This (DISNEY)land Was Made For You and Me - July 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

We spent a good chunk of time around Fantasy Faire on our trip with a DD who was 10 there was no way I was missing that window of opportunity.
We all loved the Royale Theatre boys included those shows are just so funny.

Now to choose between the Princesses.

Tiana - I also like how she shows us that it takes hard work to make a dream come true - not just wishing. I think I must have lived in the South in a past life as I am just so drawn to it .... and so I naturally gravitate to Tiana and the Princess and the Frog movie. I do love Charlotte as well though and their unlikely friendship but a true friendship nonetheless.

Snow White - For all her beauty that the Queen is jealous of - it is her caring, nurturing, resilient, hard-working, loving inner beauty that shines through. As a carer/nurturer personality type myself, I like Snow, was betrayed by someone close to me because that side of my personality didn't let me see the real them.

Rapunzel - She is fun, quirky, creative, and fierce when she needs to be - I lover her fry pan - since living alone I always make sure I have a baseball bat near the head of my bed - ready to grab for safety in case I have to fight monsters in the night lol so I can relate to her swinging that fry pan :rotfl: Oh and that long hair - my mother kept my hair short when I was little as it has curl and she like the curl (and quite frankly I think it was easier for her to look after!) - as soon as I old enough to have a say out grew my hair and I kept it long for a loooong time.

Overall when I was little I really probably wanted to just dress like a princess in a beautiful dress and ride in horse drawn carriages - being the girly girl I was haha. But as I have gotten older and had a daughter of my own and re-experienced the Princesses and met the new Princesses I must say I found there is more to them than their beauty, dresses and being rescued by their Prince Charming. So I don't agree with the bad rap that the Disney Princesses get from some people.

Ok I have a couple.

The day DD10 did her BBB makeover into Snow White - Snow White was the first Princess she met in Fantasy Faire - Snow spent a lot of time with her teaching her how to twirl. Later that day when the parade was on - we didn't really realise it had started as we weren't planning to go to it that day - we were heading out of Fantasy Land between the Tea Cups and Alice in Wonderland to cross towards the Matterhorn and head around into Tomorrowland but we were blocked in by the Parade. We stood a little back from the crowd in a space just next to the Tea Cups - when the Princess float came along - for some reason Snow White (the same one we met earlier that day) happened to look up and beyond the parade crowd and saw my DD standing there still in her Snow dress/tiara and recognised her and gave her a big wave - that made my DD's day.

Another fun Parade story - this time we were seated front and centre waiting for it - DS13 was chief videographer for it making sure he captured it all for us. When the Princess float came along - Snow White noticed him and blew him a kiss - haha we teased him about it but I think he was secretly happy about it.

The last one is with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider ... As you might remember it was September when we went and insanely hot some days - so much so that on some days they cancelled the Royale Theatre Shows as it just would have been too hot in that space for the actors in full costume with the added heat of the theatre lights. One day we waited for the Tangled show and it was cancelled but they said the characters would do a meet and greet/photo op - families were told one photo only a group one. We all lined up - we were further down the line a little - the guys who narrate and act out a lot of the parts were walking along the line chatting to everyone - they came to us and had a chat and found out we were from Australia - which was always a good conversation starter - anyway it was my kids turn - I had the camera ready to shoot their pic - Flynn started talking to DS13 and Rapunzel to the twins - Flynn and DS13 were talking about flying dragons - then it came up that we were from Australia - the interaction went on for at least 15 minutes - with Flynn getting down one knee in front of my daughter looking through her satchel for treasure - the tiara was stolen and hidden and the included my kids in a mini skit while they looked for it around the theatre. I snapped lots of photos but did not think to get any video of it all - as I just had in my mind I was ready to take my one photo - my kids still talk about it.

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They are wonderful photos of your daughter - my DD was also afraid of any full costumed characters when she was little - another reason besides $$$ I wanted to wait until she was older to take her to DL - I wasn't going all that way until she would embrace them!

haha what a great story ..... should I say that they helped her to...... let it go? My DS12 sang me a toilet themed 'let it go' song he heard somewhere not all that long ago!

Oooohhh you are so lucky - we would have loved to meet Jasmine.

wow - such a big post - can you guess who likes Princesses? ...... remember I am hosting September hint hint ......

