Is this realistic?

The irony is, I am seeing now that my wife is JUST LIKE MY MOTHER. So, I have spent my whole life, in one form or another, with a woman who was very controlling and negative. I can NEVER let either of them be right. I am way better than what I have shown to them over all of these years.

At this point next year I want to be able to say that I passed my first CFA test and I qualified for Boston (although that may be the harder of the two). I want to look at my stomach and see muscle, not fat, for the first time in 20 years. Not because other people will think I look better (although that can't hurt either) but because I know I deserve it finally. And I know I am capable of it too. This is why I put so much pressure on myself.
Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that. Ironically, an old college BF got in touch with me a few weeks ago and he had done the same thing - hasn't spoken to his parents in 15 years or so. I think it takes a lot of strength to do something like that, and that it's horribly sad that you had to do so. You are already better than either of them thought and you deserve better from the people around you. (And to get your kids into a positive place, too.) The same goes for you Stay Cool - I know how much it takes to break away from that sort of person and admire the you guys have shown.

May I join you? I have been reading this thread since last August when I started running myself and if it's ok I'd like to come out of hiding:) The reason for that is I want to thank you. You gave me motivation, you all had signed up for the ToT and I was only signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot!! You continue to give each other support and encouragement and sometimes a little push. I was so proud of StayCool and Waiting2goback when they finished the ToT!! Oh, I finished the Turkey trot but I didn't have an impressive time, a 14:29 mile pace, but I went out there and I did it.
Welcome! I think it's great to have someone else to share motivation, and I jumped in late to the game, too. Congrats on finishing the Turkey Trot - and your pace is quite respectable for a new runner. Good job!

Galloway is a great way to increase your speed slowly and in a way that's gentle on your body. I did the WDW Marathon doing 2:1 intervals and the Half doing 5:1. The nice thing is that it's so flexible that you can always adjust when your fitness level changes up or down, or even depending on how you feel during a run. I run on an indoor track once in a while, but hate every second of it.

Went to the gym after work today. I did just under 3 miles. I wasn't pushing myself to hard because of my new book, and because I am hoping to run tomorrow as I have the day off. Provided all the kids make it to school and I get a few hours to myself. I even went and scouted my usual neighborhood I run in to see how bad the roads are. If it is warm enough I will try to run outside. We are due to get another 12-18" of snow Sunday into Monday so if I can get outside for a run that would be great for sanity.
I'm a fan of the 80/20 concept, though I'm not always so great at putting it into action. Hope you managed your outside run, but given that it's stupid cold down here on the rain/snow line, I'm going to guess that it's not too nice up there.

I held my own for the last two days but I think I will end up in bed or laying around for the weekend. I rarely get sick *knock on wood*, but when I do it is horrible. I did have the flu vaccine and was extremely disappointed to find out it was not the correct strain. I come into contact with a lot of people that have the flu and I lost my safety blanket. Oh well. I haven't had it in 11 or 12 years so I guess I should count my blessings. Once I feel better I will check out boot camp at least once.

I did the Dirty Girl which sounds like your Lozilu. It was a ton of fun. This year they have an inflatable 5k that will be local and looks like a blast. I think I am going to have to check it out. I hope to do a few fun run 5ks this summer just to keep a bit motivated. There is also a 10k that I would like to sign up for but I need to work on my speed before that.
I was bummed that the flu shot was the wrong strains this year, too. Thankfully I'm in a place where anyone who gets the sniffles knows to stay home. That's not always the case in operational units where you're expected to power through unless you're in the hospital. Hope you shake off the crud with just some rest. I've only run one Mud Run ages ago and keep thinking I might do another but I'm so accient prone that I'm unwilling to risk myself doing them. And yes, I know that's a crazy thought from someone who flings herself around 23 feet in the air for fun. I guess that's the way I'd rather get hurt.

Made it to the track workout on Weds, and was really happy that the Thursday track session isn't an option for me. It was the difference between running in 40 degree weather and running in 20 degree weather with high winds. My shoulder is still really angry and I went back to pull up my MRI records to show my chiropractor on Monday. Turns out there are three tears in my shoulder, the labrum in two separate places and a slight one to the biceps tendon attachment point. And that was six years ago - so I'm afraid I may be doomed to surgery after all. I have a follow-up with the doc on the 24th.
Staycool~hope your feeling better! The flu is awful this year and the flu shot is just not effective this year. Feel better! Also, I saw earlier you were asking about boot camp. I have a couple of friends that do it and love it, but its tough.

Waitting2goback~I decided to post because I wanted some support. while in training for my 1st race and reading it was enough. I've continued to run and weight train but after 6 months I need....... more.

Besides the 5k I'm doing Lozilu. its a women's only mud run/obstacle course. I'm really looking forward to it as I'm doing it with friends:)

I'm looking into train for a 10k using the Galloway method. it looks VERY doable and I like the site. Have you read any of the books?

On another note. don't let your wife steal your joy. YOU are doing amazing things and she sees that and feels threatened because you've changed. Let that be your mantra and motivation!

How's the CFA studying coming? I have a degree in finance too, but haven't taken the test!

Accountability: I ran about 2 miles today. I run on an indoor track.

