This (DISNEY)land Was Made For You and Me - July 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P

Sorry to hear this it is very sad - but wonderful to hear the movement of your family from everywhere to her side - clearly she is much loved - you are in my prayers.
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P
I am so sorry to read this. My prayers are with you and your family during this time. Hugs.
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P

I am so sorry for this. I have been there a couple of times in the last 2 years so I know what you are going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P
I am so sorry. I will be keeping you and your family my thoughts,and prayers
Hey friends..... DMIL sadly has taken a turn for the worse. Somehow something as minor as a fender bender has resulted in organ failure (her kidneys have shut down, probably from the pain medications necessary due to the broken sternum) and they are putting her in hospice this weekend. They have taken her from IV fluids, there is a DNR in place and at this point I think we are talking just days left. DD and I have cancelled our trip to Michigan (we were due to leave tomorrow) and all of the children and most of the grandchildren are here (from across the US) and actually at the hospital right now. DS had his college orientation today so we are leaving now. Not sure when I will be back on line, but I know you will keep us all in your prayers.................P

I am so sorry. What a shock. :( Keeping your family in my prayers.
July 21 - Fantasy Faire

A tiny place for you to meet the Princesses.

Nestled in between the Tiny Disneyland Castle and Frontierland is our next destination - the Fantasy Faire. Constructed in 2012,
Fantasy Faire provides a place for guests to meet three princesses on rotation and enjoy a fun show in the Royal Theatre.

On Saturday Nights you can join a group of Swing Dancers and enjoy a great time!


Here's what the inside of the Meet-n-Greet area looks like. Perfect for that Princess picture, yes?
The room provides air conditioning so the princesses are always 'fresh' and the backdrop looks perfect for your photo.


The Fantasy Faire Theatre features two different shows on rotation - presently Tangled and Beauty and the Beast. For about a year
they showed Frozen - but that's since been discontinued with a Frozen musical opening up at California Adventure. These shows
are presented in a 'funny' and 'theatre group' type of show. They're really enjoyable and a great way to sit and relax.
Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

The 3 princess I would meet are:
1. Cinderella- because she has always been my favorite. I remember watching that movie over and over when I was little. She was also DD5's first favorite princess too but more on that in a minute.

2. Princess Anna- I see a lot of myself in her. Always wanting to believe the best in everyone, willing to help anyone and never gives up. She also seems like such a fun person!

3. Mulan (she is a Princess right)- I also see myself in her. I always feel like I don't fit in, especially in my family and that I do everything wrong. I like that she proves that you don't have to follow the crowd to be accepted.

Ok here is my favorite princess story. We did our first Disney cruise when DD5 was 2. She was in love with Cinderella but was scared to meet characters at that point. So we went to the show the first night onboard and it happened to be the Cinderella show so DD had her Cinderella dress on. After the show Cinderella had a meet n greet so we decided to give the meet a try. We got in the line right before they closed it off and were the second to last to meet Cindy. When it came time to meet her Cinderella came up to DD took her by the hand and lead her to where she was standing. She then sat on the floor with her and they talked forever. There were lots of hugs and giggles. It was by far the best Character meeting I have ever had.

Cindy3.jpg cindy2.jpg cindy1.jpg
July 21 - Fantasy Faire

A tiny place for you to meet the Princesses.

Nestled in between the Tiny Disneyland Castle and Frontierland is our next destination - the Fantasy Faire. Constructed in 2012,
Fantasy Faire provides a place for guests to meet three princesses on rotation and enjoy a fun show in the Royal Theatre.

On Saturday Nights you can join a group of Swing Dancers and enjoy a great time!


Here's what the inside of the Meet-n-Greet area looks like. Perfect for that Princess picture, yes?
The room provides air conditioning so the princesses are always 'fresh' and the backdrop looks perfect for your photo.


The Fantasy Faire Theatre features two different shows on rotation - presently Tangled and Beauty and the Beast. For about a year
they showed Frozen - but that's since been discontinued with a Frozen musical opening up at California Adventure. These shows
are presented in a 'funny' and 'theatre group' type of show. They're really enjoyable and a great way to sit and relax.
Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

I'm not that into the Princesses but am kind of facinated by face charectors in general and how they do their jobs. On the Future World tour we got to see some putting on their own makeup, but weren't allowed to talk to them... Or stare and freak them out. But now I really do stare at them during meet and greets, to see if they've done a good job. Meeting any three is fine.

