Last Chance for a Summer Vacation Experience- August 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Well I told myself if no progress by 22th of August I will have to review my plan and and.... I need to


I feel mentally ready to move on to maintenance, yet I want to reach my goal so I need to refocus. Thinking of giving Tony Robbins audo program another listen

little disappointed

but the last few are just hard as I feel way more happier in my skin, so less drive

I'm sorry you're disappointed and I can TOTALLY relate! Those last few pounds/kg just seem to want to STICK..... especially if your goal is at the low end of your healthy weight range (and from seeing a fairly recent photo of you, I'd guess that is the case). Glad you are working on some POSITIVE ways to possibly get to goal rather than diet extremes.

How about going into a maintenance mode for a few weeks to see how it goes? You can always transition into losing mode again later.

Remember, even if you never lose another ounce, you are at such a good place right now, you need to be happy and proud of yourself.


Good morning all! Happy Friday! The school is buying us an "end-of-summer, thanks-for-the-hard-work" lunch today.... the cafe they are ordering from didn't have much in the way of healthy options (it is mostly a burger and ice cream place), but I ordered a chicken teriyaki wrap with onions and peppers and with no cheese. I know that the teriyaki sauce will have sugar and the onions and peppers will be cooked in oil so today's breakfast and dinner will need to be LIGHT to make up for those extra lunch calories! Egg white wrap for breakfast...... but not sure about dinner.

This is the last work day for the young men I work with at school (DS, a college senior, and a mid-20's young man who is a part time student/full-time para at school). My work days next week will be quiet and boring and I'll definitely miss having DS there with me. He doesn't leave for school until next weekend, but I wanted him to have some time off AND some time to clean his room and get packed up!!

Time to get dressed for work and make breakfast.... but it is really nice not to have to make lunches today! ...............P
Morning everyone! I have missed out on much of the chatter on my vaca to LA with my oldest DD :sad2: but I wanted to check in to report that I have been exercising since I've been home and skipping the adult beverages in the evening since returning home. I can really tell a difference in my belly bloat when I hold true to that commitment. One more week until I leave for Paris so keeping my eating in check
Our computers and tablets can actually be one of the reasons we have sleep disturbances ... the lighting used in them interferes with our body's melanin production which helps induce sleep ..... we are supposed to be off our technology about 2 hours I think it is before bed time .... I said 'supposed to' because I am not necessarily good at getting of my computer either!

I know :( I wonder if the little nighttime mode on iPhones and iPads actually makes a difference? Because I have mine turned on. Not that it would matter either way. I'm a pinterest addict! Lol.


I did a preliminary weigh in this morning and I was up which is not surprising considering that I didn't track for a few days. However, I'm hoping that if I stay to plan today and work out that it's just water weight that'll come off easily and I'll at least be at no loss/no gain. That would be the goal for a week where I traveled for work. I can say that I'm SO glad it's Friday though. Goodness. It's been an exhausting week.
When it comes to sleep I am the worst. I probably get 6 hours on most nights. Every so often I go through cycles of insomnia where I get maybe 1 or 2 hours a night. It is usually tied to my depression and I can't shut my brain off on those nights. Last night I actually crashed at 9:30, I think because this week has been particularly stressful.

So the insurance company decided to total DH's car. They are only giving us the rental car until Monday, So I am going car shopping today. They gave us more for the car than we had expected so that is good news. Thankfully he hasn't had anymore pain in his shoulder and he told me if it comes back he will see a doctor. The state of Florida gives you 14 days to seek medical treatment so I guess I am good with his decision.

This weekend should be a busy one we also have a 5 mile race on Saturday night at the beach. I hope being on the beach makes it cooler because boy is it hot out!
Back to school night was a success. My eating however was not. I'm avoiding the scale on purpose until next week. No running this weekend. We're going for a weekend camping trip this weekend and I'm so ready for that! Looking forward to the lake, some wine and a campfire! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Oh man--- I can identify. I have a fuzzy sleep disturber too. Except mine has a disorder that causes her to get wound up and meow and hiss throughout the night if she is off. I can keep it under control with her diet (grain free and mostly raw), but the vet had me change to a weight management food that brought the behavior back out, so I am in a cat food cul de sac--either she is fat and quiet or thin and loud. :crazy:

I looooooooooove sleep too. I usually like to get at least 8 hours. I definitely see a correlation between my sleep and my weight. However, between the cat and the new neighbors that bought the condo next door a few months ago, I am currently quite sleep deprived (this may be part of what's wrong with me feeling so out of it recently, who knows!). The new neighbors have two children that (I kid you not) scream, shriek, and cry every night (at what I assume is bed time) for 45 minutes between the hours of 10:30-11:30pm. I am not a mother, so I do not know if this is par for the course with toddlers. But this is right when I want to go to bed, so recently, I have been waiting until 11:45-12:30 to fall asleep so I can watch TV to drown out the neighbors until it gets quiet. DH and I are going to tear down the wall and put in a sound barrier as soon as our bathroom remodel is done. And I can't wait-- plus the tables will be turned in a few years if we have children, so then it will be a sound barrier the other way. So that will be nice for them too!

