The Young Avengers: A Very Avengers Holiday (YARP Part 6)

OOC: Also, I don't really know the answer to this yet, not until we both see the movie, but do you think Mike and Evelyn would break up over the events of Civil War, especially since their parents are on different sides?
OOC: Okay, let's just say everything happened, Sarah's dead, Hope left for a month or two, then came back, Hope and Jay had a huge fight and then got over it, not sure what else. You wanna do prom and/or graduation? Also, I have a small idea/adventure for Mike and Conrad
OOC: Sounds good. Yes for prom/graduation/adventure! Maybe we can make their prom a week before graduation so it can flow better?

OOC: Also, I don't really know the answer to this yet, not until we both see the movie, but do you think Mike and Evelyn would break up over the events of Civil War, especially since their parents are on different sides?
OOC: Oooh, that's really tricky. Also curious to see if this will divide the team forever or just a month a so. The thing is even though Evelyn is a clone, she doesn't have the same exact thoughts as her mother always. Being around superkids the last few and being close with Mike may actually make her side with Cap and Hawkeye. Privacy is important and why should the government have control when they've messed up so much? But then again she is a SHIELD kids and was raised with the government, so she may side with Iron Man and mom. There's the whole if you have nothing to hide why hide it theory. Plus she's fiercely loyal and close with her mom. I think she's a bit saddened too that she'll grow old and Mike won't. A breakup could happen if she sides with mom. May be interesting too to see how these characters do apart, although I feel like they would eventually come back together unless on of them found a new love (Which probably wouldn't happen) before that happened. They really do care deeply for one another. Evelyn and Mike are very cute and too sweeties. Sometime I wonder if they need someone a bit more sassy or dark instead as they are very similar. Both of them together can lead to uptightness. Like how Hope is so sweet and polite why Jay is funny and pushes boundaries. I've always wondered from curiosity what a Eli and Evelyn relationship would be like. Both have such a star quality and crave that upper class and have a charisma, it really would be a power couple type of thing. I almost see Evelyn becoming a different person, not in a good or bad way. But the Evelyn/Mike is so pure and princess like which is a nice old fashion pace I quite like. Excuse me if this is long and scrambled, it's late and a million things are on my mind. Also I could see Evelyn pondering things like she does, just because she's young and been with someone so long. But then after experiencing the world for bit without Mike realize what she had with Mike was good and get over that. Unlike Mike who is a bit more grown up and doesn't feel the need to have new experiences. Oh man, what would be really tragic but good is Evelyn breaking up with Mike, but when she realizes he was so wonderful later he's too hurt and refuses to get back with Evelyn. That may make my heart hurt too much tho.. haha. I guess there's always a part of me debating if they are the best for each other because that's how I usually am in relationships. It's so nice with Dylan, it just feels so right and easy and it normally isn't that way and ahhh.
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OOC: Did you decide where Hope is going to school? If Eli is doing MIT if may be easier for her to go there for Harvard so most our characters are in one place.
I love planning these characters futures and such. Thinking about their interactions and growth too really interests me.
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OOC: Sounds good. Yes for prom/graduation/adventure! Maybe we can make their prom a week before graduation so it can flow better?

OOC: Oooh, that's really tricky. Also curious to see if this will divide the team forever or just a month a so. The thing is even though Evelyn is a clone, she doesn't have the same exact thoughts as her mother always. Being around superkids the last few and being close with Mike may actually make her side with Cap and Hawkeye. Privacy is important and why should the government have control when they've messed up so much? But then again she is a SHIELD kids and was raised with the government, so she may side with Iron Man and mom. There's the whole if you have nothing to hide why hide it theory. Plus she's fiercely loyal and close with her mom. I think she's a bit saddened too that she'll grow old and Mike won't. A breakup could happen if she sides with mom. May be interesting too to see how these characters do apart, although I feel like they would eventually come back together unless on of them found a new love (Which probably wouldn't happen) before that happened. They really do care deeply for one another. Evelyn and Mike are very cute and too sweeties. Sometime I wonder if they need someone a bit more sassy or dark instead as they are very similar. Both of them together can lead to uptightness. Like how Hope is so sweet and polite why Jay is funny and pushes boundaries. I've always wondered from curiosity what a Eli and Evelyn relationship would be like. Both have such a star quality and crave that upper class and have a charisma, it really would be a power couple type of thing. I almost see Evelyn becoming a different person, not in a good or bad way. But the Evelyn/Mike is so pure and princess like which is a nice old fashion pace I quite like. Excuse me if this is long and scrambled, it's late and a million things are on my mind. Also I could see Evelyn pondering things like she does, just because she's young and been with someone so long. But then after experiencing the world for bit without Mike realize what she had with Mike was good and get over that. Unlike Mike who is a bit more grown up and doesn't feel the need to have new experiences. Oh man, what would be really tragic but good is Evelyn breaking up with Mike, but when she realizes he was so wonderful later he's too hurt and refuses to get back with Evelyn. That may make my heart hurt too much tho.. haha. I guess there's always a part of me debating if they are the best for each other because that's how I usually am in relationships. It's so nice with Dylan, it just feels so right and easy and it normally isn't that way and ahhh.

