This (DISNEY)land Was Made For You and Me - July 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

No matter what happens, you should sign up for Los Angeles so you can get the California Combo medal - it's awesome! I missed SF and did the RNR Carlsbad 5000 instead. I was just coming off a minor race injury from RNR Dallas and didn't want to push myself with miles and miles of hills :P

But yes, we should totally try to meet up before a race. I'm sure you'll be in a faster corral than me. I'm about a 3:10 HM, so I tend to enjoy the course longer and get my money's worth. :rotfl:
Oh you would have loved SF. (I think) The hills are killer but I love the course. IT was my 2nd year doing it and im bummed I cant make hte date work in 2017. Oh I'm right there with you! I think I put my estimated finish at 2:45. But thats only if I push hard.
Making positive changes is great, but have you actually determined what the root cause of the issue is that got you to where you started?
I think I have. I know I"m an emotional eater. I tend to eat my feelings. I come from an italian family where food is the answer to everything. Then add the fact that I love food. I love good for me food, I love bad for me food. I love it all!
How did you find these root causes and what have you done to combat them?
I can usually identify when I'm turning to food for the wrong reasons. At the moment that isn't my challenge. The reason for my more recent weight gain was our laziness. I've been surrounded by yummy foods this summer and I didn't have the discipline to watch portion sizes or make the better choices!

Bonus question: Do you prefer to sit in the front or back of Big Thunder?
Back! But one a couple years ago the ride opened about a half hour after the park did. We walked by at just the right time and got to be the first ones to walk through the line and ride it. DD was probably 6 or 7 that year and thought that was pretty cool!
My biggest woohoo is getting to the 100 lb loss mark last Friday. It also means I'm no longer obese - I'm just overweight! Now the goal is to loose 20 more lbs and get under 200 lbs before the end of the year. Woohoo!


My Woohoo is the Sparkle Skirt I bought to run in is amazing! I didn't want to spend the money on one because I was afraid to get the wrong size or it wouldn't be as great as people say but I did a quick 2 mile run in it last night and it was well worth the money.

Okay which one did you get? How does the sizing work? Because I have stared longingly at these but haven't had anyone I "know" tell me about them. I want one for the Disneyland Half and I have been waiting until the last minute to get one.

Oh you would have loved SF. (I think) The hills are killer but I love the course. IT was my 2nd year doing it and im bummed I cant make hte date work in 2017. Oh I'm right there with you! I think I put my estimated finish at 2:45. But thats only if I push hard.

I usually start with the 2:40 group because I can pace with them fairly well until about mile 9 when the "RNR Surprise Hill to No Where!" starts. Then I'm pooped for the rest of the race :P

I really want to do SF next year but it depends if we get into the So Cal Ragnar Relay next Spring or not. Our team has a very good change at being selected so we're holding off on Spring race planning until we know otherwise. :(
July 20 - It's Woohoo Wednesday!

It's that time again.... time to post what you're most happy about celebrating.

Nothing is too big or small. And can be about anything!

what are you celebrating today?
I'd like to celebrate two things - first we did buy our new car on Saturday and I couldn't be more thrilled! Love new cars!

Second, I'm super proud of my 6 year old this morning. He's taking swim lessons for the first time and yesterday, I heard his teacher telling the kids to use straight legs when they kick (which, to me, says they are bending their knees a lot). So, when we got home yesterday, I demonstrated with a piece of paper how - when you wave a thin, floppy piece of paper in front of your face, you get a tiny breeze, but if you wave a stiff (I used a file folder) piece of paper the same number of times, you get a huge breeze. Same amount of work - much different results. I explained it's the same thing with legs when you are swimming freestyle - straight legs move so much more water, and propel you faster and farther than bent, floppy legs. Then we practiced kicking with straight legs for about 15 seconds.

This morning, I reminded him to keep his legs straight as I dropped him off. He took off in the water today like a rocket (well, like a 6 year old rocket that's learning to swim :P). Yesterday, he was stopping to put his feet on the bottom, or kicking furiously and not getting anywhere. Today - he was actually moving in a straight line all the way across their little section of the pool. He was so proud and I was so proud of him for listening and applying what he learned.

As an overriding lesson, it reminds me that we can all learn from people who have more experience than us!
Okay which one did you get? How does the sizing work? Because I have stared longingly at these but haven't had anyone I "know" tell me about them. I want one for the Disneyland Half and I have been waiting until the last minute to get one.