Lovely photos, beautiful children
@DrGunnie gorgeous photos of your little girl! - they weren't showing when I looked earlier today but they have for me now and I am so glad I got to see them.
Hi All, I'll post the question of the day at around 9 am Pacific Time. Just got home from Star Trek and am exhausted - great movie :D

In the mean time, I've been informed that we have a vacancy for August's hosting. So if you'd like to jump in, please volunteer.
Good morning friends.... so very sad to report that my DMIL passed yesterday morning. Absolutely unbelievable to me that a week ago today she was living on her own, baking, crocheting, driving, and caring for herself.... she goes out for more yarn, gets in a fairly minor fender-bender.... and now she is gone. So do me a favor and HUG A LOVED ONE today!!

Needless to say, DD and I cancelled our trip to Michigan (we would have left yesterday). So glad it was easy to cancel..... we had no airline tickets to contend with, no non-refundable hotel reservations (we only had our two nights in Michigan reserved and they were cancelled yesterday)...... just an inexpensive student pass to the conference will go to waste, so NBD. DD is sad to miss the conference but she had already made the call that we wouldn't go even before DMIL went downhill..... my girl knows her priorities!!

We came home last night.... we all needed a night in our own beds...especially DH. Family is gathering at the Cape today to visit (it has been three years since we were ALL together.... DMIL's 90th birthday celebration), so DS and I will head down there in an hour or so. Not sure if we will come home tonight and go south again in the morning for the funeral or stay down that way tonight. But either way, do not plan to hear from me until Sunday or Monday.

Sorry to hear we need a hostess for August. I would be happy to offer but I will be away the first week of the month without reliable internet access (no wi-fi at the cottage and the cell coverage is so spotty that DH's mobile hotspot doesn't always work), plus both kiddos move into their fall dorms/apartments..... so it is a nutty month for me. HOWEVER, I could commit to doing a co-hosting month if someone else wants to share responsibilities. LET ME KNOW!.........................P
Good morning friends.... so very sad to report that my DMIL passed yesterday morning. Absolutely unbelievable to me that a week ago today she was living on her own, baking, crocheting, driving, and caring for herself.... she goes out for more yarn, gets in a fairly minor fender-bender.... and now she is gone. So do me a favor and HUG A LOVED ONE today!!

Needless to say, DD and I cancelled our trip to Michigan (we would have left yesterday). So glad it was easy to cancel..... we had no airline tickets to contend with, no non-refundable hotel reservations (we only had our two nights in Michigan reserved and they were cancelled yesterday)...... just an inexpensive student pass to the conference will go to waste, so NBD. DD is sad to miss the conference but she had already made the call that we wouldn't go even before DMIL went downhill..... my girl knows her priorities!!

We came home last night.... we all needed a night in our own beds...especially DH. Family is gathering at the Cape today to visit (it has been three years since we were ALL together.... DMIL's 90th birthday celebration), so DS and I will head down there in an hour or so. Not sure if we will come home tonight and go south again in the morning for the funeral or stay down that way tonight. But either way, do not plan to hear from me until Sunday or Monday.

Sorry to hear we need a hostess for August. I would be happy to offer but I will be away the first week of the month without reliable internet access (no wi-fi at the cottage and the cell coverage is so spotty that DH's mobile hotspot doesn't always work), plus both kiddos move into their fall dorms/apartments..... so it is a nutty month for me. HOWEVER, I could commit to doing a co-hosting month if someone else wants to share responsibilities. LET ME KNOW!.........................P

I am so sorry. I will continue to have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Today is going to be a rough day to get my steps in. As of right now I only have 600 steps. It is so hot here that I am not sure how long I will be able to walk at lunch. I am out now just going for a walk around the block and I don't think I will be able too do more. It is only 10:30 here so it is only going to get hotter. We are supposed to have a heat index of 100+. Really not used to heat like this here. I am going to keep trying to go around the block about every hour. That should help a lot then maybe just step to the wii tonight to get the rest
Good morning friends.... so very sad to report that my DMIL passed yesterday morning. Absolutely unbelievable to me that a week ago today she was living on her own, baking, crocheting, driving, and caring for herself.... she goes out for more yarn, gets in a fairly minor fender-bender.... and now she is gone. So do me a favor and HUG A LOVED ONE today!!

Needless to say, DD and I cancelled our trip to Michigan (we would have left yesterday). So glad it was easy to cancel..... we had no airline tickets to contend with, no non-refundable hotel reservations (we only had our two nights in Michigan reserved and they were cancelled yesterday)...... just an inexpensive student pass to the conference will go to waste, so NBD. DD is sad to miss the conference but she had already made the call that we wouldn't go even before DMIL went downhill..... my girl knows her priorities!!