Until then, the weekends are my time to sleep. I know you are supposed to keep yourself on schedule, but I just need to catch up!

I would be so annoyed if I was being kept awake because of that. I can tell that it is normal though. Maybe not the time though but I was really regimented with the kids schedules. My nephew though did not have a schedule because my brother and sister in law worked opposite shifts. He went to bed whenever he wanted to. My daughter used to fight to go to bed from the time she moved into a regular bed (about 2.5 years old) until she was 6 when we got her a T.V. We would start to but her to bed at 7 and the fight would last until sometime between 10-11. On our second trip to Disney we bought the kids portable DVD players for the car ride. They needed to learn how to use them on there own so we let them have it for about a week before left at bed time. The fighting stopped. So we let them have it at bed when we got back just to see what would happen and again no fighting. I did not want to give the kids a TV for there room that early but is for for my sanity. My son always went right to sleep. Like I think he was asleep before his head hit the pillow but my daughter was horrible. I remember taking everything from her room one night except her bed and she still continued. She will be 9 next week and she still does not fall asleep until 10:30 or 11 every night but she is at least in her room quiet watching tv.

Hopefully this will be a short phase so you don't have to hear it anymore.
When it comes to sleep I am the worst. I probably get 6 hours on most nights. Every so often I go through cycles of insomnia where I get maybe 1 or 2 hours a night. It is usually tied to my depression and I can't shut my brain off on those nights. Last night I actually crashed at 9:30, I think because this week has been particularly stressful.

So the insurance company decided to total DH's car. They are only giving us the rental car until Monday, So I am going car shopping today. They gave us more for the car than we had expected so that is good news. Thankfully he hasn't had anymore pain in his shoulder and he told me if it comes back he will see a doctor. The state of Florida gives you 14 days to seek medical treatment so I guess I am good with his decision.

This weekend should be a busy one we also have a 5 mile race on Saturday night at the beach. I hope being on the beach makes it cooler because boy is it hot out!

I am sorry about the car. I know how stressful that time was for me. I am glad they are giving you more time with the rental. We only had 24 hours after they totaled it. Good luck with finding a new car!
Good Friday everyone

Sorry this is late. We ended up mowing a lawn this morning the morning got away from me.

Since it is afternoon I thought we would talk about Afternoon Tea

At the Grand Floridian they have Afternoon Tea in the Garden Room.
I have done it twice.
Recently we also had my niece's bridal shower at a tea house and it was a lot of fun. We all wore hats.

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The table and the food are beautiful. I have heard that they have changed the plates but I am sure that it will still be a wonderful experience.

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The first time I went it was just my twin sister and I. She is on the left and I am on the right.

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The last time we went we thought it was a girls trip but ds1's gf talked him into going along with his cousins and ds2's gf
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niece2, dil, ds1, ds2's gf, niece1

Teas has many health benefits.

Here is a link to an article about some of them.

Are you a tea or coffee drinker?

Do you drink it all day long or just in the morning?

Have you ever been to a tea party.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I'm tea more than coffee but will drink either provided there's enough sugar in the cup. I've mentioned a couple times how I'm addicted to my morning Chai from Starbucks. I have to really watch caffeine consumption though as it can trigger anger. I also have to cut off any caffeine consumption midday, else sleep is impacted.

I've done the GF Tea many times, it is so lovely to sit and relax and nibble on so many different things. The last time I did it was probably two years ago when the new Chef had just taken over and was starting to play with the menu.

Teas has many health benefits.

Here is a link to an article about some of them.

Are you a tea or coffee drinker?

Do you drink it all day long or just in the morning?

Have you ever been to a tea party.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I drink both.... more coffee than tea right now, but in the winter it is equal.... coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and evening..herbal teas as well as real teas and decaf tea. I'm on a Kombucha kick right now.... I find it super refreshing in this hot weather. Not positive if the health benefits are quite as great as they claim..... some folks claim you would need to drink a gallon a day to get any of the health benefits of the fermentation.... but since I like the taste, I will continue to drink it (although it is a PITA to make). My only concern is that Kombucha needs to be made with real sugar (to give the good bacteria something to eat as it brews) and I don't want all that sugar.