So tell us more about you and your physical situation, like are you looking to lose weight, are you new to exercise, etc... It makes it easier to give advice/encouragement when we know what you current fitness level is. For example, you say you want to do a 10K but could it be that might not be challenging enough for you? Hard to say without knowing more.

I have no read any of Jeff Galloway's books yet. I did meet him and have my picture taken with him at ToT though. I have also head him several times on the Mickey Miles podcast. I do run/walk, but I don't do any set intervals. I run until I am tired and then I will walk for about a minute and run again. It served me well in the ToT. I failed big time with it in the marathon.

My wife stole me joy for many years. I am in a funk the last few weeks but it really has little to do with her. It is more a combination of the weather (I heard we may be getting another 3 FEET of snow. It will start snowing tomorrow and not stop until Tuesday. It was 1' when I walked out of the house this morning), lack of exercise, and a feeling of being alone in this world. So, it isn't her. She is frustrating sometimes but I rarely get worked up anymore over her.

CFA studying is hard. It is a lot of work. But, I am hoping it pays off with a good job in a couple years. I did my physical marathon and this is my mental marathon. I did one, no reason I can't do this one.

Good job on the 2 miles. You are already 33% to your 10K goal and it is still winter.

Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that. Ironically, an old college BF got in touch with me a few weeks ago and he had done the same thing - hasn't spoken to his parents in 15 years or so. I think it takes a lot of strength to do something like that, and that it's horribly sad that you had to do so. You are already better than either of them thought and you deserve better from the people around you. (And to get your kids into a positive place, too.) The same goes for you Stay Cool - I know how much it takes to break away from that sort of person and admire the you guys have shown.

I'm a fan of the 80/20 concept, though I'm not always so great at putting it into action. Hope you managed your outside run, but given that it's stupid cold down here on the rain/snow line, I'm going to guess that it's not too nice up there.

Made it to the track workout on Weds, and was really happy that the Thursday track session isn't an option for me. It was the difference between running in 40 degree weather and running in 20 degree weather with high winds. My shoulder is still really angry and I went back to pull up my MRI records to show my chiropractor on Monday. Turns out there are three tears in my shoulder, the labrum in two separate places and a slight one to the biceps tendon attachment point. And that was six years ago - so I'm afraid I may be doomed to surgery after all. I have a follow-up with the doc on the 24th.

I finally made my peace with my family situation a year ago and life is so much better.

I have been running slow on the treadmill. Doing it on the street might be more of a challenge. But, I am not sore from my run yesterday. I didn't get to run outside yesterday because it was snowing again. We got 3 more inches. So I dropped the kids off at school, they had a delay starting, and went to the gym. I did 5.3 miles. Then I went out with a friend I hadn't see in a couple years last night. That's why I didn't respond last night.

I had surgery on both shoulders in 2012. I had a bone spur, partially torn labrum, and partially torn rotator cuff in both shoulders. The MRI was 6 years ago? Do you know if the injury healed? Try to avoid the surgery if you can. My right shoulder is better than before the surgery but my left is worse after the surgery.
StayCool- I forgot to say that I hope you are feeling ok. I didn't want to forget you. So, I hope you are doing well and make it through the next few days without major issue.
I was bummed that the flu shot was the wrong strains this year, too. Thankfully I'm in a place where anyone who gets the sniffles knows to stay home. That's not always the case in operational units where you're expected to power through unless you're in the hospital. Hope you shake off the crud with just some rest. I've only run one Mud Run ages ago and keep thinking I might do another but I'm so accient prone that I'm unwilling to risk myself doing them. And yes, I know that's a crazy thought from someone who flings herself around 23 feet in the air for fun. I guess that's the way I'd rather get hurt.

My shoulder is still really angry and I went back to pull up my MRI records to show my chiropractor on Monday. Turns out there are three tears in my shoulder, the labrum in two separate places and a slight one to the biceps tendon attachment point. And that was six years ago - so I'm afraid I may be doomed to surgery after all. I have a follow-up with the doc on the 24th.

Sometimes you just have to cut the negative people out of your life to set yourself free. I'm just glad to learn that fairly early in my life.

I've decided that I am not really sick. I wake up with a splitting headache, feel better for most of the day and then go to bed with a headache. Strangest thing ever. I am thinking it may be allergies or just the very dry air in my home. I don't know. I can't use it as an excuse to not workout anymore. I will just slog through and keep moving.

The Mud Run was fun, but I was afraid of getting hurt too. There was a pregnant girl there that was doing it! I thought she was crazy. There was one obstacle I skipped because I wasn't will to risk getting injured with TOT coming up.

That really stinks about your shoulder. I wish you the best of luck with all of it!

I have been running slow on the treadmill. Doing it on the street might be more of a challenge. But, I am not sore from my run yesterday. I didn't get to run outside yesterday because it was snowing again. We got 3 more inches. So I dropped the kids off at school, they had a delay starting, and went to the gym. I did 5.3 miles. Then I went out with a friend I hadn't see in a couple years last night. That's why I didn't respond last night.

Our kids had delays all week except yesterday. This snow is getting to be crazy.

StayCool- I forgot to say that I hope you are feeling ok. I didn't want to forget you. So, I hope you are doing well and make it through the next few days without major issue.

No worries. :) I'm still kicking around.

