Magical Miles to the Marathon! Comments welcomed

I think I have the post WDW marathon weekend blues. Real life seems so dull. I rescued feral kitten, and it ended up getting really sick, so I took it to the afterhours Vet. It ended up having a respiratory infection, eye infection and ringworm! I have two other cats, but they just finally accepted her and have been with her for the past week as well. I don't have the heart to quarantine her (and my house is very old and very cold with only the living room that has proper heating) but I'm paranoid about the ringworm. I read that cleaning a lot and vacuuming can cut down on the spread. I feel life was easier when I was in WDW. It's not a fatal disease but right now it feels like a VERY BIG DEAL. That and my work feels blah and am just having a pity party in general. I think I was planning/working towards marathon weekend for so long, it seems like something is missing. I need to pick a race, maybe a half in March April.
I think I have the post WDW marathon weekend blues. Real life seems so dull. I rescued feral kitten, and it ended up getting really sick, so I took it to the afterhours Vet. It ended up having a respiratory infection, eye infection and ringworm! I have two other cats, but they just finally accepted her and have been with her for the past week as well. I don't have the heart to quarantine her (and my house is very old and very cold with only the living room that has proper heating) but I'm paranoid about the ringworm. I read that cleaning a lot and vacuuming can cut down on the spread. I feel life was easier when I was in WDW. It's not a fatal disease but right now it feels like a VERY BIG DEAL. That and my work feels blah and am just having a pity party in general. I think I was planning/working towards marathon weekend for so long, it seems like something is missing. I need to pick a race, maybe a half in March April.

Perfect reason to start planning another Disney trip - call me the enabler! Seriously though, I have found when I come back from Disney and am feeling the blues - i.e. everytime - I at least in my own calendar start plotting dates for potential future trips. Have of a Disney trip is all the planning, so for me it is sort of like starting a new trip.

I hope the kitten heals up, that is very kind of you!
I think I have the post WDW marathon weekend blues. Real life seems so dull. I rescued feral kitten, and it ended up getting really sick, so I took it to the afterhours Vet. It ended up having a respiratory infection, eye infection and ringworm! I have two other cats, but they just finally accepted her and have been with her for the past week as well. I don't have the heart to quarantine her (and my house is very old and very cold with only the living room that has proper heating) but I'm paranoid about the ringworm. I read that cleaning a lot and vacuuming can cut down on the spread. I feel life was easier when I was in WDW. It's not a fatal disease but right now it feels like a VERY BIG DEAL. That and my work feels blah and am just having a pity party in general. I think I was planning/working towards marathon weekend for so long, it seems like something is missing. I need to pick a race, maybe a half in March April.

Thank you for helping this sweet kitty! I work in animal welfare and you're right, ringworm is not life threatening but it IS a pain in the butt and very very messy to deal with. Please avoid contact with the other cats the best you can and be diligent about cross contamination unless you want your other cats (and YOU -- yes people can also get it) to be spreading it around to one another forever. Trust me, it'll be tough for a bit but much much better in the long run!
I think I have the post WDW marathon weekend blues. Real life seems so dull. I rescued feral kitten, and it ended up getting really sick, so I took it to the afterhours Vet. It ended up having a respiratory infection, eye infection and ringworm! I have two other cats, but they just finally accepted her and have been with her for the past week as well. I don't have the heart to quarantine her (and my house is very old and very cold with only the living room that has proper heating) but I'm paranoid about the ringworm. I read that cleaning a lot and vacuuming can cut down on the spread. I feel life was easier when I was in WDW. It's not a fatal disease but right now it feels like a VERY BIG DEAL. That and my work feels blah and am just having a pity party in general. I think I was planning/working towards marathon weekend for so long, it seems like something is missing. I need to pick a race, maybe a half in March April.

Yes, exactly what @The Expert said. Thank you for giving a poor kitten a second chance. 🌤️🧡
Ugh. We dealt with ringworm back when we fostered dogs for our local rescue. It’s “just” a fungal infection but the type that dog had meant we had to treat ALL of the dogs every week and try not to pet her too. It was a pain for sure.

