Another 18 nights RPR, just the two of us & HHN (2015 Trip)

Today really was an odd one. We did plenty but didn`t feel we did.......we also left our camera in hotel as we didn`t want it soaked, so not too many pictures either.....which is nice somedays.........

We went to Lounge and Tom planned to have sprite as he was driving........but as we sat in lounge the heavens opened and there was no way we were going out driving in that. We could see the I4 and it was at a complete we made the executive decision to eat in Orchids Lounge again for sushi. So now Tom could get a beer as we weren`t driving we had a couple of wines and beers for Tom. It was cosy in the lounge tonight not too busy at all so we settled down as we were not in any rush to go anywhere. We chatted to most of the staff tonight and had a real good time talking to them, such nice people who treat everyone so well. We left about 8pm and went down to lounge first checking on the weather.......still heaving Sushi it was.........

The lounge was incredibly quiet even for a Sunday......


I think we ordered a bottle of wine, but I`m not sure......or if I just ordered 3 glasses .....but whatever it was......nice!! Tom was having beer I knew that. We ordered a plate of Mexican Roll as we knew it was spicy and a Spicy Salmon Roll, with the gorgeous side salad that had the ginger dressing I liked so much........



Food was sublime!!! We always enjoy sushi in here.....the quality is fantastic and so tasty......and of course service is top notch too......Laura wasn`t working tonight but we knew the other girl from last week and expressed surprise when she saw us still here.....she had forgotten how long we were staying, nice girl too. After we had eaten our shared plate of food, we had a gap of about an hour before ordering some more........we went for another Mexican Roll as that really is our favourite and this time a Dynamite Roll.......wouldn`t really need wasabi with this mix!!! But we did anyway......Tom hates ginger so I get the pickled ginger all to myself.....


I honestly don`t know which one was nicer....they were both gorgeous and the wine was a good compliment to it. We paid, said goodnight and headed up to our room. This was where Tom realised he had lost his Club Access card. Did not know where it had been lost.......Tom never loses anything usually.....but a visit to front desk and we got a new one sorted out.

So back in room and by now rain is well off, so horror nights would have got better as night had gone on. We briefly suggest a visit for couple of the same time getting ready for bed......was never gonna happen tonight......we had an early park day planned tomorrow......yep, we thought about doing EE for the first time......just to say we had done it...........
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If you`re still reading along...I hope you are enjoying it........I said it wasn`t going to be the most thrilling trip report ever, but we were loving every second of it!!

Absolutely still reading along and loving it!!! Love all the details and pictures... HHN would be so fun, but not a good time of year for us to travel. But I'm experiencing it through your pictures and descriptions!! :)
Absolutely still reading along and loving it!!! Love all the details and pictures... HHN would be so fun, but not a good time of year for us to travel. But I'm experiencing it through your pictures and descriptions!! :)

Thank You!!!! So glad to hear......I do ramble on a bit at

Yes it`s not the perfect time for everyone is it? We have friends who can`t go that time either, although I`m kinda glad as I told them they`re not tagging with is the type to read or learn nothing about where they`re going and then ask me a million questions about everything......last time we went away with them I asked if she had heard of took the hint.....

HHN is SO much fun.........but glad you`re still enjoying reading.......:-)
I had a lot of catching up to do here, suddenly have a hankering for pickled ginger and a California roll lol.

Would you believe amazon sent me the wrong size of Patricias, reminds me I need to return them. Disappointed I didn't get to try them out last trip. Family was dying of laughter when I referred to them as 'dressy crocs'. hmmph, let them try to walk in any size of heels and then they can give their two cents. I think they look very stylish, especially when it comes to the gear you see in the parks.

Your pictures, as always, are stellar. rarely am I entrusted to the 'good' camera either, when i am, cheat & flip it on auto mode:rolleyes1

Your attitude re the rain is great, such a great relaxed methodology associated with your trips. I feel cheated if we don't get to enjoy the resort pool in the am too, when it's usually deserted and peaceful.

looking forward to next installment.
Plus, I had Cowfish on my initial list of restaurants to try to get to. After your reviews it's on my "must not miss list"! LOL My DH & DD would live on Sushi and all things raw seafood... and I love a good burger, so it's perfect!
lol......Janet I laughingly call them my dressy crocs too........., comfy as heck.....typical sending the wrong size!!