They are calling for up to another 8-14 inches of snow starting tomorrow afternoon. Today we are supposed to get 2 throughout the day. I finally broke down and bought a pair of real winter boots simply because I can't avoid it anymore. Over the last week we have probably gotten about 2 feet of snow. Cmon April!

My husband is still working on the basement and I'm starting to get a little upset with him. I had planned to start using the treadmill after Jan. 1, but now I bet he will not finish it until spring. *rolling eyes* That's ok, he will get payback this summer when I drag him out biking and hiking. Blah!

Hope everyone is staying warm!
Welcome Darci :) I was looking on my phone for the first time since the upgrade and no app and up came an alert (which is new) and said Darci quoted you in "Is This Realistic" and I thought for a second I was on the wrong page or somehow the site had made a mistake in the upgrade because it's been so long since anyone else has posted in here!

I would like to do a boot camp - I had actually won a gift certificate for two free weeks of a boot camp run by an ex client at a work party but due to complications (I work at a drug and alcohol treatment facility so complications usually means they relapsed and went off the rails) its not going to happen now. I do want to try and join some new fitness classes besides aquafit though.
I have no read any of Jeff Galloway's books yet. I did meet him and have my picture taken with him at ToT though. I have also head him several times on the Mickey Miles podcast. I do run/walk, but I don't do any set intervals. I run until I am tired and then I will walk for about a minute and run again. It served me well in the ToT. I failed big time with it in the marathon.
I think that was your problem. I don't usually start the intervals until I'm warm, so 1-3 miles depending on how I'm feeling, but after that I stick pretty closely. The idea is that you give your body a break before it gets tired. Waiting until you're tired extends the time you need to recover. Give it a shot on one of your longer runs - I do run/walk if I'm doing more than 10k, but am working to extend the time I need between walk breaks. Right now I can do a half just walking the water stations but I need more breaks during the marathon.

I agree with you on the weather being a drag this winter. For some reason it's affected me more than other winters that I can remember. But I am more than a little jealous of your snow. Maybe not the volume though, just the fact of it at all.

I had surgery on both shoulders in 2012. I had a bone spur, partially torn labrum, and partially torn rotator cuff in both shoulders. The MRI was 6 years ago? Do you know if the injury healed? Try to avoid the surgery if you can. My right shoulder is better than before the surgery but my left is worse after the surgery.
Labrums don't heal on their own and there is a piece of mine floating around inside the shoulder socket. All I've been doing is working to build and maintain strength in all the stabilizing muscles around the shoulder to keep it generally in the right place. I'm hoping that I didn't enlarge any of the tears, but my plan is to avoid surgery as long as I can.

My husband is still working on the basement and I'm starting to get a little upset with him. I had planned to start using the treadmill after Jan. 1, but now I bet he will not finish it until spring. *rolling eyes* That's ok, he will get payback this summer when I drag him out biking and hiking. Blah!
Revenge is sweet!
I think that was your problem. I don't usually start the intervals until I'm warm, so 1-3 miles depending on how I'm feeling, but after that I stick pretty closely. The idea is that you give your body a break before it gets tired. Waiting until you're tired extends the time you need to recover. Give it a shot on one of your longer runs - I do run/walk if I'm doing more than 10k, but am working to extend the time I need between walk breaks. Right now I can do a half just walking the water stations but I need more breaks during the marathon.

I agree with you on the weather being a drag this winter. For some reason it's affected me more than other winters that I can remember. But I am more than a little jealous of your snow. Maybe not the volume though, just the fact of it at all.

Labrums don't heal on their own and there is a piece of mine floating around inside the shoulder socket. All I've been doing is working to build and maintain strength in all the stabilizing muscles around the shoulder to keep it generally in the right place. I'm hoping that I didn't enlarge any of the tears, but my plan is to avoid surgery as long as I can.

I don't go until I am fully tired. I just don't do set intervals right now. I do when I train, just not in a race. Part of my problem is I hate starting out in a race when there are so many people and then stopping to walk before crowds thin out. I stay to the side and everything but still. I always very worried about being in someone's way.

I saw on the news that Boston has had 55" of snow so far this year. Their normal average so far would be 24.9". And we have more falling right now. It is nice to look at when it falls but there is no where to put it and it makes driving harder when trying to pull out of a street and stuff. Maybe we can truck some down there for you if you are jealous.

Avoiding it as long as you can is a good idea. Problem is you are kinda limited on what you can do without making it worse. In that sense it is almost better to get it over so you can potentially return to normal activities.

One of my co-workers told me today she is signing up for Wine and Dine 1/2. This is not the same one I was trying to talk into it. She said she is committed to it and needs a challenge. She says she is sick of feeling like crap. When we were talking about it the last 10 days or so she said she would be afraid she couldn't do it because it isn't enough time to get ready for a 1/2. I told her I started last March and by October I ran a full so there is no reason she can do it starting a month earlier and having an extra month after I ran mine. And, she is only 27. She is overweight but so was I. I told her about StayCool doing it too. And she also looked into training plans and saw that she has plenty of time. I told her she is out of excuses.

So, she says she is doing it. She says she will be signing up at 12:01 am (my suggestion) on the day it opens so she doesn't miss it. She has told me she will need my help getting ready as she has no idea what to do. A bit scary that she is asking me for help as I still have a lot to learn but I told her as long as she is willing to do the work I will help her succeed.

