July 2023 W.I.S.H. Thread, Hello Sunshine!☀️

How consistent are you at drinking your water?
I am fairly consistent during the work week. I have a 20 ounce yeti that i almost fill the start the day and drink that prior to breakfast or any caffeine, then its a small glass of cold brew coffee (8-12 ounces) or a dunkin coconut refresher on the weekends. I have another 22 ounce water bottle i fill and bring to work so 2 of those plus my morning cup and the water in the coffee just about gets me to the 1/2 body weight in ounces. After that ill do an aha or a bai for some additional caffeine plus water. Often break out the soda stream with some buble drops after....will use diet pepsi syrup sometimes on Friday or over the weekend as a treat.
Can you tell the difference when you are not drinking enough and when you are?
For sure! My skin gets crazy dry if I get less than 30 ounces. Being on vaca, walking in the heat, and trying to avoid a ton of bathroom breaks really hit me hard.
Any tips to share on how to keep you water intake up?
This is so silly but a cute, portable water bottle! I like the big ones with the countdown but they don't fit in my cup holder. So post-covid when I returned to work I got a sparkly white water bottle and it's got a bunch of stickers on it. It makes me giggle when I look at it which makes me more inclined to drink it!
Happy that my cats' bloodwork from their appointment Monday came back good! (We got a text last night.)

Write down things I intend to do.
Limit my time on the computer/social media.
Prep some healthy snacks.

I've been good at making lists this week and have spent less time on Instagram (though some on the computer still - it was Prime Day, after all. 😆 ) I didn't do a lot of snack prep, but I did cut up watermelon so it would be easy to grab.
WOO HOO! DD stayed home from work yesterday to snag tickets for Taylor Swift’s European tour and she got Sweden! I’m half Swedish and had a wonderful trip there a year after DH and I got married. We always meant to bring DD, but with Disney vacations, there wasn’t the extra money. I am beyond thrilled that she will visit the land of our ancestors. I’m also happy that she gets a redo of the TS concert. Gillette Stadium was a hot mess and it poured rain on them the entire time.

WOO HOO! After some important errands like starting the passport process for her, we had time to see “The Little Mermaid!” All I can say is WOW!

WOO HOO! After missing my May highlights appointment, and having a lot of roots, I’m going today so my hair will be beautiful for vacation and my 30th wedding anniversary.
Those are great ones! I always do better focusing on things when I write them down.

1. Re-focus on tracking. Even when I don't have a great eating day, I still find I'm in a better place mentally when I track better. I think it's just the fact of owning the choices that I make.

2. Take a walk every day after work. Even if it's just a short walk - something is better than nothing.

3. Go to bed earlier. I get my second wind at night, so I don't have a problem staying up way too late. I have to be at work by 7 am though, so it's an early morning and it just starts my day off badly when I don't go to bed early enough each night to get a decent amount of sleep.

My WooHoo is yesterday was DSs 21st birthday. We all went out and had a really good time. I can't really believe my "baby" is 21!

As far as my 3 things, I have been tracking so far this week, so that's one positive. I have not been taking a walk after work each day, but it's been because we've had things going on after work and haven't gotten home until late. Also, our evening plans have made my #3 of going to bed earlier not happen either. Last night, we didn't get home until around 11:30, so no going to bed early then!
Woohoo... this is my first normal Mon-Fri work week, without even any appts midday. And I actually got some work done yesterday, aside from just attending meetings.

Woohoo... I'm going out to dinner tonight with my Niece, and we're going to my favorite restaurant in town. We'll be sitting outside on the patio and it is forecast to be another lovely evening weather wise. The chef rarely uses the things I'm allergic to so I usually don't to have anything altered, which is a treat.

Midweek check-in:
Cleaning house: kind of yes. I cleaned up the spare bedroom, but somehow another pile of clothing immediately grew back on the bed... I put some of it away this morning. Same in the kitchen... I did the dishes and cleared up the counters but both things need to be done again already.
Reading: Yes. I'm reading 'Hello Beautiful' and doing a few chapters each evening.
Moving: Yes. I've gotten 10,000 steps Mon/Tues and done arm exercises and a new cardio video by the same gal who does the arm YouTubes.
What is making you feel happy and woohoo-y today?

Woohoo that my in-laws are baking with the girls this afternoon so I don't have to. Not to wave my "bad mom" flag too high, but cooking with them is just so challenging. They constantly one-up each other about who got to do which step ("She did a whole cup and I only get a tablespoon?!?") and I have to really hold myself back when they are doing something in the slowest/messiest/least efficient way possible because they are kids and they are learning. Cooking camp ends tomorrow, they were invited to bring in enough for 15 kids of something they made, and they're baking with Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop, saving me so much tooth gritting!

And as a midweek check-in, how are you doing with your 'three things' for this week?

I'm doing good so far. I've worked on my longer-term projects in small, manageable chunks before letting myself play dumb games on my phone in the evenings.
Whoooooohoooooo Happy Wednesday!!

