Magical Miles to the Marathon! Comments welcomed

Week 3 of Hanson’s From Scratch Marathon training (long run moved to Saturdays. The goal this week was to do warmup using jump rope. I never did find my jump rope. I did jumping jacks, intervals alternating with squats, high knees etc. It was ok. I realized that now that I am running at a slower easy pace I need to allow more time for my run altogether. It’s so easy to skip warm/up cool down

Monday 5 mi easy: 5mi @ 14:08


Tuesday: Rest. I was so hungry all day, I didn’t pack snacks, so I ate way too many chips that were here at work. There is a whole fridge that is mostly empty I have no one to blame but myself.

Wednesday: 5 mi easy: 5.25 @14:42. I made a critical error, we have still been having monsoon rains. There are so many dirt roads that when it rains hard, many of them have to be grated. I chose a route that I knew wouldn’t need it. But It rained to much in the night and when I was running it was still muddy. There is high clay content, so the mud is super slick and it is so easy to slide and fall. I went slower and then decided to run on the highway so it added a small of amount of distance. This is my second summer having cats. Last summer it hardly rained at all. It has poured this year. When it rains scorpions come in the house. They have killed 11 that I know of, an added bonus to being a cat parent! Here is one of my mighty hunters and his prey. They must just keep swatting it to death. They have never acted like they have been stung, but who knows with cats?
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Thursday: Rest

Friday: 4 mi easy: 4.1 @ 15:14. I waited too long to run this and also chose one of my favorite (but very hilly routes) a bit slower than I would like but oh well (this mickey reminds me the Springtime one)


Saturday: First time a run has been labelled something other than easy in this plan!

8-mile-long run: 8@ 13:51. I found a penny. (I pick up all change I find while running no matter how small!) But I came the closest to a Rattlesnake than I have in years. I was in a grove and letting my mind wander and not paying to close attention, running a long a rural highway. It has been ages since I heard a rattlesnake before I saw it. Thank goodness for the bone conducting headphones that still allow you to hear stuff! I looked down and there he was about 2 feet in front of me, I screamed and jumped sideways, into the road. He went back to the weeds. I landed a bit funny, and a car stopped to see if I was okay. Which was so kind, they weren’t locals, and of course I was. Its that time of year where the snakes are still out and when it is cold, they warm themselves on the asphalt. I know this. And I live alone and told no one where I was running or how long I would be out. My parents live in town while they know I run on Sat, not when, how long or where. I have been very diligent about it since then. I took one e-gel, and a pf chew, but I finished the run very hungry. I need to figure a better breakfast and carry more fuel. I like e-gels better then the chews.

Sunday: 4 mi easy: 4 @ 13:56. A very uneventful run. I found nothing.

On to next week: goals: eat a bigger breakfast than a granola bar for longer runs, still work on warming up properly,
Week 3 of Hanson’s From Scratch Marathon training (long run moved to Saturdays. The goal this week was to do warmup using jump rope. I never did find my jump rope. I did jumping jacks, intervals alternating with squats, high knees etc. It was ok. I realized that now that I am running at a slower easy pace I need to allow more time for my run altogether. It’s so easy to skip warm/up cool down

Monday 5 mi easy: 5mi @ 14:08

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Tuesday: Rest. I was so hungry all day, I didn’t pack snacks, so I ate way too many chips that were here at work. There is a whole fridge that is mostly empty I have no one to blame but myself.

Wednesday: 5 mi easy: 5.25 @14:42. I made a critical error, we have still been having monsoon rains. There are so many dirt roads that when it rains hard, many of them have to be grated. I chose a route that I knew wouldn’t need it. But It rained to much in the night and when I was running it was still muddy. There is high clay content, so the mud is super slick and it is so easy to slide and fall. I went slower and then decided to run on the highway so it added a small of amount of distance. This is my second summer having cats. Last summer it hardly rained at all. It has poured this year. When it rains scorpions come in the house. They have killed 11 that I know of, an added bonus to being a cat parent! Here is one of my mighty hunters and his prey. They must just keep swatting it to death. They have never acted like they have been stung, but who knows with cats?
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Thursday: Rest

Friday: 4 mi easy: 4.1 @ 15:14. I waited too long to run this and also chose one of my favorite (but very hilly routes) a bit slower than I would like but oh well (this mickey reminds me the Springtime one)

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Saturday: First time a run has been labelled something other than easy in this plan!