Yeah with the weather.....we roll with the have to really.....we had thought about going to horror nights after the supposed visit to Crab Shack......but getting soaked held no appeal......lounge with wine and sushi was much more civilised.....

Glad you`re all caught up.........:D
Plus, I had Cowfish on my initial list of restaurants to try to get to. After your reviews it's on my "must not miss list"! LOL My DH & DD would live on Sushi and all things raw seafood... and I love a good burger, so it's perfect!

Oh it really is good!! Nice atmosphere son doesn't eat sushi or actually doesn`t really eat burgers unless they`re my home made doubt it would be somewhere he would rush to, but sounds a perfect fit for your family.......can definitely recommend it..........:thumbsup2

We have one week left. I at this point am shocked where the time has gone. We didn`t feel it go quick at the time but it was still, a week left. So trying not to ponder on that as someone reminded me some people don`t get to stay that long in the first place. Yesterday was indeed an odd day, I think we were tired pure and simple. So today, we didn`t make EE.......we did think about it, for about a second...........even heard a few people leave ultra early........but we turned over and went back to sleep.......not for long though.........we were up and showered and headed to lounge as we were not skyping Kyle till later today........had lovely breakfast and asked Thomas if he knew if Sal`s was open today.....he called over as he said it had been refurbed and he thought it was open......however no one answered the phone at PB so we thought we would just chance it later. This was where we saw a woman from last year who was nasty to us with comments about one thing or another......couldn`t believe she was here again. After what she said we were not about to pass pleasantries with her, actually her husband had quietly apologised to us last year for her comments so he seemed ok when we passed them and she kinda mumbled morning we ignored her. I`m not usually rude but she was a very obnoxious woman and I won`t pass the time of the day with people like that. Anyway.......Thomas kept trying but got no answer so we thanked him for trying and he did say he thought it was back open.

Went back to room and got suncream and Emily on front desk her present. It was just a little thank you. So she was on and she was so surprised and extremely grateful, she of course said there was no need, but we felt there was. So she gave us both a hug and we chatted briefly before setting off. Although I did snap a few pictures of the lobby as it was fairly quiet......I like this lobby......although I an so curious to see what it will look like after the refurb...........





I`m actually not sure that`s the same day, but I like the pics anyway..........

So we headed down to the pathway and walked leisurely along the`s so pretty and quite restful in a way. Lots of squirrels this morning........we don`t usually walk when we go to The Studios but we just felt like walking today. It was nice. It was still fairly quiet when we got to the gate......again, straight through and immediately saw DM was at 45 minutes.........we, again walked straight on without stopping except to be scanned.......we love EP!!!! An make no apologies for it despite hearing several people over the trip complaining bitterly about "hotel folks" jumping the queue......not jumping at all. But, anyway, we love this ride........must be one of the best pre-shows of any ride it.......




I took a few, but again have posted them all before I`m quite we get through into the next room and again, people trying to film the show......and people putting the glasses on had a TM who was just so into his part today when we went through for the ride......he was so funny......even when people started to try and move seats and re-organise themselves.....patience of a saint I think.......we waited while it was sorted and then enjoyed the ride.

We have so many pictures of us with minions when we come out we now usually walk through......but today........something we hadn`t seen yet.......Gru!!! I yelled louder than I wanted to for Tom, who was quite a bit behind me by now to come and get his picture taken with man said`re a real fan of Gru!!! ooops!! Was a bit loud......anyway, only one family was there so we stepped in behind and met the man himself...........


So I was happy.

Did I mention it was boiling hot again today.......well, it was. On thing we couldn`t complain about this year was the was perfect and so far we had only had last night disrupted a little by rain. We wandered around and went on RRR......first row today.....I always imagine if the harness cracks open I "may" be able to cling on to the seat in front for dear life......yeah right......but anyway, you don`t get that imaginary safety net in the front row.......if the harness do it adds an extra thought or two on that 13 second ascension to the top of the climb.......then woooooooooo.......We love it.......I had my usual Gloria Gaynor song and I think Tom has KC and the Sunshine band........we are predictable at`s not so rough at the last bit when you`re on the front, so much better on the old back.........we did this ride about 5 times, front row every time as we always ask for is amazing....Tom then went on again on his my head was starting to get woozy.......he could have gone on all day!!!



