MARCH 2024 W.I.S.H. Thread-🌸Spring 🐣into Health ☘️

Well here we go, the first full work week. And to top it off I'm going in to the office tomorrow, which means leaving the house at 5:30am and not getting home until after 6p. My motivation is to jump in and get refocused.

My favorite restaurant in town is Finestre, great food and the chef doesn't use tomato very often so I always have plenty to chose from:
Aside from McDonalds and Starbucks in the Safeway, we don't have chain restaurants, all local one-of's.

Self-care yesterday was primarily getting the first bunch of seeds planted. I've got more of the little kits coming and will plant up the rest this week. Then it'll be a couple weeks of getting the beds outside ready.

I sucked it up and got back on the scale this morning, it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be so yay for that. Now I know exactly where I'm starting from, and boy do I need to get going.
I am so motivated to get healthier and look better this spring and summer.
I bought an Easter dress online which was cut in a way that accentuates my problem areas. So it’s going back. I ordered a different dress which is more A-line and ties at the waist, so hopefully it will be more flattering. I’m trying to work hard especially during the next few weeks. Regardless of how much weight I lose, I will always have a tummy because I don’t plan on having plastic surgery. So it’s important for me to find clothes that look good on my curves now and as I get thinner.
Ha ha... I have an exercise bike that I purchased about 6 months ago that still isn't put together, so I haven't even gotten to the using it as a clothes depository phase.

Other than that I'll count my TV, as I do use it to do YouTube exercise videos. And I'll also count good clothes so I can be outside in less than ideal weather. But even at that I've been a real weather whimp lately, I feel like we've been having wind storms since I got back and I'm so over it.

Made it to the office and so will be spending the day with real live people, quite a change of pace. Getting up at 4:45am wasn't the funnest, and may have to lean in to caffeine today to keep going.
No official exercise equipment. I don't use YouTube for working out. I didn't even know they had workouts on YouTube until last week. So I might explore that going forward. The only exercise I do at home, other than walking up and down the street, is mowing. I have a push mower, so I walk it all then weed eat and edge and sweep. So that's my exercise.

Topic Tuesday ~

What kind of exercise equipment do you have at home?
We have a treadmill that I use a few times a week, and a few little hand weights that I seldom pick up. I do use YouTube for yoga sometimes.

We used to have one of those under-desk pedal things, but it took up a lot of space for the very little anyone used it, so we donated it.
We had a NordicTrack that my DH mainly used. I used to use an exercise bike but it became a problem for my knees, so I switched to a treadmill during the pandemic. I use it when I’m stuck home and in the summer with the A/C on high. I enjoy watching YouTube walking videos with it. I have walked all over Disney properties and Hawaii using these videos. I prefer to walk throughout the day at school to get my steps in. I modified my route with my class to the playground for recess which doubles my steps and forces my sedentary kindergarteners to get exercise. Many of them avoid running on the playground. It’s kind of sad. Anyway, we did the longer walk today, and since it was sunny and in the 60’s, we all felt quite invigorated. Once the tree pollen starts, I will have to mask up or I will be miserable. In the meantime, this works.
I don't have any at home workout equipment. I do use you tube videos on occasion, but when I'm doing good, I usually walk in the neighborhood. I did just get some new on cloud shoes, so I'm hoping those will be good for my feet on my walks and maybe I'll wear them when I do you tube workouts. It feels funny to wear regular tennis shoes when working out in front of the tv on the carpet, but I think you're supposed to.
I successfully made it through my observation this morning. TEN high level people on the superintendent’s team watched me teach “calendar math” during our morning meeting. They took copious notes. It was tremendous pressure, but my students rose to the occasion. 😅 Phew! Thank God that’s over.

Prizes will be handed out later
Whoooohoooo yesterday at 10am was Wine and Dine registration and DD and I were signed up by 10:26am…I still can’t believe it. Absolutely record time, for me, for a rundisney registration!

Now we can start to look forward to the first weekend in November! It’s going to be so special because my sister and niece are coming along! My nieces first time and my sisters first visit in 25 years! To think that my sister and I will be taking our daughters to Disney together almost makes my heart burst ❤️💥❤️

Have a great Wednesday everyone!!
I successfully made it through my observation this morning. TEN high level people on the superintendent’s team watched me teach “calendar math” during our morning meeting. They took copious notes. It was tremendous pressure, but my students rose to the occasion. 😅 Phew! Thank God that’s over.

Prizes will be handed out later

Congratulations for getting it over and doing well! I hate things like that!!

My woohoo for today that I've been logging every day! I don't know why I find it so hard to keep that habit going, but I'm thankful that I've been going it every day for the past week!
Woohoo... my skin got really messed up with the trip, partly due to the dry desert climate but also the long hours on planes. The bottom of my face was so dry the skin was flaking off, which has never happened before. But woohoo, I've got it turned around and it is actually currently looking pretty good.

Woohoo... I'm having my Niece and NIL over tomorrow night for dinner... I'm going to cook a salmon tagine. I'm fairly confident I can do it, based on the class we took. I really like the tagine pot I found, instead of being terra cotta the bottom part is cast iron, which seems like should be really good for that type of cooking.

Woohoo... the wind has finally stopped.

And woohoo... some of the seeds I planted on Sunday are already up! Come on Spring!
I’m thankful that my daughter has a successful career.

4 years ago today was the beginning of the pandemic and her last day walking in a fashion show at Lord & Taylor. I was worried about her future. She didn’t know what to do with herself so she returned to art & design school, this time online. She had various jobs until 2 years ago when she started at Bloomingdale’s on this very day. Since then, she’s been promoted twice and is now a Visual Stylist who travels once a month to another store to help them improve. She’s traveled to NY, NJ, Washington DC, Florida, and is in Boston right now. I couldn’t be more thankful and more proud of her.
Thankful for a wonderful night at Awana last night and for our church.

We had half the amount of kids we normally have and it was calm (well as calm as 13-3 and 4 year olds can be!) and I actually got to sit and do the craft with some of the kids instead of correcting/monitoring behavior, breaking up arguments, doing potty trips, ect…

When I walked out into the lobby/common area after we cleaned up our classroom, about 50% of the kids from all the classes and their parents were still in the lobby. The kids were all laughing and playing and the parents were chatting…I just stood in awe that all these people come together, not just on Sundays, but during the week as well and we have such a wonderful community of people-of all ages, all walks of life and we all work together to take care of one another. The kids all grow up together and love one another…but if a new kid shows up-from toddlers to high schoolers-they are welcomed and accepted. I just got overwhelmed looking at everyone and shed a few tears.

Anyways SORRY that got long winded but very thankful today for my church family and everything that comes with it! The great, the good and even the bad!
I'm thankful that I have flexibility in my job to be able to take my mom to her doctor's appointments. Today I spent the entire day with her. She had a checkup with her cancer doctor and then an appointment to get a shot in her eye. She also had a hair appointment when we got back to town at 4:30 and couldn't see well enough to get herself there and back, so I took her there too.

I'm just thankful that I have a job where I'm able to do this when I need to!


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