I am skeptical she will actually sign up but I have to give her the benefit of the doubt I guess.

I am hoping to get in a P90X workout in the morning before I snowblow and go to work and hopefully off to the gym for a run after work.
Hi guy!

I haven't figured out the quoting yet. I'm trying not to get the whole message. I'll keep trying.

Waiting2goback~I don't know that I would say I'm new to exercise but I'm only about 6 months into running.. I'm trying to lose weight and have about 60lbs to go. I don't think a 10k is a crazy idea and can/have run almost that far just while working out. a longer run is 4+ miles. a short run is 2-3. I was talking with a friend recently about how odd it is to say short run and a couple of miles in the same sentence.

I try to do intervals right away. if I start after I'm already tired it doesn't work well for me.

Chiomaca~your injury sounds incredibly painful! Are you missing circus? are you able to keep up your fitness without it? How's it effecting your training??

Dizzyr~Thanks for the welcome! Are you getting your exercise in?

Staycool~I actually hadn't even thought of the possibility of getting hurt in the mud run. Add to that I'm a bit of a klutz....I dont want tot not do it because I'm afraid though. I'm glad your not really sick

Hearing about all the bad weather makes me appreciate the almost 70degree day we had today. its actually been a pretty mild winter in the mid west.

Keep moving
I would like to do a boot camp - I had actually won a gift certificate for two free weeks of a boot camp run by an ex client at a work party but due to complications (I work at a drug and alcohol treatment facility so complications usually means they relapsed and went off the rails) its not going to happen now. I do want to try and join some new fitness classes besides aquafit though.

I will get to boot camp eventually...

I agree with you on the weather being a drag this winter. For some reason it's affected me more than other winters that I can remember. But I am more than a little jealous of your snow. Maybe not the volume though, just the fact of it at all.

Revenge is sweet!

Yeah, I don't remember a winter bothering me so much before, but man it has been so gray! Plus I think that since I have changed my lifestyle, I am really struggling with being stuck in the house. I find myself daydreaming of spring so that I can take the kids hiking, get outside and run/bike, work in my garden. I don't want to watch tv. I don't want to sit on my computer. I want to go do something, but I haven't found anything I enjoy doing in the winter. I actually just broke down and bought a pair of snow boots. lol

I saw on the news that Boston has had 55" of snow so far this year. Their normal average so far would be 24.9". And we have more falling right now. It is nice to look at when it falls but there is no where to put it and it makes driving harder when trying to pull out of a street and stuff. Maybe we can truck some down there for you if you are jealous.

One of my co-workers told me today she is signing up for Wine and Dine 1/2. This is not the same one I was trying to talk into it. She said she is committed to it and needs a challenge. She says she is sick of feeling like crap. When we were talking about it the last 10 days or so she said she would be afraid she couldn't do it because it isn't enough time to get ready for a 1/2. I told her I started last March and by October I ran a full so there is no reason she can do it starting a month earlier and having an extra month after I ran mine. And, she is only 27. She is overweight but so was I. I told her about StayCool doing it too. And she also looked into training plans and saw that she has plenty of time. I told her she is out of excuses.

So, she says she is doing it. She says she will be signing up at 12:01 am (my suggestion) on the day it opens so she doesn't miss it. She has told me she will need my help getting ready as she has no idea what to do. A bit scary that she is asking me for help as I still have a lot to learn but I told her as long as she is willing to do the work I will help her succeed.

I agree, we could truck some from here too. lol

Glad you have someone that is going to work with you. :) For some reason I thought the races opened at noon. I might be wrong though. I just remember signing up at work.

Hi guy!

I haven't figured out the quoting yet. I'm trying not to get the whole message. I'll keep trying.

Staycool~I actually hadn't even thought of the possibility of getting hurt in the mud run. Add to that I'm a bit of a klutz....I dont want tot not do it because I'm afraid though. I'm glad your not really sick

If you want to do quotes, click the +Quote on the bottom of each reply and then under the text box on the left there is a add Quote button (or something like that). Click that and it will pop up asking if you want to add them. Click ok/yes (?) and then the text box will open back up with the quotes in it. I usually delete the text that does not relate to my response so the messages aren't so long. As long as you leave the [ QUOTE= and [/QUOTE ] they will show up.

Just the nature of the mud run - slippery and climbing obstacles, there is always that chance. I just took it slow. It isn't so much like a race as it is just an event. I took my time and had fun.

Yesterday we went and bought some humidifiers. One for our bedroom, DD's bedroom and the living room. One of them has a display for how humid the house is. It is stuck at the lowest reading. No wonder everyone is having issues. Hopefully it helps.

Weather is super icy here so I am not sure if Zumba will be cancelled tonight again. I hope not. So so so need warmer weather.

Being trapped in the house is taking a toll on me. Not eating the way I should and sitting way too much. No Zumba at all last week but did get out and shovel some serious snow twice. Idk.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
I don't go until I am fully tired. I just don't do set intervals right now. I do when I train, just not in a race. Part of my problem is I hate starting out in a race when there are so many people and then stopping to walk before crowds thin out. I stay to the side and everything but still. I always very worried about being in someone's way.