We came home last night.... we all needed a night in our own beds...especially DH. Family is gathering at the Cape today to visit (it has been three years since we were ALL together.... DMIL's 90th birthday celebration), so DS and I will head down there in an hour or so. Not sure if we will come home tonight and go south again in the morning for the funeral or stay down that way tonight. But either way, do not plan to hear from me until Sunday or Monday.

Sorry to hear we need a hostess for August. I would be happy to offer but I will be away the first week of the month without reliable internet access (no wi-fi at the cottage and the cell coverage is so spotty that DH's mobile hotspot doesn't always work), plus both kiddos move into their fall dorms/apartments..... so it is a nutty month for me. HOWEVER, I could commit to doing a co-hosting month if someone else wants to share responsibilities. LET ME KNOW!.........................P
So sorry to hear. Virtual hugs for everyone today.
Weekly Checkin:

I'm just going to write this week off now, and not even pretend I'm going to be able to pull it out of the hopper tomorrow.

No weight loss and no creative exercising this week: 25% success rate for the month.
July 22 - Fantasyland!

All right folks, we've made it to the BIGGEST land in our tiny park: FANTASYLAND

We can take two paths to enter Fantasyland from Fantasy Faire - either the back bridge through the side of the castle or go directly through the castle.
It may surprise you that the bulk of Disneyland's attractions are actually IN Fantasyland. Woah! As we meander through the castle
towards the
Carousel there's four dark-type attractions lining the walk way. Behind them are the Casey Jr train and the story book boats,
Dumbo, Tea Cups and the infamous Alice in Wonderland journey. Keep walking towards the back of the park and there's
It's a Small World and The Matterhorn. (And a show - Mickey and the Magical Map!)
Fantasyland holds quite a bit of real estate and
you could spend HOURS riding rides here.

So let's take a moment and look at the Dark Rides - the ones that we all grew up with and enjoy today!


Peter Pan, Snow White, Mr Toad, and Pinocchio are staple attractions at Disneyland (and I guess formally at WDW?) and have
been in the park since opening day - with the exception of Pinocchio, which was installed in in the 1980s.
The dark rides are designed for families to ride together - often with smaller children - and highlight the key scenes from each movie.

July 22 - Question of the Day
So let's have some fun and talk about these rides today since it's FRI-YAY.

Have you ridden on any of these four at ANY Disney park? If not - which are you looking forward to riding.

Bonus: If you could create a new ride for Fantasyland based on a Disney movie, what would it be? Describe it! :)
I have only been on Peter Pan in WDW. I might have been on Snow White when I was younger but I don't remember. I would love to ride on Mr. Toad. It reminds me of the book Frog and Toad I used to read as a kid.

I would like a Magic Carpet ride. Not like the one they have now. One that is like a roller coaster. Not a big scary one. Something like mine train. You would be in the movie where Jasmine and Aladdin are flying through the city on the magic carpet.
Good morning friends.... so very sad to report that my DMIL passed yesterday morning. Absolutely unbelievable to me that a week ago today she was living on her own, baking, crocheting, driving, and caring for herself.... she goes out for more yarn, gets in a fairly minor fender-bender.... and now she is gone. So do me a favor and HUG A LOVED ONE today!!

Needless to say, DD and I cancelled our trip to Michigan (we would have left yesterday). So glad it was easy to cancel..... we had no airline tickets to contend with, no non-refundable hotel reservations (we only had our two nights in Michigan reserved and they were cancelled yesterday)...... just an inexpensive student pass to the conference will go to waste, so NBD. DD is sad to miss the conference but she had already made the call that we wouldn't go even before DMIL went downhill..... my girl knows her priorities!!

We came home last night.... we all needed a night in our own beds...especially DH. Family is gathering at the Cape today to visit (it has been three years since we were ALL together.... DMIL's 90th birthday celebration), so DS and I will head down there in an hour or so. Not sure if we will come home tonight and go south again in the morning for the funeral or stay down that way tonight. But either way, do not plan to hear from me until Sunday or Monday.

