Former Cast Members Take Back the Parks! (A June WDW Vacation TR): Updated 2/12

I am really enjoying your TR and appreciate you showing all the cool hidden things! I am def taking notes.

Awesome! We love talking about our random Disney knowledge to people who "get" it!

Joining in. What a great trip so far. You two are an adorable couple :hug:. Fantastic pictures - can't wait to see what happens next on your adventure!

Thank you so much!

I've never even heard of the pirates adventure. Although now its added to my list of things to do this trip. As well as picking up that book you mentioned!

One map usually takes around twenty minutes, so it's something fun to do while you wait for a Fastpass. You'll love the book! Make sure you get the newer edition!

Love this TR and all the little details!!!
Totally my mission to match this on our first MK day!! Pre-park opening BOG is hopefully going to help ;)

I'm jealous! I wanted a BOG breakfast on this trip, however I could only get a 2 person reservation on a day we planned to go to another park and I didn't want to leave our friends out.
Joining in! You guys are such a cute couple! I love your dog too!:love:

Thank you! We love our Penny June even if she is a nut, haha.

Enjoying so far! Another Disney program alumnist. For some reason scott looks familiar I was a CRP 2011- 2012 but I spent most of my time with CPers and his face looks so familiar! Im a serious people watcher so maybe be my photographic memory clicking in

Haha maybe you saw him! We did walk around the World Showcase a LOT.

Golden Oak is definitely on my list! We planned to grab a waffle sandwich from Sleepy Hallow and bring it over to Golden Oak to pair with some fries. Then of course get some Dole Whip after we were done! I love MK food.

I know, MK food has really stepped its game up! There were always good treats, like Dole Whip, but I wasn't crazy about meal options a few years back. We tried so many new things this trip and really enjoyed the options at MK!

Fantastic update! LOVE your morning at MK and all the tidbits you threw in! I'm definitely going to ring the Liberty Bell and play the Pirate's Adventure game on our next trip!! I love learning new things about familiar parks.
I'm also putting the Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World on my Kindle reading list! As an amazon prime member I can check it out for free. OMG I'm so excited!

I've always wanted to try the poutine waffle fries! Now I know I need to! I also like the nutella and fruit waffle sandwich!

FYI: You guys ARE a cute couple!!

Haha, thanks! That's awesome that you can read it for free!!! What I liked to do was take pictures of particular bits of trivia or things to look for in the parks. That way I didn't have to carry around the book but I could still remember the info I wanted.

love all the bits of information you are providing in this TR! It is true edutainment!

I do love all the details in Frontierland. My favorite that I heard was that there are no bathrooms in Frontierland as there was no indoor plumbing at that time and the ones in Liberty Tree Tavern are technically across the line into Adventureland if you look at a blueprint for the park

Interesting that you thought the breakfast sandwich at Sleepy Hallow needed a sauce as I felt the chicken lunch one almost had too much sauce (at least when we got it) ... was darn tasty though

That's great that you got so much done!

Edutainment…I love that!!! That's high praise. :)

Great update! Wow - 9 rides before noon - so awesome! I love the tips and hidden gems you are providing in your trip report — keep them coming :)

Thanks for reading along! I'm glad you enjoy all our info!

Joining in! Loving your perspective as a CM. If they ever got rid of the TTA/People Mover... I'd die! lol Hopefully that never ever ever happens. Your fries look delish!! Also - is it weird to say that I feel like you were my skipper once on the Jungle Cruise?? lol

I really hope they never get rid of the Peoplemover as well. I just love it! It has its issues, which I wouldn't mind if they did a long refurbishment to fix. But Disneyland's Tomorrowland is really missing the Peoplemover. They still have the same set up, where the Peoplemover would travel through, but it's just empty. It takes away from that whole bustling "city of tomorrow" feel.

With somewhere around 2,000 trips around the Jungle, it's totally possible I was your skipper! I had really long hair when I was living in Florida.
You'll love the book! Make sure you get the newer edition!

Right after my post I went and ordered the book (in the newer version) It should arrive tomorrow or the next time. Which is perfect for me to read on the plane ride to Disney in a week. I've already warned my cousin that she's going to have to listen to me talk about random facts as we walk through the parks.
I've already warned my cousin that she's going to have to listen to me talk about random facts as we walk through the parks.

