March 2023 W.I.S.H.- Spring Into Health!


Last night was tough body image wise. I was figuring out what to wear for DS7's school dance tonight and as all the kids decided on blue I needed to change my outfit (dang wanted coordination on pictures) so I grabbed a dress I have worn a million times. It fits, it looks ok, but not as flattering as last time I wore it.
Went through a bunch of outfits and nothing looked quite right. I am far from my heaviest but I don't know if its tone loss, age, a combo but was not feeling myself last night. Just got me feeling a little down even though I had made fairly good choices during the day (protein bar breakfast, salad with raisins and a small roll lunch, trail mix snack, smaller portion of dinner than I wanted, did not park in the closest space at work resulting in a little walk) it just made me feel a smidge hopeless. Ever have those times? I know it's not hopeless but in that half an hour or so it felt that way. After the kids were asleep DH came in and I said I was planning my outfits for DS10's school dance and DS7's first communion. His response was "well at least your were productive" or something to that effect. Not what I was looking for dude.
Going to try to do a quick in bed leg/ab work out before my day gets busy.
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Last night was tough body image wise. I was figuring out what to wear for DS7's school dance tonight and as all the kids decided on blue I needed to change my outfit (dang wanted coordination on pictures) so I grabbed a dress I have worn a million times. It fits, it looks ok, but not as flattering as last time I wore it.
Went through a bunch of outfits and nothing looked quite right. I am far from my heaviest but I don't know if its tone loss, age, a combo but was not feeling myself last night. Just got me feeling a little down even though I had made fairly good choices during the day (protein bar breakfast, salad with raisins and a small roll lunch, trail mix snack, smaller portion of dinner than I wanted, did not park in the closest space at work resulting in a little walk) it just made me feel a smidge hopeless. Ever have those times? I know it's not hopeless but in that half an hour or so it felt that way. After the kids were asleep DH came in and I said I was planning my outfits for DS10's school dance and DS7's first communion. His response was "well at least your were productive" or something to that effect. Not what I was looking for dude.
Going to try to do a quick in bed leg/ab work out before my day gets busy.
Professionally, this was a successful week.

Personally, I was feeling frustrated because I have been eating within my calories for over a week and until today when I lost 1/2 a pound, I saw no progress. Intellectually I know that there are many reasons for not losing weight even when you are doing everything right. I just really want to drop 30 by June, and I am still carrying 10 pounds from the fall. If I was starting at my lowest weight in November, I would only have to lose 20 to achieve my summer goal weight. I know 30 is a BIG ask of myself. I'm not willing to drop my calorie intake because it is as restrictive as I am willing to be. 1/2 a pound lost is better than a gain or maintaining, but I worked HARD this week! I feel like I should have dropped at least 2 pounds.

So, this morning while doing my NOOM lesson, I reflected. I realized that the one area I'm not trying as hard at is exercise. I don't make it my focus because it can be painful for me so I avoid it. I tend to avoid discomfort. I have a treadmill in my living room right next to the chair I sit in, and I don't think I have used it since summer. I don't like to walk on it when DH is around, because he likes to make unwelcome and unhelpful comments. He is at work this morning, so I just did it...I got on the treadmill and walked for 20 minutes. Last summer, I was able to walk longer on it, but since I'm out of shape, I could only comfortably handle 20. That's better than sitting, looking at my treadmill, and feeling like a failure. I must admit that I did enjoy the endorphins...

Getting back on track feels good.
I actually don't disagree with this description:


In the past week my Chiropractor, Pilates teacher and massage therapist have all talked to me about my posture, in particular how far forward I carry my head which throws everything in my back off. I've been in regular body care for 15+ years and no one has mentioned this to me before! She gave me an exercise to do several times a day, and recommended I get a recliner and to tilt it back a bit when reading so I'm not curling my neck looking down at the book (or my phone)... a recliner... now I do feel old. I've been wanting a cushy comfy chair but hadn't thought it should be a recliner.