Avoiding it as long as you can is a good idea. Problem is you are kinda limited on what you can do without making it worse. In that sense it is almost better to get it over so you can potentially return to normal activities.

One of my co-workers told me today she is signing up for Wine and Dine 1/2. This is not the same one I was trying to talk into it. She said she is committed to it and needs a challenge. She says she is sick of feeling like crap. When we were talking about it the last 10 days or so she said she would be afraid she couldn't do it because it isn't enough time to get ready for a 1/2. I told her I started last March and by October I ran a full so there is no reason she can do it starting a month earlier and having an extra month after I ran mine. And, she is only 27. She is overweight but so was I. I told her about StayCool doing it too. And she also looked into training plans and saw that she has plenty of time. I told her she is out of excuses.

So, she says she is doing it. She says she will be signing up at 12:01 am (my suggestion) on the day it opens so she doesn't miss it. She has told me she will need my help getting ready as she has no idea what to do. A bit scary that she is asking me for help as I still have a lot to learn but I told her as long as she is willing to do the work I will help her succeed.

I am skeptical she will actually sign up but I have to give her the benefit of the doubt I guess.

I am hoping to get in a P90X workout in the morning before I snowblow and go to work and hopefully off to the gym for a run after work.
In words that I have heard for my entire military career: Train the way you fight! So if you train intervals, do them. Just train that you run the first mile or two and then settle into your intervals. I don't like walking at the beginning either. Even the group I was running 2:1 intervals with for the Disney marathon skipped the first interval.

The Disney races do open at noon EST, looks like March 17th for Wine and Dine. That one is on my list, but is a tough one because it's right after the Marine Corps and New York Marathons (I entered the NYC lottery this year, still trying to decide on MCM if I don't get in) and the week before Avengers in Disneyland, which is my home park and so far coincides with a weekend I'm already committed to being in LA anyway. Maybe if I decide to spend this year working on speed instead of distance and aim at the WDW Marathon/Dopey as my goal race, I'd do Wine and Dine followed by Avengers.

I think it's cool that she and your other co-worker are looking to you for advice! And now you have two members of your home grown running club. You should try and get your schedules to work so that you can run together after work (or before if you have shower facilities nearby, but I know that's tough.)

Waiting2goback~I don't know that I would say I'm new to exercise but I'm only about 6 months into running.. I'm trying to lose weight and have about 60lbs to go. I don't think a 10k is a crazy idea and can/have run almost that far just while working out. a longer run is 4+ miles. a short run is 2-3. I was talking with a friend recently about how odd it is to say short run and a couple of miles in the same sentence.

I try to do intervals right away. if I start after I'm already tired it doesn't work well for me.

Chiomaca~your injury sounds incredibly painful! Are you missing circus? are you able to keep up your fitness without it? How's it effecting your training??

Dizzyr~Thanks for the welcome! Are you getting your exercise in?

Staycool~I actually hadn't even thought of the possibility of getting hurt in the mud run. Add to that I'm a bit of a klutz....I dont want tot not do it because I'm afraid though. I'm glad your not really sick

The first time I said that I was "only" going to run 8 miles, I had to stop for a second and admire the words :sunny:

My injury is pretty painful, especially after the Physical Therapist runs me through the tests where she presses my arms down. But, it's been this way for a while, I just need to get back stabilized. She doesn't want me to do circus or anything overhead for another month, so that's kind of a bummer. I have had to really remember to work my core, so I add on 30 minutes or so after my runs. I'm not so good about that, but I need to focus. It's hard right now when I finish track or a long run in the cold because by the time I get home, I just want a shower and a nap. It's easier when I can work out first thing in the morning or mid-day.

As long as you are focused and take things at your own pace, you'll be fine in the mud run. I have a tendency to let my mind get ahead of my body and...:crutches:

Yesterday we went and bought some humidifiers. One for our bedroom, DD's bedroom and the living room. One of them has a display for how humid the house is. It is stuck at the lowest reading. No wonder everyone is having issues. Hopefully it helps.

Weather is super icy here so I am not sure if Zumba will be cancelled tonight again. I hope not. So so so need warmer weather.

Being trapped in the house is taking a toll on me. Not eating the way I should and sitting way too much. No Zumba at all last week but did get out and shovel some serious snow twice. Idk.
I'm a fan of humidifiers. It's a cruel fact of DC life that the summers are too humid and the winters are too dry.

Ran twice this weekend. Once with my training group for the first official long run, went about 5 miles since we're training for a ten mile race. Sunday I ran a 5k with the dog and would have PRd despite the big hill at the beginning but my dog needed a poop break. Right. In. Front. Of the. Photographer. Sigh.
Staycool~I guess I'm not smart enough to do the quoting. Thank you for trying. When I do the +quote nothing shows:(. Being stuck indoors is hard but look at the positive you miss excersise! That's a huge win!

Chiomaca~I had to LOL about it being worse after physical therapy because that's the exact thing I've experienced. It always gets worse before it gets better right?

I have a question. I really feel like the 1st mile of my run is so hard! It gets better when I get into a rhythm but the 1st mile is hard! Advise?

