Is this fake, is this a rumor?

"Racism" is the generic, lazy answer that is used to scare people into just agreeing. If you wanted a pasty-white, red-headed mermaid that actually reminds you of the character, you are just racist.

The reality is people connect with nostalgic characters on a lot of levels, and physical appearance is one of them. Nothing new. We've seen actors leave a show and replaced with someone of the same race and very similar appearance, and it didn't work. If they had brought back the same lily-white mermaid with jet black hair, the outrage would have likely been the same. Nobody wants a white Tiana, or even the same exact Tiana with blonde hair. Not that that would happen in a million years. Wouldn't even be considered. But that is a different issue.
You can try and justify it in all the ways that you want, the reality of why the outrage happened won't change no matter how many excuses ppl give.
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That is called racism. I am not saying you are being racist in a malicious way, but in a way that is built into society. Nothing about the story would have changed if the actress was white, or the sisters were white. So why does them not being white a problem? Food for thought.
It’s NOT called racism. I wouldn’t have an issue if all her sisters were black. The huge issue is that all her sisters are different races. That’s ridiculous and absurd. Sisters are related, therefore the same race. Since they’re not, the only other option is king triton had many different women, and Ariel has many different step mothers. That’s not good.

Is it called racism if a white person played Tiana? Food for thought.
It’s NOT called racism. I wouldn’t have an issue if all her sisters were black. The huge issue is that all her sisters are different races. That’s ridiculous and absurd. Sisters are related, therefore the same race. Since they’re not, the only other option is king triton had many different women, and Ariel has many different step mothers. That’s not good.

Is it called racism if a white person played Tiana? Food for thought.
ummm... this is a fantasy about a mythical creature remember..... how do you know what reproduction rules mermaids follow? Did you ask one recently?
It’s NOT called racism. I wouldn’t have an issue if all her sisters were black. The huge issue is that all her sisters are different races. That’s ridiculous and absurd. Sisters are related, therefore the same race. Since they’re not, the only other option is king triton had many different women, and Ariel has many different step mothers. That’s not good.

Is it called racism if a white person played Tiana? Food for thought.

They are mythical creatures though - Triton is the god of the sea. The normal rules of genetics don't necessarily apply here.

Why do some people want to erase redheads?

It is an observable trend that redheads get recast pretty often, and that is an interesting point that I would say could be discussed in a rational way - not that many people would actually want to be rational about it. Still, the fact is, that new versions of characters do not "erase" older versions, so it's an academic matter moreso than something that actually matters.
It’s NOT called racism. I wouldn’t have an issue if all her sisters were black. The huge issue is that all her sisters are different races. That’s ridiculous and absurd. Sisters are related, therefore the same race. Since they’re not, the only other option is king triton had many different women, and Ariel has many different step mothers. That’s not good.

Is it called racism if a white person played Tiana? Food for thought.
Casting a Black actress in the role of 1 out of 9 white princesses vs casting a white actress on the role of 1 out of 2 Black princesses. Mmhh. If you truly can't see the difference I don't know what to tell you.

Other posters have explained very nicely why the race of the mythological mermaids doesn't matter. If your suspense of disbelief stops at race and not on mermaids and sea god then again, I don't know what to tell you.
They are mythical creatures though - Triton is the god of the sea. The normal rules of genetics don't necessarily apply here.
I agree! If they can shoot a laser beam to change fins into legs, they surely can create the appearance of the sisters to whatever they want.
While it is certainly possible to be critical of the film and even of the casting without being racist, you and I both know that a lot of the criticism directed at the movie was indeed motivated by racism, much of it very overt.
I think this is the crux of the issue. To me, it wasn't just possible to be critical of the casting without being racist, it was what reasonable people did. Now, were there some who came at it with the racist motivations that you describe? Absolutely. I'd suggest ignoring those idiots and their clickbait.


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