News Round Up 2016

Does that mean that they are planning a nighttime show projected onto the mountains? Or will they simply project over them instead of using regular lighting techniques? That'll be interesting.
No idea we will have to wait and see.

Will ‘Avatar 2’ Get Delayed Again? Sigourney Weaver Not Sure 2018 Date Is ‘‘Realistic”

Some interesting things:

/Film said:
As any Avatar fan knows, though, the one thing Cameron is better at than making movies is blowing deadlines

/Film said:
At CinemaCon in April, Fox revealed that its plan was to put out Avatar 2 in December 2018, followed by Avatar 3 in 2020, Avatar 4 in 2022, and Avatar 5 in 2023.

/Film said:
...Weaver cast doubt on its viability. “We haven’t started it, so I don’t know how realistic that date is, but I think it’s going to be very exciting,”

/Film said:
Cameron’s idea is to shoot all four Avatar sequels simultaneously.

I find the above quotes interesting because it brings to mind a set of questions. Will there be zero overlap between the land and the movie? Yes, obviously the land takes place in the Avatar world, but I'm thinking mostly about unique characters.

Let's think about Diagon Alley for a second. If someone absolutely loves the Gringott's Trolls, they can actually go and experience them. It's a specific type of character that has already been somewhat fleshed out through the movies and books.

Now let's look at Pandora, that shaman figure looks pretty amazing. But who is she? Was she in the first one? I honestly don't remember.

While I understand that the land is going to be more about the actual world, there's got to be at least some Na'vi presence.

So I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what is making me care or feel excited about any character that I haven't even had the opportunity to learn about.

Maybe I'm missing something?
So I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what is making me care or feel excited about any character that I haven't even had the opportunity to learn about.

Maybe I'm missing something?

Disney has to be not at all happy about the sequel delays. Originally I think the movie was supposed to be out in 2016, which would have been ideal. Even 2017 wouldn't have been bad as the marketing could more or less co-incide. 2018 is already disappointing, but further delays will be bad.

Truth is, Pandora needs to stand on it's own anyways. If the experience is great, it won't really matter that the movies are delayed, word will get around. They just can't hang on a name like Toy Story and Star Wars sort of can.
Californians don't know pizza though - throw some avocado on there and they don't care what the crust tastes like.

Maybe it will be another place to basically get La Cava margaritas. It would be nice to have somewhere for people to get one without crowding the Mexico pavilion. I love La Cava, but the lines can be long, and it doesn't open up early enough.

That would be useful if they added a "to go" area for the same margaritas you can get at La Cava - this way you don't have to be in the main line/crowd if you just want to get one to go vs staying and hanging out for a while

Will ‘Avatar 2’ Get Delayed Again? Sigourney Weaver Not Sure 2018 Date Is ‘‘Realistic”

Some interesting things:

I find the above quotes interesting because it brings to mind a set of questions. Will there be zero overlap between the land and the movie? Yes, obviously the land takes place in the Avatar world, but I'm thinking mostly about unique characters.

Let's think about Diagon Alley for a second. If someone absolutely loves the Gringott's Trolls, they can actually go and experience them. It's a specific type of character that has already been somewhat fleshed out through the movies and books.

Now let's look at Pandora, that shaman figure looks pretty amazing. But who is she? Was she in the first one? I honestly don't remember.

While I understand that the land is going to be more about the actual world, there's got to be at least some Na'vi presence.

So I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what is making me care or feel excited about any character that I haven't even had the opportunity to learn about.

Maybe I'm missing something?
Who knows if this movie will ever come out. I have been hearing about the delays. Luckily the new land isn't connected to the movies all that much. The shaman was in the first movie, and will be the main Na'vi of the land. You won't see any Na'vi meet and greet or anything like that.

Will ‘Avatar 2’ Get Delayed Again? Sigourney Weaver Not Sure 2018 Date Is ‘‘Realistic”

Some interesting things:

I find the above quotes interesting because it brings to mind a set of questions. Will there be zero overlap between the land and the movie? Yes, obviously the land takes place in the Avatar world, but I'm thinking mostly about unique characters.

Let's think about Diagon Alley for a second. If someone absolutely loves the Gringott's Trolls, they can actually go and experience them. It's a specific type of character that has already been somewhat fleshed out through the movies and books.

Now let's look at Pandora, that shaman figure looks pretty amazing. But who is she? Was she in the first one? I honestly don't remember.

While I understand that the land is going to be more about the actual world, there's got to be at least some Na'vi presence.

So I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what is making me care or feel excited about any character that I haven't even had the opportunity to learn about.