Accountability: ran 2+ miles
If you want to do quotes, click the +Quote on the bottom of each reply and then under the text box on the left there is a add Quote button (or something like that). Click that and it will pop up asking if you want to add them. Click ok/yes (?) and then the text box will open back up with the quotes in it. I usually delete the text that does not relate to my response so the messages aren't so long. As long as you leave the [ QUOTE= and [/QUOTE ] they will show up Idk.
So on the news this morning they said Worcester, MA (close to my house) was at 88" of snow so far this season before today's totals added on. So, we are close to 100" of snow so far and they are predicting 12"+ this Thursday. It's killing me. I didn't get to workout today at all. My roof is leaking from the ice damns on the roofs so I had to get on the roof this morning to try and break away some of the ice. I have tomorrow off and will be up there again. No gym tonight either as I got stuck behind plows so my ride home took forever and I thought I would have to snowblow to even get in the driveway. I was able to get in though but will have to snowblow in the morning.

Darci- most people who run long distances struggle the first couple of miles. I know I don't really warm up and get into a groove until about 3 miles. My advice, and we'll see if others agree, is to start off slow. Don't worry about the first mile.

If you are already running up to 4 miles you could easily do a 10K this summer. Seriously consider it.

When I talk at work about running and I say I only did 5 miles at the gym people chuckle and their like, "Only 5 miles. I can't run from here to the door without being tired." It's times like that when you realize what it is the way accomplish and how awesome it is. To us it seems like nothing but to most it is crazy.

I thought they said on the Mickey Miles podcast that registration starts at midnight. Oh well, I won't be going so it doesn't matter to me. StayCool, you probably signed up at lunch but our race didn't fill up as quickly. Wine and Dine sells out in a day, or 2, max. If she really wants to do it I told her not to delay or she will miss out.
Dizzyr~Thanks for the welcome! Are you getting your exercise in?

Not really - I actually have been feeling like I don't belong in this thread lately which is one of the reasons I don't post very much anymore. I really lost my mojo when the TOT got cancelled. I just can't seem to overcome the mental hurdles. I still do the walking and aquafit but I've been doing that for years and it's never made a difference.

My injury is pretty painful, especially after the Physical Therapist runs me through the tests where she presses my arms down. But, it's been this way for a while, I just need to get back stabilized. She doesn't want me to do circus or anything overhead for another month, so that's kind of a bummer. I have had to really remember to work my core, so I add on 30 minutes or so after my runs. I'm not so good about that, but I need to focus. It's hard right now when I finish track or a long run in the cold because by the time I get home, I just want a shower and a nap. It's easier when I can work out first thing in the morning or mid-day.

Sunday I ran a 5k with the dog and would have PRd despite the big hill at the beginning but my dog needed a poop break. Right. In. Front. Of the. Photographer. Sigh.

I hope you start to feel better soon :( I'm sorry but your story about the dog made me :tongue::jumping1:
The first time I said that I was "only" going to run 8 miles, I had to stop for a second and admire the words :sunny:

My injury is pretty painful, especially after the Physical Therapist runs me through the tests where she presses my arms down. But, it's been this way for a while, I just need to get back stabilized. She doesn't want me to do circus or anything overhead for another month, so that's kind of a bummer. I have had to really remember to work my core, so I add on 30 minutes or so after my runs. I'm not so good about that, but I need to focus. It's hard right now when I finish track or a long run in the cold because by the time I get home, I just want a shower and a nap. It's easier when I can work out first thing in the morning or mid-day.

I'm a fan of humidifiers. It's a cruel fact of DC life that the summers are too humid and the winters are too dry.

Lol. I was proud the first time I said "only 3 miles". It is kind of a bummer that I will have to start over but I will.

Any change in routine is hard for me. I really hope things turn around soon for you.

Even with the humidifier on it is crazy dry. The big one we put in the living room is supposed to last 36 hrs and barely makes it through 12!

Staycool~I guess I'm not smart enough to do the quoting. Thank you for trying. When I do the +quote nothing shows:(. Being stuck indoors is hard but look at the positive you miss excersise! That's a huge win!

I have a question. I really feel like the 1st mile of my run is so hard! It gets better when I get into a rhythm but the 1st mile is hard! Advise?

Accountability: ran 2+ miles

You will get I. +Quote and then click add quotes (insert?) before you type your reply.

My first mile was always the worst too. It hurt and I just wanted to go home. But it got better after that. :)

So on the news this morning they said Worcester, MA (close to my house) was at 88" of snow so far this season before today's totals added on. So, we are close to 100" of snow so far and they are predicting 12"+ this Thursday. It's killing me. I didn't get to workout today at all. My roof is leaking from the ice damns on the roofs so I had to get on the roof this morning to try and break away some of the ice. I have tomorrow off and will be up there again. No gym tonight either as I got stuck behind plows so my ride home took forever and I thought I would have to snowblow to even get in the driveway. I was able to get in though but will have to snowblow in the morning.

I totally agree with the snow. Idk about Thursday but I have heard we will get another big one on next Sunday again. Blah. Yesterday was horrible with all the ice. Cmon spring!!

Not really - I actually have been feeling like I don't belong in this thread lately which is one of the reasons I don't post very much anymore. I really lost my mojo when the TOT got cancelled. I just can't seem to overcome the mental hurdles. I still do the walking and aquafit but I've been doing that for years and it's never made a difference.