Sorry to hear we need a hostess for August. I would be happy to offer but I will be away the first week of the month without reliable internet access (no wi-fi at the cottage and the cell coverage is so spotty that DH's mobile hotspot doesn't always work), plus both kiddos move into their fall dorms/apartments..... so it is a nutty month for me. HOWEVER, I could commit to doing a co-hosting month if someone else wants to share responsibilities. LET ME KNOW!.........................P
I am so sorry to hear this - prayers for you and your family.
July 22 - Question of the Day
So let's have some fun and talk about these rides today since it's FRI-YAY.

Have you ridden on any of these four at ANY Disney park? If not - which are you looking forward to riding.

Bonus: If you could create a new ride for Fantasyland based on a Disney movie, what would it be? Describe it! :)

Obviously I've ridden on these rides and I adore them - just not the long lines to get in. If you're not at Peter Pan during rope drop it's easily a 60 minute wait for the ride. I liked how DL Paris solved the queue problem: having ships with two rows of seats instead of one. We were surprised at how quickly the queue went for the ride that we literally walked on.

I was sad to find out that nearly all of the Fantasyland Rides at WDW were removed for either Winnie the Pooh or New Fantasyland. I wasn't able to enjoy them as my first trip was literally when new Fantasyland opened, but I'm sure they were lovely :)

For the new ride, I'd love to take the technology from Frozen and Little Mermaid and create something for Lilo and Stitch that isn't that awful Stitch Alien Encounter ride at WDW. I haven't thought further about it.. but hey, whatever. That's why we have imagineers. If we were going to EPCOT, I'd suggest a Big Hero Six or Wall-E type of ride to go into Future World to teach about health and fitness.

I would like a Magic Carpet ride. Not like the one they have now. One that is like a roller coaster. Not a big scary one. Something like mine train. You would be in the movie where Jasmine and Aladdin are flying through the city on the magic carpet.

I love this! :D

And to @pjlla -- I'm not sure what to say in times like these, other than my heart is heavy and I hope that your family heals with time. Life is awful some times and ... things like this just make me sad and unable to coherently put thoughts into words. Just know that your Disboards family is here for you and we love you.
Good morning friends.... so very sad to report that my DMIL passed yesterday morning. Absolutely unbelievable to me that a week ago today she was living on her own, baking, crocheting, driving, and caring for herself.... she goes out for more yarn, gets in a fairly minor fender-bender.... and now she is gone. So do me a favor and HUG A LOVED ONE today!!

Needless to say, DD and I cancelled our trip to Michigan (we would have left yesterday). So glad it was easy to cancel..... we had no airline tickets to contend with, no non-refundable hotel reservations (we only had our two nights in Michigan reserved and they were cancelled yesterday)...... just an inexpensive student pass to the conference will go to waste, so NBD. DD is sad to miss the conference but she had already made the call that we wouldn't go even before DMIL went downhill..... my girl knows her priorities!!

We came home last night.... we all needed a night in our own beds...especially DH. Family is gathering at the Cape today to visit (it has been three years since we were ALL together.... DMIL's 90th birthday celebration), so DS and I will head down there in an hour or so. Not sure if we will come home tonight and go south again in the morning for the funeral or stay down that way tonight. But either way, do not plan to hear from me until Sunday or Monday.

Sorry to hear we need a hostess for August. I would be happy to offer but I will be away the first week of the month without reliable internet access (no wi-fi at the cottage and the cell coverage is so spotty that DH's mobile hotspot doesn't always work), plus both kiddos move into their fall dorms/apartments..... so it is a nutty month for me. HOWEVER, I could commit to doing a co-hosting month if someone else wants to share responsibilities. LET ME KNOW!.........................P

Pamela, I am so sorry to hear this. We went through something even faster with my father in law. He went to sleep one night and never woke up. The day before he was out and about and the next he was gone. It was quite a shock like you are going through right now. Your family is in my thoughts and my prayers.

Today is going to be a rough day to get my steps in. As of right now I only have 600 steps. It is so hot here that I am not sure how long I will be able to walk at lunch. I am out now just going for a walk around the block and I don't think I will be able too do more. It is only 10:30 here so it is only going to get hotter. We are supposed to have a heat index of 100+. Really not used to heat like this here. I am going to keep trying to go around the block about every hour. That should help a lot then maybe just step to the wii tonight to get the rest

We are very hot here too. I have to walk the dog this afternoon and I am not looking forward to it. We have no air in the house since it is almost 100 years old and we live about 2 miles from the beach. Usually we have a breeze but there is about a week or 2 in July where it just gets too hot. There may be a movie in the near future.