I'm all about that Random Parks Fact Life.. My family began calling me "Little Walt" one trip back in 2011 because I wouldn't stop pointing out various facts and details. They're everywhere! The book is PACKED with incredibly interesting hidden details. However, our edition contains a few details that are no longer present and it's missing a few of the recently added lands. I'd like to get my hands on the recently released 2nd edition.

If hidden details/history is your thing, allow me to recommend #2 on my disney books list. Walt Disney World Hidden History by Kevin Yee. Also I'd suggest checking out his D-Tales videos on the Inside The Magic Youtube channel here.

If hidden details/history is your thing, allow me to recommend #2 on my disney books list. Walt Disney World Hidden History by Kevin Yee. Also I'd suggest checking out his D-Tales videos on the Inside The Magic Youtube channel here.

Just received the book today and I'm trying to be good and save it to read on the flight there. Thanks for the recommendations I'll definitely check them out!!
I'm all about that Random Parks Fact Life.. My family began calling me "Little Walt" one trip back in 2011 because I wouldn't stop pointing out various facts and details. They're everywhere! The book is PACKED with incredibly interesting hidden details. However, our edition contains a few details that are no longer present and it's missing a few of the recently added lands. I'd like to get my hands on the recently released 2nd edition.

If hidden details/history is your thing, allow me to recommend #2 on my disney books list. Walt Disney World Hidden History by Kevin Yee. Also I'd suggest checking out his D-Tales videos on the Inside The Magic Youtube channel here.


*goes immediately to Amazon*
I am loving your TR! You guys are such a cute couple and love the funny comments and the extra information you both are giving us.

I can't wait to read the rest of your TR.
Thanks do much for your report! Really enjoying it so far! How awesome that you both got dream jobs while on the program and that you met up! I've only found out and the DCP/international programs since joining the Dis - wish I had known about them back when I was in school!
Thanks so much for the need little tidbits of unknown info- wish I had know I could ring the bell back in May when we had a day at MK after a trip on the Fantasy.
Can't wait to read more!
You guys are such a cute couple and love the funny comments and the extra information you both are giving us.

We like to think that us being both an adorable couple and honestly so funny (people need to understand how funny we are) will someday lead to us being internet famous. Tell your friends about us.

wish I had know I could ring the bell back in May when we had a day at MK after a trip on the Fantasy.

Ring it. Ring it with confidence. And then wave at the nearby popcorn vendor as they give you dirty looks. If you really wanna make a splash, ring it before FoF when the crowd is all lined up.
Hey everyone! Where we last left off, we had been taking the Magic Kingdom by storm from rope drop to noon. We stopped for a snack in Frontierland, and what’s better to follow up a snack than another snack? That’s right, we were making a lunch out of snacks. We had to have one of our favorite Magic Kingdom meals, corndog nuggets from Casey’s Corner.


We walked to Casey’s through Adventureland, and that’s where Scott snapped a picture of the Zanzibar Trading Company.


This is one of the shops along the main walkway in Adventureland, near the flying carpets. Scott took this picture because it is a part of the backstory surrounding The WORLD FAMOUS Jungle Cruise (world famous for being world famous, of course). Lucky for you, as an ex-skipper, I can fill you in on the scoop. The story goes that the Jungle Cruise takes place in the 1930’s (sidenote: this is why Skips are discouraged from making current references/pop culture jokes, they root you distinctly in the “now” and take you out of the story of the ride. However, many skips still do, and I’m sure their jokes are funny). I will also point out that often the backstories of Disney Attractions are not as “concrete” as they seem. For example, there is and has never been one agreed upon backstory for the Haunted Mansion. If you asked five different cast members, you’d get five different answers. So here’s my take on the Zanzibar Trading Company/Jungle relationship as told to me by people with lots of Disney knowledge. The Jungle Navigation Company was formerly a jungle trading company. The evidence of this is seen throughout the queue in the contents of many of the large crates etc. However, the Zanzibar Trading Company opened shop and took over Jungle’s trading market putting the Jungle Trading Company out of business. So, the Jungle Navigation Company was born. The skippers who used to just drive the shipments are left needing a way to support themselves, so they become a tourism company, taking out boatloads of people on journeys through the world’s major rivers. However, these skippers were never truly trained for these tours or dealing with paying customers. This explains the sarcasm, the skippers’ reliance on jokes instead of factual information, and their haphazard style of dealing with the conflicts throughout the attraction.