You still belong. Don't give up! I can understand feeling like you lost your motivation, but hold onto us. You will get your mojo back and move forward. Just hold onto what you have. Don't fall backwards even if you don't go forward. Sometimes staying put is the only thing you can do.
So, no weight in today. I had a brain fart and jumped in the shower. God forbid I get on the scale with wet hair! lol I will try to weigh in tomorrow. My eating has been out of control. I was looking at this emeals thing. They send you a menu for the week. One of the options is clean eating. I wonder if I should try it. Part of my problem is that I get so bored eating the same stuff over and over. This would help me break from that. Any opinions?

So no zumba at all in the last week. Blah. I did shovel for another hour. It's not cutting it though.
I have a question. I really feel like the 1st mile of my run is so hard! It gets better when I get into a rhythm but the 1st mile is hard! Advise?
If you only hate the first mile, you're doing better than me. I have to negotiate with myself for nearly three miles before I settle in and remember that I like to run. It's better if I have a distraction, which is why I prefer to run outside even in below freezing weather and why I rarely run 5ks - I'm still conning myself into having fun and the darn race is over! It's good for me though, I'm seeing my pace improve consistently when I do track and short fast runs.

So on the news this morning they said Worcester, MA (close to my house) was at 88" of snow so far this season before today's totals added on. So, we are close to 100" of snow so far and they are predicting 12"+ this Thursday. It's killing me. I didn't get to workout today at all. My roof is leaking from the ice damns on the roofs so I had to get on the roof this morning to try and break away some of the ice. I have tomorrow off and will be up there again. No gym tonight either as I got stuck behind plows so my ride home took forever and I thought I would have to snowblow to even get in the driveway. I was able to get in though but will have to snowblow in the morning.
The next time your wife tells you that you don't contribute anything, invite her to go onto the roof and remove ice dams or snow blow the driveway. Which, by the way, I consider both to be exercise.

On another note, about half the guys I went to college with (in Vermont) were from Worcester or close by. Small world.

Not really - I actually have been feeling like I don't belong in this thread lately which is one of the reasons I don't post very much anymore. I really lost my mojo when the TOT got cancelled. I just can't seem to overcome the mental hurdles. I still do the walking and aquafit but I've been doing that for years and it's never made a difference.
You belong as long as you want to belong! And registration for marathon weekend opens on April 28th, so shoot to get yourself to that and then you'll have an awesome goal to look forward to. I really enjoyed WDW that weekend, it's cool being around so many people with the same goal as you.

I told the dog story to make people laugh. Thankfully I was at the back of the pack because my pup is crowd shy, so there weren't many people behind to have to worry about. The photographer laughed and stopped taking pictures when we realized what Niko was doing and a nice spectator came across the street and took the poop bag away from me, saying "I'm a dog owner, too, go run!" Which just proves how awesome the running community is - even the spectators rock.

My eating has been out of control. I was looking at this emeals thing. They send you a menu for the week. One of the options is clean eating. I wonder if I should try it. Part of my problem is that I get so bored eating the same stuff over and over. This would help me break from that. Any opinions?
I think it's worth a try. I do pretty well eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch, but try to change up at dinner. Breakfast is always the same, lunch is a rotation depending on if I'm working out that day (wrap) or not (salad). The idea of a menu is neat, especially if you know you're going to cook for sure.
I might be crazy! I am seriously considering signing up for a dualathon. It's a 5k followed by a 10.6 mile bike ride followed by ANOTHER 5k. I don't even own a bike anymore! I can just imagine how like jello legs will feel for the 2nd 5k. Well, if I do it. Its in September so I have the time to train and was looking for something to keep me going. The Wine and Dine would be awesome but its just too expensive right now

Chicomaca~you succeeded with your dog story. Sounds like it was funny for a lot of people. that was. So great off the spectator to help you out! (S)He got a story too!

Staycool~Did you weigh today? I've tried emeals and the WW selection. I liked the idea more than the reality. We didn't always like the meals and it felt like we were repeating a lot.

Dizzyr~Don't leave!! I just got here. Finding something to register for and get excited about will make all the difference. Didn't you say your daughter wanted to run too? Maybe there's something shed like to sign up for?

Waiting2goback~ that is awesome that your coworkers are looking to you for advice! That means everything you've been. Doing, all the hard work inspired someone else! Also, what can you tell me about getting a decent bike that's not super expensive? What do I need to know? How do you keep your butt from hurting? I have a million questions if I'm going to do this!!
Not really - I actually have been feeling like I don't belong in this thread lately which is one of the reasons I don't post very much anymore. I really lost my mojo when the TOT got cancelled. I just can't seem to overcome the mental hurdles. I still do the walking and aquafit but I've been doing that for years and it's never made a difference.

I was a bit upset when I read this today but I have thought about how to respond. I don't know why I was upset, maybe because I was grouchy all day anyway. But, you do belong. This thread if for people like you/us. It is meant to give encouragement, motivation, and support. If we didn't need that we wouldn't be here. I know I need it.

So, what to do about your loss of mojo and how do we fix it. With the exception of Chiomaca, none of us have really been doing great all winter. But, I have no intentions of quitting. Do you?

