Spectacular September - September 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

My kids are getting what I like to call kitchen curious. DS7 will help baking, his job is chocolate chip stirrer. DS10 likes to help me cook, sometimes. He will help with macaroni and the like. He also learned to make hobo pockets last year so thats his thing now. DD is starting to watch while I am cooking. I think she is realizing food does not just materialize on her plate. We also have a couple disney themed cookbooks that they are in to looking at. Need to make the chef mickeys cheesy potatoes soon.
Question for the group-do any kids in your family cook? I am always fascinated by the childrens cooking shows and I can’t believe how good some of these kids are!!

I agree, it's crazy how much they know at such young ages! I enjoy watching them, and especially how (sometimes unlike the grown-up shows) they're always helping each other out!

My DS is 21 and can make basic things for himself really well - all kinds of eggs, fancy grilled cheese, hamburgers... (and of course the ever-popular college favorite: doctored up Raman noodles!) I've had him watch me make a couple more complicated things, but he's not what I'd call super interested in cooking, and mostly eats at the school dining hall. When he's in the mood to cook, though, it comes out really well!

As for little kids I know, my honorary niece is 7 and very interested in learning to cook. (She can already make grilled cheese, too.) I think it's going to be an ongoing interest for her.

WHOOOOHOOOO it’s Wednesday!!!

What’s everyone whooohoooing this Wednesday??

Whoooo for me is definitely the weather here yesterday, today and the rest of the week! It’s absolutely gorgeous, 0 humidity, sunny and 75-80 during the day and cool at night! It’s absolutely delightful!!

DD has soccer tonight but has been under the weather with a cold since Sunday. Not sure if she will be up to going tonight or not. Hoping to whoooohoooo her waking up this morning feeling better!
Woohoo... first day back in the office in forever. Misread the bus schedule and waited quite a long time but ended up arriving in the office at the time I had planned, so not sure how that worked out. A couple other folks are already here... it is going to be a party.
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Wahoo our new couch arrived! Took exactly 9 months from the time we ordered it until it was in our house.

My DSs weren't really interested in cooking--just eating. The twins, on the other hand, they were totally into it. I think because their mom probably never let them in the kitchen. They helped a ton. Probably didn't hurt that I was older than when my kids were that age and I'm sure more patient.

So happy to be here to share thankful Thursday with everyone!

So much to be thankful for today, top ones for me are-

Foster dog is making great strides in strength, movement and fitting in with my dogs. Yesterday he started walking directly beside my biggest dog, using him as a guide dog. If he continues to do this it would be great since he is deaf and has poor eyesight. He also picked the pack leader and smartest dog in the house to pair up with so I was happy about that. My other 2 dogs are not the brightest, lol.

Thankful to be starting a Womens Bible study tonight. Always excited to learn and meet new people.

Thankful DD starts at chick fil a today! It’s training modules at the headquarters building but she’s so excited and I am so proud of her!
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Happy Tuesday Friends!!!!

Fun fact-today is Kids Take Over Kitchen Day!!

Question for the group-do any kids in your family cook? I am always fascinated by the childrens cooking shows and I can’t believe how good some of these kids are!!

DD is a good baker and she’s never afraid to try a recipe out so I am proud of her for that! DS2 makes meals for himself, he was into fitness and weight lifting from the age of 12 to now so he is constantly on a low carb/carb load/protein only type of diet plan and meal preps all his own stuff. DS1 specialty was always ramen noodles lol!

None of my nieces of nephews are into baking or cooking just yet-but they are all 8 and under so maybe we will have a famous chef soon!!

Make this Tuesday a great one!
My mother taught me how to cook everything. I was basically her sous chef, and by 10, I cooked dinner every week night. My mom would leave me a note with directions which I followed, and dinner would be on the table by the time my parents were home from work. I taught my daughter the same way but she didn’t cook for the family until high school if I was busy.

My nephew is a chef/restaurant owner and both of his kids have been cooking since they were very little. They have skills and a culinary vocabulary that is way above anything that I can do. They make fresh pasta like it’s no big deal.
I’m thankful that I am home recovering from a terrible cold instead of Covid. Nobody in my school is masking, but I will start when I return. I had planned on it, but when your classroom is 78 degrees and you are overcrowded with kindergarteners (26), it’s just too hard to breathe with a mask. Hopefully next week is cooler, but either way, I have to wear a mask. Time to schedule my booster as well.
I am so so thankful for yesterday. This time I was emotionally ready to be going in to the office, actually needing to do it. Mid-morning we had a group meeting with 20 people in attendance and everyone was in such good spirits, the presenters said they were a tad bit nervous presenting live for the first time in over two years. It was so good to have people around to talk to, just spontaneous conversations about whatever.

Last night I tried a new You Tube yoga video, same people but a new routine which I really liked, so thankful for that.

This morning it is truly autumn, as in overcast and cool. I do love autumn, so I'm thankful we're finally here.


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