And to @pjlla -- I'm not sure what to say in times like these, other than my heart is heavy and I hope that your family heals with time. Life is awful some times and ... things like this just make me sad and unable to coherently put thoughts into words. Just know that your Disboards family is here for you and we love you.

I have volunteered to host August. Dh goes back to work on the 1st and I don't start teaching classes until after Labor Day. Unfortunately you will all hear about ds1's wedding which takes place on Aug 12th

Have a happy and healthy day
July 22 - Fantasyland!

All right folks, we've made it to the BIGGEST land in our tiny park: FANTASYLAND

We can take two paths to enter Fantasyland from Fantasy Faire - either the back bridge through the side of the castle or go directly through the castle.
It may surprise you that the bulk of Disneyland's attractions are actually IN Fantasyland. Woah! As we meander through the castle
towards the
Carousel there's four dark-type attractions lining the walk way. Behind them are the Casey Jr train and the story book boats,
Dumbo, Tea Cups and the infamous Alice in Wonderland journey. Keep walking towards the back of the park and there's
It's a Small World and The Matterhorn. (And a show - Mickey and the Magical Map!)
Fantasyland holds quite a bit of real estate and
you could spend HOURS riding rides here.

So let's take a moment and look at the Dark Rides - the ones that we all grew up with and enjoy today!


Peter Pan, Snow White, Mr Toad, and Pinocchio are staple attractions at Disneyland (and I guess formally at WDW?) and have
been in the park since opening day - with the exception of Pinocchio, which was installed in in the 1980s.
The dark rides are designed for families to ride together - often with smaller children - and highlight the key scenes from each movie.

July 22 - Question of the Day
So let's have some fun and talk about these rides today since it's FRI-YAY.

Have you ridden on any of these four at ANY Disney park? If not - which are you looking forward to riding.

Bonus: If you could create a new ride for Fantasyland based on a Disney movie, what would it be? Describe it! :)

I have ridden everyone of these rides except Pinocchio. I miss Snow White and Mr. Toad in DW. We always ride Peter Pan. It is one of the first ones we hit during EMH when Fantasyland is open early. I am looking forward to riding all of these when we go in 2018.

I would love a 101 Dalmatian ride, based on the wild ride at the end of the movie. I think it would be a lot like Mr. Toad with dogs.

Have a happy and healthy day.
July 22 - Fantasyland!

All right folks, we've made it to the BIGGEST land in our tiny park: FANTASYLAND

We can take two paths to enter Fantasyland from Fantasy Faire - either the back bridge through the side of the castle or go directly through the castle.
It may surprise you that the bulk of Disneyland's attractions are actually IN Fantasyland. Woah! As we meander through the castle
towards the
Carousel there's four dark-type attractions lining the walk way. Behind them are the Casey Jr train and the story book boats,
Dumbo, Tea Cups and the infamous Alice in Wonderland journey. Keep walking towards the back of the park and there's
It's a Small World and The Matterhorn. (And a show - Mickey and the Magical Map!)
Fantasyland holds quite a bit of real estate and
you could spend HOURS riding rides here.

So let's take a moment and look at the Dark Rides - the ones that we all grew up with and enjoy today!


Peter Pan, Snow White, Mr Toad, and Pinocchio are staple attractions at Disneyland (and I guess formally at WDW?) and have
been in the park since opening day - with the exception of Pinocchio, which was installed in in the 1980s.
The dark rides are designed for families to ride together - often with smaller children - and highlight the key scenes from each movie.

July 22 - Question of the Day
So let's have some fun and talk about these rides today since it's FRI-YAY.

Have you ridden on any of these four at ANY Disney park? If not - which are you looking forward to riding.

Bonus: If you could create a new ride for Fantasyland based on a Disney movie, what would it be? Describe it! :)
I know I rode Mr Toad once or twice before it went away. Remember it being cute and fun don't recall much more. I love, love, love Peter Pan and try to do it multiple times each trip, but with FP+ so I haven't seen the new interactive queue yet. The technology of the ride is so simple, but the perspective of looking down on everything is so creative and just makes me happy every time I ride it. Heck, I'm happy just thinking about it.

I tried pricing out a quick DL trip for August and even at a good neighbor hotel it was as costly as going to WDW, so it's a no go. I think this is why I don't go to DL, even though it is so much closer.


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