We now return you to your trip report, already in progress where Scott and Alli were on the move for a special snack.

For those of you who have ordered during meal times in Casey’s Corner, you know it is a stressful experience. I can’t handle it. Well, I can, it’s just that I don’t want to, hahaha. So Scott and our friend were inside waiting and ordering. It always looks like the New York Stock Exchange from 90’s movies in there. Nightmare. So I decided to scout out a table. Of course there wasn’t an ideal set up, it’s Main Street after all. But I was able to find a standing table near the restroom by the First Aid. I was standing at the table with my bag and water bottle on it, using some hand sanitizer. I stood there for a minute or so when a family came out of Casey’s with a gaggle of children and trays. They looked around and just immediately flooded the table my things were on. Huh? I watched for a few seconds and realized that they weren’t just setting their things down and adjusting, they were taking the table. Now, had one of the parents said something like “could we please share this table, there’s nowhere else for our family to eat” etc. I would have no problem. In fact, if the family hadn’t been able to find anywhere else, I probably would’ve offered them the table. Though, it’s more of a table geared towards adults, being that the children could not even reach their food because the table is more of a bartop height. But nope, they said nothing, allowing their children to touch my things and surround me and generally make everything super awkward. I, being the confrontation avoiding type, just packed up my stuff, muttered something like “well, ok then,” and walked off. I knew Scott was still waiting in line so I had a bit of time to find somewhere else to go. However, I really wanted to sit in a place out of the hot sun and as close to indoors as possible. I looked across the street and decided on Tomorrowland Terrace. As I was walking there, I passed the tables with the yellow umbrellas by the ice cream shop and there were several open with enough chairs for us. I thought the terrace would be a better spot, and they have fans, so I continued on that way. It was a perfect spot. We were down in the area where they do the dessert party and it was just one other group of people and us.

We finally all met back up and Scott had a surprise. He got a frozen lemonade with a special souvenir mug. I love that Disney always knows to keep the souvenir cups clean and give you your drink separately. We love Casey’s, so getting a souvenir cup is a fun way to remember a spot we enjoy.


After finishing our food, we went to use our Haunted Mansion fastpasses for 12:25pm.



I love the Haunted Mansion, who doesn’t? All good Disney fans seem to have a soft spot for this attraction and I totally get why. The highlight of my college program was getting to do a lights on walk through of the entire attraction, which for some, is a part of their every day job! The tour guide who walked us through knew a wealth of information. I’m not sure what my favorite part of this attraction is. It used to be a very clear winner: the attic room. But I really enjoy the dinner party room as well, as walking through the room was an awesome experience and we were able to see a lot of things not visible from the ride vehicle. But back to the attic room, here’s one tidbit I will share. Each of the different vignettes obviously represents one of Constance’s ill-fated marriages. As you move through the room, the vignettes become more and more extravagant, as she married someone with more money each time. This is shown in a few different ways. Each of the marriage vignettes is accompanied by a birdcage. The birdcage from the first scene is small and modest, and as you travel through the room the birdcages become larger and more extravagant. Not all of the cages are easy to see, because of the darkness of the room, but try to look for them next time! My other favorite thing to look for in this room is a familiar set of dishes. In the last scene to the left, look down on the ground next to your doom buggy. You will see a box of white fine china dishes with a floral pattern. These dishes are the same dishes used in restaurants at the Grand Floridian, the height of luxury. They are the dishes you use during the afternoon tea that I am a huge fan of, so I love this bit of trivia!


After the Haunted Mansion, we headed back to Main Street for a wake me up from Starbucks. We got our usual drink, iced caramel macchiatos. Refreshments in hand, we headed towards the Carousel of Progress.


I sat next to a boy who was somewhere around my students’ age. I always find myself talking to random middle schoolers in crowds because that’s what I do all day every day. The adult man sitting in front of the boy was wearing one of those rice paddy hats from Epcot, which I was worried would obscure the view of the boy sitting next to me. Wouldn’t all adults in theaters know to remove a large hat? Anyway, I volunteered to trade seats with the boy but he was either too sweet or too shy to oblige. Throughout the show, the boy and his father were singing the song and pointing things out to one another, it was adorable.