During my May trip I was finally able to book breakfast at CRT for the first time in 30+ trips. It was before park opening and I got there early and had time to sit in the quiet park and watch some ducks sleep. It was a lovely start to the day. I met with Cinderella, we chatted about shoes and got our pictures taken, no big deal. Then as I was sitting there waiting to get called upstairs I realized I was grinning ear to ear. Dang. She got me. It was really interesting to see the girls work the room and what they chose to chat about. One of my favorite memories of the meal was the infant at the table across from me who was totally oblivious to anything going on until Snow White gave him a big smooch on the forehead... After that he eagle eyed every Princess who came by to see if he was going to get more action. And by the end of the meal, babies all thru the restaraunt had Snow's red lip marks on thier foreheads.

I think I may have finally found inspiration to get myself back on track. I've been getting interested in sewing my clothing again... There's a "slow clothing" movement that goes hand in hand with the wool "farm to needle" movement I've been learning about. I follow different people on Instagram who are into it and who design patterns and are teaching sewing and pattern drafting. Thru them I found an English company that has a line of patterns that are exactly the style I love... Classic, simple, relaxed. Today I ordered two dress patterns from them. But if I'm going to put the effort in to sewing I want to get down to where I was before vacation and be able to make regualr sizes. This is also going to inspire me to get the craft room cleaned up!
July 21 - Fantasy Faire

A tiny place for you to meet the Princesses.

Nestled in between the Tiny Disneyland Castle and Frontierland is our next destination - the Fantasy Faire. Constructed in 2012,
Fantasy Faire provides a place for guests to meet three princesses on rotation and enjoy a fun show in the Royal Theatre.

On Saturday Nights you can join a group of Swing Dancers and enjoy a great time!


Here's what the inside of the Meet-n-Greet area looks like. Perfect for that Princess picture, yes?
The room provides air conditioning so the princesses are always 'fresh' and the backdrop looks perfect for your photo.


The Fantasy Faire Theatre features two different shows on rotation - presently Tangled and Beauty and the Beast. For about a year
they showed Frozen - but that's since been discontinued with a Frozen musical opening up at California Adventure. These shows
are presented in a 'funny' and 'theatre group' type of show. They're really enjoyable and a great way to sit and relax.
Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

I love going to meet the princesses with my daughter, although she said she isn't interested this trip in doing any meet & greets at the parks (we will still do them on the cruise). It's so fun to see kids meet characters and watch their faces light up. I think my 3 favorite are Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Belle.

My favorite story was when we met Anna and Elsa a few years ago. My wife and I noticed that morning it had been a few days since our daughter went to the bathroom #2. We split up and my wife/son went to go ride something and I took my daughter to Anna/Elsa with our Fastpass. We were cutting it close to hit a lunch reservation right after. We finally get inside and we are about two people away and she tells me she has to go potty. Is was the worst possible time ever. I stalked the Disney website for months to get those Fastpasses! We ended up still meeting the princesses and she actually smiled for the pics, then I picked her up and literally ran to a bathroom. The line was huge and she was moaning, but we made it just in time and then sprinted to our lunch reservation! When we met my wife/son at The Plaza Restaurant I was exhausted (running wasn't my thing back then)!

Oh well, you would never know any of that from the pics.




My son and I will be leaving in a few hours for the Coldplay concert. Really looking forward to it. The scale has been kind the last few days which is great, but this morning while I was mowing the lawn I got stung by a bee. The problem is I got stung right above my left eye on my eyebrow and it is swollen pretty good. Looks like I'll be wearing a hat nice and low tonight!
Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

A good princess experience is one that I can relate to and continue the conversation. When we usually do some sort of Princess (or Character) meet-n-greet / dinner, we usually bring a pair of mouse ears and a sharpie marker for them to sign. It allows for the conversation to continue and you get a little bit more interaction.

I would love to meet Belle, Mulan, and Ariel, as I feel that they embody qualities in myself and helped shape me into the person I am today. Belle's patience and love for reading - she's definitely me! Mulan's drive and determination as she trained. Lord knows how I feel like her at the beginning of the Training Montage all of the time when I'm running. And Ariel - who just longs to be where the people are and away from her controlling father ;)

So we had a great character greeting at Cinderella's Royal Table with Princess Jasmine. She was the "floating" fifth princess, usually rotates as to who is there. We were so excited to see her that I got up from the table and hugged her because OMG, it's Jasmine. YOU NEVER SEE HER EVER. And she laughed and sort of got thrown off character. The fireworks had just started and she apologized for ruining them for us while we spoke and we were like "eh, it's not like we can really see them from inside the castle anyway. We're here to see YOU" and then ... she sort of stayed off script and just talked with us for 5 minutes. She was so amazing and had a great rapport for the 'questions' we asked. Similar to Mulan at Akershus - she stayed with us for about 5 minutes and loved entertaining two adults that would push back. We talked about training and running -- how she's happy to be away from fighting but is glad that she inspired me to run to keep the weight off.