Tom waves his hand around a lot on this ride....woo hooing all the was another one of the times he missed Kyle as he would go on all day too......think Kyle`s maximum was 28 times in a row on DD.......but he came off and said he was done on that for the day.....Mummy next.

We adore this park. And every time we wander and see the changes in recent years we do think back to the days of when it was quieter and actually so much better nowadays........

We went on The Mummy a few times, again only stopping to be scanned and asking for the front row......on our third go the guy said front row as we was a really funny guy. Staff are generally so into their characters........we came off and bought some water then headed around to Gringotts which was our only plan for Potter today........such a good ride......We did stand and watch Beat Builders again.....the street entertainers are excellent and really just vibe the place up......everyone has such fun watching them....they took a lady out of the crowd as usual and put her in one of their hi vis jackets.......she was brilliant!!!! You could see them appreciate the effort she was putting that heat too!!! She got a huge applause.....they had finished their set so we ambled round to Potter.


There was just no-one here today......This walk through is so impressive, every time we go in we always stop just a second to take in the detail that has gone into it. It is spectacular. I think our timing was just lucky today as when we came out it had jumped to 30 minutes......but we got straight through more or less and on the ride in about 5 minutes. Not bad.

We mooch in the shop today and get a few things sent back to our room......this is a huge advantage of staying onsite.....packages delivered directly to your room next day. One perk we really did take advantage of.........

We went to Transformers next although I sat this one out, instead favouring to go see the queue for one them......I had no idea of this guys name........I`m not a fan. But he was funny........


Walked round to do MiB.........there was a queue for the regular was a big queue too......but again we walked straight on. I`m not the biggest fan of this ride as it is a bit spinny.....but I don`t miss it out......again, Tom and Kyle usually do multiple rides......they are also very competitive.......but this trip would just be about spending time together and not having any targets or plans.....and it was working......

ET also had a queue.......really!!! We only did this once today as we were getting hungry, so started to walk out the park. This was where something I had noticed but hadn`t really impacted me so far.......people walking while texting or reading their was like an rude expecting the world to walk around you while you aimlessly meander while totally oblivious to everyone around you.......I get grouchy when I`m, no I didn`t move out of 4 people`s way......I stopped and not one person apologised. So totally pointless expression of anger by me.....but I felt better. Immediately after that another one did it......this time the guy apologised.......maybe he recognised a hungry irate woman when he saw one.

We walked out the park and headed to the boats and hoped Sal`s was open.
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There was a boat waiting, so we hopped on and were the only people on we were thinking maybe it was still closed......but no much to our delight we saw the door open and someone coming out with a pizza......yay!!! This is our only reason for coming to this hotel, we had previously tried the two restaurants and weren`t impressed at all......but Italian is not my first choice of food anyway......but Sal`s we loved........

As we entered we could see it had changed a bit........





It was nice, but actually I preferred it the way it was before. However pizza was still as good. We ordered a BBQ chicken pizza with no scallions on top but added jalapenos to share........couple of cokes to go with it.......think we waited just under 10 minutes for was worth the wait


This pizza is the best onsite pizza there is.....and it`s still fairly busy at lunchtime too despite there seemingly is no one around at this place at times.......we finished up and headed back for the boat......



It is so quiet, eerily so......still we didn't have to listen to the opera singer....I don`t like opera at all......was subjected to going to them with school many years ago!!! Never quite got over it......but we could see a boat coming so we went to get it.....and again we were the only ones on it.........


We always feel quite pleased to be leaving this hotel......not quite sure what it is.....but anyway, we had thoroughly enjoyed our pizza, it was delicious....well worth waiting for. Turns out last time we had tried and it was closed....we had missed it opening by a day.

Now we were heading back to hotel for our car as we were going to get the rest of my birthday gifts at Mall at Millenia.........
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We do like the Mall at Millenia.........we spend a lot of time here usually and always feel we get quite a lot here. This year we didn`t get anything from Williams and Sonoma, one of favourite stores.....Tom joked I had all their gadgets and things....anything else was too heavy to take back with us!!

