Former Cast Members Take Back the Parks! (A June WDW Vacation TR): Updated 2/12

Scott here…

I would LOVE to stay in the cabins during the fall. I can almost smell the campfires now. The grounds around Ft. Wilderness/ Wilderness Lodge are my absolute favorite. I would HIGHLY recommend MNSSHP if you haven't been.
We love the Fort. This will be our 3rd time brining our RV down October. We've done the MNSSHP each time and agree it is so worth it!
I am loving your TR so far. The descriptions and your photos make me feel like I'm there with you! I agree about experiencing the Welcome Show - I've been to WDW so many times growing up I really do consider it my second home, but my family (okay, my brother and I) could never get going early enough for us to arrive before park open. Last year was my first time seeing it, and it was really special! I want to be there for it every time I go to the MK from now on.:lovestruc
We love the Fort. This will be our 3rd time brining our RV down October. We've done the MNSSHP each time and agree it is so worth it!

Wow! That is so awesome! I have heard that the Halloween and Christmas decorations are really fun. I'd love to see that on a trip in the future!
Wow! That is so awesome! I have heard that the Halloween and Christmas decorations are really fun. I'd love to see that on a trip in the future!
We are usually there in early October during our kid's fall break but people are usually already into the spirit and decorate their campsites. And MK looks awesome with the decorations. The Boo To You parade is my favorite. Haven't been at Christmas time. Yet!
We are usually there in early October during our kid's fall break but people are usually already into the spirit and decorate their campsites. And MK looks awesome with the decorations. The Boo To You parade is my favorite. Haven't been at Christmas time. Yet!

Every good Disney fan wants to do everything once. I've now experienced multiple Halloween parties and multiple Christmas parties, and I just think Halloween works at MK so much better! I don't know, it's much more transformative. However, both are fun and special times.
Loving the review. I hoping to go for rope drop on my first MK day. And tips on the best place to stand to watch the show? I'm not super concerned about being close by to get to 7DMT. I'm also definitely going to take a moment and enjoy the posters and that tunnel experience you talked about!
Loving the review. I hoping to go for rope drop on my first MK day. And tips on the best place to stand to watch the show? I'm not super concerned about being close by to get to 7DMT. I'm also definitely going to take a moment and enjoy the posters and that tunnel experience you talked about!

When we showed up there were lots of people over to the right and to the left but almost no one directly in the middle. Now, if you stand right by the wall in the middle, I'm thinking that you'll be too close to see everything. So I would say a few feet back from there, basically right in the middle of the courtyard.
When we showed up there were lots of people over to the right and to the left but almost no one directly in the middle. Now, if you stand right by the wall in the middle, I'm thinking that you'll be too close to see everything. So I would say a few feet back from there, basically right in the middle of the courtyard.

Awesome! I will definitely keep that in mind when I'm there!!
Hey everyone! Before we start, I just wanted to say that all of your comments make us so happy, thank you so much for reading along!

Where we last left off, we had just had an action packed first hour in the Magic Kingdom and hit a bunch of Fantasyland attractions one after the other. At this point, it was around 9:00am and we had a friend on the way to meet up with us at Magic Kingdom.

We ended up by Liberty Square and we were just slowly walking around, taking in the details and discussing all of the history of that area of the park.


If you weren’t aware, while Liberty Square is a smaller land of the park, and with only two attractions, it packs in so much detail and history! We developed a true love of Liberty Square while working in the Magic Kingdom. You see, we both worked in “Ad/Lib Attractions.” Adventureland and Liberty Square are grouped together and share a cast. So we both spent a lot of time touring and fostering an appreciation for this area. I started working in AdLib first, and when I told Scott that was where I got assigned to work at the Jungle Cruise, he (understandably) thought that all of the attractions that cast members spiel at were called adlibbing attractions, haha!

If you haven’t already, you need to read The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World by Susan Veness. There is a recently updated version (we both read the older version, which has some outdated bits). The book explains so much about the back story of Liberty Square that will help you fully appreciate this slice of American History. One thing you might have heard before, if you look at all of the homes/buildings throughout this area, you will see that they have a two digit house number displayed prominently. If you put that two digit number behind 18, that is the year that style of house represents. The book is full of details like that!

