Is this realistic?

I will work on being a "real" runner as soon as I can either get outside or on my stinking treadmill. Erf. And as far as your coworker being off, can only 1 person be off at a time? If that is the case, I agree with Chiomaca. That is ridiculous. I can understand seniority. I have worked in union shops and everything is about seniority. However, this is ridiculous. How does someone get that much vacation time anyway?

No, there can be more than one person off per day but he took all long weekends. So, less people can be off over the weekend as those are the busiest days. It isn't a seniority thing. He got mad one day because he asks for Wednesday nights off and my manager put him on 2 Wednesdays in a row. So, he went and requested all his days off for the whole year. He has been with the company 12 years so he has lots of vacation time. Then the other people who have been there a while went and took their time off. I don't know the dates of my races so I couldn't have taken them off even if I knew it was a first come first serve deal.

Ok, well weigh in is today. Down 0.8 lbs and I ate everything in sight this weekend. :confused3 Oh well I will definitely take it. Here's to starting strong this week and staying on track!

I forgot to post something yesterday. So, I have this drawer of clothes that are just too small. So I put them away thinking that *someday* I would get into them. Most of them are brand new with tags that I didn't try on when I bought them and I suck at returning things. Anyway, when I was doing laundry this weekend I was transitioning out clothes that are too big and I went to put them in that same drawer. So I decided to try on the stuff in there just for the heck of it and it fit!!! :banana::banana: I was pretty surprised actually but it made me feel like I am accomplishing something. :lovestruc

Happy Monday!

The fact that those SMALL clothes now fit shows you are doing something right. Even with the "lack of motivation" you have had you are doing something right. The scale doesn't matter as much as the smaller clothes fitting. Just try to improve the eating, keep doing the Zumba, and by the time spring hits you will get out and do the running and the pounds will melt away. Your body is showing it is ready for this lifestyle change. That's awesome.

No workout today. Lots of snowblowing and shoveling. I also did some stuff around the house in between snowblowing. But, I am planning on getting up early and also going to the gym after work tomorrow. They are saying my area got about 30" of snow. And now it is back in the single digits temp wise.
But, I will just keep moving forward. I need to get out of this funk I am in and get back to my regular exercise. It is hard to do with this weather. I know its an excuse but its brutal out there. I am in the 24"+ area with the estimates being as much as 3 feet with 50-60 mile per hour winds. I somehow have to get up and snowblow so I can try to get to work only to come home and snowblow again.

Should they cancel work, due to a state of emergency, and I am home with power in the house I will try to get in a workout. I have been feeling achy and stuffy all day. Its all so frustrating.

Are you sure you didn't injure your shoulder? The pain all the way down the bicep is concerning. Make sure you fully heal before you do anymore circus workouts so you don't do any permanent damage. Stick to your running for now.

Looks to me like you guys are getting hammered. Saw pics of my cousin's area in Gloucester and the snow is up to her waist. I can't imagine that you had to go to work in that with the travel bans.

The starting point with my shoulder is a torn labrum, called a SLAP tear - top to bottom, front to back. About 30% of mine is torn, starting at the bicep attachment point. The MRI is apparently quite impressive. I ache pretty much all the time. I have seen a doctor, who has offered to refer me to a surgeon but was pleased when I told her I'd rather wait and see if I can build back to where I was first. I'm giving it another month to see if there's improvement. Sadly, that does mean no circus. I will work with my Scholars and do what the PT thinks is prudent. The larger issue is that most of their diagnostics don't work on me - I'm too strong and too flexible. So it's all about trial and error.

Well the snow is here in my area. It's that really fine stuff that is slippery. We won't get much compared to Waiting2goback, but I guess I will see when I get up in the morning. I came home from Zumba tonight and slid past my driveway. I have a Chrysler Aspen which is a huge all wheel drive SUV and tonight was the first time it has ever slid on the road. I've even tried to make it slide when I was in a parking lot screwing around. Tonight, just driving straight and scared the crap out of me!

I did get my Zumba in tonight. I wasn't going to let the snow get in my way. I think I am ready to get my head back in the game now. I pushed a lot harder at Zumba tonight and it felt good. I am fully expecting a gain tomorrow on the scale because my eating has been so horrible. But I think I found my motivation. So here we go!

Ok, well weigh in is today. Down 0.8 lbs and I ate everything in sight this weekend. Oh well I will definitely take it. Here's to starting strong this week and staying on track!

I forgot to post something yesterday. So, I have this drawer of clothes that are just too small. So I put them away thinking that *someday* I would get into them. Most of them are brand new with tags that I didn't try on when I bought them and I suck at returning things. Anyway, when I was doing laundry this weekend I was transitioning out clothes that are too big and I went to put them in that same drawer. So I decided to try on the stuff in there just for the heck of it and it fit!!! I was pretty surprised actually but it made me feel like I am accomplishing something.

Glad you made it to Zumba and that you're pushing harder. It's always what you make of it.

Congrats on the weight loss, however slight, and even more so on fitting into those clothes! Nothing like positive feedback to keep you motivated :cheer2:
The fact that those SMALL clothes now fit shows you are doing something right. Even with the "lack of motivation" you have had you are doing something right. The scale doesn't matter as much as the smaller clothes fitting. Just try to improve the eating, keep doing the Zumba, and by the time spring hits you will get out and do the running and the pounds will melt away. Your body is showing it is ready for this lifestyle change. That's awesome.

No workout today. Lots of snowblowing and shoveling. I also did some stuff around the house in between snowblowing. But, I am planning on getting up early and also going to the gym after work tomorrow. They are saying my area got about 30" of snow. And now it is back in the single digits temp wise.

During the lack of motivation I was trying to hold onto what I had accomplished without backsliding. I survived but it was pretty tough there for a bit.

I would say that snow blowing and shoveling counts as a workout! May not be the one you wanted but better than nothing.