Even if they're just playing a part, buying into the magic just makes it great. :)

The 3 princess I would meet are:
1. Cinderella- because she has always been my favorite. I remember watching that movie over and over when I was little. She was also DD5's first favorite princess too but more on that in a minute.

2. Princess Anna- I see a lot of myself in her. Always wanting to believe the best in everyone, willing to help anyone and never gives up. She also seems like such a fun person!

3. Mulan (she is a Princess right)- I also see myself in her. I always feel like I don't fit in, especially in my family and that I do everything wrong. I like that she proves that you don't have to follow the crowd to be accepted.

Ok here is my favorite princess story. We did our first Disney cruise when DD5 was 2. She was in love with Cinderella but was scared to meet characters at that point. So we went to the show the first night onboard and it happened to be the Cinderella show so DD had her Cinderella dress on. After the show Cinderella had a meet n greet so we decided to give the meet a try. We got in the line right before they closed it off and were the second to last to meet Cindy. When it came time to meet her Cinderella came up to DD took her by the hand and lead her to where she was standing. She then sat on the floor with her and they talked forever. There were lots of hugs and giggles. It was by far the best Character meeting I have ever had.

Those pictures are PRECIOUS. And your story made me feel really good - we need more feel-good moments. This week has been dreadfully long and just... long.

During my May trip I was finally able to book breakfast at CRT for the first time in 30+ trips. It was before park opening and I got there early and had time to sit in the quiet park and watch some ducks sleep. It was a lovely start to the day. I met with Cinderella, we chatted about shoes and got our pictures taken, no big deal. Then as I was sitting there waiting to get called upstairs I realized I was grinning ear to ear. Dang. She got me. It was really interesting to see the girls work the room and what they chose to chat about. One of my favorite memories of the meal was the infant at the table across from me who was totally oblivious to anything going on until Snow White gave him a big smooch on the forehead... After that he eagle eyed every Princess who came by to see if he was going to get more action. And by the end of the meal, babies all thru the restaraunt had Snow's red lip marks on thier foreheads.

I do the same thing with the princesses - I always look at how closely I imagine a princess face character to be and how they worked the features to make it happen on that particular princess. Sometimes you get a really good Ariel and some times she's a dud.

I do love how you got caught up in the magic. :D

I love going to meet the princesses with my daughter, although she said she isn't interested this trip in doing any meet & greets at the parks (we will still do them on the cruise). It's so fun to see kids meet characters and watch their faces light up. I think my 3 favorite are Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Belle.

Your bathroom story cracks me up - feels like that always happens with kids, eh? The pictures turned out great (you'd never know!)
I've been MIA because I have been busy busy--

Catching up on Woohoo Wednesday: Woohoo, it's now Thursday and one day closer to Fri-yay! Two family birthday parties this weekend-- one in my family, one in DH's. Oh yeah-- there is one kid in each of our families that have a birthday on the same day (remember when I said I feel like they pull us in 20 directions at once? Haha!) But I'm excited to get to spend time with them.

Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

Tough question-- I'm glad you said 3 because I definitely can't pick just one!

1) Belle: She was my first fave and holds a dear place in my heart. Even more so since planning for Disneyland Paris and learning some French, DH and I used to joke that we were "La Belle et la Bete"-- me the reader, him the one I'm getting in to reading. Him the one whose castle (or condo) I busted up in and never left. Then when he is hangry, he is definitely the beast LOL! So that's been a long standing joke with us. So much so that we HAD to spend one night in the BatB room at Tokyo Disneyland hotel. I even made Beauty and the Beast costumes for our Duffy and Shellie May bears for that trip. Yeah----she's definitely my home girl! I've always tried to embody her ability to see past what's on the outside and truly admire and love things and people for what they were on the inside.

2) Snow White: She was the first, the original, and the only one who I've managed to get a decent Disneybound outfit together for.