Since Scott and I both worked in AdLib, we each toured this area with a knowledgeable guide telling us facts about the area. However, since we were trained at different times, we each heard from different guides. So this morning we were just walking around the area pointing out all of the things our guides had told us and comparing notes. I took Scott out to the bridge entrance to the area and I was pointing out the small booth over to the right side.


This booth is modeled after the booths that would’ve been present at the entrance to towns in 1800s America. Travelers in and out of town were required to register as they entered town. If you look inside, you can see an assortment of different goods and tools, and the book where someone in the booth would’ve been keeping track of this information. However, like a total Disney weirdo and extreme lover of the parks, I noticed something out of place. Hanging on one of the hooks was a small frying pan and a note. We snapped a picture and then tried to read what was written.


What we figured out was that there is a tour you can participate in with a scavenger hunt around Magic Kingdom. This particular clue was Ratatouille themed and headed you off in the direction of the Jungle Cruise sign. We even saw a group of people with a VIP Tour Guide (plaid vest) finding the clue later. We felt like we had discovered a fun little secret!

Okay, I’m about to divulge to you one of our very favorite Disney Secrets of all time. You know the replica of the Liberty Bell to the left after you enter Liberty Square? It’s a great photo op. But there’s more…it’s also a real functioning bell that you are totally allowed to ring. Now, you have to reach in over the railing and grab the large part in the center of the bell hanging down, pull it all the way back, and let loose. We try not to abuse this fun piece of knowledge, because it is very loud if you ring it right and there is a popcorn cart right in front of that area and I’m sure the cast member doesn’t love it. However, this morning, we were some of the only people around and we indulged ourselves.


Every time people would come to visit us while we were living in Florida, we would get them to ring the bell. They would be super hesitant, but it’s something you can only do at the Magic Kingdom!

After that musical note, we were very excited to head into Memento Mori, the newer all Haunted Mansion themed shop near the attraction.


This used to be the Smuckers sponsored kitchen goods shop, which I was randomly fond of, so I was eager to see what it would look like. It definitely didn’t disappoint. It’s a fun place to look around, with tons of great Haunted Mansion specific merchandise. We’re both huge fans of Haunted Mansion, so we enjoyed it. We particularly loved this portrait of pre-crystal ball Leota.


At this point, our friend was entering the park, so we walked towards her to meet her. After finding her in the crowd, we stopped to appreciate the beautiful new areas of the Hub and take a few glamour shots.





We were all hungry for breakfast, so we decided to try out the breakfast waffle sandwich at Sleepy Hollow.


I really like the Fruit and Nutella sandwich, as well as the lunch sandwiches, specifically the chicken option. We split the Ham and Cheese Omelet Waffle Sandwich. We enjoyed it and would eat it again, though Scott felt like it needed a sauce as well. Did you know that the Sleepy Hollow building is modeled after the author, Washington Irving’s home?

After relaxing and enjoying our breakfast, we headed to Space Mountain for our 9:30am Fastpass.



This ride is one of my favorites. Though, it might be a little less favorite after riding the Disneyland version. Space Mountain can just be painful, especially if you are in the furthest back seat. But, I always have a smile on my face, even though I’m in the complete dark. I also associate Space Mountain with one of my favorite Disney memories. At some point after Scott and I were working in Disney World, we visited Magic Kingdom and waited in a long standby queue to ride Space Mountain. We were behind two teenage girls the whole time in line and then rode the ride behind the girls, who screamed at the top of their lungs the entire ride. After exiting the ride, the park was closing and we were walking out down Main Street. The two girls found us in the crowd and walked up and blurted out “We just wanted to tell you guys, you’re a really cute couple!!!” We laughed and asked if they were okay after all of that screaming. It’s just one of those sweet memories that we will remember forever.