The starting point with my shoulder is a torn labrum, called a SLAP tear - top to bottom, front to back. About 30% of mine is torn, starting at the bicep attachment point. The MRI is apparently quite impressive. I ache pretty much all the time. I have seen a doctor, who has offered to refer me to a surgeon but was pleased when I told her I'd rather wait and see if I can build back to where I was first. I'm giving it another month to see if there's improvement. Sadly, that does mean no circus. I will work with my Scholars and do what the PT thinks is prudent. The larger issue is that most of their diagnostics don't work on me - I'm too strong and too flexible. So it's all about trial and error.

I would have chosen to wait on the surgery too. Shoulder surgery recovery sucks. I hope that it gets better as you rest it.

The last couple of days my quads have been pretty sore but I attributed it to all the squats we are doing in Zumba now. Well tonight my left leg was fine, but my right feels really tight and burns. I still went to Zumba and did what I could. I just hope I didn't over do it with the squats. We do a bunch of squats then move up to a side kick, back down, up and kick to the other side. I normally really like doing them but it was a little rough tonight. I tried to stretch and massage it out, but it did not seem to help. Despite my size, I am pretty flexible and I wonder if I need to stretch more after class. The cool down really does not do anything for me except lower my heart rate. :confused3

Also I found out today that my company's annual gala is the night before the Color Run. :sad1: That is so going to stink. I will try to make it an early night but work place politics being what they are, I'm not sure how early I can skip out. I'm still going to go though.
Snow blowing, shoveling, and moving wood pellets are all workouts! I think the cross-fitters would say those are functional movements.

Stay Cool, do you have a foam roller or a stick? I think after the workout and cool down, you should give your quads a good roll out. I do that with my glutes and quads after long runs and find it helps a lot.

When if your Color Run? Those are so much fun, though I admit I prefer to go out with my camera rather than run it. I still don't like running 5k or less. Tomorrow starts Cherry Blossom training - 6 miles in the cold. Not your cold, but DC cold. After underestimating the FL cold, I'm not doing comparisons any more.

Waiting2goback - Hope you're dug out and doing okay. And not hit to hard over the weekend.

Dizzy, where are you?
Snow blowing, shoveling, and moving wood pellets are all workouts! I think the cross-fitters would say those are functional movements.

Stay Cool, do you have a foam roller or a stick? I think after the workout and cool down, you should give your quads a good roll out. I do that with my glutes and quads after long runs and find it helps a lot.

When if your Color Run? Those are so much fun, though I admit I prefer to go out with my camera rather than run it. I still don't like running 5k or less. Tomorrow starts Cherry Blossom training - 6 miles in the cold. Not your cold, but DC cold. After underestimating the FL cold, I'm not doing comparisons any more.

We will be getting another ton of pellets today (hopefully the last we will need until next winter!) so that is my planned activity for the day. :goodvibes

I do not have a foam roller or stick. I've never used one and have no idea what to look for. When I was running last year I would come home and do some static stretches and it seemed to help reduce the soreness. I haven't been doing that after zumba and their cool down does not completely meet my needs because I am more flexible than most of the ladies there. By the time I get home, I just want food and a shower.

The Color Run is on April 26th. Last year it was pretty cold and I never really warmed up. I plan on wearing more layers this year. I think I am going to stick with the 5k distance until I feel like I have "mastered" it. Meaning, less walking and more running. ;) There is a 5 mile loop near my house though so I am sure I will use that as well.

Chiomaca, I hope your shoulder is starting to recover. And good luck on your training for the Cherry Blossom. :) I hear you on the cold. They are calling for more single digit temps with negative windchills for the next few days. :sad2: Makes me just want to hole up inside!

Does anyone have any knowledge about boot camps? There is going to be a local one on Sunday mornings about 5 minutes from my house. I am thinking that it would be a good cross training option for me. :confused3 Plus I think I need someone to push me because otherwise I get kind of stuck. I don't know how else to explain it. I just don't always know when to push myself and when not to. Then I don't progress like I want to.

Lately I have been craving carbs like no one's business and not the sugary kind like usual. :confused3 I think my body is trying to tell me something. I am trying to listen to what it is saying a little more.

Waiting2goback and Dizzy, how are you guys? Hope all is well. :hug:
This morning it was 19 degrees without the wind chill. I refuse to consider what it was like with the wind, but much cooler I suspect. We did a little over four miles, which was kind of a compromise. I had planned to do 6, which was the top end of the mileage in the plan and my friend wanted to do 2, because she's not as much of a runner. We split it down the middle at 4 and did 4:1 intervals, so she went further than she thought she could. I didn't actually tell her how far we were going, I told her I'd turn us around when it was time so she followed me. I find that helps sometimes. I was really glad to get back into my car! Hopefully in the coming weeks we find someone with a pace similar to hers so I can work on my own speed.

I'd look for a foam roller if your gym doesn't have one. I started with a simple one and have moved up to one that's gridded to give some more muscle manipulation. You can find them at any sporting goods store and a lot of time at Ross or Marshall's. You can You Tube how to roll out your specific spot, but my my hip. I lay on that side with as much weight as I can put on it and roll back and forth, stopping to keep the pressure one sore spots. It really does help especially with quads. (It looks funny, but it helps!)

I don't know anything about boot camps other than that I have friends who do them and are happy. I say, give it a try. If you don't like it then you've learned that lesson and won't have to wonder any more. I like the external push myself, which is why I joined a running group that you pay for - I am committed to a race and a group.

Your body needs carbs for energy, so eat them, just don't eat more than you exercise.
I am here. I wrote a long post on Friday night and it wouldn't let me even hit enter to post it. Last time I hit enter and it said it posted but did not. But, now they changed the software and hopefully we won't have anymore issues like that.

I have been struggling big time. But, I forced myself to get up and go to the gym before work this morning. I didn't even put on my heart rate monitor or anything. I just went, I did a 5k on the treadmill. It felt good to get back at it and my mood was MUCH better today. It was 3' outside when I left for the gym which was tough but I powered through. We are getting up to another foot of snow tomorrow so work will be dead, I am hoping to do a bit more reading of my new book that will hopefully be my key to qualifying for Boston.