8-mile-long run: 8@ 13:51. I found a penny. (I pick up all change I find while running no matter how small!) But I came the closest to a Rattlesnake than I have in years. I was in a grove and letting my mind wander and not paying to close attention, running a long a rural highway. It has been ages since I heard a rattlesnake before I saw it. Thank goodness for the bone conducting headphones that still allow you to hear stuff! I looked down and there he was about 2 feet in front of me, I screamed and jumped sideways, into the road. He went back to the weeds. I landed a bit funny, and a car stopped to see if I was okay. Which was so kind, they weren’t locals, and of course I was. Its that time of year where the snakes are still out and when it is cold, they warm themselves on the asphalt. I know this. And I live alone and told no one where I was running or how long I would be out. My parents live in town while they know I run on Sat, not when, how long or where. I have been very diligent about it since then. I took one e-gel, and a pf chew, but I finished the run very hungry. I need to figure a better breakfast and carry more fuel. I like e-gels better then the chews.

Sunday: 4 mi easy: 4 @ 13:56. A very uneventful run. I found nothing.
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On to next week: goals: eat a bigger breakfast than a granola bar for longer runs, still work on warming up properly,
I love that anger shirt! Inside Out is one of my fav movies.

Have you tried any of the Hanson warm up moves? I can't remember what they are off the top of my head but I know they have some listed in the book.

Personally, I follow the warm up my PT gave me which consists of high knees, butt kicks, lunges, skipping, and some weird one legged stretch thing that I'm not sure I could describe. I'm not saying this is right for you but jumping rope and jumping jacks seem rather intense to me. Most warm ups that I've seen are lower impact.

Finally, if I ever move somewhere that has scorpions please remind me to get a cat or five
I love that anger shirt! Inside Out is one of my fav movies.

Have you tried any of the Hanson warm up moves? I can't remember what they are off the top of my head but I know they have some listed in the book.

Personally, I follow the warm up my PT gave me which consists of high knees, butt kicks, lunges, skipping, and some weird one legged stretch thing that I'm not sure I could describe. I'm not saying this is right for you but jumping rope and jumping jacks seem rather intense to me. Most warm ups that I've seen are lower impact.

Finally, if I ever move somewhere that has scorpions please remind me to get a cat or five
You are probably right. I was just trying to do something that would get my heart rate faster than, doing proper stretching.
Running went well last week, Ill do a post later. This weekend I'm going to Long beach for the half and then to Disneyland. I think I am wearing Minnie themed outfit. Assuming that I finish, I'm thinking of bringing my medal for pics at the park. Also, I may have to take an uber/lyft something for the first time in my life, so I guess it is time. New things like that make me so anxious. I was hoping there was public transport, there is but what google says it a 25 ish minute drive is probably over two hours, and I would rather spend that at Disneyland. Is there any difference between the two?
Also, I may have to take an uber/lyft something for the first time in my life, so I guess it is time.
Is there any difference between the two?
What are you anxious about it specifically? Maybe I can help. I prefer Lyft just because I think they treat their drivers better. You can schedule the ride in advance which is a nice feature.
What are you anxious about it specifically? Maybe I can help. I prefer Lyft just because I think they treat their drivers better. You can schedule the ride in advance which is a nice feature.
I'm a person who is generally antsy, and so new things, even though intellectually I know are nothing much to be worked up about, tend to get me worked up. Small talk especially...i liike the anonymity of public transit if that m sense? Also once I do something it's fine, the pandemic didn't help. I live in a town of about 750 so I'm use to being familiar with most I interact with, and not traveling much the last couple of years got me out of habit...
I'm a person who is generally antsy, and so new things, even though intellectually I know are nothing much to be worked up about, tend to get me worked up. Small talk especially...i liike the anonymity of public transit if that m sense? Also once I do something it's fine, the pandemic didn't help. I live in a town of about 750 so I'm use to being familiar with most I interact with, and not traveling much the last couple of years got me out of habit...

There used to be the option in one of the apps - I can't remember which - that let you pick whether you liked chatter or preferred to stay quiet. Score one for the introverts! Sadly, that has since been removed. Anyway yes, also agreed Lyft is better, but I find sometimes the wait can be longer. The wait is based on the number of drivers available and their proximity to you, and I guess Uber is more ubiquitous so they usually have more drivers.
There used to be the option in one of the apps - I can't remember which - that let you pick whether you liked chatter or preferred to stay quiet. Score one for the introverts! Sadly, that has since been removed. Anyway yes, also agreed Lyft is better, but I find sometimes the wait can be longer. The wait is based on the number of drivers available and their proximity to you, and I guess Uber is more ubiquitous so they usually have more drivers.
I had that feature in Uber a few weeks ago, but I use it so rarely that it may have been a beta feature, or only available in upgraded rides. I don't remember whether it was an option for my ride home; I was... a little more impaired than I'd intended to be.
My Goofy Simulation trip was fun! Part 1: the running Long Beach

I really wanted a booster before I left on my trip, it was supposed to be two weeks before I left but unfortunately, it was the Wednesday before I left. I seem to always react to them with being hot/ chills, so I was pretty spent after work that day and that meant I left preparations to the day I was leaving Thursday. I drove to a friend's house in the phoenix valley to spend the night there in order to catch my 9 am southwest flight to Long beach. It was only a 1.25 to take the bus from the airport to the hotel! Then I walked to the expo. There was a huge line to get in, and I thought it would take forever, but it didn't. I was pretty close to opening and they were making everyone go thru security. Once in it was very quick to pick up bibs, shirts.