And yesterday my Chiropractor noticed there was a dent in the tip of my thumb, which she said was due to dehydration, but I had already drunk 62 ounces of water at that point - yikes. I need to up my salt intake a little to retain the water better. Luckily we have a Spice Trader store in town (they used to have a corner in the cooking store in Downtown Disney, back when it was still Downtown Disney), so I'll stop in today and pick out something fancy.
Professionally, this was a successful week.

Personally, I was feeling frustrated because I have been eating within my calories for over a week and until today when I lost 1/2 a pound, I saw no progress. Intellectually I know that there are many reasons for not losing weight even when you are doing everything right. I just really want to drop 30 by June, and I am still carrying 10 pounds from the fall. If I was starting at my lowest weight in November, I would only have to lose 20 to achieve my summer goal weight. I know 30 is a BIG ask of myself. I'm not willing to drop my calorie intake because it is as restrictive as I am willing to be. 1/2 a pound lost is better than a gain or maintaining, but I worked HARD this week! I feel like I should have dropped at least 2 pounds.

So, this morning while doing my NOOM lesson, I reflected. I realized that the one area I'm not trying as hard at is exercise. I don't make it my focus because it can be painful for me so I avoid it. I tend to avoid discomfort. I have a treadmill in my living room right next to the chair I sit in, and I don't think I have used it since summer. I don't like to walk on it when DH is around, because he likes to make unwelcome and unhelpful comments. He is at work this morning, so I just did it...I got on the treadmill and walked for 20 minutes. Last summer, I was able to walk longer on it, but since I'm out of shape, I could only comfortably handle 20. That's better than sitting, looking at my treadmill, and feeling like a failure. I must admit that I did enjoy the endorphins...

Getting back on track feels good.
Noom has us on the same trajectory, with -30 pounds by mid-June. I'm with you about not being too restrictive, but I do need to reallocate where I'm spending my calories which in and of itself is a big change.

And 20 minutes is 20 minutes - well done you!
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Last night was tough body image wise. I was figuring out what to wear for DS7's school dance tonight and as all the kids decided on blue I needed to change my outfit (dang wanted coordination on pictures) so I grabbed a dress I have worn a million times. It fits, it looks ok, but not as flattering as last time I wore it.
Went through a bunch of outfits and nothing looked quite right. I am far from my heaviest but I don't know if its tone loss, age, a combo but was not feeling myself last night. Just got me feeling a little down even though I had made fairly good choices during the day (protein bar breakfast, salad with raisins and a small roll lunch, trail mix snack, smaller portion of dinner than I wanted, did not park in the closest space at work resulting in a little walk) it just made me feel a smidge hopeless. Ever have those times? I know it's not hopeless but in that half an hour or so it felt that way. After the kids were asleep DH came in and I said I was planning my outfits for DS10's school dance and DS7's first communion. His response was "well at least your were productive" or something to that effect. Not what I was looking for dude.
Going to try to do a quick in bed leg/ab work out before my day gets busy.
Yes, yes, yes to sometimes feeling hopeless. For me it most often manifests as overwhelm, like the process to achieve the thing is so overwhelming I can't even start.

Keep up with the good choices, they'll get you where you want to be just not in a straight line.
@ShannyMcB *hugs* I have been there
@Summer2018 dont be too hard on yourself-the scale is not the only measure of healthy eating/living! I have dropped a entire pant size before and lost 0 pounds! Your on the right track!!

Good news for us-the wintery mix we were to get overnight didn’t happen! It was totally dry when I got up this morning!!

Kennels were full when we got the the spca today 😭💔. Thankfully there were lots of walkers. My dogs were almost all slow/lots of sniffing and I only got 2 miles in over 2 hours which is low but that’s ok the dogs enjoyed themselves. Got some messages later this afternoon that 4 dogs got adopted today so that’s good and one of the dogs is my absolute favorite long time resident so that made my weekend for sure!

About to run a few errands and pick DD up from her cousins and will be calling it a night!