I am hoping to be back into the groove but I need a favor. If you guys see me struggling in the future just do me a favor and remind me that my wife called me a fat, lazy slob that would never amount to anything more than being a janitor. Just keep posting it over and over as a reminder. Hopefully I have found my motivation and won't need it but just in case. I can't let her be right, ever again.

As for the foam roller, I say absolutely get one. I have 2. They both work different things. I had one of the actual foam rollers but those get all out of shape and the inside and outside pieces separated so it became useless. I have a rumble roller and another one that I can't think of the name of. But, get one with a piece of PVC in the middle. It holds up better. Its a bit more money but well worth it. I got them at Dicks Sporting Goods.

OK, off to finish watching the Superbowl.
We split it down the middle at 4 and did 4:1 intervals, so she went further than she thought she could. I didn't actually tell her how far we were going, I told her I'd turn us around when it was time so she followed me. I find that helps sometimes. I was really glad to get back into my car! Hopefully in the coming weeks we find someone with a pace similar to hers so I can work on my own speed.

I'd look for a foam roller if your gym doesn't have one. I started with a simple one and have moved up to one that's gridded to give some more muscle manipulation. You can find them at any sporting goods store and a lot of time at Ross or Marshall's. You can You Tube how to roll out your specific spot, but my my hip. I lay on that side with as much weight as I can put on it and roll back and forth, stopping to keep the pressure one sore spots. It really does help especially with quads. (It looks funny, but it helps!)

I don't know anything about boot camps other than that I have friends who do them and are happy. I say, give it a try. If you don't like it then you've learned that lesson and won't have to wonder any more. I like the external push myself, which is why I joined a running group that you pay for - I am committed to a race and a group.

Your body needs carbs for energy, so eat them, just don't eat more than you exercise.

That is awesome that you are helping your friend out. Good luck on finding someone to match her pace. I get all weirded out when I am trying to run with someone. I get paranoid that I can't keep up and even though the reality of it is that the pace is no different, it messes with my breathing. For me, my breathing is very important because I do have asthma and the mental aspect of it is just as important as the physical impact. I always start out slow and work my way up which gives my body time to adjust to the work.

I don't actually go to a gym for any of this. My zumba classes are either in a local dance studio or a town hall type building. The boot camp is at the dance studio and they are going to add yoga classes soon. That makes me kind of excited because I have wanted to try yoga and this will hopefully make it realistic. I will look into getting a roller though. Looking back, there were definitely times after my long runs last summer that I could have used it. I didn't go to boot camp yesterday (getting ready for the Super Bowl was too easy of an excuse, erf) but am trying to convince my husband to come along next weekend. He's thinking about it. lol Yes I will go without him, but I would like to include him if possible. I'm still searching for something that we can do together.

have been struggling big time. But, I forced myself to get up and go to the gym before work this morning. I didn't even put on my heart rate monitor or anything. I just went, I did a 5k on the treadmill. It felt good to get back at it and my mood was MUCH better today. It was 3' outside when I left for the gym which was tough but I powered through. We are getting up to another foot of snow tomorrow so work will be dead, I am hoping to do a bit more reading of my new book that will hopefully be my key to qualifying for Boston.

I am hoping to be back into the groove but I need a favor. If you guys see me struggling in the future just do me a favor and remind me that my wife called me a fat, lazy slob that would never amount to anything more than being a janitor. Just keep posting it over and over as a reminder. Hopefully I have found my motivation and won't need it but just in case. I can't let her be right, ever again.

As for the foam roller, I say absolutely get one. I have 2. They both work different things. I had one of the actual foam rollers but those get all out of shape and the inside and outside pieces separated so it became useless. I have a rumble roller and another one that I can't think of the name of. But, get one with a piece of PVC in the middle. It holds up better. Its a bit more money but well worth it. I got them at Dicks Sporting Goods.

Good for you for getting out to the gym. Maybe it is time to make it more fun again, like leaving the heart rate monitor off. Honestly I can't say that I will use your wife's words to torture you. You have had enough of that. But I will continue to give you positive reminders of how far you have come and all that you have done in the last week. And you have done something amazing, something that most people will never do. Do you use mantras? Sometimes I will repeat something to myself over and over. For me, the last 2 months it was - Just maintain. Don't lose what you have accomplished. It is ok to maintain temporarily. That is how I got through my lack of motivation. I still think that once spring gets here it will be easier to be motivated. Our moods will improve when the sun returns. :)

Well so far we have gotten about 12 inches of snow since yesterday. I decided that I wasn't going to work in this and they are asking everyone to stay off the roads if possible. I will probably get out there and do some shoveling at some point. They are saying that the snow will stop this afternoon so I am really hoping that the roads are cleared enough to still have Zumba tonight. I need it after the Super Bowl food last night! I did not eat nearly what I would have in the past, however I am sure it was more than it should have been. 3 chicken wings, guac and chips, a bunch of fruit and a piece of cake. Oh and a piece of homemade pizza. I haven't made the adjustment from how I used to eat to how I eat now. We had way too much food. So now it is all in the frig. Looks like leftovers for the rest of the week. lol

Well I need to get a new pair of running shoes (which my husband completely does NOT understand lol) and I will get a foam roller. My shoes I used last year are ok to walk in, but any type of activity really kills my feet. I hope to get some winter running gear at some point so that I do not have to run inside all of NEXT winter. I am tentatively thinking that I will make a goal of maintaining in the winters (since that is when I struggle) and work toward my goals the other 9 months...

