Marathon Weekend 2017!

I run because I love it. I first started running to spend time with my husband and to get in shape and control my weight, but now I just do it because I enjoy it so much. We love marathon weekend at Disney. Doing Goofy for the second time this time around because I couldn't pass up the anniversary bling temptation for Donald!
I run because I have found that I really enjoy it and as weight control. I lost 150 lbs in 2013-2014 and find that while the progress watching the weight go down was energizing and motivating, it is near impossible to be motivated by "stay the same". As a result, I have substituted in the motivation of reaching for new running goals which allows me to keep the weight off as a side benefit.
I really love reading these!

I run because I saw an ad for the Disney Marathon weekend and figured it's now or never! I have never been a runner until August of this year. It's still not my favorite thing in the world (mainly because I'm not a morning person) but I love the feeling after! I hope to keep it up after this race, probably by signing up for others because I love the social aspect of it. Weight control would be FAB, but I have not lost ONE. SINGLE. POUND since starting. Ugh...
I started out running as a way to lose pregnancy weight with my kids. I have kept it up because I have really come to enjoy it. Love that it clears my head and still gives me a good workout. I am running the marathon this year because I want to push myself and see that I can accomplish this goal. Races at Disney are the reason I got into running to start with so it makes sense that this will be the place I will attempt to run a marathon.
Why do you run and why are you running this race?

I run so I can drink beer and eat pizza. And also so I can tour the world, spend time with my friends, and do something I enjoy & am fairly decent at. I'm running marathon weekend this year because runDisney won't let me defer to next year. It's a good excuse to come back to the US, but I really had hoped to defer to 2018.
I run because when I don't, I miss it! Plus I can set goals & compete with myself and others in my age group.

Running at WDW is such a great experience that I can't get anywhere else, so I keep coming back. I'm running Dopey because I had so much fun doing it last year. It may be my last go at Dopey, but who knows, I thought I'd only run one marathon, but January will be my sixth.
10 weeks, runDisney all-stars! 70 days! Race weekend will be here before we know it.

This week's Sundays are for Disney question:

Why do you run and why are you running this race?

I, was a competitive runner in high school and for awhile in college. I then let it go. Graduate school, my career, marriage and then children became my focus. I would run for periods but never sustained it. About 5 years ago I realized I was unhappy with myself and needed some new goals. I decided that I was going to be a runner again. Then three years ago I decided to enter a race. I have been a life long Disney fan. I learned about runDisney from a friend and I ended up signed up for Goofy 2015. Last year I ran Dopey and I am addicted. Excited to return this January for my second Dopey. I love the challenge and the structure these races provide me. Way psyched for this year; 70 days to go! That is rad!
I was overweigt and needed a better exercise plan with cardio. I decided I would signup for last years Starwars lightside race in DL. I trained for a year and did several 5k and 10 k races before doing the rebel challenge and the 5k race. It was a blast and I am a challenge based personality where I set goals and try to achieve them . Being a big Disney nut already I was hooked. IK wanted to do a marathon but the challenge freak I am I decided that rather tand just find a marathaon I would signup for the dopey challenge. Go BIG or Go home :)

So here I am 70 days out with the longest run so far at 30K. And yup ut all helped with waight loss losing about 80 pounds so far.
Late to the party and I know I've said this in many other places...

I started running because it was a good excuse to get to come to Disney with my 2-year-old nephew. I had been overweight all my life, doubted that I'd ever be in shape, and figured training would be one more attempt at finally getting it right. Well, I didn't train and barely finished my first race (the WDW Half in 2012) but I fell in love with the feeling and knew I had to come back and do it better. I ran the Full in 2013 and have run the Dopey Challenge in 2014, 2015 and 2016. I'm a little disappointed with how I've allowed my training to sag the last couple years and I am still more overweight than I want to be, but I am down 60+ pounds from where I started and have better self-esteem.

Marathon Weekend is incredibly important to me. I look forward to it more than just about anything I do on a yearly basis. Deciding to do that race in 2012 was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made; I honestly don't know where my health (both mental and physical) would be if I hadn't made that change in my life. If I had begun with some run of the mill Half I don't think I would have been hooked, but Disney made it special. I plan to continue to run Dopey as long as I am able.
I run so I can drink beer and eat pizza. And also so I can tour the world, spend time with my friends, and do something I enjoy & am fairly decent at. I'm running marathon weekend this year because runDisney won't let me defer to next year. It's a good excuse to come back to the US, but I really had hoped to defer to 2018.

No ice cream for dessert? ::yes::
Why do you run and why are you running this race?
Why do I run?
Do not know, I guess, because I am able to and kind of love / hate it :-D

Why do i run this race?
When we first visited WDW in 2009, I have learned about runDisney and I really liked the idea running a Marathon through four themeparks. Had been a while, but this year, I ran my first runDisney race in Paris and 2017 I am happy to run the WDW Marathon. And hopefully there is an chance for for to do Dopey in 2018.

Yesterday I ran my first 16.7miles and right now, I ask myself, how to complete the marathon :-D But there are some weeks of training left, so I really hope I can make it in January.
I run to prove that I can. I have never been an athlete and always been overweight. I started running (with a couch to 5K) plan a few years ago because I wanted to be able to keep up playing with my sons. I have tried to keep it up (though off and on) since then. When the dates for Marathon weekend 2017 came out, the 1/2 turned out to be on our ten year wedding anniversary. So my husband and I decided to go for it together. Yesterday I ran my longest run yet a 8 miles.
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Sometimes I think I'm just running so I can eat/drink more and because it gives me an excuse to travel. But in honesty I do enjoy it most days and gets me out of the house to do something. Plus I'm still challenging myself to get better at it so I guess I'll keep doing it. :)

Doing Dopey because why the heck not. It's at Disney and it's a challenge to do the next level past Goofy. Probably will be my last marathon weekend for a while though.
My two favorite spots to spectate the full are in HS and along the Yacht Club/Beach Club section. You'd need a park ticket to cheer inside HS, but you don't need one to cheer from just outside the entrance plaza. Friends of mine have cheered from the TTC, inside the MK, and outside the GF/Poly... they all said MK was more effort than it was worth, TTC was okay, and outside the GF/Poly was the best of the three spots. AK is also an option - assuming the course remains more or less the same, runners will go through a section of AK parking lot, so that would be a free spot to use.

Any particularly good spots you suggest in HS? I am running the Half, but would like to cheer on the Marathoners while I explore HS :)
Any particularly good spots you suggest in HS? I am running the Half, but would like to cheer on the Marathoners while I explore HS :)
Well the DHS portion will be changing a bit this year. They run right out the entrance usually and usually run down hollywood boulevard the rest is up in the air right now.
Any particularly good spots you suggest in HS? I am running the Half, but would like to cheer on the Marathoners while I explore HS :)

Assuming the new course will still travel down it, I really enjoyed cheering from Hollywood Blvd (the main "road" leading to/from the HS entrance, lined with gift shops). Benefits include shade in spots, easy access to food and restrooms, and an easy-to-see runners position. As a runner, I enjoyed hearing the cheers and support there, too, as we left the park.


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