3) Tiana: Firstly, I love that she teaches that it's the combination of wishing and hard work that makes dreams come true. Second, the shout out to my homeland, the American South. It's fun hearing my native tongue spoken. And the lastly, let's face it-- little Lottie in her puffy pink dress clutching her kitten is my spirit animal.

Ok here is my favorite princess story. We did our first Disney cruise when DD5 was 2. She was in love with Cinderella but was scared to meet characters at that point. So we went to the show the first night onboard and it happened to be the Cinderella show so DD had her Cinderella dress on. After the show Cinderella had a meet n greet so we decided to give the meet a try. We got in the line right before they closed it off and were the second to last to meet Cindy. When it came time to meet her Cinderella came up to DD took her by the hand and lead her to where she was standing. She then sat on the floor with her and they talked forever. There were lots of hugs and giggles. It was by far the best Character meeting I have ever had.

Absolutely adorable!!!
The 3 princess I would meet are:
1. Cinderella- because she has always been my favorite. I remember watching that movie over and over when I was little. She was also DD5's first favorite princess too but more on that in a minute.

2. Princess Anna- I see a lot of myself in her. Always wanting to believe the best in everyone, willing to help anyone and never gives up. She also seems like such a fun person!

3. Mulan (she is a Princess right)- I also see myself in her. I always feel like I don't fit in, especially in my family and that I do everything wrong. I like that she proves that you don't have to follow the crowd to be accepted.

Ok here is my favorite princess story. We did our first Disney cruise when DD5 was 2. She was in love with Cinderella but was scared to meet characters at that point. So we went to the show the first night onboard and it happened to be the Cinderella show so DD had her Cinderella dress on. After the show Cinderella had a meet n greet so we decided to give the meet a try. We got in the line right before they closed it off and were the second to last to meet Cindy. When it came time to meet her Cinderella came up to DD took her by the hand and lead her to where she was standing. She then sat on the floor with her and they talked forever. There were lots of hugs and giggles. It was by far the best Character meeting I have ever had.

Darling pictures!
July 21 - Fantasy Faire

A tiny place for you to meet the Princesses.

Nestled in between the Tiny Disneyland Castle and Frontierland is our next destination - the Fantasy Faire. Constructed in 2012,
Fantasy Faire provides a place for guests to meet three princesses on rotation and enjoy a fun show in the Royal Theatre.

On Saturday Nights you can join a group of Swing Dancers and enjoy a great time!


Here's what the inside of the Meet-n-Greet area looks like. Perfect for that Princess picture, yes?
The room provides air conditioning so the princesses are always 'fresh' and the backdrop looks perfect for your photo.


The Fantasy Faire Theatre features two different shows on rotation - presently Tangled and Beauty and the Beast. For about a year
they showed Frozen - but that's since been discontinued with a Frozen musical opening up at California Adventure. These shows
are presented in a 'funny' and 'theatre group' type of show. They're really enjoyable and a great way to sit and relax.
Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

Great pictures everyone. AS the mother of boys we really were not into Princesses. I have always been a fan of the villains. I even had a villains poster in my classroom. I guess the only princess I probably relate to is Belle. It is one of my favorite Disney stories and I love to read just like she does.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Tough question-- I'm glad you said 3 because I definitely can't pick just one!

1) Belle: She was my first fave and holds a dear place in my heart. Even more so since planning for Disneyland Paris and learning some French, DH and I used to joke that we were "La Belle et la Bete"-- me the reader, him the one I'm getting in to reading. Him the one whose castle (or condo) I busted up in and never left. Then when he is hangry, he is definitely the beast LOL! So that's been a long standing joke with us. So much so that we HAD to spend one night in the BatB room at Tokyo Disneyland hotel. I even made Beauty and the Beast costumes for our Duffy and Shellie May bears for that trip. Yeah----she's definitely my home girl! I've always tried to embody her ability to see past what's on the outside and truly admire and love things and people for what they were on the inside.

2) Snow White: She was the first, the original, and the only one who I've managed to get a decent Disneybound outfit together for.

3) Tiana: Firstly, I love that she teaches that it's the combination of wishing and hard work that makes dreams come true. Second, the shout out to my homeland, the American South. It's fun hearing my native tongue spoken. And the lastly, let's face it-- little Lottie in her puffy pink dress clutching her kitten is my spirit animal

Can we all just appreciate Charlotte in Princess and the Frog for a moment? You'd think she'd be spoiled and selfish, but she's encouraging of her friend and wants her to be happy. ~love~ She doesn't get nearly enough love!