Look how well my runDisney Dumbo shirt matches the background! I was running the 5k on Saturday, and half on Monday. I was chatting with a 73-year-old who had ran the full marathon that weekend for 15 years and his goal was sub-4. What I found most interesting is that the only fuel he takes was Gatorade (or similar) only after the halfway point no other fuel at all.
I really didn't do much after the expo. walked around a bit and went to Vonn's (which is safeway here) and got some stuff to make sandwiches and some premade salads, bananas all the exciting things. Went to bed pretty early, it was about a mile walk to the startline from my hotel, so I wanted to leave at 6:15. Flat me:


The course was pretty, but very very crowded. It was self-seed and I am not a fan of that. And the course was very narrow at some places and then wide at others. I never was able to get my run/walk/run intervals where I could do them comfortably. Oh well it was supposed to be an easy run. It is my slowest 5k 38:08 to date.

It was pretty, though gloomy.

Towards the end we ran through the aquarium

Super cute medal

After the race I hung around, to visit the aquarium for a few hours, then went for a walk to a free little library, as read the book I brought way too fast (The paris apartment by Lucy Foley- thumbs up). I chose "Face of a stranger by Anne perry" It was good, but I forgot it on my plane ride home only half read. None of the libraries around me have it. Mostly I read that night, watched college football, ate stuff I had bought yesterday and got ready for the half!
I'm terrible at remembering to take photos. So no flat me. I thought I would save time in the morning by attaching my bib with bib boards the night before Only to have one fly off and rip the bib while I was putting it on. Lesson learned. Luckily I still had pins for the one corner. The hotel was less than1/2 mile to the start, and once again it was a self-seed. I started in the wave with the 2:40 pacers. I was trying out some new intervals, and it was nice and cloudy. I was also trying out nutrition for the marathon, I did e gels, which in general I really like but I don't think I could only take them for the marathon. I will probably mix them up I didn't go all out but I did go faster than I should have. I finished in 2:32:29, my last half in June was 2:40:04, and I felt fine after, ready for all the walking of a Disney trip. This was my first race in the Suacony Endorphin pros I will say I think AZ races have more water stops in general. It was chaos at the finish line, a poor security guard was trying to get people out of the finish line area to no avail., so I didn't even bother to get the free beer, as I still had to walk back to my hotel clean up, and catch my first uber do Disneyland, the sooner the better!


I bought that visor for this outfit and broke the rule nothing new for race day. My head i think is normal sized and that visor was so tight! It isn't adjustable either, it left marks on my head. Al


Two medals, one for the half and one for doing both the half and the 5k.
Interrupting this trip report, I had one of my best find days! This past long run I found lots of copper, an actual dollar bill (its been years since I have found a bill) and Sunglasses!
I actually find sunglasses quite often. Probably the second most common item after gloves. Normally they will be pretty scratched, but these looked brand new. They felt like really nice quality too. I looked them up when I got home and they are Spy+ sunglasses Logan model with happy boost lenses. They start at $95 and I have declared them my new running glasses.

I think fall sunsets are the best! My phone is old and takes terrible photos but the idea is there!
Weeks are flying by! I really was trying to do my mini trip report in a timely manner. I am finding training for a marathon, an emotional roller-coaster. After my half I was full of confidence that yes, I could totally do a marathon. Then this past weekend my long run just felt like a slog, and it was windy, which is the worst of all weathers for me. What am I doing trying to do goofy?! And I only found two pennies!

After cleaning up, I awaited my first uber. Of course, my fears of having to make small talk with the driver was pointless. Thinking about it, I'm sure the drivers are tired of chatting with all their passengers. He was very quiet, which was fine by me. I also learned that it costs an extra 16 to schedule a ride in advance, so I didn't make that mistake again. He dropped me off at my hotel, I left my luggage in the room and walked the 1/2 mile to Disneyland! I was in the park by 2. I had genie plus, so I immediately made a reservation for Big thunder. Forked over the 20 bucks for Rise of resistance (return time of only 3:30!) and walked to Splash Mountain to ride the single rider line.

What is nice about single rider is that you are always in the back, away from the soaking in the front.

Next it was time for a well-earned snack from Pooh's corner in critter country.

