Something About Nothing ... #12

Wed & Thurs

Tonight was PACKED!!! staying at RPR... I think I like PBH better, but it's pretty here. So far she's loving it :-)

Have a great time! Read it was packed last night........

Yep, Thursday again........this week has disappeared so quickly........

Again trying to decide what to have for lunch.......
Hi everyone!!! I'm back... onto the Dis and back in the UK. Had a great past week in USO at the Cabana Bay... interested to know what peeps thoughts are on HHN this year...

Also I'm now married, haha, one crazy busy part of my life is now over, thank goodness :teeth:

I hope everyone has been keeping well. :flower1: Mac are you feeling better?
party:Congratulations Rachel.......hope everything went well with the wedding.........glad to see you back posting again......:wave2:
Yay! BagO's a married lady and had a great time celebrating.

Sharky, nice to hear you're having a good time, even with the crowds.

TinyD, at least she was civil when the food came out. Hunger does that too ya, especially when someone else cooks. Ah, siblings.

Hope you found something yummy for lunch Schumi. Though I am sure you'll either make or find something lush. LOL

Thanks for the pictures Squirlz. That does look great and quirky.

It is Thursday, and an overcast morning. So happy it will still be close to 80 today. Short sleeves still okay, just tomorrow, it will be rain coats and long sleeves. Cool and in only the low 60's this week-end. Fall is here. This week-end will be cleaning the cars out. Seems little one leaves clothes and things in both my and my DS's car. And the pollen is making both our cars a nice yellow/green color.

Have a great day all!
Hi everyone!!! I'm back... onto the Dis and back in the UK. Had a great past week in USO at the Cabana Bay... interested to know what peeps thoughts are on HHN this year...

Also I'm now married, haha, one crazy busy part of my life is now over, thank goodness :teeth:

I hope everyone has been keeping well. :flower1: Mac are you feeling better?

Now you have a title, are we to call you "The Mrs" from now on?

Bet the wedding and honeymoon was fantastic !!

Friends that I knew always gained at least 5lbs on a trip like that
Hope it did not happen to you

But being the good homie that I am, I took that weight gain for youse....

I got home last week late night on this day and was miserable
Six days of rest and doing nothing made the biggest difference in the world
Feel better today
But I leave tomorrow for a mini vacation to Atlanta for their fright fest Halloween style event
Sharky I was reading last night about the lines and crowds at Hhn
Hope you had the ep
Did you get to do all the houses ?
If not you can hit them tonight
Was rpr filled up and long wait to check in yesterday ?

Schumi, what did we end up having for lunch ?
Did you start with wine?
I would have!!

Lynne, the pollen is hitting the cars now ?
That's icky !!
We had pollen here in the spring and is not know it can happen again in the fall
Mr Mac will be washing his car daily if that happens here
It drove him nuts in the spring

We have a two car garage and only my car is in it
His stays outside
Garage is full of tools, lawn mowers, work tables, and supplies
We have limited storage
Morning Schumi, Mac, Lynne, Bag O, :wave:. On my second cup of coffee and still in Pj's. Trying to get motivated for the day....

This "our spot". The end of the L-shaped Tree Bar by the sidewalk. Drinking Stoly and fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.

Cool pics Squirlz. Nothing better then hanging out with your honey.

Also I'm now married, haha, one crazy busy part of my life is now over, thank goodness :teeth:
Glad to have you back. Hope you had a great wedding and a wonderful honeymoon in Orlando. I loved HHN and
will be back next year.

Sharky have a great time with your daughter at HHN :dogdance:
Yep Mac, many of our trees and grass send their pollen out in the fall. Poor DS, his allergies are to almost all pollen, so he's sounding like Darth Vader again. Have to get after him to take his double shot of medicine.

Halloween is less than 2 weeks away now. I don't think either kid will dress up, but with the little one, maybe. Depends on friends, I am sure.
Welcome back BagO and congrats on getting hitched.

I'm still in my PJ's too Robo...I did manage to do a little laundry and some dusting today so I'm not a total slacker :-)

I think I'll make stir fry for lunch with the leftover steak from our dinner last night...yum.

Have a marvelous day everyone :flower1:
Schumigirls favorite dude.
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Don't believe I would have seat at that dressing table again after seeing that in it.....LOL

Oh I love it!!

But I'm pretty sure that was an actual nightmare I used to have after I sneakily watched the original Halloween when I was 11/12........definitely scarred me for

Vicki, lunch sounds good..........and if it's your day off you're entitled to be still in your jammies......enjoy the rest of your day.........

I ended up with a grilled Brie, ham and cranberry sandwich at lunch........lovely.

Dinner was maple glazed pork steaks.........I mistook cayenne pepper for paprika........wondered why it had no kick.........roasted potatoes were gorgeous though........not very healthy, but gorgeous!

Lazy night ahead........the UK Apprentice is on later, it's one show we all sit down to funny!
Hey all
When do all your communities celebrate Halloween?

