her keep wearing them for a while, maybe you'll find that they are comfortable for a long day. I think you still have a little time to figure it out.
Oooh I know the triathlon is over, but - I sure hope it went well! I am anxious to hear how it went. Kudos to him for taking it on - and big kudos to you for running life while he is out... Um ~ running. :woohoo: Hopefully it settles down now.

I hope you had a nice weekend!

Hi Kathy! Hope your weekend and the triathlon went well. We're in Orlando now enjoying Universal and heading to MK tomorrow :thumbsup2 Now that the Ironman is over, your kids must be starting school soon and you can get back to counting down to Disney! :cheer2:
They do have a slight heel though. I was thinking that might be good as part of her MNSSHP costume...but then...I'm not sure she would last in them all day. I could bring other shoes for her...but then I'd be stuck carrying the boots in my bag if she got tired of wearing them...but...something to think about...
I say bring them with you and let her decide night of. If she is indeed wearing them as much as you say they could just be very comfy. Who knows.
Helllooo all!! Doing a quick drive by here....we are up at my parents' cottage for Labour Day weekend (that's with a "u" for all you yanks lol)

I wanted to tell you all about the crazy Ironman last weekend.

Hubby finished in 16 hours, 11 minutes!! He is happy just to have survived it lol. The cutoff is 17 hours lol. He did amazingly well on the swim, and reasonably well on the bike, but then after the bike, his knee was hurting so he pretty much walked the whole marathon. He said he probably could have run more, but we was afraid that then he'd really injure himself and risk not finishing at all. He knew if he took it steady he would make it in time, which he did.

But man...that thing was tiring even just to watch...so I cannot fathom actually doing it. We had to walk around a fair bit just to catch him getting in the water, getting out of the water, getting on the bike, getting off the bike and start the run, and then finally finishing! It was a really cool atmosphere though. At the finish - which was late at night, they had grandstands and lights and music....and they announce everyone as they come in "Shaun McXXX, you ARE AN IRONMAN!!!" and then everyone goes nuts. Some people fall over crying, some jump in the air, some kiss the ground...all kinds of crazy stuff. But wow. There were some people who really looked like they were about to drop dead - even half way through...but still managed to finish. Out of about 1100 people who started, just under 1000 finished. A few did get taken away in ambulances or pulled off the course because there was no way they would make it before the cutoff.

I'm sure hubby wants to do it again...ONE DAY. But I told him if he signs up for another one before the kids are old enough to stay home alone...I will. Kill. him. So I do hope that gives our family at least 2-3 years to recover from this lol. Seriously..it was an amazing accomplishment for him and an awesome experience for us all...but I look forward to having my husband back around on some evenings and weekends!

So that said...DISNEY is next month! Yay!! I can't believe it!!! And I know that September will fly by with the kids starting school and all their activities and my work and therapy dog volunteering, life will be busy but it will go quickly I'm sure! I think by the time October 7th gets here I will really need a vacation...not that it will be at all relaxing lol but it will be fun and a complete escape from reality so that's good!! Anyway...gonna try to catch up on replies and a few PTR's and TR's now!! But I have a lot of catching up to do!! Geez some people may have already had their trips I feel like I've been off the grid so long around here lol
but no worries - we are all still here!

Phew!! Good to hear lol. The thing with the DIS is ...I love it, but I can't seem to just be on for a few minutes...I get sucked in and all of a sudden ZOMG it's dinner time and I haven't made it yet lol

I would just catch the second parade from liberty square. You won't be disappointed.

This is a good plan and I will probably do that...unless we are tired in which case we'll watch the first one with the masses :)

Good luck to your hubby this weekend!

Thanks! He did awesome. Still is recovering. He feels pretty good now after almost a week - feet still blistered though. Ugh. As soon as he's over that...he has to start training again because he's doing the NYC marathon on Nov 1st!! Nutbar.

I know my old feet are saying no how, no way, but I'm pretty wimpy,

Agreed - the thought of wearing shoes with even a tiny heel for more than an hour makes me cringe.

Good luck for your husband! T

Thanks!! He did awesome and is so proud of himself, as are we. We haven't heard him talk about anything else for a week lol. Not that I'm tired of it or anything...sigh :) Kidding. Sort of.

Good luck to your husband!

Thanks. It was quite the experience for all of us. Never seen anything like it. And so many crazy people willing to partake in something like that...for kicks lol

I'd forgotten that the Frozen attraction may be open for me trip! WOOT!

OMG you are so lucky!! I hadn't even thought of that. Well I'm definitely going to be planning a long term trip at some point to see all the new changes eventually at DHS and what all will happen in the next say 3-4 years hopefully...and the next time I plan a trip...I'm going to plan before 180 days g-dang it!!!

Or take an afternoon break back at your resort and change then.

Yeah that is an option too...or just have a later start that day and maybe bring flip flops like you said and take a locker if needed...so much to think about. Also depends on the weather.

Hope the Iron Man was a success and you and your family had a lot of fun!

It was and we did!! Success in that hubby finished...and is not dead :) And we had fun watching...although it was a very long day even for watching!!

next up is a runDisney race, right??

I would love to do a runDisney race one day. Even just a 5k or 10k for the experience. But unfortunately they always seem to be at times that are just not good for us to try to get away. Perhaps in a few years when we can go without the kids lol

hope things went well!!

Thanks!! They did!! What a blast!! Weird and crazy and amazing and inspirational and insane all at once!

Hopefully it settles down now.

Thanks. I don't think sadly that life will settle down much with kids starting school etc, but at least we'll be able to get back some more routine and hopefully at least a bit more predictability...that's somehow a bit comforting even if it will still be busy! At least the next 32 days (GAH 32 days!!!!) until our trip are going to fly by I think!!! Yay...I just realized that 32 days!!! I'm so excited but also...PANIC...I feel like there is a lot to do between now and then!!

Looking forward to hearing about the triathlon, too!

It was really an amazing experience. Like nothing I've ever seen. I just still find it hard to believe that so many people do that voluntarily!!

We're in Orlando now enjoying Universal and heading to MK tomorrow

OMG so awesome!!! I can't wait to hear all abour your trip!! I have so many TR's and PTR's to catch up on!!!

Girl. It's September. Do you know what that means?

Can you believe I have been so busy...you just made me do the math and 32 DAYS!!!! GAaaaahhhh!! and also yeeeehaawwww!! I'm so excited!!! But also I somehow feel like now it's approaching quickly and I have a lot to do!! It seemed so far away before and now seems so close!!!! So excited!!! I also feel like I've been away from thinking about it for a few weeks and I have to go reread all my plans because I've forgotten...but in a way I'm scared to do that because I don't want to second guess everything again!! Being so busy lately has been good for me in a way for that - because I didn't even think about tinkering with everything.

If she is indeed wearing them as much as you say they could just be very comfy. Who knows.

You're right. She seems to be able to wear a lot of shoes that I could never last a day in. I guess I may let her wear them to school and see how that goes...


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