MAY 2023 W.I.S.H. - May you have a healthy month

My morning routine right now is: my alarm goes off at 6:15am. I shut it off and go back to sleep. It goes off again at 6:30. I knock on the wall above my head to wake DS (his bed is right on the other side of the wall). I snooze my alarm for 5 minutes until 6:45. I then roll out of bed and leave the house (in PJ's, teeth not brushed and hair not done) by 6:50 to drop DD off at school then pick up DS's friend (he lives right behind the school and DD has to be at school when doors open) and drop them off. I then go home get brush my teeth and hair (usually stay in my PJ's) and then start my work day. I need a better routine. I don't eat or drink really anything until after 9. Sometimes not until lunch. I have never been a breakfast person, except at Disney when I want Mickey Waffles at like 7 am.

My woohoo today is that I got my new glasses back on Saturday and I can mostly see now. Before everything was blurry except for if I looked at something straight on. Every once in awhile I get a blurry spot now but usually it seems that I just need to adjust how the glasses are sitting on my face.

I also go new sunglasses (spoiler for anyone that is reading my trip report) because my old ones are at the TTC under the monorail. These are only for distance (they don't have the progressive's for readers like my glasses do) so no issue with seeing with these. They are the exact same pair that I lost. They are a more fun with lots of colors and make me feel like they are not prescription sunglasses.
I'm also thankful for the run of beautiful spring weather we're having. And I'm thankful it helped contribute to a lovely drive back and forth to the ferry yesterday and that everything went smoothly. I enjoyed being in the office, mostly because the other folks in are work friends so we chit chatted all morning. I found new glasses I really like, then my dentist texted to ask if I could come in an hour earlier, so I was able to get back down to the ferry dock to catch the 3pm boat home.

After my appointments today I'm planning on spending the afternoon working in the garden, finally getting a couple raised beds ready. Thankful to have the room for a garden and the good weather to work out in it.
What are you thankful for today?

I am so thankful for this gorgeous weather we have been having this week-it’s been absolutely perfect!

Another vote for the weather over here! I'm also thankful for this morning's 5k: it's still much slower than I'd like to be moving, but I appreciate feeling like I still have some control over my body with everything that's been thrown at me.

I'm thankful that we don't have any plans tonight: no dance, music lessons, Girl Scouts, not even homework for the kids. I have even less tolerance for the end-of-year hullabaloo than normal, so a night without commitments sounds delightful!
Good evening! I took my mom to a day-long doctor appointment today. It was supposed to rain here today, and I'm thankful that we didn't get any of it and we had a very nice drive over and back.

I'm also thankful for the day we got to spend together. She had to be at her first appointment at 6:30, so we had to leave town about 5:15 as we're an hour away. She was done with that one around 8 and her next wasn't until 11:45, so we had a nice breakfast out and did a little shopping at Ross once it opened. We also took a little drive through some of the old neighborhoods in the city which was kind of fun and interesting.

I got her back home around 3 in the afternoon and she was wiped out! I will say though, she is a trooper, because I was ready for a little nap too!
Thankful for modern medicine. Two of three kids ended up with strep. Unfortunately today we discovered DD shares my antibiotic allergy but on the plus side she is ok. VERY red and splotchy but nothing a few doses of benedryl and time won't cure. And thankful for multiple alternative treatments for strep.
Thankful for being busy. Yes you read that right. By girlfriends and I are trying to plan an afternoon out and one found one Saturday between end of May and early August we are all free. Now at first glance this is very frustrating but compared to the last few years I'll take the frustration as a win. During the height of covid we got together in the evenings about twice a month on the house party app and the fact that even scheduling that is a hassle now speaks to how far things have come. Now don't get me wrong I miss those house party nights because we could easily all "get together." But I will take these ridiculous schedules any day.
I’m thankful that I got all my standardized testing done.

I’m thankful that I got my quizzes done and my grades entered for progress reports.

I’m thankful that we completed all of the Mother’s Day cards and flower pots weeks ago and that we planted seeds before April break because everything is ready to go home for Mother’s Day. Yesterday my colleagues were throwing together something last minute.

I’m thankful for Fun Friday after two difficult weeks of timed testing and unnecessary stress for my kindergartners.

