October is here!!! A Semi-live TR!!! Our Oct 7-14 trip to the world!

their dressing is AAAAAMAZING! I've tried copy cat recipes at home before, but it just doesn't taste the same.

I know!! I've tried the copycats too...doesn't even come close...sigh. Well I have a bottle of it in my fridge now...let's see if it tastes as good at home as in the restaurant.
Y'know, we talk about how crazy people are on how detailed they make their Dis plans, right? Well, for our first day in Boston (only sightseeing day), I've basically mapped out the entire thing, including restaurants, walking route, and T station to get back from our piece of the Freedom Trail.
Y'know, we talk about how crazy people are on how detailed they make their Dis plans, right? Well, for our first day in Boston (only sightseeing day), I've basically mapped out the entire thing, including restaurants, walking route, and T station to get back from our piece of the Freedom Trail.

It's not crazy! It'll help you maximize your time and avoid frustration by "knowing before going". Then you can deviate from the Plan if you feel like, but will have a great time mapped out if you don't feel adventurous that day. I mean, just because you HAVE a plan in the first place DOESN'T MAKE YOU not adventurous.... just more prepared. :)
Your plans look great and I know that you and I are in the same boat with the EMH at HS. When I was researching what I could ride during that first hour, I found on touring plans the rides that are open and it did not show the GMR but they may be wrong! I have only done Evening EMHs so this will be our first Morning EMH!
It's been a crazy week...but I just heard there's a Halloween Dessert party during MNSSHP with reserved seating for the parade? I wonder if I'm already too late for the night we are going...that sounds pretty cool...I will try to call tomorrow....
It's been a crazy week...but I just heard there's a Halloween Dessert party during MNSSHP with reserved seating for the parade? I wonder if I'm already too late for the night we are going...that sounds pretty cool...I will try to call tomorrow....

That sounds incredibly awesome!!! ::yes:: I hope you are able to get it.

It's been a crazy week...but I just heard there's a Halloween Dessert party during MNSSHP with reserved seating for the parade? I wonder if I'm already too late for the night we are going...that sounds pretty cool...I will try to call tomorrow....

That does sound good.
I've been trying for over a month now to get into the Wishes dessert party with no luck.
So good luck!
Yeah sooo...I guess the Hallowishes dessert party is yet another thing you have to call/be online...the second it goes on sale because I can't seem to get it...I thought it just became available yesterday...but seems I missed the boat already...sigh....I guess I can try again by phone....and keep logging on and crossing fingers...but....yeah...don't have much hope. I really would have liked to do that because how awesome to have a reserved area to watch...and dessert....sigh. Oh well...I will keep trying!! I know MNSSHP will be amazing anyway...but this would make it extra special.
Yeah sooo...I guess the Hallowishes dessert party is yet another thing you have to call/be online...the second it goes on sale because I can't seem to get it...I thought it just became available yesterday...but seems I missed the boat already...sigh....I guess I can try again by phone....and keep logging on and crossing fingers...but....yeah...don't have much hope. I really would have liked to do that because how awesome to have a reserved area to watch...and dessert....sigh. Oh well...I will keep trying!! I know MNSSHP will be amazing anyway...but this would make it extra special.
Everything is so freakin' exclusive these days!

Is this something you can pay $8 for and get help from the website-that-shall-not-be-named?
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Yeah sooo...I guess the Hallowishes dessert party is yet another thing you have to call/be online...the second it goes on sale because I can't seem to get it...I thought it just became available yesterday...but seems I missed the boat already...sigh....I guess I can try again by phone....and keep logging on and crossing fingers...but....yeah...don't have much hope. I really would have liked to do that because how awesome to have a reserved area to watch...and dessert....sigh. Oh well...I will keep trying!! I know MNSSHP will be amazing anyway...but this would make it extra special.

Bummer! I hate that you literally have to have your fingers hovering near the computer or phone the microsecond these ressie's open up to even get a chance. We had a blast at MNSSHP, you'll love it!
Everything is so freakin' exclusive these days!

Is this something you can pay $8 for and get help from the website-than-shall-not-be-named?

I know...this exclusive business with overpriced events that are impossible to even get tickets for is driving me a bit nuts. I just don't think it's fair, with the crazy prices they charge to just get IN to WDW and even moreso to stay onsite...then pay for MNSSHP tickets on top of that and then EVEN MORE if you want something special like dessert and a good view of wishes? Sheesh. I'm also just bitter because I couldn't get tickets even if I was willing to pay for it lol. But seriously...if the demand is that great...maybe they should at least make it more accessible...I have no idea if that website...would do it for something like this. Might be worth a look.

Bummer! I hate that you literally have to have your fingers hovering near the computer or phone the microsecond these ressie's open up to even get a chance. We had a blast at MNSSHP, you'll love it!