And i love your story about Belle. My husband turns into a Beast if he's hangry too :P
July 21 - Fantasy Faire

A tiny place for you to meet the Princesses.

Nestled in between the Tiny Disneyland Castle and Frontierland is our next destination - the Fantasy Faire. Constructed in 2012,
Fantasy Faire provides a place for guests to meet three princesses on rotation and enjoy a fun show in the Royal Theatre.

On Saturday Nights you can join a group of Swing Dancers and enjoy a great time!


Here's what the inside of the Meet-n-Greet area looks like. Perfect for that Princess picture, yes?
The room provides air conditioning so the princesses are always 'fresh' and the backdrop looks perfect for your photo.


The Fantasy Faire Theatre features two different shows on rotation - presently Tangled and Beauty and the Beast. For about a year
they showed Frozen - but that's since been discontinued with a Frozen musical opening up at California Adventure. These shows
are presented in a 'funny' and 'theatre group' type of show. They're really enjoyable and a great way to sit and relax.
Question of the Day - July 20
Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy are all staple characters of the Disney Franchise. But the Princesses are too!

The Princess films taught us lessons in looking beyond the beast to see the man inside; how a pair of shoes can change
your life; not to trust fruit from strangers; to always read contracts before signing them; and just to... let it go.

Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

This is a fun one. The first is Cinderella. More so because that is my favorite movie. My Moms too. I know this one is not disney but Robert and Hammerstein's is my favorite.

The second would be rapunzel. Loved that book as a kid and she was half the reason I had such long hair growing up. The other was Crystal gayle. Just another one that brings back memories.

The third would be Belle. I just loved the movie.

I have 2 good stories. Both from our first trip with the kids. My son was almost 6 and my daughter was 4. The first characters we saw were the princesses. They were at the front of mk then. My son wanted no part of seeing them and made it know. First up was Cinderella. He marches up to her and says "I am only here so I can see and do what I want". She had the best response. She told him that he needed to come and meet the princesses so he could the one for him. Him demeanor changed quickly and he couldn't wait to see another. Still doesn't give us an issue with it and he is 10.

The second is with my daughter. We went to see rapunzel and at that time she,was in the area where marida (brave) is located now. She was at the table coloring when she came out. My husband went up to her and told her. She came back to me in line as excited and stood with me the rest of the time in line with her eyes glued on rapunzel and her mouth hanging open. Right before we got up to her she took her pony tail out so she could show rapunzel her long hair.

I have to leave in a few minutes to take my daughter to therapy. I will try to upload a picture or two.
Let's take a moment to visit a virtual Fantasy Faire and plot as to which princesses we'd like to meet.
You can meet up to three - and please tell us why.
Have these princesses impacted your life in a positive way or is it something else?

We spent a good chunk of time around Fantasy Faire on our trip with a DD who was 10 there was no way I was missing that window of opportunity.
We all loved the Royale Theatre boys included those shows are just so funny.

Now to choose between the Princesses.

Tiana - I also like how she shows us that it takes hard work to make a dream come true - not just wishing. I think I must have lived in the South in a past life as I am just so drawn to it .... and so I naturally gravitate to Tiana and the Princess and the Frog movie. I do love Charlotte as well though and their unlikely friendship but a true friendship nonetheless.

Snow White - For all her beauty that the Queen is jealous of - it is her caring, nurturing, resilient, hard-working, loving inner beauty that shines through. As a carer/nurturer personality type myself, I like Snow, was betrayed by someone close to me because that side of my personality didn't let me see the real them.

Rapunzel - She is fun, quirky, creative, and fierce when she needs to be - I lover her fry pan - since living alone I always make sure I have a baseball bat near the head of my bed - ready to grab for safety in case I have to fight monsters in the night lol so I can relate to her swinging that fry pan :rotfl: Oh and that long hair - my mother kept my hair short when I was little as it has curl and she like the curl (and quite frankly I think it was easier for her to look after!) - as soon as I old enough to have a say out grew my hair and I kept it long for a loooong time.

Overall when I was little I really probably wanted to just dress like a princess in a beautiful dress and ride in horse drawn carriages - being the girly girl I was haha. But as I have gotten older and had a daughter of my own and re-experienced the Princesses and met the new Princesses I must say I found there is more to them than their beauty, dresses and being rescued by their Prince Charming. So I don't agree with the bad rap that the Disney Princesses get from some people.

Bonus: Tell us about your best meet-n-greet princess stories!

Ok I have a couple.

