The Running Thread - 2016

Shoosh. -.-

@rteetz Ditto on going to class. You'll learn more by getting up, getting cleaned up, and going to class every day than you will in any given day of class. Take those random Wednesday night short courses, like salsa dancing, or bartending, and that random stuff. Sign up for Habitat for Humanity one weekend. (You're not missing anything, believe me.) Be nice, but don't waste time on people who aren't worth it. And treat the girls like princesses. Chances are, they've never seen a prince, and never will again.
Thanks for the advice! We just had a big square dancing thing for an orientation event. No class until Monday so lots of time to get to know people and such.
International Business and Finance. Minor in German. Not sure I'm really using any of it anymore, but I retain the ability to quasi-understand German even if I can't speak it.

A useful skill for Oktoberfest :)

Dude. I graduated (not from Marquette) in 1992, how old do YOU make me feel? Hopefully I've now passed along the "old feeling" to someone else now! :crutches:

You did. ;) I recently had my 30th high school reunion.
Thanks for the advice! We just had a big square dancing thing for an orientation event. No class until Monday so lots of time to get to know people and such.
I remember the square dance! I'm so glad to hear they still do that - it's tradition. :)

By the way, if you're at Marquette, have you heard about the Briggs and Al's Run on September 17? It starts right on campus and goes down Wisconsin Avenue. It's a big event. I've done it the last 2 years and would like to again this year.
I remember the square dance! I'm so glad to hear they still do that - it's tradition. :)

By the way, if you're at Marquette, have you heard about the Briggs and Al's Run on September 17? It starts right on campus and goes down Wisconsin Avenue. It's a big event. I've done it the last 2 years and would like to again this year.
I know what the run is but I have never done it.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

What a great timing for this question for me!! I FINALLY got my new shoes to go with my inserts (had tendonitis in May due to my flat feet and needed to heal and get fitted for inserts, it all took longer than I wanted it to take). Went out for my first run this morning and felt sooo great!!

My biggest problem is to just get out, so I tell myself that I should start with short runs and just go and run for 15-20 minutes as there is always time for that in a day. And once I have been out a few times, the routine is back.
Wisconsin was my first choice... But...

Every year it gets so much tougher for in-state students, so I get it. My wife didn't get in out of high school (or at least didn't try because she didn't think she'd get in), did one year at Edgewood, and then transferred in no problem. She ended up being very successful at UW and ended up with a higher GPA than me by like 0.05. She STILL brings it up to this day (Kudos to her)... That was 8 years ago for me (Class of 2008). So, if you do decide after a year or so that you still want to go to Wisconsin the transfer program is much easier to get into then right out of high school. Enjoy college because it truly was some of the best years of my life and helped mold me into the person I am today. And you absolutely have to go to the basketball games. So much fun!

And what the what?!?! So many Marquette grads! @Barca33Runner @*DisneyDreamer Hope to see you guys out there in those Marquette Singlets some day! It's a really high quality singlet. I own the Wisconsin one.
IamTrike, I quoted the wrong post somehow but you mentioned you were slow in a post after this one. I was surprised. I know there are a lot of people on this thread, and from the marathon thread, but I always remember you being one of the fast ones on here. Am I confused?
Speed is relative. I've been doing a lot of my training runs in the morning at the same time as my sons cross country team. I think in my post I was just trying to say that at my pace to run around 50 miles a week I'm usually running more than an hour a day. If I tried to jump to 80 miles a week that gets closer to an hour and a half or 2 hours a day. I don't think I have it in me to spend that much time training and still do everything else I need to do.
QOTD: What weather conditions would you consider to be a perfect day for a run?

ATTQOTD: Early morning low of 40, slight wind from the north, partly cloudy, and RH% below 75%. Temps not exceeding 55 by the end of the run.

I am over summer, I want cold fronts, north winds, see temps starting out below 65 (Really 50) and a gumbo.
QOTD: What weather conditions would you consider to be a perfect day for a run?

ATTQOTD: Early morning low of 40, slight wind from the north, partly cloudy, and RH% below 75%. Temps not exceeding 55 by the end of the run.

This is pretty much my ideal. I like 40 degrees at the start and to have it stay below 50 for the entire race. The half in January two years ago was pretty close to this, and I loved it.
QOTD: What weather conditions would you consider to be a perfect day for a run?

For normal training days, I like it to be around a temperature + dew point of 100-120. For races, I like it cold. My best performances have come in a temperature + dew point of 65-90. Prefer clouds and would even choose a light rain over full sun. And a very light breeze. Sounds like ideal to me!
QOTD: What weather conditions would you consider to be a perfect day for a run?

ATTQOTD: Early morning low of 40, slight wind from the north, partly cloudy, and RH% below 75%. Temps not exceeding 55 by the end of the run.
You have summed up my perfect run, though I would prefer it less humid - below 60%.
ATTQOTD-weather conditions for running. Cooler, overcast days are my favorite. Prefer to not have to wear layers or gloves or long pants. I'll take something in the 40-60 degree range, possibly a slight breeze, and low humidity. I've been lucky to have most running events in that temp range but Mother Nature has been nice enough to throw in free helpings of heavy wind, or rain, or snow, or humidity!!!!!
QOTD: What weather conditions would you consider to be a perfect day for a run?

You know, I haven't paid close enough attention to temperatures, and I really should keep better notes, but I'm thinking a simi-dry 60 is a nice sweet spot, although even 50 is pretty comfortable after a bit. I would probably like it colder for a race.

But for a long run, give me a quiet, empty park with fresh dew, and a clear pre-dawn sky.


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