OOC: Okay, that's a good plan for prom and graduation. And it's not really too adventurous, just this idea I had about Mike and Conrad running off against their dads' wishes and trying to do military and then figuring out it's actually an awful idea.

I am curious too, but I don't think I can make a decision on that until after I see the movie. Plus, Bruce won't be there at all, so who knows how he's going to react to everything. You've got interesting points about the siding. All of mine are probably going to stick to the side their parents are on, just because it's too much to keep track of who switches for me. Evelyn and Mike are pretty similar, and I feel like that's good and bad for them. It's good because they really care and I think Evelyn kind of understands Mike's pain/PTSD even though she hasn't seen what he's seen, and Mike kind of understands the issues with her humanity that Ev probably has seeing as she's a clone. I like that they can really get each other and be there for each other. But what I don't like is that there's not really much dynamic or spark between them. You know what I mean? They're so similar that they're predictable. I've noticed, I bet you have too, that we spend a LOT more time with Hope and Jay than Mike and Evelyn. And while part of that is probably because they're our faves, it's also because there's always something new and exciting with them. When we were doing Winter Soldier, it was an awesome time to be Mike and Evelyn, especially the backstory we made up, that was awesome. They're kind of boring right now though. Do you concur? To be honest, I've wondered about an Eli/Evelyn relationship as well. They would probably sass each other but care underneath, might be cute. All that being said, you're right how they're adorably old-fashioned and fairy-tale, in a slightly different way than Hope and Jay are. Hope and Jay have the soul mates thing going, but Evelyn and Mike are sort of sci-fi/action version of a Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty mashup. Actually, I think you're onto something. I mentioned earlier Mike and Conrad thing. Okay, so, picture this: Evelyn and Mike take a break, maybe not necessarily a breakup, but they want different things after high school so they're splitting ways for a while. Evelyn wants to see the world, have new experiences, live life to the fullest, etc, while Mike just wants to serve his country because he feels like he owes the USA/the world something. Conrad goes with him because he would follow Mike into Helheim. So, Evelyn's at whatever college she's going to, Mike and Conrad are at West Point. Evelyn's having fun but missing Mike, Mike has underestimated his issues just like a bunch of people predicted and so now he's torn between doing the duty he feels obligated to do even though he's not at all ready for it or getting out which means admitting his problems and giving up. Which is a problem because Rogers men just don't give up and people have always said that WW2 vets just didn't talk about the war or what they saw there, because of needing to be strong and not wanting to burden their loved ones or whatever it was. Finally, Conrad gets tired of his best friend's idiocy and calls up Evelyn, saying "Come fix your fool of a boyfriend because he's being stupid" and so Evelyn visits and knocks some sense and gets Mike and Conrad out and helps them get into college, and Mike starts attending school with Evelyn and Conrad goes either with Mike and Evelyn or to MIT with Eli or Harvard with Hope and Mike and Evelyn work back to being close and cute. What do you think? Aww, that's cute Olivia. So glad you finally found someone, I felt bad when you were struggling.

OOC: Did you decide where Hope is going to school? If Eli is doing MIT if may be easier for her to go there for Harvard so most our characters are in one place.
I love planning these characters futures and such. Thinking about their interactions and growth too really interests me.

OOC: I did decide at one point, but it was a long time ago and I forgot! Sure, might as well send her to Harvard.
Yeah, I like seeing how much a character has grown and where they're going.
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OOC: Okay, that's a good plan for prom and graduation. And it's not really too adventurous, just this idea I had about Mike and Conrad running off against their dads' wishes and trying to do military and then figuring out it's actually an awful idea.