The day DD10 did her BBB makeover into Snow White - Snow White was the first Princess she met in Fantasy Faire - Snow spent a lot of time with her teaching her how to twirl. Later that day when the parade was on - we didn't really realise it had started as we weren't planning to go to it that day - we were heading out of Fantasy Land between the Tea Cups and Alice in Wonderland to cross towards the Matterhorn and head around into Tomorrowland but we were blocked in by the Parade. We stood a little back from the crowd in a space just next to the Tea Cups - when the Princess float came along - for some reason Snow White (the same one we met earlier that day) happened to look up and beyond the parade crowd and saw my DD standing there still in her Snow dress/tiara and recognised her and gave her a big wave - that made my DD's day.

Another fun Parade story - this time we were seated front and centre waiting for it - DS13 was chief videographer for it making sure he captured it all for us. When the Princess float came along - Snow White noticed him and blew him a kiss - haha we teased him about it but I think he was secretly happy about it.

The last one is with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider ... As you might remember it was September when we went and insanely hot some days - so much so that on some days they cancelled the Royale Theatre Shows as it just would have been too hot in that space for the actors in full costume with the added heat of the theatre lights. One day we waited for the Tangled show and it was cancelled but they said the characters would do a meet and greet/photo op - families were told one photo only a group one. We all lined up - we were further down the line a little - the guys who narrate and act out a lot of the parts were walking along the line chatting to everyone - they came to us and had a chat and found out we were from Australia - which was always a good conversation starter - anyway it was my kids turn - I had the camera ready to shoot their pic - Flynn started talking to DS13 and Rapunzel to the twins - Flynn and DS13 were talking about flying dragons - then it came up that we were from Australia - the interaction went on for at least 15 minutes - with Flynn getting down one knee in front of my daughter looking through her satchel for treasure - the tiara was stolen and hidden and the included my kids in a mini skit while they looked for it around the theatre. I snapped lots of photos but did not think to get any video of it all - as I just had in my mind I was ready to take my one photo - my kids still talk about it.

Snow Twirl.jpg Tangled 2.jpg Tangled.jpg Snow 2.jpg

Ok here is my favorite princess story. We did our first Disney cruise when DD5 was 2. She was in love with Cinderella but was scared to meet characters at that point. So we went to the show the first night onboard and it happened to be the Cinderella show so DD had her Cinderella dress on. After the show Cinderella had a meet n greet so we decided to give the meet a try. We got in the line right before they closed it off and were the second to last to meet Cindy. When it came time to meet her Cinderella came up to DD took her by the hand and lead her to where she was standing. She then sat on the floor with her and they talked forever. There were lots of hugs and giggles. It was by far the best Character meeting I have ever had.

They are wonderful photos of your daughter - my DD was also afraid of any full costumed characters when she was little - another reason besides $$$ I wanted to wait until she was older to take her to DL - I wasn't going all that way until she would embrace them!

My favorite story was when we met Anna and Elsa a few years ago. My wife and I noticed that morning it had been a few days since our daughter went to the bathroom #2. We split up and my wife/son went to go ride something and I took my daughter to Anna/Elsa with our Fastpass. We were cutting it close to hit a lunch reservation right after. We finally get inside and we are about two people away and she tells me she has to go potty. Is was the worst possible time ever. I stalked the Disney website for months to get those Fastpasses! We ended up still meeting the princesses and she actually smiled for the pics, then I picked her up and literally ran to a bathroom. The line was huge and she was moaning, but we made it just in time and then sprinted to our lunch reservation! When we met my wife/son at The Plaza Restaurant I was exhausted (running wasn't my thing back then)!

haha what a great story ..... should I say that they helped her to...... let it go? My DS12 sang me a toilet themed 'let it go' song he heard somewhere not all that long ago!

OMG, it's Jasmine.

Oooohhh you are so lucky - we would have loved to meet Jasmine.

wow - such a big post - can you guess who likes Princesses? ...... remember I am hosting September hint hint ......

Oh well, you would never know any of that from the pics.




My son and I will be leaving in a few hours for the Coldplay concert. Really looking forward to it. The scale has been kind the last few days which is great, but this morning while I was mowing the lawn I got stung by a bee. The problem is I got stung right above my left eye on my eyebrow and it is swollen pretty good. Looks like I'll be wearing a hat nice and low tonight!

I am not into princesses, but this is probably as we don't have girl. My boy will be more into Coldplay than meet and great at theme parks

but this picture is so cute, love the little pose your daughter is doing.


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