After leaving Carousel of Progress, we got Fastpasses for the Little Mermaid at 2:45. We were trying to get a fastpass for any of the mountains within the next few hours, but they weren’t available.

The next thing we had to do was decide on where to watch the Festival of Fantasy parade. We knew this was something we wanted to see, but I’m not one to stake out parade route spots far in advance, especially not in the sun, so we were just going to take the approach of “seeing what we could see.” Meaning, we were just walking around and trying to find somewhere passable. Somehow, some way, we ended up in Liberty Square by the Hall of Presidents. Do you remember the small shop that used to be located by the exit of HoP? They had a smattering of president related merchandise as well as Nightmare Before Christmas items. Well, that shop was gone and instead the room was simply filled with various wooden furniture. Honestly, it didn’t feel totally permanent, but in that moment we stumbled into the most perfect Festival of Fantasy viewing location for us! When we first entered the room, there were people sitting at most of the tables and along the windows in the front of the shop, facing the parade route. We took a spot on a bench in the back of the space, figuring we’d be able to see over and around them when it came time. However, once the parade was close, virtually everyone in the room ran outside to have a closer view. So we moved up to the benches connected to the windows. That’s right, we were seated, we were indoors, we were directly in front of large windows to watch the parade! Here’s the real kicker: we had been searching for a spot to do some device charging, namely our camera’s battery. In the window benches were power strips with tons of outlets!



The heavens parted and angels sang! Our spot was perfect and took no time to stake out, plus it was completely shaded and no one was crowded around us. I highly recommend trying this spot out next time you watch the parade! That is, if the shop is still randomly full of furniture.








One thing I really enjoyed about the parade was the incredibly elaborate costumes the performers surrounding the floats were wearing. I much preferred it to the performers in the old daytime parade, who were all wearing similar outfits (from what I remember). I am not typically a parade person, but I was really happy I took the time to watch the parade. Plus, we were able to charge up, which we would’ve had to sit around and wait on anyway!

I think we’re going to keep it short and sweet for tonight and leave off there. Thanks for reading and we’ll see ya real soon!
Thanks for the tip on the Hall of Presidents!! I'm definitely taking advantage of the power strip. I'm always looking out for an outlet. I wish Disney would have more charging stations (they took some away didn't they?). I once charged my phone waiting in the FP line for Anna and Elsa. LOL.

I like your back story on the Jungle Nav Company! BTW, the skippers aren't really "steering" the boat right? It's all for show? Always wondered about that.
What a score on the parade viewing location. WOW!! Since, you'll know, does FOF travel from Frontierland TO Main street? Or the other way around?
Thanks for the tip on the Hall of Presidents!! I'm definitely taking advantage of the power strip. I'm always looking out for an outlet. I wish Disney would have more charging stations (they took some away didn't they?). I once charged my phone waiting in the FP line for Anna and Elsa. LOL.

I like your back story on the Jungle Nav Company! BTW, the skippers aren't really "steering" the boat right? It's all for show? Always wondered about that.

I also really liked that instead of one of those cell phone charging spots with various phone cords permanently attached, there were many outlets to accommodate different types of electronics.

Well, let's just say this, if a skipper got a wild hair and decided to turn left at Schweitzer Falls instead of right, they'd be kept on the intended course by the magic of Walt. ;) However, the speed and steadiness at load and unload is all up to the Skipper.

What a score on the parade viewing location. WOW!! Since, you'll know, does FOF travel from Frontierland TO Main street? Or the other way around?

Yes, Festival of Fantasy steps off in Frontierland and heads to Main Street. I loved where we were for the parade. It's perfect as long as you don't have people in your group who specifically want to interact with the characters etc. during the parade.
um, sounds a bit awkward with that family just absorbing your spot. Like you said if they had just said something, no big deal, but to basically just annex it away from you with not a word, is a bit much - though, seems like it worked out in the end as you found a good spot!

Great tips from HM - I hadn't heard about the dinner plates before, that is very cool!

what a great find with regards to your parade viewing spot! Though, I suppose the power strip doesn't really fit into the theming of the land ;)
Greetings fellow Gulf Coasters! Loving the trip report, this is so getting me excited for our upcoming trip!


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