Last Chance for a Summer Vacation Experience- August 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Ok - I have thought about this and I think I'm a bit of a mixed bag really - I can be quite shy especially when I meet new people or are in social situations. But on the other hand in my younger, skinner more gorgeous years - I pursued modelling for a while and just loved strutting down that catwalk and having photos taken (these days I hide from the camera lol). I am definitely outspoken with it comes to being a mamma bear. This year I spoke in a pretty big university lecture theatre to students about what my job is like and what I do each day. I swing from feeling confident to feeling completely without self-confidence.

Sorry to hear he was injured but hopefully not too serious - being without a car is so inconvenient! I get you about feeling like one of those weeks - not as bad as yours but car related - last night we were on the way to Hockey training as I passed by a traffic island I hear a strange noise and then that thwump thwump sound that make you go "Oh no a tyre" - as soon as I could pull over safely - yep my rear drivers tyre - a squashed can on the road was sticking out of my tyre where it had sliced its way through it! At 43 I have never had to change a tyre until this year and I have had 2 go the other one to a screw from the road also - well I didn't change it exactly my lovely Dad did.

Were you considering a big career change to McDonalds? :rolleyes1
Prior to him saying that, no I had never considered McDonalds as a career choice :). But I did think about how they do hire old people, however my dream retirement job has always been coffee barista. I guess if Starbucks isn't cool enough for visible tattoos, it'll have to be someplace cooler!
Woohoo! Did that sound convincing enough?

It's been a crazy morning here at work, hopefully things will calm down now. For some reason the keyboard stopped displaying on my phone, and rebooting didn't resolve it. It felt like half my brain was dead. I loaded the latest iOS upgrade and at first that didn't fix it, but now it is back. I'm reasonably certain it was user error.

We continue to have warm sunny weather, but I'm having a hard time getting up in the mornings because it is already dark at 5am.

If nothing else, I have been getting my steps in... Woohoo!

Have a great day everyone.
My woohoo is my DS9 has made a friend at school already! I know that is not a big deal for most but like I had mentioned earlier in the week he has Asperger's and didn't really connect with anyone last year while in school (I homeschooled him for the first half of last year) The little girl he has made friends with lives only a couple of streets away from us, so they met at the bus stop. They are also in the same class. I talked with her mom this morning after the bus left and it sounds like the little girl is very excited to be his friend too.
Evening all! My woohoo is that I ran some productive errands after work today.... dropped off DD's SCUBA gear at the shop for its annual inspection and bought new socks and underwear for the DS to take to college. Not a lot, but the dive shop is an hour away. Also burned a few dollars in the Disney store since I was in that area (kind of). Hard to resist some of the clearance stuff, but resist it I did!

Really tired, so I'll say good-night. I'll try to pop on in the a.m. during my 24/7 shift if I'm not terribly busy................P
No whoo hoo by me! I am more tired then I like to be or be sustainable so I need to find balance again.

Ok may be I am not rushing my workouts and doing proper stretch if that counts?

My new device (garmin vivoshmart hr +) is suppose to arrive in the store today, I will be disappointed if it doesn't!

Weight is same and it's annoying and I have a feeling that this month will be thought in terms of progress and I just have to keep happy with doing the right thing as results show in their own time. Which is much easier to say then to get done

Last few kgs are sooo hard to get rid off! May be I can just make friend with them in the end??? will see.
Morning all! I've already finished a short 24/7 shift so I am giving myself a wee bit of time to read before jumping up and dashing out to work. I'd prefer to get to work ASAP, but since I go in with DS and he is NOT a morning person, I try to wait and go in between 7:30 and 8:00 am.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday...... I cannot BELIEVE that our summer is nearly done, public school starts here next week and DS moves to school in 10 days! ...................P
Good Thursday Morning everyone

Let's take a visit to the parks at night.
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When you think about nighttime you need to think about sleep.

Sleep is now being mentioned every time you read an article about weight loss.

Most articles are talking about 7 hours of sleep for your health.