Hooray that today is my last day of work before vacation!!!! Trying to not focus/remember that we should be leaving for the beach Friday, but because of DD going to summer camp we can’t leave until Sunday….I am blessed that DD is enjoying herself and that our reservation was able to be refunded for those two nights, so that’s a major plus!!! The refund paid for summer camp this week 🎉

Hooray that a major plumbing issue in our house, that has been going on since Sunday, is being resolved tonight!! Plummer should be here soon he’s squeezing us in after hours!!

Mid week check in:

#1 the laundry is put away!!

#2 I stopped working on time last night!

#3 I am not tracking-I got a blizzard instead of eating dinner last night and I didn’t track it and I’m mad at myself but I am tracking today!!!!
I'm thankful that I had dinner out with an old friend last night. Back when I was a newlywed, my DH and I were church youth group leaders, and she was one of our favorite teens. We've watched her grow up to be a teacher, wife, and mom. She and I haven't seen each other since before the pandemic when she visited my class and performed an interactive read aloud. I feel like she needs me right now, and I want to be there for her.

I'm thankful that I've had enough time alone to really think about what I need and want spiritually. In 2016, we left the church we attended for a multitude of reasons, and we have not found a new one that we are happy with. When the pandemic hit, we tried many churches online, and that was a disaster. I really miss my old church experiences from decades ago. As a child, my Grandmother was the church organist and choir director. I have sung in multiple choirs and always enjoyed singing and listening to the music. I don't miss teaching Sunday school nor do I have the energy to lead another youth group, but I do miss being part of a supportive church community. We have decided to visit our old church from 20 years ago. The issues that caused us to leave are no longer a thing. So there's nothing keeping us from returning to our old home. I would like to attend on Sunday...I just need to get the family on board. If this ends up being something I just do for myself, I think that is okay. I'm sure DH will join me, but DD may not want to go. We shall see.

I'm thankful that I was able to help DH navigate a difficult situation yesterday and make sure that his kindness wasn't taken advantage of when it looked like something bad was going to happen and most certainly would have if I hadn't intervened.

I'm thankful that we are leaving for the Cape in just 9 days!

I'm thankful that I'm off school right now so it's not a mad rush to prepare and pack while working a demanding job. Today is the oil change I probably should have gotten before our June trip, but the oil change indicator appeared the day before we were leaving, so there was no time. The oil change gets done today and hopefully that is all that will need to be done with my Escape before our escape to the Cape.
I'm thankful for my yummy dinner last night and the good company that shared the meal with me.

I'm thankful that my Nephew-in-law invited me to an art class Friday evening, as I haven't done one yet this month.

I've been a little distressed that I haven't found my girl-squad here yet, one of the primary reasons for moving, but at dinner last night T and H told me it took them about a year to start to find friends so that's helped me relax about it, so I'm thankful for that input.
@Summer2018 - good luck with going back to your previous church. Church families are amazing, but can have problems just like any other group of people. I'm hopeful everything goes wonderfully for you :)

@Oneanne - good luck to you in finding your girl-squad, I'm sure it will come with time. It's something I want to work on as well. Now that we're not following our kids around everywhere, I think it's time DH and I (and myself individually) work on getting our adult friendships back.

Today, I'm thankful for my evening last night - it was my sister's birthday and we went to our county fair pageant last night with her DDs. I only knew one young lady running (she's one of my employee's DDs) and she didn't win. I wish she would have, but every one of the girls did such a good job. I don't know how the judges can choose. I'm sure they have methods to judge them, but I just couldn't do it! I didn't know any of the little girls running for little miss, but they are always so cute to watch. You never know what they'll say!
@Oneanne I love this graphic today-the colors are so pretty!!! Your friend group will come, it’s difficult but once you find them it will be great! I know you are a car person-do you have a SPCA or a cat rescue nearby? I am telling you the relationships we have made through animal rescue have been amazing. I know a lot of folks at the SPCA spend holidays, vacations and birthdays with one another as well, which is great.

@Summer2018 congrats on the church journey, I know it’s been something you have been thinking about for a while! I don’t know what I would do without our church and the relationships we have formed. Keep us posted!

Thankful to be off work today! I am alone all day, which is strange and I don’t know when this has ever happened to me as a adult. I also don’t have a car because it’s down at DS2 work for a oil change so I am just getting things done around the house.

Thankful for this 100 degree day-I was able to bathe all the dogs outside with the hose/kiddie pool and they were all air dried in 20 mins! It was amazing, didn’t even dirty one towel!

Thankful that DS2 is a mechanic and we don’t ever have to worry about being scammed or if we can trust our mechanic.

I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!
I've been a little distressed that I haven't found my girl-squad here yet,

It's something I want to work on as well. Now that we're not following our kids around everywhere, I think it's time DH and I (and myself individually) work on getting our adult friendships back.