And I agree with @Baloo in MI that it helps to plan more trips. And for me I can literally just plan. Look at tons of options. Look at pricing. Look at activities. Look at ways to save money. Plan out a rough idea for my days. Make a spreadsheet. Make a calendar. 🤣
Thank you for helping this sweet kitty! I work in animal welfare and you're right, ringworm is not life threatening but it IS a pain in the butt and very very messy to deal with. Please avoid contact with the other cats the best you can and be diligent about cross contamination unless you want your other cats (and YOU -- yes people can also get it) to be spreading it around to one another forever. Trust me, it'll be tough for a bit but much much better in the long run!
I have her in a portable crate right now, it was for a large dog, and ordered her a playpen. Downside of living in a small town, no instant gratification. I even called tractor supply in the next town and they had nothing in stock. Hopefully since my cats can see her still they will still be used to her. I'm just hoping we didn't get it before when she was out!
I have her in a portable crate right now, it was for a large dog, and ordered her a playpen. Downside of living in a small town, no instant gratification. I even called tractor supply in the next town and they had nothing in stock. Hopefully since my cats can see her still they will still be used to her. I'm just hoping we didn't get it before when she was out!

Good job! Fingers crossed for nobody else getting it. Sounds like a nice setup. A snuggle pet with a heartbeat might be a good purchase. A lot of single kittens really get comfort from those. Often the heartbeat piece is separate and in a pocket so you can remove it when you need to wash the stuffed animal. Some of them can also be heated up for warmth. Keeping kittens warm (but not too hot) is really important. We use these "snuggle disks" that will stay warm for several hours, and wrap them in basic fleece blankets so they can lay right on them more comfortably.
Good job! Fingers crossed for nobody else getting it. Sounds like a nice setup. A snuggle pet with a heartbeat might be a good purchase. A lot of single kittens really get comfort from those. Often the heartbeat piece is separate and in a pocket so you can remove it when you need to wash the stuffed animal. Some of them can also be heated up for warmth. Keeping kittens warm (but not too hot) is really important. We use these "snuggle disks" that will stay warm for several hours, and wrap them in basic fleece blankets so they can lay right on them more comfortably.
So far no one else has shown signs of ringworm. But I made the mistake of googling it and was horrified to learn that the spores can live for months and months, or a cat can be a carrier without symptoms. She is super cute though and such a calm cat, especially for being feral. My other two cats were also feral cats but were spicier and still are pretty much scared of people they don't see all the time. The poor girl who loves animals and I hired to take of my cats during WDW only saw one of them once. @The Expert have you used Bannix? In light of coming across as a crazy cat lady, there are a few feral cats I feed. I can't pet them, but I can get close enough to spray them, I think. At least one has ringworm that I can see. I actually kinda regret beginning to feed them, as I think I am making our feral population worse, but they do keep away the rats and the skunks. But how many are destined for a coyote's dinner? Our town has no animal control.

Anyway, I took two weeks off from running and I forgot how much it helps my anxiety. I have been all over the place. I really liked the Hanson's marathon plan, even as a slower runner. I decided to order their book for halves as well. It just arrived, and the plans are also 18 weeks, and quite a lot of mileage, to me for a half marathon week 8 and up are all over 40. I decided to run a half on March 18. There is only one rest day, I know I shouldn't mess with a plan too much, but I will probably cut one of the days. Also Since there is only about 8 weeks, I'm starting at week 5, ending at 13.

I was going to do a 10k on the 12th of Feb, but there are no medals. I really like bling I realized.
So far no one else has shown signs of ringworm. But I made the mistake of googling it and was horrified to learn that the spores can live for months and months, or a cat can be a carrier without symptoms. She is super cute though and such a calm cat, especially for being feral. My other two cats were also feral cats but were spicier and still are pretty much scared of people they don't see all the time. The poor girl who loves animals and I hired to take of my cats during WDW only saw one of them once. @The Expert have you used Bannix? In light of coming across as a crazy cat lady, there are a few feral cats I feed. I can't pet them, but I can get close enough to spray them, I think. At least one has ringworm that I can see. I actually kinda regret beginning to feed them, as I think I am making our feral population worse, but they do keep away the rats and the skunks. But how many are destined for a coyote's dinner? Our town has no animal control.

Dodging the ringworm bullet so far! But yes, it can stick around FOREVER so be diligent. I have not used Bannix personally, but it is commonly used in rescue and at shelters so I wouldn't hesitate to use it as directed.

It's awesome you're taking care of community cats (as we call them). You are right that getting them fixed would be ideal to stop the population growth. Normally I'd say to borrow traps from your local shelter, but since there isn't one, you might fill out the help form on the Alley Cat Allies site and see if there are any groups near you who could provide TNR.
So Far we have still dodged the ringworm! I feel bad but I still have the little kitten in the playpen. The ringworm on her back is gone, but she still has some on her head.

@The Expert I did try the alley cat site but the nearest one to me is 92 miles one way.