How many hours do you get on average?

They also suggest that you go to sleep and get up at the same time even on the weekends.

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

I occasionally have bouts of insomnia. The other night I couldn't sleep from 1 - 3

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

Have a happy and healthy day.
My woohoo is my DS9 has made a friend at school already! I know that is not a big deal for most but like I had mentioned earlier in the week he has Asperger's and didn't really connect with anyone last year while in school (I homeschooled him for the first half of last year) The little girl he has made friends with lives only a couple of streets away from us, so they met at the bus stop. They are also in the same class. I talked with her mom this morning after the bus left and it sounds like the little girl is very excited to be his friend too.

That is Awesome!!!! It is a great woohoo.
Good Thursday Morning everyone

Let's take a visit to the parks at night.
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View attachment 188376

When you think about nighttime you need to think about sleep.

Sleep is now being mentioned every time you read an article about weight loss.

Most articles are talking about 7 hours of sleep for your health.

How many hours do you get on average?

They also suggest that you go to sleep and get up at the same time even on the weekends.

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

I occasionally have bouts of insomnia. The other night I couldn't sleep from 1 - 3

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

Have a happy and healthy day.

Sleep!!!! I love my sleep. I am typically in bed by 11 and up by 6:30 (alarm starts going off at 5:30). I need to really go to bed earlier. I hate waking up and lately I have been horrible at it and running late then. On the weekends i do sleep in some. Saturdays my son has karate at 8:30 so the alarm starts going off at about 7. On Sundays I have been waking up at about 8 and laying in bed until 9 or 10 when my daughter drags me out of bed to make breakfast. I need to really work on this. I have never had insomnia.
When you think about nighttime you need to think about sleep.

Sleep is now being mentioned every time you read an article about weight loss.

Most articles are talking about 7 hours of sleep for your health.

How many hours do you get on average?

They also suggest that you go to sleep and get up at the same time even on the weekends.

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

I occasionally have bouts of insomnia. The other night I couldn't sleep from 1 - 3

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

Have a happy and healthy day.

During the fall I average around 7 hours of sleep - non football season I probably get 8 hours on average. Football season is stressful and many times my mind starts racing as soon as I wake up and I can't fall back to sleep.

My internal clock doesn't allow me to sleep in on the weekends. I still wake up right around the same time.

Both of my kids had good first days of school yesterday... so thankful about that. I've been pretty beat. My last few days have been tough. Work from 7:00 to 3:30 - practice from 4:00 to 7:00. By the time I get home and have dinner, it's almost time for the kids to go to bed. After spending all day with them over to the summer to barley seeing them, it's hard.

I haven't even thought about running the last few days... I'm starting to regret the Oct half marathon decision! Hopefully things will calm down soon.

My woohoo is my DS9 has made a friend at school already! I know that is not a big deal for most but like I had mentioned earlier in the week he has Asperger's and didn't really connect with anyone last year while in school (I homeschooled him for the first half of last year) The little girl he has made friends with lives only a couple of streets away from us, so they met at the bus stop. They are also in the same class. I talked with her mom this morning after the bus left and it sounds like the little girl is very excited to be his friend too.

Great news! I've worked with kids all over the spectrum now for 16 years and I know how stressful that can be for parents. Glad to hear things went so well!!!
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Sooo.... I joined on here Aug 1st and I'm just now stopping in WOW. I kinda stink at this forum stuff :) Summer w the kids is just so busy and random with our schedules.

I feel like such a failure too. I admit we've done a lot more eating out than normal. I hate hate hate to cook so when the kids ask "hey can we go to _____" I'm like heck yeah! I know I'm supposed to me the role model and the responsible one :(

So instead of losing I'm gaining this month. My goal this week is to get our meal plans back in order and hit the grocery store w a plan. Workouts have been hit or miss and my Fitbit group has kind of fizzled out so I don't have them as motivation anymore.