Hey friends..... I enjoyed the chicken teriyaki wrap at lunch, but it was SWIMMING in very sweet teriyaki sauce and it did not include the onions and peppers it was supposed to have. The wrap was probably white flour.... I had intended to open it and just eat the contents, but I didn't. I'm guessing it was 10 SmartPoints.... so much more than I EVER eat at lunch.... but I adjusted my SmartPoints at my other meals to make up for it. I had a salad wrap on a low carb bread for breakfast and I am making an egg white omelet with veggies for dinner. And I will fill up on watermelon if I'm still hungry.

Today's weigh-in was good.... really good. I'm still up a TOUCH from my pre-vacation weight, but I'll honestly tell you that that weight may have been weird fluke, as it was lower than I expected (doesn't mean it didn't make me happy though!!). I'm 25 days away from leaving for San Diego and 22 days away from DISNEYLAND and would be absolutely ECSTATIC to arrive there a solid 5 pounds below my goal weight (3.3 pounds away right now). That's where I was when I went to WDW in 2011 and that was the BEST I've ever felt about myself. I'm not in the same shape as I was in 2011 as I am not running now, but even so, it would be great to see that number on the scale again!

Dashing off now to make dinner. See you all in the a.m..................P
Great pics @donac! I love the swan :-)

Are you a tea or coffee drinker?

Do you drink it all day long or just in the morning?

Have you ever been to a tea party.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I am not a coffee drinker - never developed the taste for it. Tea I drink rarely and only in winter with breakfast sometimes. My drink of choice is unhealthy soft drink. I actually haven't been to a tea party before.

Reporting in: Still at a disappointing 0% - I have really fallen off the wagon since getting ill a couple of weeks ago - I just seem to go around and around at the moment with the whole eating/exercising/losing gaining the same couple of kilos! My house is a mess, my mind is a mess so I guess it makes sense my eating and body are a mess as well. Yes clearly feeling down today :sad1: On a positive note both of my boys teams made it straight through the Grand Final for hockey this morning.
Good Saturday Morning everyone

I thought we would talk about events this weekend.

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party

My dh's birthday is Halloween. He has wanted to go to DW for his birthday for years and last year we went.

If you go to DW the last week in Oct. you will see then getting out all the pumpkins everywhere.
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There is a lot of lights and overlays on buildings

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But we were waiting for the Headless Horseman who leads the Halloween Parade

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How prepared are you before you go to an event?
Do you take the advise to eat before you go?
Are you careful with your liquid intake?

Have you ever been to the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party?

Have a happy and healthy day
Popping on to report still at 38% this week.

Yesterday was eventful to say the least. I went to my Dr to see if we could figure out why I am so tired and dizzy, and she sent me to the ER for an irregular heartbeat. Soooooooo I spent all yesterday afternoon in ER getting everything checked out. The good news is that my blood work shows I'm healthy (I have been suspicious that me being tired was diabetes, anemia, a thyroid issue, or a miraculous pregnancy but all that came back clean). The bad news is that the slight arhythmia wasn't really a big issue or reason to be admitted for. So I have to go see a cardiologist to make sure everything is ok. Oh, and no medical reason for why I've been tired and dizzy. Tired I can explain with neighbors. Dizzy--- well maybe I need my eyes checked so I am having that scheduled.

Anyway, with my heart health up in the air, I am bowing out of reports for the rest of the month. I am going to take walks in the afternoons this month but as for my hardcore working out I was planning on and started with, well.... I'd rather wait until I get the OK from the cardiologist so I don't really give myself an issue :-)


QOTD: I am awful with events. I just go and have whatever. Although I have made it a point to hang out near the veggie platters rather than the breads like I used to! Recently I have been watching my cocktail intake. Only one.

As for MNSSHP, LOOOOOOVE that party! We went twice 2012 & 2013. I reallllllly want to go next year. The atmosphere is so fun and lively with everyone in costume. And I really want to see the Hocus Pocus show!

How prepared are you before you go to an event?
Do you take the advise to eat before you go?
Are you careful with your liquid intake?

Have you ever been to the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party?

Have a happy and healthy day

I decide on plan and stick with it. I don't deprive myself really

example - I will eat my 300 g veggies, but would indulge a little too. I will decide ahead and stick with the plan most of the time.

example glass of prosecco or one cocktail only
skip dessert or have a little test but have few pieces of cheese or whatever

Ok so... I went talk to the gym today and I had a chat with the trainers after class and they feel that the bodypump class I have been doing is clashing with my strength training program and I need to cut it. First the steam room in the gym upsets my sinuses for few weeks, now this..