I decided to do a goofy training weekend agian- After my half on March 18th, I'll fly to Disneyland that night and go for a couple of days. I panic bought Disney tickets before the most recent price hike, and am flying with SW points, so it doesn't feel like it is costing much.

It's been nice running again. It gets out so much of my nervous energy. I still am in a bit of a funk, I think.

I found .33 cents last week, and of course copper. Not much really.
Getting back into the groove running again. And the weather has been Warm the last couple of days. Sadly I only found .03 cents this week. bringing YTD .36. I used to find money all the time, darn debit/credit cards. more copper. I need to figure out a craft to do with it.

One of the great things about WDW is the options of vegan/vegetarian foods. I mostly eat vegan at home and vegetarian when out and at friends/family. I don't find the cost of food at Disney to be high, especially most the time there is alot of food. (Expect for the horrid meal I had at Be our Guest- it was the worst veggie meal I think I have been served and super pricey)

I tried some new to me foods this trip. I always eat the veggie burgers from quick service like at Pop century but didn't take any pictures.
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Curry Pizza (vegan) from Connections in Epcot. 11.29 Strange at first but I really liked it and two giant slices, easily splitable. One downside of solo trips is you can't split food to be able to try all the things! I've taken to bringing ziplock bags and saving some for later.
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Vegan Bratwurst from Magic kingdom, 10.29 (plus+1.00 for cheese)
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This was soo good! Vegan Shepards Pie from Rose & Crown. 22.00

Tomato Risotto from Brown Derby. A bit pricier 31.00 but super tasty and you get "free" bread. I ate this after the half and I would get it again.

I ate a piece before the obligatory picture. Margherita Flat bread from Pinocchio. 12.29. enough to share.


a Greek Salad from Everthing pop. I think it was 9.99. I felt like I really needed some fresh veggies, the food while tasty had been pretty light on the vegetables.

My favorite meal which I didn't take a picture of is the spicy tofu from Satuli Canteen.

I also did a character breakfast at Hollywood and Vine and loved it. I got it to do the dining package for Fantasmic, and didn't really care about the characters (it was junior) and so I didn't know Goofy was there! I didn't even bring my goofy medal!!! I ate a ton; I love breakfast and had my first mickey waffle. I wouldn't do Fantasmic package again, I felt the preferred seating wasn't all that much better, I don't mind getting in line earlier to wait. But I definitely will do a breakfast buffet again.

I sure miss the options they have at WDW. I never tried the vegan lobster roll they have in Magic kingdom so that will be on my to do list my next trip.

if anyone has other favorite vegan/veggie meals there please let me know!
Both my daughters have Celiac, so can not process any gluten proteins and one of them is also Vegan. You can imagine how hard it is to eat out safely! This is a big part of what drew us to WDW. They do such a good job of meeting dietary needs and keeping the magic going for my daughters. Lots of choices, cast members who understand our needs and are helpful.

When my youngest was four she came back from a friends party and said she did not want to go to parties anymore (gluten cake and no option for her). Then a few weeks later we are in WDW and a chef brings her gluten free Mickey waffles with dairy free whip cream and sprinkles!! She was so happy. And I was a Disney fan for life!

Disney has issues, but I have been so happy with their dietary options/culinary operations!

I've come down with a terribly stuffy nose and lots of sinus pressure. I skipped my run today and it was supposed to be the 1st speedwork I've done since Goofy. in the meantime, I thought I would take some time to write out my goals.

I had a very stressful past six months leading up to Goofy. I stress ate and drank more than I normally do and of course put on pounds. I am focusing on trying to lose the weight i gained, by cutting out snacking and am continuing dry January (which I didn't start until I got back from WDW) until I am in Disneyland (California Adventure really). I find using a scale does more harm than good for me, so I am using a tell tell pair of jeans as my guide.

Register for Goofy again. at first, I was worried I would be sad to not do Dopey, but I wasn't. I loved goofy and it was just right for me.

I want to get an over 35 PR in the half. I need to be under 2:26. I have a half in March which I will use to see where I am. I did 2:29 last October. (The half during marathon weekend was my personal worst, but so fun) Then a half in June, where I shall do my best.

I am planning on doing the Tucson Marathon which is usually the first week in December.

Get rid of clothes. I have started this. It is so easy to accumulate stuff! I was saving race shirts, in the hopes of maybe doing a quilt or something. I will only keep Disney ones for now.

Scrapbook my trip! An old hobby, but they still have such cute Disney papers and albums, and I did pay for photopass.