I am curious too, but I don't think I can make a decision on that until after I see the movie. Plus, Bruce won't be there at all, so who knows how he's going to react to everything. You've got interesting points about the siding. All of mine are probably going to stick to the side their parents are on, just because it's too much to keep track of who switches for me. Evelyn and Mike are pretty similar, and I feel like that's good and bad for them. It's good because they really care and I think Evelyn kind of understands Mike's pain/PTSD even though she hasn't seen what he's seen, and Mike kind of understands the issues with her humanity that Ev probably has seeing as she's a clone. I like that they can really get each other and be there for each other. But what I don't like is that there's not really much dynamic or spark between them. You know what I mean? They're so similar that they're predictable. I've noticed, I bet you have too, that we spend a LOT more time with Hope and Jay than Mike and Evelyn. And while part of that is probably because they're our faves, it's also because there's always something new and exciting with them. When we were doing Winter Soldier, it was an awesome time to be Mike and Evelyn, especially the backstory we made up, that was awesome. They're kind of boring right now though. Do you concur? To be honest, I've wondered about an Eli/Evelyn relationship as well. They would probably sass each other but care underneath, might be cute. All that being said, you're right how they're adorably old-fashioned and fairy-tale, in a slightly different way than Hope and Jay are. Hope and Jay have the soul mates thing going, but Evelyn and Mike are sort of sci-fi/action version of a Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty mashup. Actually, I think you're onto something. I mentioned earlier Mike and Conrad thing. Okay, so, picture this: Evelyn and Mike take a break, maybe not necessarily a breakup, but they want different things after high school so they're splitting ways for a while. Evelyn wants to see the world, have new experiences, live life to the fullest, etc, while Mike just wants to serve his country because he feels like he owes the USA/the world something. Conrad goes with him because he would follow Mike into Helheim. So, Evelyn's at whatever college she's going to, Mike and Conrad are at West Point. Evelyn's having fun but missing Mike, Mike has underestimated his issues just like a bunch of people predicted and so now he's torn between doing the duty he feels obligated to do even though he's not at all ready for it or getting out which means admitting his problems and giving up. Which is a problem because Rogers men just don't give up and people have always said that WW2 vets just didn't talk about the war or what they saw there, because of needing to be strong and not wanting to burden their loved ones or whatever it was. Finally, Conrad gets tired of his best friend's idiocy and calls up Evelyn, saying "Come fix your fool of a boyfriend because he's being stupid" and so Evelyn visits and knocks some sense and gets Mike and Conrad out and helps them get into college, and Mike starts attending school with Evelyn and Conrad goes either with Mike and Evelyn or to MIT with Eli or Harvard with Hope and Mike and Evelyn work back to being close and cute. What do you think? Aww, that's cute Olivia. So glad you finally found someone, I felt bad when you were struggling.

OOC: I did decide at one point, but it was a long time ago and I forgot! Sure, might as well send her to Harvard.
Yeah, I like seeing how much a character has grown and where they're going.
OOC: Yes, Evelyn and Mike are really getting boring and I hate the spark seems to be gone. I don't think you should hold on to something just if it's okay. You have to have both the loyalty and fun. Oh yeah sass level between Evelyn and Eli would be high, especially at first, but more in a playful way. It'd be a fun dynamic. They'd probably get each other too a good amount of relaxation when needed without being too uptight.
I like the idea! Let's do it and try to get that spark back and some interaction. If we works, awesome. If not, they move on. Sounds good. I'll probably have Evelyn go to Boston University which is right across the river from MIT. Havard is pretty close as well. I see Evelyn very studious I just don't know if she's MIT or Havard level. A top state school would be a good fit. Too bad no major schools in Boston have a fashion merchandising degree like they do at my school, that'd be perfect for her. UNT is not the fit for her tho lol. I could just pretend the program is at a Boston school.
Thank you :) He's great. The only thing is he's pretty upset about me doing the DCP. But I'm not leaving if I make it for 8 months so I'm not going to worry about it too much until then.
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OOC: Yes, Evelyn and Mike are really getting boring and I hate the spark seems to be gone. I don't think you should hold on to something just if it's okay. You have to have both the loyalty and fun. Oh yeah sass level between Evelyn and Eli would be high, especially at first, but more in a playful way. It'd be a fun dynamic. They'd probably get each other too a good amount of relaxation when needed without being too uptight.
I like the idea! Let's do it and try to get that spark back and some interaction. If we works, awesome. If not, they move on. Sounds good. I'll probably have Evelyn go to Boston University which is right across the river from MIT. Havard is pretty close as well. I see Evelyn very studious I just don't know if she's MIT or Havard level. A top state school would be a good fit. Too bad no major schools in Boston have a fashion merchandising degree like they do at my school, that'd be perfect for her. UNT is not the fit for her tho lol. I could just pretend the program is at a Boston school.
Thank you :) He's great. The only thing is he's pretty upset about me doing the DCP. But I'm not leaving if I make it for 8 months so I'm not going to worry about it too much until then.

