October is here!!! A Semi-live TR!!! Our Oct 7-14 trip to the world!

OMG you are so lucky!! I hadn't even thought of that. Well I'm definitely going to be planning a long term trip at some point to see all the new changes eventually at DHS and what all will happen in the next say 3-4 years hopefully...and the next time I plan a trip...I'm going to plan before 180 days g-dang it!!!

There definitely are a lot of changes on the way; moreso than during the last long time it'll be between my last trip and this coming one. I too, can't wait to see all the fun stuff for DHS and AKL too. (Realy hoping the nighttime water show is open by my trip!) Therefore... MORE trips I say! Always something new to see and do.
Hi everyone...so...I wasn't gonna be all...sorry I've been busy and haven't had any DIS time much this past week....but then I know you all understand...life happens. Work and kids and volunteering and all the other crap...taking away from thinking about the trip.

Heck yes we understand, well I do for sure! There are weeks where I do so good on the DIS, always caught up on everyone's stuff, hanging around waiting for someone to comment or update and then there are times where i'm hoping when I get back I don't have 20 TR's to go through lol!

This weekend is hubby's IronMan triathlon that he has been training for...what seems like forever. He is nervous and excited...and I'm nervous and excited...for it to be OVER. I. Can't. Wait. This has been the craziest 6 months. Hubby has been super busy at work. And when he wasn't working, he was swim/bike or running...Nuts. I tell you.

Hubby finished in 16 hours, 11 minutes!! He is happy just to have survived it lol. The cutoff is 17 hours lol. He did amazingly well on the swim, and reasonably well on the bike, but then after the bike, his knee was hurting so he pretty much walked the whole marathon. He said he probably could have run more, but we was afraid that then he'd really injure himself and risk not finishing at all. He knew if he took it steady he would make it in time, which he did.

Oh my gosh that is AWESOME! Congratulations to him! And you too:goodvibes

nd then everyone goes nuts. Some people fall over crying, some jump in the air, some kiss the ground...all kinds of crazy stuff.

What did he do??

few did get taken away in ambulances or pulled off the course because there was no way they would make it before the cutoff.

That must feel awful to get picked up because you're not going to make time:sad2:

Congratulations to your DH - again - what a truly amazing accomplishment. And huge high 5 to you, for keeping the house running while he was, well, out running. :thumbsup2

Thanks for sharing the day with us - I cannot imagine the strength and determination it took for him... and WTG for walking, vs. a serious knee injury... Sometimes it's hard to tell yourself to slow down - even if that's what's best. :)

Hubby finished in 16 hours, 11 minutes!! He is happy just to have survived it lol. The cutoff is 17 hours lol.

Congrats to your DH!

He said he probably could have run more, but we was afraid that then he'd really injure himself and risk not finishing at all.

Good thinking. No point in injuring yourself.

But man...that thing was tiring even just to watch...so I cannot fathom actually doing it.

Oh I can fathom it. I'd have no problem whatsover.
Give me some Coke on ice, a bag of chips and a comfy chair and I could easily watch it, no problem.

"Shaun McXXX, you ARE AN IRONMAN!!!"

And with a name like Shaun McXXX, a perfect candidate for the adult film industry!

A few did get taken away in ambulances


DISNEY is next month!

Woot! It'll come up before you know it!
Helllooo all!! Doing a quick drive by here....we are up at my parents' cottage for Labour Day weekend (that's with a "u" for all you yanks lol)

But man...that thing was tiring even just to watch...so I cannot fathom actually doing it.
Dude, I can't even. I get winded just walking up the stairs to my apartment. :rotfl:

So that said...DISNEY is next month! Yay!!
HECK YEAH IT IS, GIRL!!! :hyper:

And I know that September will fly by with the kids starting school and all their activities and my work and therapy dog volunteering, life will be busy but it will go quickly I'm sure!
See, normally I love my very boring, quiet, unexciting life... Until it comes to trying to pass the time until Disney. Then I envy ya'll with busy families and lives to help the time go by faster!!! :goodvibes
we are up at my parents' cottage for Labour Day weekend