Re Sleep. I get about 6 hrs routinely. Sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less. My problem is I love the nighttime when everyone has gone to bed and it's quiet. That's the only time I have to sit and watch my recorded shows. Once school starts and the early mornings start that will have to come to an end. We did get a new Serta iComfort mattress (more affordable than Tempupedic) and it's been great. I was super skeptical because they feel so firm and blocky but it's made a huge impact on both our quality of sleep.

Well off to exercise and figure out what's for dinner! I'll try and make it less than 2 weeks before I return.
Good Thursday Morning everyone

Let's take a visit to the parks at night.
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View attachment 188376

When you think about nighttime you need to think about sleep.

Sleep is now being mentioned every time you read an article about weight loss.

Most articles are talking about 7 hours of sleep for your health.

How many hours do you get on average?

They also suggest that you go to sleep and get up at the same time even on the weekends.

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

I occasionally have bouts of insomnia. The other night I couldn't sleep from 1 - 3

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

Have a happy and healthy day.
I've always required at least 7 hours a night. But there are a couple sleep challenges going on.

One is my fuzzy little girl Whitehall who sleeps with me, it's really the only time she'll cuddle. She's a rescue kitty with food issues, due to her litter being dumped and on their own until they were found. She needs to know she can have food at any time, and will pester me throughout the night to put fresh wet good down. It is easier to get up and do it and I'm pretty good at being able to go right back to sleep, but it isn't the same as being able to sleep thru the night. Also, her form of cuddling is to lay on the pillow next to me with her butt in my face... Nice thing to see upon waking.

Second I keep early work hours and am at my desk by 6:30am which means getting up around 5am. Not so bad when the sun is up at that time during the summer, but already the days have shortened to the point where it is dark when I get up now. On the weekends I do sleep until waking naturally, which is usually between 7 and 7:40am.

The past few months I've been struggling with falling asleep mid-day, even needing to lay down for an hour when I get home. It's a heavy histamine druggy type of sleep. I thought it was related to low iron levels or a reaction to the food I'm eating, but now I'm thinking its thyroid. When I first started taking the thyroid stuff I thought she said twice a day but when I saw her in June she said only once should be enough, so I cut back. I feel like the napping started around that time. So just this week I starting doing twice a day again... Yesterday I felt like my body kicked started so I think this is the right choice. I'm hoping this will help get back on track eating wise, in that I stop reach for the sugar buzz just to keep going.

Oh almost forgot, I use 5HTP to calm my brain down and get more restful sleep, else I'll toss and turn all night while I process, and reprocess stuff.
How many hours do you get on average?

They also suggest that you go to sleep and get up at the same time even on the weekends.

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

I occasionally have bouts of insomnia. The other night I couldn't sleep from 1 - 3

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

I loooooove sleep but I struggle with it sometimes, right now being one of those times. I'm either having a hard time falling asleep or a hard time staying asleep. Which is just awful. On the weekends I try to sleep in but I'm usually up pretty early. I just nap throughout the day. And I do suffer from insomnia. I normally just sit on Pinterest until I pass back out again.
One is my fuzzy little girl Whitehall who sleeps with me, it's really the only time she'll cuddle. She's a rescue kitty with food issues, due to her litter being dumped and on their own until they were found. She needs to know she can have food at any time, and will pester me throughout the night to put fresh wet good down. It is easier to get up and do it and I'm pretty good at being able to go right back to sleep, but it isn't the same as being able to sleep thru the night. Also, her form of cuddling is to lay on the pillow next to me with her butt in my face... Nice thing to see upon waking.

