MAY 2023 W.I.S.H. - May you have a healthy month


Here's a quiz we haven't taken before:
It has been a long week and I am very thankful it is Friday. I have worked so much this week that I get to leave at 12:45 today. I am hoping work will be better next week.

My woohoo from Wednesday is that DD is doing great. This is also something I am thankful for. When we got back from vacation DD started a new medication for her anxiety. DH and I were very hesitant about this because of our horrible experience last year. For those of you that don't know, her pediatrician started her on Prozac and after a few weeks she had suicidal thoughts and they gave us no support what so ever. So this was very rough for us to try again. This time we went to a psychiatrist who prescribed a different one that she thought would work much better after going through a thorough exam. This one helps with sleep and eating. Both things that DD is not great at. After a few days DD said to me "is this what it is like for people who sleep". About last week she started to eat more too. She is probably getting the right number of calories now. Plus she is eating more fruit, veggies and yogurt. The best part she has not been freaking out before the EOC (end of course exams. In Ohio, You have to pass these to graduate. They are like standardized tests but you take each one at the end of the year that you took that class. The one morning she was trying to take a nap before we left. She is a bit worked up today with the AP US history test today but nothing like before. She is also laughing (truly laughing) more and joking around like she used to. She seems so much happier.
:hug: Wonderful news.
Well it's been a challenging couple of days. Dealing with end of year responsibilities, standardized testing (math next week), progress reports, and refereeing between colleagues who are being petty.

Then another close friend's father passed away suddenly. Having lost my parents too young, I really ache for my friends who are experiencing this grief now. My principal allowed a few of us who are closest to her to leave and attend the funeral for about an hour. I was able to stay a little longer through my lunch break.

After school, I met my DH at the garden center on my way home to buy my petunias that will go on my deck railings. 7 hanging plants at $34 a piece! Yikes! I swear they were $20 last year. Anyway, they are gorgeous.

Did a couple errands early in the day...I have to wear a mask outside because my allergies are still bothering me. The rest of the day was laundry and light housecleaning.
A couple of months ago, my NOOM coach quit. It was my 5th or 6th coach, and I was pretty frustrated because every time I bonded with a coach, they would move on with no warning and a vague reason. When I lost my last coach, she was replaced by NOOM Guides who were supposed to check in once in a while. Nobody checked in. I found out that if I wanted a coach, I would have to upgrade and pay more. I already paid $44 a month. I decided to cancel my subscription. I have taken advantage of the coaching and the psychology. There's no point in paying so much so I can log my meals. I can do that for free with MyFitnessPal.

NOOM helped me lose 25 pounds. I gained 10 over the holidays, and lost 5. 5 more to go to be at my lowest NOOM weight. Let's see how far MyFitnessPal can get me.

Not sure on that one....
Not a good day for healthy eating or excersize because it was DS8's first communion. DD was not happy and ended up hanging out in the vestibule with my FIL since she was upset she couldn't go to creche (baby ccd) and play with her friends. By the end of mass DS8 was MELTING in his suit. DS10 was pretty toasty too. But beyond those things it was a really nice day. DD was an angel during the party after and DS8 perked up once he cooled off.
Tomorrow is a party for the oldest of the "new generation" of DH's family. At some point I will get my eating back on track. I am hoping to plant our greenbeans and flowers tomorrow...was supposed to do it last weekend but the rain would have drowned all the new seeds. DH was to work for awhile tomorrow so I'll have to time the gardening tasks around breakfast, lunch, potty and shower times...the day of rest is oh so rarely restful. Hope everyone has a nice weekend, thinking of you @TheOneWithTheTriplets
Self care today is going to be taking the art class. I’m so happy I thought to check the schedule Thursday. I’m really looking forward to being around people and to learning something new.

Other than that it laundry and getting my exercise in, a slow low key day.
Self care for me today was getting to make mints for my niece's high school graduation party. It's a tradition in our family to make mints and we got all of the white ones done today and will do the blue ones some evening this week. They are fun to make - I didn't even eat any of them today!


I was big on self-care today because we had a very busy day yesterday. I spent time in "recovery mode" - dawdled over my coffee, sat outside with the cats and read, and had DS pick up a roast chicken on his way home from work, so all I had to do was roast some broccoli and microwave rice.
I will never understand how Sunday gets here so quickly!

Church was my only self care today because I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and then took a unexpected foster puppy. I had to meet a transport for her and come home and get her settled.

8lb puppy found wondering the streets of Philadelphia by herself. She’s a skeleton with fur 😭 the next 24 hours will be critical as I start feeding her small amounts of food and pray her body can tolerate it. Her teeth are worse than my 7 year old dog so it’s clear she’s never had proper nutrition before birth or her 3 months of life.

We named her Minnie because she is just a mini little angel. 🐾❤️
I will never understand how Sunday gets here so quickly!

Church was my only self care today because I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and then took a unexpected foster puppy. I had to meet a transport for her and come home and get her settled.

8lb puppy found wondering the streets of Philadelphia by herself. She’s a skeleton with fur 😭 the next 24 hours will be critical as I start feeding her small amounts of food and pray her body can tolerate it. Her teeth are worse than my 7 year old dog so it’s clear she’s never had proper nutrition before birth or her 3 months of life.

We named her Minnie because she is just a mini little angel. 🐾❤️

Oh, the poor thing!! I hope she does so much better now that's she's in loving hands. :hug:
I will never understand how Sunday gets here so quickly!

Church was my only self care today because I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and then took a unexpected foster puppy. I had to meet a transport for her and come home and get her settled.

8lb puppy found wondering the streets of Philadelphia by herself. She’s a skeleton with fur 😭 the next 24 hours will be critical as I start feeding her small amounts of food and pray her body can tolerate it. Her teeth are worse than my 7 year old dog so it’s clear she’s never had proper nutrition before birth or her 3 months of life.

We named her Minnie because she is just a mini little angel. 🐾❤️
You are the Angel.
Sunday was a day of laundry, light cleaning, and spending time with DD. I couldn’t stop sneezing and coughing so I wasn’t able to get out and enjoy the gorgeous day.

Soon…hopefully soon.


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