In case you were curious ... you spelled "Labor" wrong. Just saying. :)

Hubby finished in 16 hours, 11 minutes!! He is happy just to have survived it lol. The cutoff is 17 hours lol. He did amazingly well on the swim, and reasonably well on the bike, but then after the bike, his knee was hurting so he pretty much walked the whole marathon. He said he probably could have run more, but we was afraid that then he'd really injure himself and risk not finishing at all. He knew if he took it steady he would make it in time, which he did.

Congrats to him for finishing, but that sounds brutal. I'm glad to hear he decided to take it easy and not injure himself.

I'm sure hubby wants to do it again...ONE DAY. But I told him if he signs up for another one before the kids are old enough to stay home alone...I will. Kill. him. So I do hope that gives our family at least 2-3 years to recover from this lol. Seriously..it was an amazing accomplishment for him and an awesome experience for us all...but I look forward to having my husband back around on some evenings and weekends!

Definitely sounds like everyone needs a break after the Ironman! I hope you guys get to do some fun stuff together now that he's not training all the time

So that said...DISNEY is next month! Yay!! I can't believe it!!! And I know that September will fly by with the kids starting school and all their activities and my work and therapy dog volunteering, life will be busy but it will go quickly I'm sure! I think by the time October 7th gets here I will really need a vacation...not that it will be at all relaxing lol but it will be fun and a complete escape from reality so that's good!! Anyway...gonna try to catch up on replies and a few PTR's and TR's now!! But I have a lot of catching up to do!! Geez some people may have already had their trips I feel like I've been off the grid so long around here lol

Your trip is so soon!!! OMG!!!
This has been the craziest 6 months. Hubby has been super busy at work. And when he wasn't working, he was swim/bike or running...Nuts. I tell you.
That sounds insane and I admire those who can accomplish an IronMan and the families that support them!

That will give us some time to check in to our hotel and there are a lot of pre-race activities and such. The kids are doing a 1 mile "IronKids" race which should be fun. Then Saturday we will all lounge around the pool while hubby does...probably nothing other than stress about the race and make sure he has all his equipment set up and where it should be. Sunday is the race and we'll be watching the transitions and hanging around the hotel while hubby burns 10000 calories lol. At least it's at a nice place where there are watersports and a pool and lots to do for the kids. Monday we'll do some more lounging around
Sounds like a great place and at least you guys can enjoy the hotel.

Hubby finished in 16 hours, 11 minutes!! He is happy just to have survived it lol. The cutoff is 17 hours lol. He did amazingly well on the swim, and reasonably well on the bike, but then after the bike, his knee was hurting so he pretty much walked the whole marathon. He said he probably could have run more, but we was afraid that then he'd really injure himself and risk not finishing at all. He knew if he took it steady he would make it in time, which he did.
Congrats to your hubby - that was smart that he didn't push himself as well as hopefully waiting a few years before he does it again. I would have been one taken away in the ambulance!

So that said...DISNEY is next month! Yay!! I can't believe it!!! And I know that September will fly by with the kids starting school and all their activities and my work and therapy dog volunteering, life will be busy but it will go quickly I'm sure! I think by the time October 7th gets here I will really need a vacation...not that it will be at all relaxing lol but it will be fun and a complete escape from reality so that's good!!
Isn't it crazy that the trip is already here! I feel like it was just a few days ago that I was making my FP selections. Even though Disney is not the most relaxing vacation - it is where I feel the most unstressed! I think it is because 99% of the people are so happy to be there!
Hi Kathy! Congrats on hubby finishing the ironman!!!! That is quite the feet.

Your trip is almost here. Can't wait to hear about the final plans and of course the actual trip1
I bet you are relieved that the Ironman stuff is all done, for now at least! Congrats to your hunny though, that is no small achievement!
Stopping by to say hello!!! I hope you are well! Your trip is coming so soon!!! :woohoo:

Congrats to your DH!