Maybe I'm missing something?
In reality DAK is a "first person park" from what Joe Rohde says. which means the experiences happen to you
fewer characters and more environments and experiences are whats DAK is all about
You're preaching to a guy who isn't even in the choir...

I'm not giving investment tips...I'm just saying what street analysts/publications are grumbling about. And not just the motley fool this time.

You make a case of the "value" of disney that treats it as more than just another you think anyone cares? Cause the stock hoarders don't.

No doubt - but if Disney stock were to plummet, I'd be thrilled to pick it up. Too much of our stock market is short term oriented, so most companies don't plan beyond the next quarter. A healthier company will have ebbs and flows, and even bad quarters - looking toward the long term goal.

Alcohol to soon be served at MK. A report is that restaurant CMs are being trained to serve alcohol. This would be outside of BoG of course which already serves alcohol.

Ah, they must have seen my post about a dole whip with a little extra pizzaz, so I can sit on a bench and people watch.

I do think the MK can tolerate serving of alcohol, but maybe you don't want roaming booze. Basically be able to have a drink with dinner, but not have the drinks "to go". The issue at Epcot is that you can wander around until your hearts content with your drink of choice. I don't have a problem with it, but those that aren't a fan of booze in the parks, I think this is the scenario that gets under the skin. I don't think they care that grampa Gus has a glass of wine at dinner.
Ah, they must have seen my post about a dole whip with a little extra pizzaz, so I can sit on a bench and people watch.

I do think the MK can tolerate serving of alcohol, but maybe you don't want roaming booze. Basically be able to have a drink with dinner, but not have the drinks "to go". The issue at Epcot is that you can wander around until your hearts content with your drink of choice. I don't have a problem with it, but those that aren't a fan of booze in the parks, I think this is the scenario that gets under the skin. I don't think they care that grampa Gus has a glass of wine at dinner.

Plus in EPCOT, when someone can go from place to place, it's kind of hard to tell when that person it's their limit. At a bar, the bartender on shift knows how many drinks the person as had. While the EPCOT Cast Members should be able to gauge it, I'm sure there are some people that can be quite tipsy, remain composed, and then that one drink puts them over the edge.

I'm picturing a person climbing Cinderella's Castle and hanging from the top spire.

Plus in EPCOT, when someone can go from place to place, it's kind of hard to tell when that person it's their limit. At a bar, the bartender on shift knows how many drinks the person as had. While the EPCOT Cast Members should be able to gauge it, I'm sure there are some people that can be quite tipsy, remain composed, and then that one drink puts them over the edge.

I'm picturing a person climbing Cinderella's Castle and hanging from the top spire.

Again, I think that's a case of a non dinner drink. If you haven't ordered food to go along with your drink, you are on the slippery slope....(of Mexico).
I find the above quotes interesting because it brings to mind a set of questions. Will there be zero overlap between the land and the movie? Yes, obviously the land takes place in the Avatar world, but I'm thinking mostly about unique characters.

Let's think about Diagon Alley for a second. If someone absolutely loves the Gringott's Trolls, they can actually go and experience them. It's a specific type of character that has already been somewhat fleshed out through the movies and books.

Now let's look at Pandora, that shaman figure looks pretty amazing. But who is she? Was she in the first one? I honestly don't remember.

While I understand that the land is going to be more about the actual world, there's got to be at least some Na'vi presence.

So I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what is making me care or feel excited about any character that I haven't even had the opportunity to learn about.

Maybe I'm missing something?

If I recall correctly, isn't the timeline for the land to be well after the movies when a tourist company had been on Pandora? So it is really separate from the movies 9though I assume they could add in elements that connect to things featured in the movies)

Seems to be the direction they are going with Star Wars land ... more that you are immersed in an environment that fits in the "universe" rather than being "in the movie"
No doubt - but if Disney stock were to plummet, I'd be thrilled to pick it up. Too much of our stock market is short term oriented, so most companies don't plan beyond the next quarter. A healthier company will have ebbs and flows, and even bad quarters - looking toward the long term goal.

true - and I fully agree DIS should be a long play stock, not a short term one. but when strong companies have bad quarters they have a good explanation as to why and how it is one step back and two steps forward. Disney doesn't really have that story with ESPN - more just trying to convince the street it isn't that bad , etc.

I think if they came out with more details of their plan with BAMtech and how ESPN fits into that and how they will make more money in the future, the market would react positively to that. The street hates a lack of a plan
If I recall correctly, isn't the timeline for the land to be well after the movies when a tourist company had been on Pandora? So it is really separate from the movies 9though I assume they could add in elements that connect to things featured in the movies)

Seems to be the direction they are going with Star Wars land ... more that you are immersed in an environment that fits in the "universe" rather than being "in the movie"
great points about SWL


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