Oh man--- I can identify. I have a fuzzy sleep disturber too. Except mine has a disorder that causes her to get wound up and meow and hiss throughout the night if she is off. I can keep it under control with her diet (grain free and mostly raw), but the vet had me change to a weight management food that brought the behavior back out, so I am in a cat food cul de sac--either she is fat and quiet or thin and loud. :crazy:

I looooooooooove sleep too. I usually like to get at least 8 hours. I definitely see a correlation between my sleep and my weight. However, between the cat and the new neighbors that bought the condo next door a few months ago, I am currently quite sleep deprived (this may be part of what's wrong with me feeling so out of it recently, who knows!). The new neighbors have two children that (I kid you not) scream, shriek, and cry every night (at what I assume is bed time) for 45 minutes between the hours of 10:30-11:30pm. I am not a mother, so I do not know if this is par for the course with toddlers. But this is right when I want to go to bed, so recently, I have been waiting until 11:45-12:30 to fall asleep so I can watch TV to drown out the neighbors until it gets quiet. DH and I are going to tear down the wall and put in a sound barrier as soon as our bathroom remodel is done. And I can't wait-- plus the tables will be turned in a few years if we have children, so then it will be a sound barrier the other way. So that will be nice for them too!

Until then, the weekends are my time to sleep. I know you are supposed to keep yourself on schedule, but I just need to catch up!
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I love my sleep! Most nights I get around 8 hours. I do try to sleep in on the weekends if I can. Usually I get up earlier than normal one day a weekend to get my long run in. Then I try to sleep in the other day if kids will let me. But soccer season is starting so I'm guessing sleeping in on the weekends is going to come to an end soon. Oh well.
I love my sleep, but I also love staying up late, so it's a constant battle. My job starts at 7:00, but I only live about 7-8 minutes from work, so I eek out all the sleep I can and usually get out of bed around 6:00 and leave around 6:45. It was really hard on me when I switched from part-time hours of 8-3:30 to full-time 7-4. That extra hour in the mornings is still a killer for me. I'm just grateful my boss allowed me to work part-time as long as he did. It was very helpful when the kids were younger. I was able to drop them off at school before work and pick them up when their school day was over. Now, DS has to ride with one of the neighbor kids or take the bus. He usually opts for the bus because he says it's just easier than waiting on other people and he's got a lot of friends on it anyway.

My problem is that I stay up until around midnight usually and I don't function well on only 6 hours of sleep. I really believe I need 8 hours, but it's been so long since I've consistently gotten that much that I really don't know for sure.

I usually get to sleep in on Saturdays if the kids don't have any morning activities and sleep in a little later on Sundays than the rest of the week. We go to Sunday church services that start at 9, so I don't get to sleep in much. I do try to get in a Saturday or Sunday afternoon nap whenever possible. It makes me feel somewhat guilty because there is always so much to get done around the house, but I feel it definitely helps catch up at least a little on sleep time.

I know I have a terrible sleep pattern / habit and it's probably something I should work on at some point. Going to bed earlier would help a lot!
Good Thursday Morning everyone

How many hours do you get on average?

They also suggest that you go to sleep and get up at the same time even on the weekends.

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

I occasionally have bouts of insomnia. The other night I couldn't sleep from 1 - 3

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

Have a happy and healthy day.

I do try hard to get adequate sleep. I'm not pleasant to be with if I don't.... and as I get older, I really just NEED the sleep. I probably average 7 hours/night. Eight would be nicer, but just not always practical. That being said, I can get away with 4-5 hours/night for a few nights in a row if I really "need" to... like if I am doing a commando-style WDW trip! Not going to waste time sleeping when DISNEY is right there!!

I don't have insomnia, but sometimes my mind is too busy to relax and sleep well. Or I fall asleep and something wakes me and I have trouble quieting my brain to get back to sleep. Sometimes Pinterest or mindless television helps!

Sooo.... I joined on here Aug 1st and I'm just now stopping in WOW. I kinda stink at this forum stuff :) Summer w the kids is just so busy and random with our schedules.

I feel like such a failure too. I admit we've done a lot more eating out than normal. I hate hate hate to cook so when the kids ask "hey can we go to _____" I'm like heck yeah! I know I'm supposed to me the role model and the responsible one :(

So instead of losing I'm gaining this month. My goal this week is to get our meal plans back in order and hit the grocery store w a plan. Workouts have been hit or miss and my Fitbit group has kind of fizzled out so I don't have them as motivation anymore.