Can you let DD wear the boots, but also give her a little backpack with some flip flops in it that will also hold the boots if she ends up switching? Or you could always rent a locker...
I too, can't wait to see all the fun stuff for DHS and AKL too. (Realy hoping the nighttime water show is open by my trip!)

Nighttime water show??? I hadn't heard about that!! Sounds awesome!

What did he do??

When he crossed the finish line he held up his arms...and he was almost crying...it was pretty cool! And then they let us take pics in front of the IronMan backdrop with him, which was pretty cool.

And huge high 5 to you, for keeping the house running while he was, well, out running.

I can't say it was easy! But yes, glad it's over and proud of him. Though it's also fun to make fun of him whenever he doesn't want to do something, we are all, c'mon, you're an Ironman...do it...

Give me some Coke on ice, a bag of chips and a comfy chair and I could easily watch it, no problem.

Yeah...except....we were sitting on uncomfy chairs in the hot sun on the side of the road...that got old for the kids pretty quick lol

Shaun McXXX, a perfect candidate for the adult film industry!

Hilarious...that didn't cross my mind when I did that lol

Then I envy ya'll with busy families and lives to help the time go by faster!!! :goodvibes

Funny...most of the time life isn't all that exciting...but for some reason..it just sped up the last month or so....Now I'm not sure I'll even have time to find a costume for MHSSHP...I may be lame and just wear a Disney shirt. DD I will bring a few options for because she will want to do something...but I just want to be comfortable...

but that sounds brutal. I'm glad to hear he decided to take it easy and not injure himself.

Yup, and he is now in good shape...to train for NYC marathon which is on Nov 1...but at least that isn't as all consuming for him to train for as the IronMan was...

I admire those who can accomplish an IronMan and the families that support them!

Same here lol. It was a big deal in our house for the past 6 months for sure. And this Disney trip is my reward for putting up with it lol

Isn't it crazy that the trip is already here! I feel like it was just a few days ago that I was making my FP selections.

It is really crazy. I used to have all my FP+ memorized...now I will definitely have to print out my spreadsheet...it will almost be like someone else made it up for me lol

Can't wait to hear about the final plans and of course the actual trip1

Last few things to do is really just go over plans again...oh and I think I want to order some groceries...gotta look up that service again...maybe just some bottles of water and snack-y things to have in the room?

I bet you are relieved that the Ironman stuff is all done

You bet I am!! Only thing is...as soon as that ended, hubby got super busy at work...sigh...so I don't see him much still...

Can you let DD wear the boots, but also give her a little backpack with some flip flops in it

That is actually a really good idea...since flip flops are pretty small and light...I could always bring them for her....
Hey Kathy, I have a bit of a strange request since you are staying at POFQ. Could you let me know if the rooms at POFQ have that stupid motion sensor for the A/C that POR does? I've heard rumor of a rumor that spring deals might be released soon that might work for the dates we are going to be down there for a wedding. If the deal is good I'm considering tossing around the idea to stay on site even if we can't go to a park.

(Would that be just mean to do to little miss? :duck::rotfl2:)
13 days you guys!!!! Gahh!!!

I'm so excited!!! But also, I've been too busy to be excited...and now I'm starting to get stressed about getting ready and packing!!

I think I may end up being totally lame on the MNSSHP costume....I don't have anything...and probably won't have time to get anything...except perhaps more Disney themed t-shirts lol. But I think I have enough dress up-y things for DD to choose from (since she still doesn't know that we are going to Disney!!!)

I came pretty close actually to buying her a cute Jasmine costume at the Disney store when I blew in there on a few spare minutes yesterday. I thought about it - but the material felt a bit itchy and depending on the weather it could be pretty uncomfortable...so...she's going to probably end up wearing one of the pajama type princess dresses...and that's just fine. I'm going to bring her Anna boots and if she wants to wear them and bring flip flops in the bag that is fine too...