I really wish I would have bought one sooner! I got a red swing style since I'm going to be Mickey for the half. I almost bought the hiker because it's 2 inches longer but I'm glad I didn't because it would have been to my knees. There is a really nice size chart on their website and I went with the same size as my normal shorts/pants and it is perfect. Not too tight and the shorts underneath don't ride up at all. Plus it has 3 pockets!!! I hope they are going to be at the DLH expo so I can pick up another one and not have to pay shipping.
I really wish I would have bought one sooner! I got a red swing style since I'm going to be Mickey for the half. I almost bought the hiker because it's 2 inches longer but I'm glad I didn't because it would have been to my knees. There is a really nice size chart on their website and I went with the same size as my normal shorts/pants and it is perfect. Not too tight and the shorts underneath don't ride up at all. Plus it has 3 pockets!!! I hope they are going to be at the DLH expo so I can pick up another one and not have to pay shipping.

I haven't even begun to think about costumes. I was thinking of investing in pieces that I can use for the DLH and the PHM weekends so I don't have to do multiple purchases and get more return on my investment. It's so stressful because I don't want to wear a costume - I'd rather run in running clothes that are themed. (Kudos to the woman dressed in Boo's Monster Outfit during the Tink10K. It was awesome but dang, I couldn't do it because it looked heavy).

I am going to look into their site a bit more and see if I can find one or two that will work with the ideas I'm having.
Just wanted to throw out there that I love sparkle skirts! They're all I wear for long runs or races! The pockets hold my phone, fuel, chapstick, ID and some cash perfectly. The shorts dont ride up unless its time to size down and even then I found that just sticking some body glide on my thigh kept the shorts in place. I find them pretty true to size as well.
I haven't even begun to think about costumes. I was thinking of investing in pieces that I can use for the DLH and the PHM weekends so I don't have to do multiple purchases and get more return on my investment. It's so stressful because I don't want to wear a costume - I'd rather run in running clothes that are themed. (Kudos to the woman dressed in Boo's Monster Outfit during the Tink10K. It was awesome but dang, I couldn't do it because it looked heavy).

I am going to look into their site a bit more and see if I can find one or two that will work with the ideas I'm having.
That's exactly what I do, I guess I more Disney bounding than wearing a costume. It has to be comfortable I'm running 13.1 miles! I went with just basic red and figured I can be Mickey for DLH and then the marathon in January plus pair it with a white, blue or yellow top for my training runs. Here is my DLH outfit just needs ears (photo courtesy of DD6 :))
Root cause: I think I wear the extra layers of body fat as protection. Didn't have the healthiest family life growing up, being in an alcholic household. Lots of hurtful things going on that I needed to hide from. If I can get over the hiding, the weight would probably melt away.

Love the Railroad. It was the ride that got me to like rollercoasters. Nephew1 and I rode it back to back about six times. During MNSSHP a couple years ago I rode it in costume... A tutu that filled the car and floated around in the breeze. Makes me giggle just to think about it. This last trip I got real excited to get the front then didn't enjoy it at all, felt like it was stop and go and I was hanging there waiting the entire time, so I'm going to say I prefer the back.
Woohoo Wednesday... I just reserved a room at the beach for a couple nights in August. My usual beachy destination, so I'm going to explore a couple other options and possibly try something new but at least I've got something confirmed to look forward to. Work has been crazy busy, one crisis/fire to put out after another, and there are potentially two more weeks of this stress, so having a relaxing light at the end of the tunnel will help. Also in my Sunday Pilates class I felt like something had shifted in my body and in last nights class it felt the same way. This morning walking to the bus I felt about two inches taller, further evidence of progress!
I have been waiting for a few days to tell my woohoo. I noticed Friday that it felt like my waist was smaller when I put my hands on my hips. I just kept telling my husband that I feel smaller. On Sunday I wore my Cinderella shirt that I got at Disney in September. It was a bit tight when i got it. It was not on Sunday. I also tried on my size 12 jeans (I have been in a size 14). The 12 fits. I have been so excited.

Getting my steps in have been really rough this week. by the time dinner was over yesterday I only had 2500 steps. Usually I have 5000 by lunch. I did get all 10,000 steps in but it was a fight to get there. I am so ready to go back to the office. My husband works for home 3 days a week so I have had someone to talk to on those 3 days. Yesterday I was by myself and I think I was about to go crazy. I am not used to not having anyone around. My husband is ready for me to go back because he misses his quiet days.
My woohoo for today:

I'm taking an extended lunch and heading to the outdoor mall down the street to walk during lunch. It's a beautiful day outside and I just want to enjoy the sunshine instead of being cooped up in an office all day.
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P

Oh my god, I am so sorry to read this. This... is tragic and I am so sorry that you're going through this right now.

Sending you all the love and pixie dust. :grouphug:
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P
So sorry to hear pjilla. Peace to you and your family.
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P
I am so, so sorry for you and your family. How devastating. You will be in my prayers.
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P

I'm so will be in our prayers.


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