The new format of the boards is going to take some getting used to. Did I mention I don't like change? lol
StayCool- I don't think my wife's words will torture me but no problem if you don't want to use them. It was an odd request. I just need that reminder to fuel me and I can't post it around the house because the kids will see it. But, I will be fine. I took the days off I will need for my marathon today at work. I can't register for the race until 3/1 but the dates were announced so I took them off. I also talked to my boss today. We had an issue last week, I think I mentioned it. I emailed him about it today and he apologized. I also told him the fact that I won't be able to run my races this year is dragging me down. I said I am not asking for any days off or weekends off like everyone else is because I want to be able to have them off during the summer to run my races. He said he will do everything he can to give me my days off for me races.

I got another foot or so of snow today. I had to snowblow/shovel this morning to go to work. Then the roads were so bad we closed early and I had to snowblow again tonight. So no workout for me, although I am already sore from the shoveling. (A rock jammed up my snowblower so I had to shovel 1/2 the driveway this morning). Kids are off from school tomorrow. This ruins my plans to go to the gym during the day tomorrow. Hopefully I can go at night.

As far as what you said about maintaining, I am doing that. I am not thrilled with it but I am happy I am not gaining weight. I just know I set some huge goals for myself and just 3 months later I am failing miserably. I hate that. I think next year instead of joining the gym I will buy a nice treadmill for my house. Instead of buying the bike I will get a treadmill possibly. This is assuming I will be able to fit it where I am living, if I ever can afford to move from here.

OK, I am off to work toward one of my goals and do some CFA studying.

Dizzy, where are you? Did you quit on us?
I'm back and all caught up on the posts. January is a super busy month for me because in addition to my full time job I take on 3 extra sets of accounting books and Jan 31 is the filing deadline for GST (Canadian sales tax) and Jan 15 is the deadline for filing any last payroll taxes for the year. In addition to that I volunteered to host the January activity thread on here which was a bad idea because every time I came on the boards I would update everyone's totals and then wouldn't have time to post anything else. I had hosted it in December too and it wasn't so bad but I wasn't as busy and after awhile you kind of get tired of it. I know better now - never do two months in a row!

I wasn't very active in January which was bugging me but this morning I walked 5K and tonight I did a super killer aquafit class and my legs are sooooo sore right now. I will be at another one tomorrow morning so I finally feel like I've got my mojo back.

I will be back more regularly now :)
StayCool- I don't think my wife's words will torture me but no problem if you don't want to use them. It was an odd request. I just need that reminder to fuel me and I can't post it around the house because the kids will see it. But, I will be fine. I took the days off I will need for my marathon today at work. I can't register for the race until 3/1 but the dates were announced so I took them off. I also talked to my boss today. We had an issue last week, I think I mentioned it. I emailed him about it today and he apologized. I also told him the fact that I won't be able to run my races this year is dragging me down. I said I am not asking for any days off or weekends off like everyone else is because I want to be able to have them off during the summer to run my races. He said he will do everything he can to give me my days off for me races.

I got another foot or so of snow today. I had to snowblow/shovel this morning to go to work. Then the roads were so bad we closed early and I had to snowblow again tonight. So no workout for me, although I am already sore from the shoveling. (A rock jammed up my snowblower so I had to shovel 1/2 the driveway this morning). Kids are off from school tomorrow. This ruins my plans to go to the gym during the day tomorrow. Hopefully I can go at night.

As far as what you said about maintaining, I am doing that. I am not thrilled with it but I am happy I am not gaining weight. I just know I set some huge goals for myself and just 3 months later I am failing miserably. I hate that. I think next year instead of joining the gym I will buy a nice treadmill for my house. Instead of buying the bike I will get a treadmill possibly. This is assuming I will be able to fit it where I am living, if I ever can afford to move from here.

I don't think your request is odd. And I understand your feelings. I would rather that you focus on a positive instead of a negative for motivation. You will not always feel this way about your wife and I kind of feel like using her as your "mantra" so to speak, just keeps all that to the front of your mind. All the feelings you post about your home situation definitely strike a chord with me and makes me remember a low point in MY life. I guess I am responding to you the way I wish someone had responded to me. Someone to tell me that everything will be ok and only time is going to heal it. Ok, off my soap box.

Glad that you spoke with your boss and he is going to work with you. That will help you refocus now that you know you will be able to do the races.

I know that maintenance is not what you were hoping for, but you have made PERMANENT changes. They have stuck. That is awesome! I do not think you are failing. Remember, you were on the couch for years and one year is not going to undo all that. And you have lasted 1 full year at this and did not give up. That shows determination and focus. Adjust your goals and keep moving! You've got this. :)

I'm back and all caught up on the posts. January is a super busy month for me because in addition to my full time job I take on 3 extra sets of accounting books and Jan 31 is the filing deadline for GST (Canadian sales tax) and Jan 15 is the deadline for filing any last payroll taxes for the year. In addition to that I volunteered to host the January activity thread on here which was a bad idea because every time I came on the boards I would update everyone's totals and then wouldn't have time to post anything else. I had hosted it in December too and it wasn't so bad but I wasn't as busy and after awhile you kind of get tired of it. I know better now - never do two months in a row!

I wasn't very active in January which was bugging me but this morning I walked 5K and tonight I did a super killer aquafit class and my legs are sooooo sore right now. I will be at another one tomorrow morning so I finally feel like I've got my mojo back.

I will be back more regularly now :)

I imagine that taking on that group in January would be the hardest month just because that is when everyone is trying to get started. :) Glad to have you back!
Ok, today is weigh in day. Down 1.4 lbs for a total of 19 lbs. In 2 more weeks it will be a year that I have actively trying to be fit and lose weight. 20 lbs in 1 year is definitely not where I thought I would be. However, I did not give up and have stuck with it so I will just have to be ok with that. I need to take some of my own advice and be happy that I stuck with it and didn't give up like I have too many times in the past.