OOC: All sounds good & right. We are in agreement.
That's understandable, since you'd be going off to Florida. Hope everything goes fine though.
OOC: All sounds good & right. We are in agreement.
That's understandable, since you'd be going off to Florida. Hope everything goes fine though.
OOC: Cool.
Yeah. At first he said he didn't think it work but now he wants to try. He doesn't understand why I want to go now when he wants to move there too in a few years for golf school. But that's a while and it's been a lifelong dream to do the program.

A Saturday in late May 2016:

Evelyn: All the girls where getting ready for the big night for their class, prom! If this matched the level of how awesome homecoming was a few years ago, she'd be satisfied.

Jay: He was glad he didn't have to put in as much effort as the girls...
OOC: At least he's supportive. And you've got better methods of communication this time around.

Hope: She was going to look like a princess. She was so excited for prom.

Raven: She helped the others get ready while getting ready herself. Eli had asked her as a friend. The death of Sarah had really shaken him and he hadn't had it within him to ask a girl out to prom for real. She had been one of the few, which were Jay, Evelyn and Mike, that had been there for Eli in the wake Sarah's death, Daniel's return to the Air Force and Hope's disappearance.

Ivana: She got ready. American schools were strange, but she was excited for this formal dance they called prom. She and Nicolai hadn't really cracked the inner circle of the friendships yet, but they were beginning to be accepted. Raven had been particularly kind to her, as she had the most experience with Hydra.

Mike: He was pretty happy. Evelyn had agreed to go with him, and it made him feel awesome.

Eli: He was planning for the after-party that the YA were having after Prom. The adults were spending the weekend at the new facility.

Conrad: He was relaxing, as he didn't need much effort to get ready.

Nicolai: He was observing quietly. Like his sister, he wasn't quite there yet, so he just stayed out of the way.
OOC: At least he's supportive. And you've got better methods of communication this time around.

Hope: She was going to look like a princess. She was so excited for prom.

Raven: She helped the others get ready while getting ready herself. Eli had asked her as a friend. The death of Sarah had really shaken him and he hadn't had it within him to ask a girl out to prom for real. She had been one of the few, which were Jay, Evelyn and Mike, that had been there for Eli in the wake Sarah's death, Daniel's return to the Air Force and Hope's disappearance.

Ivana: She got ready. American schools were strange, but she was excited for this formal dance they called prom. She and Nicolai hadn't really cracked the inner circle of the friendships yet, but they were beginning to be accepted. Raven had been particularly kind to her, as she had the most experience with Hydra.

Mike: He was pretty happy. Evelyn had agreed to go with him, and it made him feel awesome.

Eli: He was planning for the after-party that the YA were having after Prom. The adults were spending the weekend at the new facility.

Conrad: He was relaxing, as he didn't need much effort to get ready.

Nicolai: He was observing quietly. Like his sister, he wasn't quite there yet, so he just stayed out of the way.
OOC: Yeah sorta supportive... he freaks out any time I talk about it. His logic is he wants to go move to Florida in a few years when I graduate for golf school and why I can't wait until then. Well, I really want to do this internship now I've been waiting a while and most people are siding with me. He used to claim it probably wouldn't work if I go now, but he's accepting it more.

Evelyn:"I know Europe doesn't have proms, but did you ever attend any balls Ivana?"