I feel the same way. Most of my friendships over the years have been the kind that arise out of convenience - the kids of my parents' friends, then my classmates & college dormmates, then the moms from playgroup, and so on. I tend to rely on those automatic social situations instead of actually picking up the phone and making plans.

Thankful Thursday -
My lawn guys came this morning, and I had moved the big firepit chairs out of their way beforehand.
The air quality is way better than yesterday.
My cats had good reports from their vet this week.
@Oneanne I love this graphic today-the colors are so pretty!!! Your friend group will come, it’s difficult but once you find them it will be great! I know you are a car person-do you have a SPCA or a cat rescue nearby? I am telling you the relationships we have made through animal rescue have been amazing. I know a lot of folks at the SPCA spend holidays, vacations and birthdays with one another as well, which is great.

@Summer2018 congrats on the church journey, I know it’s been something you have been thinking about for a while! I don’t know what I would do without our church and the relationships we have formed. Keep us posted!

Thankful to be off work today! I am alone all day, which is strange and I don’t know when this has ever happened to me as a adult. I also don’t have a car because it’s down at DS2 work for a oil change so I am just getting things done around the house.

Thankful for this 100 degree day-I was able to bathe all the dogs outside with the hose/kiddie pool and they were all air dried in 20 mins! It was amazing, didn’t even dirty one towel!

Thankful that DS2 is a mechanic and we don’t ever have to worry about being scammed or if we can trust our mechanic.

I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!
This is a great idea... I'll look into it.
I have been moving in different ways this week. The heat and humidity and now thunderstorms haven't made it easy, but I have managed.

I have not tracked consistently...it's hard when going out to eat and having no clue what to log. I can do better with that.

I have made more effort in eating higher quality foods which have lead to weight maintenance. I'm really in vacation mode as we prepare to leave next week. I tend to be less strict with myself this time of year.

I think the most realistic and sustainable way for me to get through the remainder of July is to continue to move...soon I will be swimming in the ocean and walking on the beach and in Provincetown. I will continue to try to make healthier food choices staying away from anything fried or processed. I can split meals with my DD or eat half of the oversized restaurant portion and bring the leftovers back to the hotel where we have a full kitchen. I don't think tracking makes sense for me on vacation.

In August, I plan to return to tracking more rigorously.
Happy Friday! I have been tracking my food pretty good, which definitely helps me stay on track better. Still have not been doing my intentional walking or getting better sleep. Part of my problem with the sleep is that DH likes to watch our TV shows until we go to bed. I'm going to have to tell him that he needs to find a show to watch after I go to bed. I read all of the time about how part of weight loss / healthy living is to get enough sleep and I probably don't. I try to catch up on the weekends, but I know that's not the best plan.

We don't have a lot of plans for the weekend, but will probably go see Indiana Jones or the Mission Impossible movie either tonight or tomorrow. We will probably see the other one on Tuesday - It's will be our anniversary and Tuesday is also cheap movie night, so most theaters have either $5 or $6 tickets.
Week check-in: I'll give myself "Lizanne has improved in this area, but needs to apply herself more" for housekeeping. I have been reading every evening and it is helping my brain. I've also been moving more everyday, getting in a walk, doing my arm weight exercises and the aerobic video.

Month check-in: I have lost the -5 pounds I wanted to this month. The past two days I've been about 98% grain free, which was the last adjustment for the cleanse... and the hardest one. I have been under eating a bit while I figure this out, which isn't good, so I need to really plan food out over the weekend so I do better next week. The personal trainer isn't accepting new clients so that's a bust, but I have gotten going again doing my own things and I think I'm going to try the spin class Sunday. And for something extra summery each week last week I (finally) went to old town Poulsbo and played summer tourist last weekend. For this week, last night I made a run to get cat food which is a two hour drive round trip and something I normally do on the weekend, so I truly stretched the day out in to two days. This weekend I'm planning on going the other direction... so far my travels have been mostly east with some south, so I'm going to go west, haven't decided where yet.
Happy Friday! I have been tracking my food pretty good, which definitely helps me stay on track better. Still have not been doing my intentional walking or getting better sleep. Part of my problem with the sleep is that DH likes to watch our TV shows until we go to bed. I'm going to have to tell him that he needs to find a show to watch after I go to bed. I read all of the time about how part of weight loss / healthy living is to get enough sleep and I probably don't. I try to catch up on the weekends, but I know that's not the best plan.

We don't have a lot of plans for the weekend, but will probably go see Indiana Jones or the Mission Impossible movie either tonight or tomorrow. We will probably see the other one on Tuesday - It's will be our anniversary and Tuesday is also cheap movie night, so most theaters have either $5 or $6 tickets.
I’m fortunate that my family goes to bed early because DH wakes up at 4:15, then DD wakes up at 4:45, and during the school year, I wake up at 5:45. So tv viewing is done by 8:30. That gives me time to shower and then read for an hour before bed with no distractions. It would be harder if everyone was up later.


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