I did get out and shovel for an hour last night. We have a snowblower and my husband was out there with that while I did pathways, the back deck and freed up the garbage cans. My arms are definitely feeling it. I am really glad I did because they did end up cancelling Zumba due to temperatures. Blah. My husband could not understand why I would shovel when he could snowblow the whole thing except the deck. Smh.
That is awesome that you are helping your friend out. Good luck on finding someone to match her pace. I get all weirded out when I am trying to run with someone. I get paranoid that I can't keep up and even though the reality of it is that the pace is no different, it messes with my breathing. For me, my breathing is very important because I do have asthma and the mental aspect of it is just as important as the physical impact. I always start out slow and work my way up which gives my body time to adjust to the work.

I don't actually go to a gym for any of this. My zumba classes are either in a local dance studio or a town hall type building. The boot camp is at the dance studio and they are going to add yoga classes soon. That makes me kind of excited because I have wanted to try yoga and this will hopefully make it realistic. I will look into getting a roller though. Looking back, there were definitely times after my long runs last summer that I could have used it. I didn't go to boot camp yesterday (getting ready for the Super Bowl was too easy of an excuse, erf) but am trying to convince my husband to come along next weekend. He's thinking about it. lol Yes I will go without him, but I would like to include him if possible. I'm still searching for something that we can do together.
Okay, I'm trying to get used to the new format but it's weird. I'll get used to it, I guess.

Stay Cool - the nice thing about my circus friends is that we're so used to open and critical communication that she can tell me that I'm running too fast for her and it doesn't bother either of us - we just some cases I slow down, in some I leave her and meet her at the end. This time we settled on intervals and while I got ahead of her in the running intervals, she ran until she caught up to me for the walks. I try to be really aware of the unspoken pressure when I'm running with people slower than me, because I feel it myself when I'm with faster runners. I start slow too, at least for the first mile until I'm warm.

I hope you guys get into the boot camp thing, though I imagine that's just as hard as Paleo is :)

OK, off to finish watching the Superbowl.
I assume you enjoyed the last quarter in particular. I wasn't invested in the outcome but had plenty of friends who are rabid fans on both sides. I was just glad we got a good game.

As far as motivating you, if you're really stuck in a negative spiral I might remind you that there's a reason you started making changes in your life and that the one person who should have been most supportive wasn't - but I agree with Stay Cool that you need to find a positive motivator. You've come a long way in a year and when you back slide, you recognize it and fight - that's more than a lot of other people do out there. All those people who said you couldn't - you've already proved them wrong. Now you just have to keep sticking your finger in their eyes. I like the idea of a mantra. I use one when I'm running and I hurt and want to give up - Pain is inevitible, suffering is optional. Reminds me that I'm the one responsible for my feelings and decisions.

I'm glad you worked things out with your boss and that he seems to be supportive of your running. Which marathon did you register for? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do Marine Corps again and/or go for the NYC or Chicago lotteries. Or if I just want to focus on speed and the half since I've run a marathon already this year.

How is the CFA studying going? When will you take your first test? One of the young men who used to work for me is on his way out of the Navy and is talking about that program as well.

In addition to that I volunteered to host the January activity thread on here which was a bad idea because every time I came on the boards I would update everyone's totals and then wouldn't have time to post anything else. I had hosted it in December too and it wasn't so bad but I wasn't as busy and after awhile you kind of get tired of it. I know better now - never do two months in a row!
Dizzy - you got all the New Years Resolution people - eeek. No wonder you were so busy!

Sounds like you're all starting to track in the right direction again - and snow shoveling/blowing is totally a full body workout. I wish we had some of your snow. It stinks that we're below freezing so often and only one real day of snow to show for it. Last year the biggest snow storm we had was the 3rd week of Feb, so I'm holding out hope. Didn't manage a run yesterday, so got in 3 miles this afternoon and a core workout. I did three 30 second planks and am sort of regretting it. Looks like I'll have to back down on the time...but the PT did say I should do some plank in addition to my regular PT, so I wasn't going against orders (not that that would stop me if I were determined.)
I'm back and all caught up on the posts. January is a super busy month for me because in addition to my full time job I take on 3 extra sets of accounting books and Jan 31 is the filing deadline for GST (Canadian sales tax) and Jan 15 is the deadline for filing any last payroll taxes for the year. In addition to that I volunteered to host the January activity thread on here which was a bad idea because every time I came on the boards I would update everyone's totals and then wouldn't have time to post anything else. I had hosted it in December too and it wasn't so bad but I wasn't as busy and after awhile you kind of get tired of it. I know better now - never do two months in a row!

I wasn't very active in January which was bugging me but this morning I walked 5K and tonight I did a super killer aquafit class and my legs are sooooo sore right now. I will be at another one tomorrow morning so I finally feel like I've got my mojo back.

I will be back more regularly now :)

I am glad you are back. Spring is just around the corner. Let us all recommit and get ourselves consistently moving in the right direction.

I don't think your request is odd. And I understand your feelings. I would rather that you focus on a positive instead of a negative for motivation. You will not always feel this way about your wife and I kind of feel like using her as your "mantra" so to speak, just keeps all that to the front of your mind. All the feelings you post about your home situation definitely strike a chord with me and makes me remember a low point in MY life. I guess I am responding to you the way I wish someone had responded to me. Someone to tell me that everything will be ok and only time is going to heal it. Ok, off my soap box.

Glad that you spoke with your boss and he is going to work with you. That will help you refocus now that you know you will be able to do the races.

I know that maintenance is not what you were hoping for, but you have made PERMANENT changes. They have stuck. That is awesome! I do not think you are failing. Remember, you were on the couch for years and one year is not going to undo all that. And you have lasted 1 full year at this and did not give up. That shows determination and focus. Adjust your goals and keep moving! You've got this. :)

I hear you loud and clear. And I see your point. I appreciate what you are trying to say. I recognize that I have made positive changes. I know I am now healthy. I am sticking to my healthy eating, for the most part. A couple chips here and there but I am really sticking to it.

I have not told you 1/2 of the stuff about my life so it would be hard for you to understand. But, here is a quick snapshot. My mother once told me I would never graduate from college so I shouldn't even bother applying. I wanted more from my life so I applied on my own. When I got accepted to a school I remember being so excited I went to my aunt and uncle's (they were there for a cookout) and told them. She told me I was crazy for even trying.