Although my severe allergies prevent me from going outside except to run back and forth to my car while wearing a mask, I’m thankful for the beautiful weather. It gives me hope that eventually the tree pollen levels will drop and perhaps I too can enjoy the warm sunshine.

I’m thankful that DD will be helping me plant my flowers in their boxes this weekend. Looks like I will still need to wear a mask, but with her help it will be quicker.
Yay, it's Friday! I only have a few meetings this morning, then the rest of the day is free and clear.

When I went in for filler yesterday I was half expecting her to tell me I'm too far gone for it to work, but nope, she was "we can do this and we can do that...". What she added to the corners of my mouth made a huge difference and I no longer look perpetually cranky/sad. Couldn't do lips yesterday because I had to get back home for my massage appt, but I'll do them in July.

I'm happy to say I did finally get one raised garden bed cleaned up and planted with dahlia starts yesterday. Then this morning there was a deer in the yard (fortunately munching on weeds not my dahlias) and it reminded me I need to do something to make the fence higher so they can't jump over it. That'll be project number one for the weekend and then getting more beds ready.
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I'm taking this afternoon off and driving with my mom to see my cousin's daughter's graduation about 3 hours from here. We're spending the night at a hotel there and then heading back tomorrow. It should be a fun evening!

Then, on Sunday, it's mother's day and my niece's graduation, so we'll be eating a quick lunch with my mom and then heading to the graduation. For dinner, we'll be going to my MIL's. My BIL is frying fish for everyone, so should be a fun time!
My gardening goal for the weekend was to get two more raised beds ready... well, I accomplished that yesterday. This morning I've already weeded out the third bed and am taking a break until the garden center opens at 9am, so I can go get more potting soil and see what they've got for strawberry starts.

I've only lost half a pound so far this week, hoping something more will be gone from the scale tomorrow morning. For my Sunday self-care I'm going to lay out a 21-day pre-cruise program and actually plan out meals (wait, what????) and expand my exercise routine... I'm currently doing upper body with the hand weights and legs with the walking, but I need to do more than one day a week of Pilates for the in-between.
I did yoga every morning this week. It has been months since that has happened! Eating wise it was terrible. Kinda glad we were out of town so I couldn't weigh today! :rolleyes1

Earlier in the week my brother in law told us they no longer wanted a cabinet their father had made. I have been coveting it for almost 40 years. Then had to have a serious talk to myself about whether or not I really needed it since I've lived so long without it. Then my sweet DH asked if I would be sad/disappointed if we didn't take it. That was a resounding yes for an answer. Soooo. Time to make room for it. I'm on a Facebook group of free giving/asking so I found new homes for a hand me down couch (which I will miss because it was so comfy) and a dresser (which I will miss because DH and I bought it and the matching twin bed from my favorite great aunt years and years ago). Now I have space! We'll have to figure out a way to get it from one house to another and then I will be super happy.
My mom and I drove home from our graduation today. The graduate had to be at work this morning at 9, so we got up, checked out of our hotel and were at their house for breakfast at 8. My cousin had made breakfast before and fruit, so had a very nice breakfast. We visited with them until around noon and then left for our 3.5 hour drive. We stopped for a quick lunch at Freddy's on our way home.

Tonight DH and I went to Home Depot to get his mom a Dipladenia for Mother's Day and ate out again. I just had a BLT, so nothing too heavy after already eat out twice today.
6:45am and I've already done most of the cleaning and straightening needed inside the house... it sure helps when the sun comes up at 5:33am. Next up is getting back out to the garden for a few hours before it starts to get warm... some how we've gone from winter to summer and the last few days have been toasty.

I've got a ticket to go see the Book Club Part Two at 2pm today, in the fancy upstairs theater. I love that there's this group of venerable female actors who are having spicy old ladies film created for them. I'm going to clean myself up and put on a dress and go have a date with myself.
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Happy Mothers Day to the moms of 2 legged and 4 legged kiddos, sisters, daughters and aunts-you and appreciated and loved! Enjoy your day ❤️
Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

I've got a ticket to go see the Book Club Part Two at 2pm today, in the fancy upstairs theater. I love that there's this group of venerable female actors who are having spicy old ladies film created for them. I'm going to clean myself up and put on a dress and go have a date with myself.
I agree. - Have a fabulous time!


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