I know you were looking forward to the ToT but I have to be honest. I ran the race, and I loved it. But, I still think one of the other races would be a better race to run. We got lucky last year with the weather. I don't know if I would have liked it as much if the weather was like the previous year.

The goal is to be healthy. It doesn't have to be through running. It doesn't have to be motivated by a Disney race. You need to do it for YOU. I got healthy because I finally decided I was worth it and signing up for the Disney race and telling everyone about it helped, but I had given up MANY times in the past, even when Disney was the reward. This time I did it for me.

You belong here as long as you aren't quitting on yourself, in my opinion. As long as you still want help and want to succeed I know I won't quit on you and I don't think the others will either. I need you here for me, as well. I have been struggling big time with a lot of stuff. This thread helps me. I know it is sad that I find support from strangers I never met but I do. It helped me several years ago when I first did P90X and had a thread on that I was part of. I don't just randomly go on websites and tell people I would like to meet them and give them a hug in the future if I got to meet them. I did that because I want to say thank you. (hopefully that wasn't in one of the posts that didn't post or you guys are probably wondering what I'm talking about).

None of my friends care about exercise or healthy living. Without you guys I would be on this journey alone.

So, do you want to succeed? Are you giving up on yourself? If you want to do this we will help. And, if a Disney race is your motivation, like it was for me and StayCool, pick one and sign up the second it is available. Then tell everyone about it and get to training because a lot of people will think you can't do it so you will need to prove them all wrong. They will all be good and it can be a 10K or something. It doesn't have to be a 1/2 or full marathon.

If it isn't a Disney race, find something you will be motivated to do and sign up.
I was looking at this emeals thing. They send you a menu for the week. One of the options is clean eating. I wonder if I should try it. Part of my problem is that I get so bored eating the same stuff over and over. This would help me break from that. Any opinions?
Does it cost a lot? I think you have to decide if you think it will work for you. I think you could make a menu to avoid boredom if you wanted but if you think it will work, try it.

If you only hate the first mile, you're doing better than me. I have to negotiate with myself for nearly three miles before I settle in and remember that I like to run. It's better if I have a distraction, which is why I prefer to run outside even in below freezing weather and why I rarely run 5ks - I'm still conning myself into having fun and the darn race is over! It's good for me though, I'm seeing my pace improve consistently when I do track and short fast runs.

The next time your wife tells you that you don't contribute anything, invite her to go onto the roof and remove ice dams or snow blow the driveway. Which, by the way, I consider both to be exercise.

On another note, about half the guys I went to college with (in Vermont) were from Worcester or close by. Small world.

I agree with Chiomaca. I can't do a 5K race because the first 3 miles of a run is the worst for me so I need longer races.

I tried for years to convince my wife that I was contributing. I no longer bother. The truth is, she never saw it and never will. If she had the ability to see what I did around here or to appreciate me we wouldn't be getting divorced.

It sure is a small world.

I was p on the roof for a couple more hours today followed by an hour or so of shoveling snow off the back deck to keep it from giving out from the weight. I can't agree that snowblowing is exercise but the chopping of ice and shoveling sure is. I was dropping sweat. But, another day of now running. I am so aggravated I was considering getting a treadmill for the house even though the winter is almost over.

I better get to the gym tomorrow after work or I will get really, really grumpy.
I might be crazy! I am seriously considering signing up for a dualathon. It's a 5k followed by a 10.6 mile bike ride followed by ANOTHER 5k. I don't even own a bike anymore! I can just imagine how like jello legs will feel for the 2nd 5k. Well, if I do it. Its in September so I have the time to train and was looking for something to keep me going. The Wine and Dine would be awesome but its just too expensive right now

Chicomaca~you succeeded with your dog story. Sounds like it was funny for a lot of people. that was. So great off the spectator to help you out! (S)He got a story too!

Staycool~Did you weigh today? I've tried emeals and the WW selection. I liked the idea more than the reality. We didn't always like the meals and it felt like we were repeating a lot.

Dizzyr~Don't leave!! I just got here. Finding something to register for and get excited about will make all the difference. Didn't you say your daughter wanted to run too? Maybe there's something shed like to sign up for?

Waiting2goback~ that is awesome that your coworkers are looking to you for advice! That means everything you've been. Doing, all the hard work inspired someone else! Also, what can you tell me about getting a decent bike that's not super expensive? What do I need to know? How do you keep your butt from hurting? I have a million questions if I'm going to do this!!

I don't know what happened to my previous quote. That's weird.

I would sign up for the duathalon. Don't focus on the numbers for the distances. Focus on the fun you will have and how proud you will feel of yourself when you finish. The numbers seem hard right now because you haven't started training.

And it may sound like a lot but 10.6 miles on a bike really isn't bad. When my bike was working I would do 25 miles in 90 minutes. As for how to buy a bike, I would say don't get one at a big box store, like Target. I did and it didn't last me a full year. See if anyone is selling a nice, used bike on craigslist. Or, try a bike store and try and buy last year's models now before they put the new ones out. To keep my butt from hurting I take the factory seat off and put on a big padded seat. Your butt will hurt for a day or two but after you get used to it it won't bother you.

I plan to do a triathalon one day. I love riding my bike. :moped:


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