Fast forward a few years. I graduated from college, with virtually no support from my parents. I made honor roll one semester and when I showed my mother my grades she said, "That's nice but what about that C?" Anyway, after graduation I got married (May of 1998) and just 5 months later my parents sued me for roughly $30K. This was the amount of money they had agreed to pay for my college. Obviously there is a lot more to the story but that could take days to write. Needless to say, they aren't nice people. I haven't talked to them in over 16 years. My whole point was, it was because of my mother telling me I couldn't do it that kept me going. Hearing my wife say I was a fat lazy slob and I would never amount of anything helped keep me going during my marathon. Back when I was a couch potatoe I always said, "I will run the Boston Marathon one day." She laughed at me. Of course I didn't know you needed to qualify. And I am proud I ran any marathon. But, I will run Boston one day. And I am no longer a fat, lazy, slob.

The irony is, I am seeing now that my wife is JUST LIKE MY MOTHER. So, I have spent my whole life, in one form or another, with a woman who was very controlling and negative. I can NEVER let either of them be right. I am way better than what I have shown to them over all of these years.

At this point next year I want to be able to say that I passed my first CFA test and I qualified for Boston (although that may be the harder of the two). I want to look at my stomach and see muscle, not fat, for the first time in 20 years. Not because other people will think I look better (although that can't hurt either) but because I know I deserve it finally. And I know I am capable of it too. This is why I put so much pressure on myself.

Ok, today is weigh in day. Down 1.4 lbs for a total of 19 lbs. In 2 more weeks it will be a year that I have actively trying to be fit and lose weight. 20 lbs in 1 year is definitely not where I thought I would be. However, I did not give up and have stuck with it so I will just have to be ok with that. I need to take some of my own advice and be happy that I stuck with it and didn't give up like I have too many times in the past.

I did get out and shovel for an hour last night. We have a snowblower and my husband was out there with that while I did pathways, the back deck and freed up the garbage cans. My arms are definitely feeling it. I am really glad I did because they did end up cancelling Zumba due to temperatures. Blah. My husband could not understand why I would shovel when he could snowblow the whole thing except the deck. Smh.

StayCool- you are 100% correct in the advice you gave me. We should both be proud that we have stuck with it for this long. Does it stink we aren't where we wanted to be by now, sure. But, does it feel good knowing we made a goal for ourselves at this time last year (ToT) and that we went and both finished. I know it does for me. Sometimes I realize what I accomplished last year. I mean last February I was scared to death to sign up for ToT. But, I did and with no running knowledge whatsoever I did a marathon too, in just 7 months of running. Now it's time to kick it up a notch and see what I am actually capable of doing.

I know for a fact this weather is killing me. If it's not 2' of snow it's 3' outside. I mean it is dragging me down. So I don't blame you for skipping Zumba. But we need to fight through it.

Okay, I'm trying to get used to the new format but it's weird. I'll get used to it, I guess.

I assume you enjoyed the last quarter in particular. I wasn't invested in the outcome but had plenty of friends who are rabid fans on both sides. I was just glad we got a good game.

As far as motivating you, if you're really stuck in a negative spiral I might remind you that there's a reason you started making changes in your life and that the one person who should have been most supportive wasn't - but I agree with Stay Cool that you need to find a positive motivator. You've come a long way in a year and when you back slide, you recognize it and fight - that's more than a lot of other people do out there. All those people who said you couldn't - you've already proved them wrong. Now you just have to keep sticking your finger in their eyes. I like the idea of a mantra. I use one when I'm running and I hurt and want to give up - Pain is inevitible, suffering is optional. Reminds me that I'm the one responsible for my feelings and decisions.

I'm glad you worked things out with your boss and that he seems to be supportive of your running. Which marathon did you register for? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do Marine Corps again and/or go for the NYC or Chicago lotteries. Or if I just want to focus on speed and the half since I've run a marathon already this year.

How is the CFA studying going? When will you take your first test? One of the young men who used to work for me is on his way out of the Navy and is talking about that program as well.

Dizzy - you got all the New Years Resolution people - eeek. No wonder you were so busy!

Sounds like you're all starting to track in the right direction again - and snow shoveling/blowing is totally a full body workout. I wish we had some of your snow. It stinks that we're below freezing so often and only one real day of snow to show for it. Last year the biggest snow storm we had was the 3rd week of Feb, so I'm holding out hope. Didn't manage a run yesterday, so got in 3 miles this afternoon and a core workout. I did three 30 second planks and am sort of regretting it. Looks like I'll have to back down on the time...but the PT did say I should do some plank in addition to my regular PT, so I wasn't going against orders (not that that would stop me if I were determined.)

I am not loving this new format either. I am not getting emails when you guys respond like I had set up before. I need to figure that out.

You know what my positive motivator was last year? Tower of Terror. I wish I could sign up for another Disney race. But, I will be doing the Baystate Marathon again. Haven't officially registered yet, it doesn't open until 3/1. But, I ran it last year to gain the experience of running that course, knowing this would be the year I go all out to qualify. I know what to expect this year. I am hoping my new book 80/20 Running will be the key to success. It says running slower during training helps you run the races faster. It has science to back it up.

I would love to run the Marine Corp Marathon. That's in October too, isn't it?

Yeah, the last quarter of the game was exciting for sure. I am glad it was a good game. Blowouts are boring.

I have many mantras. One of them is , "Successful people do the things unsuccessful people don't want to do." Or, "If you continue to do the same things you have always done you will get the same results you have always gotten."

CFA studying is HARD. I am behind schedule because there was one week there that I was so bummed I didn't exercise or study. But, I am back at it and making progress. The test is in December so I have time.

I know this may sound weird coming from the crazy guy on the internet but one day I hope to get to meet all of you, at a Disney race perhaps, and give you all a hug and thank you for all the support.
Hi everyone!