But I guess it's not all straight sailing, there is some zigzag sometimes. It's 3 weeks I feel going little backwards with everything so I am relieved I have a plan now

I can keep yoga and swimming so that's good

horrible rainy day here. Like non stop rain! I am doing my fast passes plans and MK is left and is stressing me out little but I will sort it out by the end of the day.

I booked the pirate league for my son on Halloween day at magic kingdom! We will be staying for the party after, I am sooooo looking forward for it. We went to the party 2014, it was awesome. I will miss thunder mountain this time
Popping on to report still at 38% this week.

Yesterday was eventful to say the least. I went to my Dr to see if we could figure out why I am so tired and dizzy, and she sent me to the ER for an irregular heartbeat. Soooooooo I spent all yesterday afternoon in ER getting everything checked out. The good news is that my blood work shows I'm healthy (I have been suspicious that me being tired was diabetes, anemia, a thyroid issue, or a miraculous pregnancy but all that came back clean). The bad news is that the slight arhythmia wasn't really a big issue or reason to be admitted for. So I have to go see a cardiologist to make sure everything is ok. Oh, and no medical reason for why I've been tired and dizzy. Tired I can explain with neighbors. Dizzy--- well maybe I need my eyes checked so I am having that scheduled.

Anyway, with my heart health up in the air, I am bowing out of reports for the rest of the month. I am going to take walks in the afternoons this month but as for my hardcore working out I was planning on and started with, well.... I'd rather wait until I get the OK from the cardiologist so I don't really give myself an issue :-)

how scary, I am glad nothing serious came out of it. You are doing the right thing, look after yourself
The only events I do are vacations and holidays. I usually go in with best intentions which are usually discarded at some point, so I am not good with special events at all.

I've been to MNSSHP once and loved it. I was intending to go last year but something went wrong with my reservation and I didn't actually have a ticket. I am starting to like WDW as much in the fall as I do in the spring.

So I've only been weighting once a week and when I got on the scale this morning I was up 5 pounds from last week. I should have hopped off and gotten back on because I don't think that is accurate. I would feel it in my body and I feel like I'm basically the same. I'll weight again tomorrow morning and hope it was wrong.

We are to have super hot temps again today, then it will break a little tomorrow. I actually got out for a walk this morning before going to Pilates... Thank you thyroid for helping me get out of bed. I'm currently having lunch in an air conditioned restaurant, will next be seeing a movie in an air conditioned theatre, then it's some shopping in an air conditioned mall. A thoughtfully planned out day :).

Happy weekend everyone.
Popping on to report still at 38% this week.

Yesterday was eventful to say the least. I went to my Dr to see if we could figure out why I am so tired and dizzy, and she sent me to the ER for an irregular heartbeat. Soooooooo I spent all yesterday afternoon in ER getting everything checked out. The good news is that my blood work shows I'm healthy (I have been suspicious that me being tired was diabetes, anemia, a thyroid issue, or a miraculous pregnancy but all that came back clean). The bad news is that the slight arhythmia wasn't really a big issue or reason to be admitted for. So I have to go see a cardiologist to make sure everything is ok. Oh, and no medical reason for why I've been tired and dizzy. Tired I can explain with neighbors. Dizzy--- well maybe I need my eyes checked so I am having that scheduled.

Anyway, with my heart health up in the air, I am bowing out of reports for the rest of the month. I am going to take walks in the afternoons this month but as for my hardcore working out I was planning on and started with, well.... I'd rather wait until I get the OK from the cardiologist so I don't really give myself an issue :-)!

I have been in your shoes. A number of years ago I wasn't feeling well in school so on my break I went down to the nurses office for a couple of aspirin. She took my pulse and asked me how and where I wanted to go to have my heart checked out. Another nurse gave me the name of her cardiologist group and my son came and took me to a hospital (there are three that I had my choice of. I picked on that had a trauma center) I had my blood checked when I came in and then I just sat for over 7 hours until I got to a room and was looked at. It seems that there were several traumas that were more important. I then had to have a monitor on for 24 hours. When I met with the doctor about the monitor he asked me what happened about 11 pm. I was sleeping on the couch and my son came in at 11 and woke me up and startled me. We still laugh about that. I also had a nuclear stress test. They determined that I had a pvc (premature ventricular contraction). The second pulse that backs up the primary was trying to outrace the primary. They were able to control it with the same medication I can use for my blood pressure. If the first medication causes side effect, which mine did, ask for another. There are several that will work.