Starport Seven-Five is an obvious reference to the opening year of the Magic Kingdom Space Mountain. However, another tribute is hidden to the right in the "Active Earth Stations" section. The five stations listed here are references to each Space Mountain location across the globe. "Tomorrowland Station MK-1" references the first Space Mountain here in the Magic Kingdom. "TL Space Station 77" references Space Mountain in Disneyland which opened in 1977. "Discovery Landing Station - Paris" obviously references Space Mountain in Disneyland Paris, whose version of Tomorrowland is appropriately named Discoveryland. "Ashita Base - Tokyo" references SM in Tokyo Disneyland, "ashita" meaning "tomorrow" in Japenese. And, finally, "HK Spaceport E-TKT" is both a nod to Hong Kong Disneyland's Space Mountain and the use of E-Tickets from Disneyland's past.




After Space Mountain, we decided to ride another one of our favorite Tomorrowland attractions, the Peoplemover. It wouldn’t be a true ride on the Peoplemover if our ride vehicle didn’t slow to a stop for a few minutes in the total darkness. You just have to expect that on the Peoplemover. I always fear its imminent closure, but I would truly be so sad. It’s such a nice place to feel the breeze and rest your feet while getting in great people watching and views!





After the Peoplemover, we were able to go and use our Splash Mountain Fastpasses for 10:30am. I absolutely, unabashedly, LOVE Splash Mountain. No, I do not like getting theme park water in my eyes and hair. But Splash Mountain is one of the rides that truly sets Disney World apart as a theme park.







I remember riding a log flume ride at Six Flags in high school with friends and thinking…that was it?! Sure, there was a big drop, but that’s all there was! Splash Mountain has such a fun story and music. Though, as crass as this is, Scott and I have started to realize that Splash Mountain is all about butts. Next time you ride it, look for a prominently displayed behind in almost every scene on that ride, haha! When I was little, I got off Splash Mountain and decided that I needed to own a Br’er Rabbit. My mother, like all good mothers, instructed me to wait towards the end of the trip and see if I still wanted the Br’er Rabbit as much as I did right then. Wouldn’t you know it, I did. I’m glad I picked up that plush, since now you don’t see them!

Next we headed from Frontierland back into Adventureland towards Pirates of the Caribbean. We made a pit stop in the restroom by the Pirates gift shop. Scott, like the good pirate he is, took pictures of a couple of cool Disney Pirate secrets. The first is a piece of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise hidden in the gift shop. If you look up along the shelf around the ceiling, there are tons of pirate knick-knacks. You are looking for the red vase/pitcher with the gold coin on it. This gold coin was the actual prop coin used in the filming of PotC!


Now we’re going to pull out our soapbox for a minute. If you have not yet played A Pirate’s Adventure: Treasure of the Seven Seas, you need to!


It's located in a small hut between Adventureland and Frontierland near the PoTC gift shop. Scott was on the opening team for this interactive scavenger hunt through Adventureland and it holds a special place in his heart. (Fun Fact: We both opened something new in Adventureland. I was on the opening team for the first season of the Jingle Cruise.) Whether you have children with you or not, it’s a fun way to spend time while there’s long lines at the attractions. It’s also a good thing to do if you just want to get a cool drink and walk around for a bit. Additionally, you can collect the five maps of Adventureland, which are AWESOME FREE SOUVENIRS! When you are playing each of the maps, you’ll be brought to appreciate all kinds of interesting scenery you might not have noticed before. Scott took a picture of this little tidbit, which you’ll find along the way on one of the maps.


These items are located amongst the smattering of black magic ingredients that can be found near the exit of the PoTC gift shop. In this picture, you’ll see a symbol for each of the interactive games that have been made for the parks. The skull represents Perry the Platypus, as you can see from his hat, from the Agent P World Showcase Adventure. The stone has the initials “KP,” for the Kim Possible game that was in the World Showcase before it was switched over to Agent P. The medal represents the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom game. Scott wants you to know that he figured all of that out on his own while getting trained on the game.

After our tour of all things Piratey, we decided to ride the attraction. PotC just never gets old. I love the dark, cool, queue and the music.


After Pirates, we headed back into Frontierland.


At this point, Scott and I had already been in the park for a few hours and we were in need of caffeine. Let me just say, Disney World fountain sodas are the best sodas I have ever tasted! This soda from Westward Ho in Frontierland was no exception. Every time I get one and take that first sip, it’s downright life changing. We indulged in our perfect Coca-Cola and then headed off to use our last pre-scheduled Fastpass for today at Big Thunder Mountain for 11:30am.