Jay: He found Eli. "Man, this party is going to be awesome. Plus no parents. It's gonna get wild."
OOC: Yeah sorta supportive... he freaks out any time I talk about it. His logic is he wants to go move to Florida in a few years when I graduate for golf school and why I can't wait until then. Well, I really want to do this internship now I've been waiting a while and most people are siding with me. He used to claim it probably wouldn't work if I go now, but he's accepting it more.

Evelyn:"I know Europe doesn't have proms, but did you ever attend any balls Ivana?"

Jay: He found Eli. "Man, this party is going to be awesome. Plus no parents. It's gonna get wild."
OOC: Oh. That's kinda sucky

Ivana: Ivana blinked back into existence at being addressed, then shook her head. "No. My family was only middle class. Balls and galas are for the rich."

Eli: Eli grinned. "You know it."
OOC: Oh. That's kinda sucky

Ivana: Ivana blinked back into existence at being addressed, then shook her head. "No. My family was only middle class. Balls and galas are for the rich."

Eli: Eli grinned. "You know it."
OOC: Yeah :/ Even his friends think he's being unreasonable. But I'm just not going to worry about it until then. His loss if he can't wait. I hope it all works out.

Evelyn: "Ah okay. Yeah, one of the reasons I really like America is there's a lot of equal opportunity for everyone. You will have a blast tonight!"

Jay: "Who do you think is gonna go the hardest?"

OOC: So do you think Evelyn, Jay, Hope, and Eli should all share a place in Boston or live in dorms? If they're all together it'd be easier for interaction. Plus Hope and Jay will be engaged. Or we could just have Hope and Jay live together and Ev and Eli in dorms.
OOC: Yeah :/ Even his friends think he's being unreasonable. But I'm just not going to worry about it until then. His loss if he can't wait. I hope it all works out.

Evelyn: "Ah okay. Yeah, one of the reasons I really like America is there's a lot of equal opportunity for everyone. You will have a blast tonight!"

Jay: "Who do you think is gonna go the hardest?"

OOC: So do you think Evelyn, Jay, Hope, and Eli should all share a place in Boston or live in dorms? If they're all together it'd be easier for interaction. Plus Hope and Jay will be engaged. Or we could just have Hope and Jay live together and Ev and Eli in dorms.
OOC: I hope it works out too. Well, we could go with a happy medium and do like Friends where they have apartments next door or across the hall from each other.

Ivana: "I hope so," she said, smiling tentatively.

Eli: Eli grinned and predicted, "Well, I'll be working the bar so that should tell you something, and Raven's already a pro at going hard. Your girlfriend will probably take it light and then kill with kindness everybody that has hangovers in the morning. Mike can't get drunk so he's limitless. Conrad does everything Mike does just slower. Evelyn's unpredictable, she might be hiding a hard girl behind the fashion. You, you're just crazy, so you'll either go hard or smuggle out with Hope half way through to have a private party I think. The Sokovians, who knows."
OOC: I hope it works out too. Well, we could go with a happy medium and do like Friends where they have apartments next door or across the hall from each other.

Ivana: "I hope so," she said, smiling tentatively.

Eli: Eli grinned and predicted, "Well, I'll be working the bar so that should tell you something, and Raven's already a pro at going hard. Your girlfriend will probably take it light and then kill with kindness everybody that has hangovers in the morning. Mike can't get drunk so he's limitless. Conrad does everything Mike does just slower. Evelyn's unpredictable, she might be hiding a hard girl behind the fashion. You, you're just crazy, so you'll either go hard or smuggle out with Hope half way through to have a private party I think. The Sokovians, who knows."
OOC:Thank you. That's a good idea. Although the main reason I really see them splitting is if they lived in campus dorms, might as well have them share an apartment if they are in the same place in my opinion. Hmmm.
Are the Sokovians going to college?

Evelyn: She smiled back. "I hope you will too."

Jay: "Oh man your manning the bar? Yeah It'll be an interesting night.", he chuckled. "Pretty spot on predictions. But you know the definition of crazy according to Google is mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way. That's not me... well I hope."
OOC:Thank you. That's a good idea. Although the main reason I really see them splitting is if they lived in campus dorms, might as well have them share an apartment if they are in the same place in my opinion. Hmmm.
Are the Sokovians going to college?

Evelyn: She smiled back. "I hope you will too."

Jay: "Oh man your manning the bar? Yeah It'll be an interesting night.", he chuckled. "Pretty spot on predictions. But you know the definition of crazy according to Google is mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way. That's not me... well I hope."