May I join you? I have been reading this thread since last August when I started running myself and if it's ok I'd like to come out of hiding:) The reason for that is I want to thank you. You gave me motivation, you all had signed up for the ToT and I was only signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot!! You continue to give each other support and encouragement and sometimes a little push. I was so proud of StayCool and Waiting2goback when they finished the ToT!! Oh, I finished the Turkey trot but I didn't have an impressive time, a 14:29 mile pace, but I went out there and I did it.

The exciting part, to me, is that your all still doing it and I'm still doing it. I'm going to do another 5K in April and I'm going to do Lozilu with friends in August. Running, mud and an obstacle course! When did that sound like it'd be fun to do? Crazy!

If you don't want another person posting, I realize you are a tight group, I appreciate all you've done for me already just by sharing your triumphs and challenges.

Okay, I'm trying to get used to the new format but it's weird. I'll get used to it, I guess.

Stay Cool - the nice thing about my circus friends is that we're so used to open and critical communication that she can tell me that I'm running too fast for her and it doesn't bother either of us. I hope you guys get into the boot camp thing, though I imagine that's just as hard as Paleo is :)

I assume you enjoyed the last quarter in particular. I wasn't invested in the outcome but had plenty of friends who are rabid fans on both sides. I was just glad we got a good game.

I did three 30 second planks and am sort of regretting it. Looks like I'll have to back down on the time...but the PT did say I should do some plank in addition to my regular PT, so I wasn't going against orders (not that that would stop me if I were determined.)

That is good. I usually just tell people to go ahead and I will get done when I get done. Then I don't feel like I am holding anyone back and I can focus on me. I did stick with the group for the mud run and that was fine but we were a diverse group of all fitness levels. I am hoping to go to the boot camp this weekend. My husband is thinking of going. Either way, I will at least check out one class.

I enjoyed the game mostly because it was so close. I didn't *really* care who won but I rooted for the Patriots because my husband wanted Seattle to win. lol The game was awesome simply because it was unpredictable. :)

I hope your shoulder is starting to feel better. I know you are determined, but no point in making it worse. ;) (I am the same way too though. lol)

I hear you loud and clear. And I see your point. I appreciate what you are trying to say. I recognize that I have made positive changes. I know I am now healthy. I am sticking to my healthy eating, for the most part. A couple chips here and there but I am really sticking to it.

The irony is, I am seeing now that my wife is JUST LIKE MY MOTHER. So, I have spent my whole life, in one form or another, with a woman who was very controlling and negative. I can NEVER let either of them be right. I am way better than what I have shown to them over all of these years.

At this point next year I want to be able to say that I passed my first CFA test and I qualified for Boston (although that may be the harder of the two). I want to look at my stomach and see muscle, not fat, for the first time in 20 years. Not because other people will think I look better (although that can't hurt either) but because I know I deserve it finally. And I know I am capable of it too. This is why I put so much pressure on myself.

You know what my positive motivator was last year? Tower of Terror. I wish I could sign up for another Disney race. But, I will be doing the Baystate Marathon again. Haven't officially registered yet, it doesn't open until 3/1. But, I ran it last year to gain the experience of running that course, knowing this would be the year I go all out to qualify. I know what to expect this year. I am hoping my new book 80/20 Running will be the key to success. It says running slower during training helps you run the races faster. It has science to back it up.

You have made positive changes. You are a good person and you are worth it. :) For what it is worth, our stories are eerily similar. I married a male version of my mother as well. It took me a long time to see that. I began to turn into a person that I didn't like. Leaving was the best decision in my life and has allowed me to grow in many ways that I couldn't before. I don't say that so you feel sympathy for me, but so that you know you aren't alone.

Those are great goals! You do deserve it and you can do it. It is ok to push yourself, but remember to forgive yourself as well. You will get there. :) I fully expect that you will continue to significantly improve your marathon time and have no doubt that you will pass that test.

Hi everyone!

May I join you? I have been reading this thread since last August when I started running myself and if it's ok I'd like to come out of hiding:) The reason for that is I want to thank you. You gave me motivation, you all had signed up for the ToT and I was only signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot!! You continue to give each other support and encouragement and sometimes a little push. I was so proud of StayCool and Waiting2goback when they finished the ToT!! Oh, I finished the Turkey trot but I didn't have an impressive time, a 14:29 mile pace, but I went out there and I did it.

The exciting part, to me, is that your all still doing it and I'm still doing it. I'm going to do another 5K in April and I'm going to do Lozilu with friends in August. Running, mud and an obstacle course! When did that sound like it'd be fun to do? Crazy!

If you don't want another person posting, I realize you are a tight group, I appreciate all you've done for me already just by sharing your triumphs and challenges.


Welcome!! Of course you can join us! Don't diminish your accomplishments. It is great that you even got out there and tried. Not to mention that your pace is way better than mine was! lol I have to say that I am really glad that I did the mud run last year. I proved to myself that I could do some things that I did not think I could do and I faced challenges that I have avoided for years.
I am feeling under the weather today. I have just not felt well all day and feel like either tomorrow or the next day I'm just going to be slammed. I'm seeing a ton of people with the flu and many of them did get the flu vaccine this year. I got mine as well but since it is not for the right strain, I am still at risk. Blah. So I am conserving my energy and skipping Zumba tonight. If I am wrong and I don't get sick I will just make up the work out this weekend. I hope I am wrong!
Hi everyone!

May I join you? I have been reading this thread since last August when I started running myself and if it's ok I'd like to come out of hiding:) The reason for that is I want to thank you. You gave me motivation, you all had signed up for the ToT and I was only signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot!! You continue to give each other support and encouragement and sometimes a little push. I was so proud of StayCool and Waiting2goback when they finished the ToT!! Oh, I finished the Turkey trot but I didn't have an impressive time, a 14:29 mile pace, but I went out there and I did it.