The only downside to using a Fastpass for Big Thunder is that you miss the whole interactive queue. It’s not worth an hour and a half, but it’s definitely fun to play with all the different gadgets a few times. I especially love seeing all the different canaries and smelling the scented airs! Anyway, we had a super fun ride. There’s a handful of things that we just love pointing out on this ride and always have to point at as we whip around the corners.


After Big Thunder Mountain, we were out of pre-scheduled Fastpasses and decided to try our hand at booking our rolling Fastpass. We headed to the Adventureland Breezeway (by the restrooms). Our Fastpass for BTMRR was for 11:30am. We were able to get a Fastpass for Haunted Mansion for 12:25pm, just an hour later, not bad! That was our first experience scheduling a Fastpass inside the parks and we were okay with it. Yes, we had to wait in a line. But it tended to move quickly.

With our Fastpass secured, we were ready for a snack we were desperate to try in Frontierland. We had fries on the brain. Fries with delectable toppings that is. If you haven’t heard, the Golden Oak Outpost in Frontierland is serving up waffle fries with various toppings. It was a tough decision but we landed on the waffle fries with the “poutine-like” toppings. They were covered in cheese curds and brown gravy.


You definitely needed a fork to enjoy them, but they were incredible. The fries were nice and crispy and the toppings made them special. I want to go back and try them all! They’re served with a side as a meal, which they could be. We opted to share them as an in between meal snack.

We ate. We shopped. We rode all of the mountains. We were enjoying the Magic Kingdom like nobody’s business and it was barely lunch time. If you're keeping track, we rode NINE attractions at the Magic Kingdom before noon. NINE!!! Take into consideration that after that first hour, we were moving slowly and spent lots of time relaxing and eating. So, to all those guests who would berate us at 4pm in the afternoon screaming "We've been here all day and we haven't been able to do anything!!!" sorry, you're just not doing it right!

I’m going to leave off there for now. Thanks for reading and we’ll see ya real soon!
Joining in. What a great trip so far. You two are an adorable couple :hug:. Fantastic pictures - can't wait to see what happens next on your adventure!
I've never even heard of the pirates adventure. Although now its added to my list of things to do this trip. As well as picking up that book you mentioned!
Enjoying so far! Another Disney program alumnist. For some reason scott looks familiar I was a CRP 2011- 2012 but I spent most of my time with CPers and his face looks so familiar! Im a serious people watcher so maybe be my photogrpahic memory clicking in
Golden Oak is definitely on my list! We planned to grab a waffle sandwich from Sleepy Hallow and bring it over to Golden Oak to pair with some fries. Then of course get some Dole Whip after we were done! I love MK food.
Fantastic update! LOVE your morning at MK and all the tidbits you threw in! I'm definitely going to ring the Liberty Bell and play the Pirate's Adventure game on our next trip!! I love learning new things about familiar parks.
I'm also putting the Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World on my Kindle reading list! As an amazon prime member I can check it out for free. OMG I'm so excited!

I've always wanted to try the poutine waffle fries! Now I know I need to! I also like the nutella and fruit waffle sandwich!

FYI: You guys ARE a cute couple!!
love all the bits of information you are providing in this TR! It is true edutainment!

I do love all the details in Frontierland. My favorite that I heard was that there are no bathrooms in Frontierland as there was no indoor plumbing at that time and the ones in Liberty Tree Tavern are technically across the line into Adventureland if you look at a blueprint for the park

Interesting that you thought the breakfast sandwich at Sleepy Hallow needed a sauce as I felt the chicken lunch one almost had too much sauce (at least when we got it) ... was darn tasty though

That's great that you got so much done!
Great update! Wow - 9 rides before noon - so awesome! I love the tips and hidden gems you are providing in your trip report -- keep them coming :)
Joining in! Loving your perspective as a CM. If they ever got rid of the TTA/People Mover... I'd die! lol Hopefully that never ever ever happens. Your fries look delish!! Also - is it weird to say that I feel like you were my skipper once on the Jungle Cruise?? lol


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