When I lived up north, it was done on a Saturday from 2 to 4 in the day light and it was not on the 31
All of our past surrounding communities had the same ordinance

We never got trick or treaters all those years

Need to find out if anyone celebrates it in our community down here

Probably on Halloween, unless it falls on a Sunday or co-insides with Friday nights lights

Welcome back Janet!

Haven't seen DS in a few days...:car:new car + :love:new girlfriend + 4 days off work = who knows what he's up to. Hope he has fun :flower1:

Happy Tuesday back at cha Kivara and to all the homies :goodvibes

Thank you! Lol ah, to be young and (sorta) carefree. Bet the GF missed him when on vacation. PS got a Hitchhiking ghost Trader Sam's cup too. Mine came empty, can't remember if you said you got a drink included with yours or not.

Yes peeps put the candy in the trunk of their car and kids go from car to car in the parking lot

Adults stand by each trunk to supervise

All the cars are faced with the trunks towards the line the kids walk on

Here, only the drive-in theater and the country clubs do the trunk or treat. Had to laugh I was drafted to man my oldest DS's trunk last year as they were still @ work when it was scheduled. I mused to the woman parked next to me why did they hold it there when all the surrounding communities have traditional house-to-house Halloween. Got one of those condescending stares and she said it can be problematic to buzz people thru the gates. Um, ok lol only gate I have is 6 foot chain link in my back yard to keep my hounds in and people out of my pool.

Yep Mac, many of our trees and grass send their pollen out in the fall. Poor DS, his allergies are to almost all pollen, so he's sounding like Darth Vader again. Have to get after him to take his double shot of medicine.

Halloween is less than 2 weeks away now. I don't think either kid will dress up, but with the little one, maybe. Depends on friends, I am sure.

Allergies have literally been smacking me in the face ever since I got back home, one of the worst years I can recall. Almost looking forward to first killing frost.

Welcome back BagO and congrats on getting hitched.

I'm still in my PJ's too Robo...I did manage to do a little laundry and some dusting today so I'm not a total slacker :-)

I think I'll make stir fry for lunch with the leftover steak from our dinner last night...yum.

Have a marvelous day everyone :flower1:

Something must've been spilled on my kitchen floor while we were away. Nobody is fussing up. Have washed it several times but still feels tacky. Finally this am got down on hands & knees and gave it a proper my I typically do clean as they are comfy. Not sure if that is weird or not now that I think of it.:clown: Had a friend who cleaned in the 'buff. Too many people coming & going here, I'd scar somebody for life.
No house keeping in the buff here either. That would be a trauma for someone to recover from :-). Although it is funny :hyper:. I did moon my sisters and niece on vacation. I have scheduled therapy for them all....LOL....:scared1:

Schumi you should be a food blogger. Your description of your meals makes a person want to drool. Always sounds very good. No wonder Tom is always smiling he has smart, pretty wife that is an awesome cook.

Makes me think I have a very boring palate.

Keisha's food sounds Yummy too ::yes::.

Hey! Mac do you have any of that KFC coleslaw left over from the other day. I will be right over:tiptoe:.

Lynne hope your son gets to feeling better with his allergies. That is miserable. Pollen is not my friend either :worried:
Sharky the reason you had big crowds last now and will face more crowds tonight is because this is hell week

Teens out of school and it is where many go

Holding pens will fill up quickly
Hey Tink :wave:. I finally got going and went out and tinkered around in the yard until it started raining.
Stir fry sounds good.
Thanks Robo, DS has had allergies since he was 2 or 3. The doctors thought he might outgrow them, but going on 19 and still reacting to pollen, I would say he maybe won't outgrow them. He knows to medicate, and other than going through boxes of tissues, he has dealt with allergies for so long, it is second nature to him. Just when we have a hard frost, he has to be careful still. Lots of people and businesses bring plants inside. It is why we do not have live plants or flowers at any time in our house. Poor guy even had to tell a teacher her cut flower arrangement on her desk made him miserable.

Homemade meatballs and red sauce with noodles tonight. Felt like adding some cheese to the red sauce too. That made little one not eat the red sauce. Oh well, left overs for me, unless DH comes home hungry.

Enjoy this night all you homies.

Oh, and am enjoying Schumi's pictures in her trip report. I made a reservation for Ocean on opentable, so thanks for letting me know how you reserved your visit.

Hey Keisha, I answered ya. If DS is paying, maybe go?

Time to catch the nightly news. End of local news says we are going to get a taste of winter. Ummm, that is not what I wanted to hear. It was 81 today. But the winds of change 30 to 40 mph will make fell like in the 40's. Cool air my ..... Heavier jacket needs to be unearthed.
Lynne, it was 88 Here today and the high tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s with 30 mph winds and lows in the 40s on Saturday...I'm ready to go back to Orlando anytime now.

Who else is going to watch the new Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight?


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