Everyone enjoy their evenings and don’t forget to “spring forward”!
Saturday was a glorious day... still chilly and windy but oh the sunshine and bright blues skies. It felt so dang good. I took two walks down at the beach, ran around town doing errands and tackled organizing the mess on the back porch, which was my one must-do chore for the day.

When I drove out to the airport it felt so good to be on the open road, so I am for sure driving to Poulsbo today. Looking forward to the driving and to treating myself to some exploring and shopping. I'm even going to put on some makeup!

Happy Sunday everyone, hoping y'all are having some hints of Spring, and can enjoy the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day.
DD is still sick, going on one week. I have a sore throat. I'm hoping this is just a continuation of my two week long cold and not a new virus. So, I'm taking it easy in the house once again. At least I'm not throwing up which is the popular illness going around my school right now...

I don't mind one bit losing one hour of sleep because I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR THE EXTRA HOUR OF DAYLIGHT:sunny:at the end of the day.
Struggled to make good decisions this week as it was classified appreciation week at school. Every single day they brought us new treats. It was glorious! But very tempting. I must say I yielded each and every day. So I went out and bought some shapewear so my mother of the groom dress doesn't reflect the calories I ate! :rolleyes1

Packing up today as we need fly out tomorrow. Have to spend the night at my parents' place tonight since we are their chauffeurs!

I downloaded the PBS app on my tablet so am hoping to watch some shows--which ones I don't know yet!

I roasted some asparagus and some broccoli that we need to eat up today. It's going to be a delicious lunch!
Struggled to make good decisions this week as it was classified appreciation week at school. Every single day they brought us new treats. It was glorious! But very tempting. I must say I yielded each and every day. So I went out and bought some shapewear so my mother of the groom dress doesn't reflect the calories I ate! :rolleyes1

Packing up today as we need fly out tomorrow. Have to spend the night at my parents' place tonight since we are their chauffeurs!

I downloaded the PBS app on my tablet so am hoping to watch some shows--which ones I don't know yet!

I roasted some asparagus and some broccoli that we need to eat up today. It's going to be a delicious lunch!
Safe travels.
Wow this daylight savings is really something 🥱😴.

I have been tired all day despite doubling my coffee intake!

Not much on the self care front today but I did start gathering things on my various apps for Easter last night and did place a large Amazon order for disposable tableware and lots of basket items today so got some peace of mind by checking some things off my list!

Birthday party was great for my niece, she was a gorgeous little one year old 👑✨ my middle niece and nephew(6 and 3) we’re already talking about our summer adventures today so that definitely makes my heart happy-can’t wait for summer!

Happy Sunday everyone!

I got 3 out of the 10 today, if I don't have to be too precise about the details. - It was an NCIS marathon on regular TV (not Netflix) that I binge-watched, and the hike was on my treadmill (but I did set it on incline 😇 ). The home-cooked dinner was pork loin, sweet potatoes, and mixed vegetables. I also made sausage sandwiches with peppers and onions for lunch.
This message is perfect timing for me @PollyannaMom. I didn't lose any weight last week, which I'm OK with, actually more than OK because I didn't gain anything either.

Between what Noom is telling me to eat, my Chiropractor is telling me to eat and my Doctor is telling me to eat, it is a lot to take in. At first look they don't seem to fit together well, and I feel like my food choices were all over the place. So this week I am going to simplify and get down to something I can manage and move forward with.

This is the first work morning going back to getting started in dark. Don't love it right now, but I will this evening when the sun is up until 7:13pm! I have Pilates until 5:15p and will still have time for a walk afterwards. Sweet!
Ever have those times?
I am having one of those times now. I am the heaviest I have been. Nothing fits right and I just had to buy a bunch of clothes for vacation. My back and hips have been hurting a lot and I think that is because of the weight. I know what I need to do but I am so discouraged with myself that I say why bother. I am working to get myself out of this funk. I did get up on Saturday and get right on the treadmill and walked an hour. I didn't Sunday though. I will get on at lunch today and do a slow walk for as long as I tolerate it. My back is pretty bad today.


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