Re Sleep. I get about 6 hrs routinely. Sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less. My problem is I love the nighttime when everyone has gone to bed and it's quiet. That's the only time I have to sit and watch my recorded shows. Once school starts and the early mornings start that will have to come to an end. We did get a new Serta iComfort mattress (more affordable than Tempupedic) and it's been great. I was super skeptical because they feel so firm and blocky but it's made a huge impact on both our quality of sleep.

Well off to exercise and figure out what's for dinner! I'll try and make it less than 2 weeks before I return.

Cut yourself some slack.... summers are busy when you have kiddos at home! That being said, you are right.... you ARE the role model and the kids are looking at you as they develop LIFELONG eating habits. If you are having trouble eating at home and healthier for YOURSELF, think about doing it for them.

How about engaging them in the meal planning and cooking? Maybe they each get to pick a night each week and THEY get to pick the recipe (within reason.... no chocolate cake and potato chips for dinner!) and help you make it. You could be teaching cooking AND healthy eating AND personal responsibility all at once (along with math and reading in the recipe!). Or maybe pick your family's favorite take-out and try to create it at home, but healthier (but it must STILL be delicious, of course). Or how about trying some "theme" nights.... Taco Tuesday or Meatloaf Monday? Just some thoughts.


Evening all! Working a 24/7 shift right now.... mad at myself for not remembering my start time properly and logging in 30 minutes early.... not only will I get reprimanded for it, I also could have used the extra 30 minutes to get stuff done here at home. :( Plus DH went out to mow and I told him we would wait until he was done to eat dinner, but DANG.... I'm so hungry!! And I hate eating late the night before weigh-in day!

I'll say good-bye for now. I'm going to drag the laptop down to the kitchen and get the dinner veggies sauteed and throw the meat on the grill.... I cannot wait any longer to eat! TTY tomorrow..........P
How many hours do you get on average?

6-7 hours I think - not enough I always want more. I am also up way too late at night watching some TV or posting on here with you guys to wind down!

Do you sleep in on Sat and Sun?

Not at the moment Saturdays we have Hockey but we are into the finals the next few weeks and then the season is over so maybe able to have a sleep in on Saturdays soon. Sundays not at the moment either DS15 has been getting the 9am shift at work so I have to get up to drive him there. I do tend to nap in the afternoons though.

Do you suffer from insomnia?
What do you do about it?

I have done at times in the past - usually during stressful times - If I don't fall back asleep fairly quickly I get up and watch TV with the sound down low, so as not to disturb the kids, or read a book for about 15 to 20 minutes or when I start to feel sleepy again - then try going back to bed - this can be enough to get me back of to sleep. They say it is worse if you just keep laying in bed tossing and turning.

I normally just sit on Pinterest until I pass back out again.

Our computers and tablets can actually be one of the reasons we have sleep disturbances ... the lighting used in them interferes with our body's melanin production which helps induce sleep ..... we are supposed to be off our technology about 2 hours I think it is before bed time .... I said 'supposed to' because I am not necessarily good at getting of my computer either!

The new neighbors have two children that (I kid you not) scream, shriek, and cry every night (at what I assume is bed time) for 45 minutes between the hours of 10:30-11:30pm. I am not a mother, so I do not know if this is par for the course with toddlers.

Some kids can resist bed time with crying and screaming at that age ... but that seems like a late bed time for toddlers .... which might be part of the problem they could be over-tired. I remember living in a townhouse years ago and yes you can hear way too much through those shared walls lol.

I do try to get in a Saturday or Sunday afternoon nap whenever possible. It makes me feel somewhat guilty because there is always so much to get done around the house, but I feel it definitely helps catch up at least a little on sleep time.

Ahhhh - another time when I think you are me - this is so me as well :D
Well I told myself if no progress by 22th of August I will have to review my plan and and.... I need to


I feel mentally ready to move on to maintenance, yet I want to reach my goal so I need to refocus. Thinking of giving Tony Robbins audo program another listen

little disappointed

but the last few are just hard as I feel way more happier in my skin, so less drive


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