This is also when I got upset about my weight. I had lost about 30 pounds and I thought I would be able to get off my blood pressure medication and then this came up. I will never got off this medication because of it.
I'll try and catch up a bit:

Good Friday everyone

Sorry this is late. We ended up mowing a lawn this morning the morning got away from me.

Since it is afternoon I thought we would talk about Afternoon Tea

At the Grand Floridian they have Afternoon Tea in the Garden Room.
I have done it twice.
Recently we also had my niece's bridal shower at a tea house and it was a lot of fun. We all wore hats.

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The table and the food are beautiful. I have heard that they have changed the plates but I am sure that it will still be a wonderful experience.

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The first time I went it was just my twin sister and I. She is on the left and I am on the right.

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The last time we went we thought it was a girls trip but ds1's gf talked him into going along with his cousins and ds2's gf
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niece2, dil, ds1, ds2's gf, niece1

Teas has many health benefits.

Here is a link to an article about some of them.

Are you a tea or coffee drinker?

Do you drink it all day long or just in the morning?

Have you ever been to a tea party.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I don't drink coffee or tea - Coke Zero is my drink of choice. I just don't like drinking warm liquids.

Good Saturday Morning everyone

I thought we would talk about events this weekend.

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party

My dh's birthday is Halloween. He has wanted to go to DW for his birthday for years and last year we went.

If you go to DW the last week in Oct. you will see then getting out all the pumpkins everywhere.
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There is a lot of lights and overlays on buildings

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But we were waiting for the Headless Horseman who leads the Halloween Parade

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How prepared are you before you go to an event?
Do you take the advise to eat before you go?
Are you careful with your liquid intake?

Have you ever been to the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party?

Have a happy and healthy day

Good timing on this question - we had our first post "game" party last night after our football scrimmage. I ate very light during the day expecting to eat/drink some, but I ended up drinking 3 light beers and had one piece of pizza - even though I hadn't eaten for 9 hours - proud of my willpower with only one piece!

Tonight we are going to a 50th birthday party for one of the coaches. They are having it catered by Chipotle, so it could be interesting, but I'm hoping I can stay strong again.

Popping on to report still at 38% this week.

Yesterday was eventful to say the least. I went to my Dr to see if we could figure out why I am so tired and dizzy, and she sent me to the ER for an irregular heartbeat. Soooooooo I spent all yesterday afternoon in ER getting everything checked out. The good news is that my blood work shows I'm healthy (I have been suspicious that me being tired was diabetes, anemia, a thyroid issue, or a miraculous pregnancy but all that came back clean). The bad news is that the slight arhythmia wasn't really a big issue or reason to be admitted for. So I have to go see a cardiologist to make sure everything is ok. Oh, and no medical reason for why I've been tired and dizzy. Tired I can explain with neighbors. Dizzy--- well maybe I need my eyes checked so I am having that scheduled.

Anyway, with my heart health up in the air, I am bowing out of reports for the rest of the month. I am going to take walks in the afternoons this month but as for my hardcore working out I was planning on and started with, well.... I'd rather wait until I get the OK from the cardiologist so I don't really give myself an issue :-)


QOTD: I am awful with events. I just go and have whatever. Although I have made it a point to hang out near the veggie platters rather than the breads like I used to! Recently I have been watching my cocktail intake. Only one.

As for MNSSHP, LOOOOOOVE that party! We went twice 2012 & 2013. I reallllllly want to go next year. The atmosphere is so fun and lively with everyone in costume. And I really want to see the Hocus Pocus show!

Glad to hear the blood work came back ok. I had a blood test this week too (wanted to see what my numbers were like after my weight loss). Everything came back good as well, but waiting for the results always has me a little on edge. I always expect the worst.
Moving on to behaviour goals next month! This month is struggle

Had a good think about it and I think I am over doing the activity, which can increase hunger too so my dinners went up and also I had good few meals out. That's how far my thinking got me, I need daily behaviour goal & calorie deficit target and I need to cut bodypump and spend more time to prepare food

Also I have been trying to up my protein and I find I prefer I have had some meals that I don't enjoy that much. Example turkey egg whites veggies scramble. I prefer yoghurt and fruit in the morning. I will try to bring more happy eating in my day.

Need to figure out how to move on from here & closer to my goals yet happy without overdoing. The think is I love the gym, and I love being active but need to discipline myself to rest

Activity trackers are slippery slope too aren't they? You see large burn, you eat more. Next day you eat more and you think I will repeat the activity to get the burn so you don't rest and eventually you may end up tired, and hungry. They are great, don't get me wrong I love mine but I know it can make it little harder in way too


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