Goodbye Olly

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Well, I must say, I think its quite wretched of Oliver to leave us. He breezes into the show with all of his talent, wit, and most of all his British accent...and then he just takes it away. Makes us quit cold turkey. Terrible form, Ollie, terrible form.

We will miss you. Good luck in your future endeavours.
It certainly is a curious departure. And certain things like Craig stating that he "did unfortunately have to resign his position" and him saying his farewells through a letter lead me to believe it was more than just a simple departure.

Either way Oliver will be missed. I felt like he was finally getting comfortable in his roll on the Dis team.
Oliver, you brought much life and humor to us each week, on the most dreary of days and you will be missed! Wishing you all the best in all you do!!! :wave2:
I was in Disney last week and kept my eyes peeled all week for Oliver, Ryno, or Steve. I'm sad to hear that Oliver has left the DIS. I always save my DIS podcasts for Saturday house cleaning as it makes the work more tolerable. I'll miss that amazing British accent.
I don't understand all the cryptic departures. Why can't they just say "So and So left for another job opportunity" or "due to relocation" or "was let go." Why all the mystery?

Regardless, sorry to see Oliver go. He is super talented and I know he will be successful wherever he lands.

I guess if someone got a new job, Pete may not want to promote another competing company (i.e. JL's new Disney podcast/YouTube thing), and if someone is let go (i.e. Shaun), they will do right by them and not outright say they were let go.
I'll admit that it took me a while to warm up to Oliver at the beginning, something about him seemed too reluctant about him. However once he opened up and let his personality come through, he quickly became a very funny and different voice. I'll miss his quirky Britishness, and dry sense of humor..

His mom was also a blast to have in chat during the Universal Show.

Cheers Ollie...!!
For many of us newer folks, the bulk of screen time, Vlogs and shows are the new faces and the producers. So when they leave we fill up pages and pages here and on social media with love, appreciation and well wishes. I think the level of screen time is why the transitions are so tough on people. It's very akin to when Dustin and Jennilyn left. They both had very prominent "starring" roles. I can't even imagine if Craig or Ryno left. We have seen a ton of both these two weeks. Oliver appeared often in the main show, produced DU show, Universal, did B&W, DF and his Love, Hate or Fix it series on top of vlogs, video montages, restaurant reviews, etc. Just 9 months and he had a huge impact on the Dis. Thank you, Oliver!
I would encourage Pete to get the rest out in front of the camera more and have more ensemble casting. If that isn't feasible maybe pull people from the community as "extras." I won't put anyone on the spot by naming them but there are several posters and mods, who are very loyal to Disney and the Dis, I think would make fantastic contributors on a reoccurring basis.
I don't understand all the cryptic departures. Why can't they just say "So and So left for another job opportunity" or "due to relocation" or "was let go." Why all the mystery?

Regardless, sorry to see Oliver go. He is super talented and I know he will be successful wherever he lands.

The honest answer is because it is nobody's business. They announced that he resigned and Oliver wrote a letter. Perhaps he didn't want to say why he left the company just that he is resigning and that is that. With letting someone go in a public company it can be best to just say both parties split ways and left it at that. Would you like your boss to tell everyone outside of your company that you were fired if that was the case?
I don't understand all the cryptic departures. Why can't they just say "So and So left for another job opportunity" or "due to relocation" or "was let go." Why all the mystery?
Quite simply and employer/employee relationship is a confidential matter. The employer really can't publicly say anything beyond the bare minimum. The fact that Oliver gave them permission to express his thanks and goodbyes was above and beyond what is usually done.
I'm not saying it is my business to know. However, these people are basically "celebrities" at this point and the DIS Unplugged is putting out tons and tons of consumable content these days. They want viewers and they want subscribers and we watch BECAUSE of the personalities of the cast. Anytime someone leaves, it begs the question: why? And, frankly, the shows and videos have lost something major here. If Craig or Ryno leaves, I'm out. You can only lose so much talent before you lose what makes the show so great.

It's like if a cast member of one of your favorite tv shows suddenly disappears. You want to know what happened. These types of things get discussed ad nauseum on entertainment news sites, blogs, etc. It's simple curiosity. And once your business focuses so heavily on consumable content, you open yourself up to that sort of questioning when people suddenly and mysteriously disappear. I mean, how hard is it to have one last appearance to announce a departure? It's like when someone quits, they are cut off immediately and never mentioned again. What's that all about?
When Steve left, it was announced beforehand. When someone leaves with no warning, you can't help but think that it wasn't a happy ending. This is really disappointing. Oliver was a fantastic addition to the Dis. His dining reviews were so detailed....I always enjoyed them. This is a real loss to The Dis in my opinion. He will be difficult to replace.
If Craig or Ryno leaves, I'm out.
I'm curious how long you've been a listener/viewer.

I think Craig started in late 2012 and Ryno started well after that (maybe late 2014). The show has been on for nearly 11 years so a number of people have come and gone during that time. I don't think there is anyone on the show who, for me, would be a deal breaker that would make me stop listening if they left.
In the absence of any insider knowledge, I would suggest that someone in Oliver's position is making a little more than a Disney Cast Member, which is to say, not much. It is great experience, but not a job he is going to retire from. I think it is likely that he found an opportunity to advance his career, and he took it. And from the statement Craig read, that sounds like what happened.
I'm not saying it is my business to know. However, these people are basically "celebrities" at this point and the DIS Unplugged is putting out tons and tons of consumable content these days. They want viewers and they want subscribers and we watch BECAUSE of the personalities of the cast. Anytime someone leaves, it begs the question: why? And, frankly, the shows and videos have lost something major here. If Craig or Ryno leaves, I'm out. You can only lose so much talent before you lose what makes the show so great.

It's like if a cast member of one of your favorite tv shows suddenly disappears. You want to know what happened. These types of things get discussed ad nauseum on entertainment news sites, blogs, etc. It's simple curiosity. And once your business focuses so heavily on consumable content, you open yourself up to that sort of questioning when people suddenly and mysteriously disappear. I mean, how hard is it to have one last appearance to announce a departure? It's like when someone quits, they are cut off immediately and never mentioned again. What's that all about?
When movie stars or the local weatherman or anyone leaves their job, the employer can not discuss it. The employee may, but usually won't, which is often good when looking for your next job as people don't really want to hire mud-slingers.

Celebrity web sites and TV shows like TMZ can gossip and rumors. I don't see why anyone needs to.
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