OOC: True. Oh jeez, I hadn't thought of that at all.

Ivana: She nodded. "Thank you."

Eli: He chuckled. "We'll see. Whatever happens, it'll be a good night."
OOC: True. Oh jeez, I hadn't thought of that at all.

Ivana: She nodded. "Thank you."

Eli: He chuckled. "We'll see. Whatever happens, it'll be a good night."
OOC: Hmmm. Maybe they can go to community college the first year with Jay? Or train at the Avengers base if they want to go the hero route.

Evelyn: "No problem." She was finshing up. Everyone looked so pretty!
OOC: Here is Evelyn's dress!
OOC: I wanted to show how close and proximity of Harvard, MIT, and Boston College.


  • boston colleges.PNG
    boston colleges.PNG
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OOC: Hmmm. Maybe they can go to community college the first year with Jay? Or train at the Avengers base if they want to go the hero route.

Evelyn: "No problem." She was finshing up. Everyone looked so pretty!

OOC: I kinda don't see them doing the community college thing. Maybe they might train though, who knows?

Hope: She twirled. "I feel like a princess!"

Raven: Raven grinned. "That's good, Prom Queen."

Hope: She shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Evelyn's going to get it, mark my words. She's prettier and more popular than me. I'm just the smart one."

Conrad: He walked into the room where Eli and Jay were. 'Hi guys. Eli, finish your speech yet? Is it going to be funny?"

Eli: Eli was of course valedictorian - well, not of course, he'd been battling with Hope for the title for forever, but when she was absent he was able to take it from her. Still, she was salutatorian. "Nah. Think I'm just going to wing it. But it will be funny."

OOC: Here is Evelyn's dress!

OOC: Very pretty. I'll post the girls' dresses in a bit

OOC: I wanted to show how close and proximity of Harvard, MIT, and Boston College.

OOC: Thanks for the reference. They're surprisingly close
OOC: I kinda don't see them doing the community college thing. Maybe they might train though, who knows?

Hope: She twirled. "I feel like a princess!"

Raven: Raven grinned. "That's good, Prom Queen."

Hope: She shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Evelyn's going to get it, mark my words. She's prettier and more popular than me. I'm just the smart one."

Conrad: He walked into the room where Eli and Jay were. 'Hi guys. Eli, finish your speech yet? Is it going to be funny?"

Eli: Eli was of course valedictorian - well, not of course, he'd been battling with Hope for the title for forever, but when she was absent he was able to take it from her. Still, she was salutatorian. "Nah. Think I'm just going to wing it. But it will be funny."

OOC: Very pretty. I'll post the girls' dresses in a bit

OOC: Thanks for the reference. They're surprisingly close
OOC: I don't ethier. We'll see what happens.

Evelyn: "I'm not prettier. And your the one who's an Olympic star. We all have our strengths and have a shot tonight!"

Jay: "As charismatic and good at improvising as you are, you probably shouldn't wing something this big.

OOC: Thanks. I'm excited to see the other dresses.
Oh yeah no problem. I'm a visual person myself and think the better you can.imagine the environment, the more real and enjoyable it is. My family is from Boston so I used to go a lot growing up. All three are extremely close. MIT and BU are across each other at the river.
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OOC: I don't ethier. We'll see what happens.

Evelyn: "I'm not prettier. And your the one who's an Olympic star. We all have our strengths and have a shot tonight!"

Jay: "As charismatic and good at improvising as you are, you probably shouldn't wing something this big.

OOC: Thanks. I'm excited to see the other dresses.
Oh yeah no problem. I'm a visual person myself and think the better you can.imagine the environment, the more real and enjoyable it is. My family is from Boston so I used to go a lot growing up. All three are extremely close. MIT and BU are across each other at the river.
OOC: Yup. Oh, didn't know that. I've only been to Boston once. We flew in to Boston to then drive the rest of the way to Canada on one of our visits there. My family is from Canada. I get to go this May, so excited! My mother has six siblings, and this will be the first time they'll all be together since before we immigrated to the US. I'll even meet one of my cousins I haven't met before. But anyway, Boston, it was nice looking, and we had lunch at McGreevy's, the one that the Dropkick Murphys own.

I still do polyvore, so I made a set:

Hope: She blushed.

Raven: "We'll see."

Eli: He shrugged. "Maybe."


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