Pumpkin spice mickey cupcake. It was really good, though a bit crumbly. To me one of the worst things of Solo trips is not being able to share snacks, so you can try all the things.
After that I made my first walk to Galaxy edge in Disneyland. I like Star Wars, not a super fan but I found while the land is pretty cool to look at it felt a little flat. The walkways are so much wider than the rest of Disneyland it seemed to have less people, along the part that isn't all the shops. There didn't seem to be hardly any cast members or even the little kiosks that sell stuff. I only saw a couple of storm troopers. Single rider Millenium Falcon. Its ok, I don't like that instead of focusing on the screen you are supposed to smash buttons. Sorry to the rest of the strangers I rode with, I didn't fix the ship. At all. Poor BB-8 No one was around here at all.

Next it was time for Rise! I never got around to riding it when I was at Springtime Surprise, I was looking forward to it. I really thought it was a great ride. I loved that there were so many physical sets. When the door opened to show the storm troopers, it kind of startled me as I was right by the front, jumped dropped and broke my sunglasses, (after the ride I was able to pop the lens back in, but it was barely staying). My favorite part was definitely the AT-ATs. I feel lucky that when I bought the ILL at 20, since during my trip it went up to 25! In the future I will either try to rope drop or get in line when it closes.

Time for fast pass for thunder.

Selfie of me about to choose the left lane!
Weeks are flying by! I really was trying to do my mini trip report in a timely manner. I am finding training for a marathon, an emotional roller-coaster. After my half I was full of confidence that yes, I could totally do a marathon. Then this past weekend my long run just felt like a slog, and it was windy, which is the worst of all weathers for me. What am I doing trying to do goofy?! And I only found two pennies!
I can completely relate to this. Sooooooo much. There's a VERY similar post in my training journal a few
weeks ago. As @GollyGadget said, it's pretty common to feel that way, and I think that's good to know because you are NOT the only one feeling that way. We can all still go to the start and do the best we can on race day.
In the rollarcoaster of training, I did another half marathon on Sunday, which also went well! I was hoping for lots of Halloween costumes as I realized one of the things like best about Disney races is all of the fun outfits. Since it was the day before Halloween I was hoping for lots of outfits to look at. I was wearing a pretty simple outfit:

I knew the race was small but not so small only 132 half participants, and most of the runners seemed the more serious type. And I think there were 10 water stops, and every stop had Gatorade as well. I think my theory of AZ races having more water stops may have some truth. The weather was great for Peoria (it is part of the phoenix metro area). It felt like more than a supported training run since I was pretty alone most of the race. I had no more e gels, (which I really like, I need to order more. Do they sell them in stores ? I haven't seen them) So I tried precision fuel chews. Which are fine, but super chewy, and I left them in my car. I think it made them really stick to the wrapper.


I finished in 2:29:47, and I didn't feel like I even gave a "race effort" . I'm still carrying extra pandemic/ super stressful summer weight, of about 15 -20lbs. It makes me hopeful that if I lose those pounds and keep training consistently, I have room for improvement.

The medal was very nice


It was nicely run race, but I decided I like bigger races.
So I didn't feel like running today, but I did. One thing about actually slowing down easy runs, is they feel easy, and I can tell myself it doesn't matter how slow I go. I find I have been skipping runs way less now.
I felt much better when I finished, and then I felt awesome, look what my mom got me! This was my favorite toy growing up! I carried him everywhere. I think he may still be in a shed, but my original was in way worse shape. We only went to Disneyland two maybe three times but I was able to pick him out as my souvenir.
I think I will do captain EO for the half marathon weekend.
Uggh. I'm trying not to freak, as marathon weekend is still a way off, but I have cold. It's my first marathon and I hate having miss runs. I think that is why I didn't feel like running on Sat. I cut my long run short and i tried to convince myself I was having trouble breathing due to allergies. And I think that is why I wasn't too excited/bothered by making reservations. Hopefully it won't be long.

I have a 7 day park pass one park per day. I am thinking of upgrading to a park hopper, so I can try and see all the nightime shows.
Thursday: arrival maybe something in Disney springs. Park ?
Friday: Starting in Hollywood Studios plan to HH
Sat: Not sure at all. I was planning a pool day for recovery etc, but I don't know where/what/ will want to eat.
Sunday: Magic Kingdom I have a reservation at Be out Guest for (hopefully) first Marathon celebration
Monday: Epcot for DATW
Tuesday: Animal Kingdom Tiffins for lunch
Wednesday: ? can't decide on park
Thurday: ? My flight leaves in the late afternoon, not sure what park to spend the morning in as my goodbye. Magic kingdom is most like Disneyland, and I know I am going there next year probably twice, but I love the castle. I'm leaning towards Animal kindgom. I wish I didn't have to make reservations, and could decide when I am there.

Also if anyone wants join me at BOG let me know!


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