The exciting part, to me, is that your all still doing it and I'm still doing it. I'm going to do another 5K in April and I'm going to do Lozilu with friends in August. Running, mud and an obstacle course! When did that sound like it'd be fun to do? Crazy!

If you don't want another person posting, I realize you are a tight group, I appreciate all you've done for me already just by sharing your triumphs and challenges.


Darci, I certainly don't mind if you join. It is StayCool's thread and she seems fine with it. There is no such thing as ONLY a 5K. Just because we did the ToT doesn't make us better. The ONLY reason I did that race is because it was the shortest of the Disney races and I knew if I had to get in shape to go to Disney I would do the work. It just turned into so much more.

I am still trying to get my coworker to sign up for Wine and Dine and another one of our coworkers is considering it now. But, they both are reluctant because they think they can't do it. So, your 5K is WAY MORE than what they are currently doing. Its way more than what most of the country does, which is nothing.

What made you decide to finally post, if you don't mind me asking?

What are your goals for this year? Are you going to do more races than the one in April or you going longer distances?

You have made positive changes. You are a good person and you are worth it. :) For what it is worth, our stories are eerily similar. I married a male version of my mother as well. It took me a long time to see that. I began to turn into a person that I didn't like. Leaving was the best decision in my life and has allowed me to grow in many ways that I couldn't before. I don't say that so you feel sympathy for me, but so that you know you aren't alone.

Those are great goals! You do deserve it and you can do it. It is ok to push yourself, but remember to forgive yourself as well. You will get there. :) I fully expect that you will continue to significantly improve your marathon time and have no doubt that you will pass that test.

I don't think you said it for sympathy. And I know I am not alone. I also know that as miserable as my parents were/are, other people's parents were worse. I am at peace with my parent situation finally. It took many years.

Went to the gym after work today. I did just under 3 miles. I wasn't pushing myself to hard because of my new book, and because I am hoping to run tomorrow as I have the day off. Provided all the kids make it to school and I get a few hours to myself. I even went and scouted my usual neighborhood I run in to see how bad the roads are. If it is warm enough I will try to run outside. We are due to get another 12-18" of snow Sunday into Monday so if I can get outside for a run that would be great for sanity.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm excited to be here I haven't quite figured out the quoting yet so I'm going on memory.

Staycool~hope your feeling better! The flu is awful this year and the flu shot is just not effective this year. Feel better! Also, I saw earlier you were asking about boot camp. I have a couple of friends that do it and love it, but its tough.

Waitting2goback~I decided to post because I wanted some support. while in training for my 1st race and reading it was enough. I've continued to run and weight train but after 6 months I need....... more.

Besides the 5k I'm doing Lozilu. its a women's only mud run/obstacle course. I'm really looking forward to it as I'm doing it with friends:)

I'm looking into train for a 10k using the Galloway method. it looks VERY doable and I like the site. Have you read any of the books?

On another note. don't let your wife steal your joy. YOU are doing amazing things and she sees that and feels threatened because you've changed. Let that be your mantra and motivation!

How's the CFA studying coming? I have a degree in finance too, but haven't taken the test!

Accountability: I ran about 2 miles today. I run on an indoor track.
Darci, I certainly don't mind if you join. It is StayCool's thread and she seems fine with it. There is no such thing as ONLY a 5K. Just because we did the ToT doesn't make us better. The ONLY reason I did that race is because it was the shortest of the Disney races and I knew if I had to get in shape to go to Disney I would do the work. It just turned into so much more.

I am still trying to get my coworker to sign up for Wine and Dine and another one of our coworkers is considering it now. But, they both are reluctant because they think they can't do it. So, your 5K is WAY MORE than what they are currently doing. Its way more than what most of the country does, which is nothing.

Went to the gym after work today. I did just under 3 miles. I wasn't pushing myself to hard because of my new book, and because I am hoping to run tomorrow as I have the day off. Provided all the kids make it to school and I get a few hours to myself. I even went and scouted my usual neighborhood I run in to see how bad the roads are. If it is warm enough I will try to run outside. We are due to get another 12-18" of snow Sunday into Monday so if I can get outside for a run that would be great for sanity.

It's not my thread. :) It's here for anyone who needs it. It is funny because after a little while I felt like I was talking to myself so I was going to quit posting. Then I read another post referring someone to my "training thread". I hadn't thought of it like that but that is the only reason I kept going. I had learned so much from other people's threads that I thought I would try to pay it back. I am so glad that I did.

I hope you are able to convince them to run with you. It sounds like it would be so much fun. Hope you were able to get outside. With the windchill it is something like -25 here today. Blah. We have gotten snow every day all week and it looks like it is going to continue through all of next week. Cmon April!

Staycool~hope your feeling better! The flu is awful this year and the flu shot is just not effective this year. Feel better! Also, I saw earlier you were asking about boot camp. I have a couple of friends that do it and love it, but its tough.

Besides the 5k I'm doing Lozilu. its a women's only mud run/obstacle course. I'm really looking forward to it as I'm doing it with friends:)

I'm looking into train for a 10k using the Galloway method. it looks VERY doable and I like the site. Have you read any of the books?

Accountability: I ran about 2 miles today. I run on an indoor track.

I held my own for the last two days but I think I will end up in bed or laying around for the weekend. I rarely get sick *knock on wood*, but when I do it is horrible. I did have the flu vaccine and was extremely disappointed to find out it was not the correct strain. I come into contact with a lot of people that have the flu and I lost my safety blanket. Oh well. I haven't had it in 11 or 12 years so I guess I should count my blessings. Once I feel better I will check out boot camp at least once.

I did the Dirty Girl which sounds like your Lozilu. It was a ton of fun. This year they have an inflatable 5k that will be local and looks like a blast. I think I am going to have to check it out. I hope to do a few fun run 5ks this summer just to keep a bit motivated. There is also a 10k that I would like to sign up for but I need to work on my speed before that.

Yay for running 2 miles!


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