The Kitten is doing better. Her hair seems to be filling in but slowly.
Well I successfully resisted Disneyland weekend. based on work/budget, I don't see how I would ever be able to do both WDW and Disneyland, but I loved marathon weekend was so magical. I am hoping they eventually bring the other weekends, as a coast to coast would be cool.

For having never played golf, I love watching it while I do other stuff or nap, you can't beat a good golf nap. I find it so relaxing to look at the beautiful grounds and listen to commenters.

I realized I would be in Tucson when they are having the LIV tournament. I am not sure how to feel about it, but it would be awesome to see some of the golfers that joined the tour. But would that be an ethical dilemma based on the source of the funding? I looked up prices right now is 30-39 per day.
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My cold lasted forever! and it came with a bit of an earache. For some reason while you feel relief when you find out its not covid, I also think it won't be miserable. but it was. And it is so cold and windy here that when I tried to go for an easy run, I had a coughing fit. I did find .03 bringing my total to a mere .39. I'm not sure if I will do the half in March or not now. I'll see how the next couple of weeks go. Still planning on the June race for an A goal.

I am so jealous of the Princess weekend medals. I love the whole style of the weekend. If I don't get into Marathon Weekend, I'll try for princess.

Right now my plans have me in Disneyland for the delayed opening of ToonTown! I've never been to an opening day before. I hope it isn't too crazy.

One of my big cats came down with the eye infection from the kitten. (He too was a wild kitten) He is big and doesn't like being held, or medicine. and holds a grudge. once I accidentally stepped on his tail and he hid from me for two days.
Today was a moral victory for me, even if I didn't hit the paces I was shooting for. It seems most of the country, is under some kind of winter weather watch. Here is no different. My least favorite type of weather is wind! I would much rather run in hot weather then windy weather. In the past I have always avoided it, but I thought the rest of the week may be no better, so I began my run. The wind was so gusty it would push my foot over. And I was running into a very strong head wind. 30-40 mph, or so. But I did the whole workout! Just as I got back into town it started to snow.

I found this on my run:


I have no use for it, but my brother-in-law was happy to have a spare hitch. (For heavy items like these I put them next to a landmark and then pick them up when I have my car.)

Here is view of the snow falling, from my work, it had rained earlier so it didn't stick. snow.jpg
Normally you can see a large field and houses.

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Here is the kitty I rescued, just waiting on a bit of nose hair to fill in. I feel terrible, I kept her in a playpen for over two weeks and didn't let her out until I thought she was better. Both of my other cats came down with eye infection. I was using terramycin but they wouldn't let me get it in their eyes properly and most of it was being wasted. My parents have a country store with a few vet supplies, so they had an ophthalmic eye gel for pets that so far seems a bit easier. Hopefully it will do the trick.
I need to figure out a new title for this journal. I ran out of steam watching the marvel movies. I have been trying to watch animated movies I missed. I just watched Ratatouille for the first time, I liked it! I also tried to watch Treasure planet, but I wasn’t into it that day. I’ll have to try again. I found it a bit creepy.

I can’t believe how fast February flew by. Running has been going well, but it has been windy. My least favorite weather. I think I will do the half on March 18. It’s a really small race, with only 500 people total combined, for a 5k, 10k and the half. Then I fly to Disneyland that night! I’ll be there for the first day opening of Toontown, I wonder how crazy it will be. I’m not willing to stand in line for it like they had to do with Avenger’s campus. When they announced that ticket prices and genie plus was going up, I bought two 4-day tickets with Genie plus before the hike. I’ll be back in the fall sometime. I’m sad Indy is closed, but when I rode it in October so many of the effects didn’t work, and much of it was in darkness. It really needs this refurbishment. Once again, I’m solo. None of my IRL friends are into Disney, though if I could just get them to come, I bet they would like it. My Sister used to go with me, but her family has had some unexpected expenses. I have reservations for Magic happens parade package, Fantasmic package (please don’t cancel again on me) and the World of Color dessert package. I also currently have Carthey lounge reservation, but its Food and Wine. I think I may cancel it and just do the sip and savor pass. I haven’t seen World of color since 2019.

Cats finally seem to be doing better. I bought them some fancy cat treats that were supposed to help with immune systems, the little tyrants won’t eat them.

I wish I would have bought a Magic band + when it was offered at a discount for staying on site at Walt Disney world. No discounts for Disneyland. I was hoping the marathon weekend band was +. I like magic bands, it feels so much more fun than using a phone. Or I wish the standard bands would work.


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