Hoping to print out some of our plans and ADR's etc this week too..have to make sure I remember to hide everything around the house that is Disney related. I don't mind if she sees me packing because she thinks we are going to Washington still. But I do have to sneak into her room and take our pins and lanyards that we got on our last trip - hopefully she won't notice them missing!

Also I ordered some groceries from Garden Grocer - just some water and granola bars and a few snacks - really cool service. They called me to confirm when it would arrive and that it would be waiting at the desk when we arrive. I just have to remember to pick it up as I'm sure we will be a bit tired when we get there late at night and probably distracted!!

Other than packing though...I'm trying to think of anything else there is that I need to do for the trip. I have to get a travel letter signed by our lawyer (because I'm travelling to the US with my DD and her dad isn't coming with us - to make sure I'm not kidnapping her...sigh...). I've made arrangements for the dog to go to doggie daycare on the days we are gone when DH has to work...and really...I'm probably forgetting stuff....but I can't think of what else right now...oh maybe I should tell DD's teacher that she will be missing some school lol

That's about it for now!! I know that at the pace life is going right now...the trip will be here before I know it!! But I will try to swing by again when I have a sec!!
Sure!! I'm sure if it's there it will drive me bonkers too! I just read about it on your TR. Ugh....that might be bad!
Thank you! I look forward to hearing how it goes for you. Maybe the sensor was just faulty in the room we had. :confused3 ( We can only hope.)

13 days you guys!!!! Gahh!!!

I think I may end up being totally lame on the MNSSHP costume....I don't have anything...and probably won't have time to get anything...except perhaps more Disney themed t-shirts lol. But I think I have enough dress up-y things for DD to choose from (since she still doesn't know that we are going to Disney!!!)
I was at Target today and saw some small easy to pack witch hats maybe you could go for one of those? :confused3
13 days you guys!!!! Gahh!!!

Less than two weeks!!!

I think I may end up being totally lame on the MNSSHP costume....I don't have anything...and probably won't have time to get anything...except perhaps more Disney themed t-shirts lol. But I think I have enough dress up-y things for DD to choose from (since she still doesn't know that we are going to Disney!!!)

Don't sweat it. When we were there I'd say there were more people without costumes than with.
Just have fun.

I came pretty close actually to buying her a cute Jasmine costume at the Disney store when I blew in there on a few spare minutes yesterday. I thought about it - but the material felt a bit itchy and depending on the weather it could be pretty uncomfortable...so...she's going to probably end up wearing one of the pajama type princess dresses...and that's just fine. I'm going to bring her Anna boots and if she wants to wear them and bring flip flops in the bag that is fine too...

I think that's a good call. Comfort over all.

But I do have to sneak into her room and take our pins and lanyards that we got on our last trip - hopefully she won't notice them missing!

:laughing: Good luck!

I have to get a travel letter signed by our lawyer (because I'm travelling to the US with my DD and her dad isn't coming with us - to make sure I'm not kidnapping her...sigh...).

Yep. Been there... almost got arrested for that.

I'm probably forgetting stuff....

sunscreen. moleskin or other blister bandages (NOT band-aids. they'll just slip.) body glide or other anti-chafing lotion.
bathing suit. credit card. any medications. camera. phone. CHARGERS. pj's.

oh maybe I should tell DD's teacher that she will be missing some school lol

Nah. Let 'em wonder.
Howdy! I may or may not order from GG. We just generally don't eat much at all, and breakfast even less, which is what we'd order if I decide to. So yeah, probably not. Anyway, good to have for those all expensive snacks and some breakfast things.

Good luck on keeping everything a surprise- those are so hard to pull off!! I have one planned for this weekend for my hubby- taking him out of town to the beach for a long weekend. It'll be fun to see her surprise.

Yes, yes! You should print out everthing you need. It'll be good to have it all at your fingertips. Post pix if you do!


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