Right??? Not everyone is able to just sit there and wait until something like this suddently becomes available and then get on it right away. Even a few hours later and you're done! Really not fair. The sad thing is, I know we will love MNSSHP without this special party - and I was/am totally excited about that before I even heard about this special thing...but now, it's put a bit of a damper on it because of how cool it would be to have a crowd free seat with sweets...sigh...but oh well..I have to move on.
Hi everyone...so...I wasn't gonna be all...sorry I've been busy and haven't had any DIS time much this past week....but then I know you all understand...life happens. Work and kids and volunteering and all the other crap...taking away from thinking about the trip.

But in a way that's good because all of a sudden I will be all "OMG only a month left" Which will be awesome. But I'm sorry for not doing much in the way of reading anyone's TR's or PTR's or commenting and replying...it's been a bit nuts and I've been on the computer wayyy too much for so many things that when I have time...I need to look away from the screeeen.....

Anyway...I hope things will die down next week and I can catch up with everyone...it's amazing how quickly you feel like you have real friends around here and you want to catch up with what's been going on with them...anyway...hope to do that soon!!
Hi Kathy, just got all caught up :) Glad you got all the FP's you wanted, especially A&E! My FP day for our Nov. trip is 34 days away :goodvibes I know it's definitely hard not to mess with them once their made. I'm still messing around with our Nov. ADR's lol!
Hi everyone...so...I wasn't gonna be all...sorry I've been busy and haven't had any DIS time much this past week....but then I know you all understand...life happens.

No worries! We get it! We do! We really, really do! :goodvibes
I agree, I hate feeling like I have to constantly be on standby if I want to get a reservation for certain restaurants/events when they are released. I think some people get a high from scoring a reservation but I just find it stressful.

I think you will have a great time at MNSSHP even without the dessert party and if it makes you feel any better about missing out on the party the location where it is held is where I had a rat try and crawl up my leg one year while I was sitting at a table waiting for Wishes. :laughing:
it's amazing how quickly you feel like you have real friends around here and you want to catch up with what's been going on with them...anyway...hope to do that soon!!
I feel the same way - you get to know people and want to catch up! I completely understand about life getting in the way but no worries - we are all still here!
Yeah sooo...I guess the Hallowishes dessert party is yet another thing you have to call/be online...the second it goes on sale because I can't seem to get it...I thought it just became available yesterday...but seems I missed the boat already...sigh....I guess I can try again by phone....and keep logging on and crossing fingers...but....yeah...don't have much hope. I really would have liked to do that because how awesome to have a reserved area to watch...and dessert....sigh. Oh well...I will keep trying!! I know MNSSHP will be amazing anyway...but this would make it extra special.
Bummer.:sad1: I would just catch the second parade from liberty square. You won't be disappointed.

but then I know you all understand...life happens
Indeed I do! ::yes::

I've been on the computer wayyy too much for so many things that when I have time...I need to look away from the screeeen.....
Yeah Its why I've been quite The push to get my photobook done wiped me out a bit so when I finally got it done I just couldn't look at the screen anymore.
I don't think I'd worry about the special dessert party. It looks like there's SOOOO much to see and do, and you'll be plenty wowed by the goings-on. I know for me though, once I make up my mind, and then I"m told "I can't" it is disappointing, but honestly, I think you'll get to see and do everything and it will truly be enough.
I know...this exclusive business with overpriced events that are impossible to even get tickets for is driving me a bit nuts. I just don't think it's fair, with the crazy prices they charge to just get IN to WDW and even moreso to stay onsite...then pay for MNSSHP tickets on top of that and then EVEN MORE if you want something special like dessert and a good view of wishes? Sheesh. I'm also just bitter because I couldn't get tickets even if I was willing to pay for it lol. But seriously...if the demand is that great...maybe they should at least make it more accessible...I have no idea if that website...would do it for something like this. Might be worth a look.

Right??? Not everyone is able to just sit there and wait until something like this suddently becomes available and then get on it right away. Even a few hours later and you're done! Really not fair. The sad thing is, I know we will love MNSSHP without this special party - and I was/am totally excited about that before I even heard about this special thing...but now, it's put a bit of a damper on it because of how cool it would be to have a crowd free seat with sweets...sigh...but oh well..I have to move on.

Hi! Catching up again. Think of all the other things you can do or buy with that money you'll save by not getting those ridiculously overpriced tix. Sometimes I think too much DIS can give us the crazies when it comes to all the must haves like a BOG res or club level or even a certain FP. The trip will be wonderful, maybe even better if we all just enjoy the time with family, having fun and being together. I love WDW but sometimes the DIS Kool aide can make it less magical instead of more.

It seems like it's been forever since you booked. Glad to see your trip is finally getting closer. Your family must be getting very excited! This time of year time flies from first day of school to New Year's is over in a blink so I know it will sneak up on you, and me for our Dec trip.


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