But today we had a mission........Tiffany for my birthday present, albeit a little later than normal and some items from Macy. Only takes a few minutes to drive here, get parked really close which was ideal as sun was blazing down on us today........I love the outside of this mall, so pretty

We go straight to Tiffany where I know exactly what I`m getting. A Tiffany Box charm and a 20" silver necklace.......we are only in the store less than 10 minutes. I like this store, it`s very friendly.....I know some people have said they feel uncomfortable in some stores in this mall, but absolutely no need to be.......I like to look in the LV plans to buy anything, just like to look. But, we get it wrapped in the very identifiable little blue bag and head down to Macy`s. I like this store too and today, again I know what I`m here for. Straight to the Chanel counter and I get the 100ml of Chanel Chance au`s my favourite perfume, well, one of them....even when we`re buying this, well Tom is buying, other sales ladies are trying to sell me something thanks.

Head to Clinique counter for usual mish mash of things......moisture surge and a couple of lipsticks......but they are doing something odd......she tells me if I pay as if I`m paying by giftcard I get all sorts of goodies for free......ok......what`s the catch.....I just can`t return anything. So I had no plans to return anything so I eye my haul of little extras which include a rather bright make up bag filled with a few little treasures, mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick and then little serums, lotions and potions......I`m doing ok we go through the back to pay and there`s other free products that she puts in.....and yep, we only paid what 2 moisturisers and the lipsticks cost. I was a happy bunny.........

We leave the store quite content in the knowledge we got our monies worth in was Bath and Body where I stocked up on some goodies from there.......loved their newish fragrance A Thousand Wishes.......could have filled a basket with just this!!! But I still had more shopping to get and had to think of weight of luggage going home. But for now I was done. Once I saw how much stuff we were taking home I could come back for more.

Drove back to hotel and deposited haul on the bed.......I wasn't opening my Tiffany till I got home.....not sure why but just wanted to keep it till then.




Not a bad little afternoon shop........and me not a I think I had gotten all I was getting for my birthday this year, so with the Ipad as well I was pleased. I know I am spoiled, so many people are quick to tell me at times.....but Tom believes in spoiling me to the core.....well, who am I to argue. Love that guy so much!!! Well, both of my guys actually.......was missing one dreadfully by once we had settled we turned to Skype and called Kyle and he was there........yay.......we chatted for ages tonight, asking all about his first day back at Uni........this was the week he would have missed if he had come with when he told us how much he would have missed in just that one day we were all relieved he had made the decision to stay home. Tough as it was he`s made the right choice. We really did chat for ages and eventually he said he was going.....I had forgotten the time difference and it was funny to see him sat while it was pitch black we said our goodbyes and I felt so much better for seeing him today. This was so much better than phone calls. I am definitely going to have Skype when I go to NY in May.

We got showered and changed and headed down to the lobby to get into our safety deposit box then up to lounge for a drink. Three of our favourites were on tonight, Anthony, Mara and Colby.......we chatted like the old friends we had become by now. It really is the friendliest of places.......apart from the lady guest from last year who rather disturbingly was watching us like hawks!!! I swear she never took her eyes off of us tonight........did ignore her eventually.......I took our empty glasses up and stopped to let her husband past, he looked and half smiled and said thank you.....I smiled and said you`re very welcome.....think he was a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and by his wife`s behaviour. But we had a few glasses of wine and then left to get a car to take us back to Oceanaire Seafood Room for dinner tonight.
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What a nice shopping trip. I forgot how much difference in price some of the beauty items and other items we have here.

Great pictures!
What a nice shopping trip. I forgot how much difference in price some of the beauty items and other items we have here.

Great pictures!

To be honest with the exchange rate they're not that different in price now from the UK......few dollars maybe......nothing significant. Tiffany was exactly the same too.

Glad you like the pictures.
Megatron:teeth:admitted Transformers fan, love the interaction at that photo site.

wow, park is a dead zone, was that the last week of August?

ah, shopping:yay: bring on the pics! Haven't seen the 'chance' channel perfume (I'm a #5 gal). Was thinking of purchasing the 'green' clinque facial cream. Do you like it?
Great updates which are really fun to read on my morning train. Loving them all!
Megatron:teeth:admitted Transformers fan, love the interaction at that photo site.

wow, park is a dead zone, was that the last week of August?

ah, shopping:yay: bring on the pics! Haven't seen the 'chance' channel perfume (I'm a #5 gal). Was thinking of purchasing the 'green' clinque facial cream. Do you like it?

Megatron......That`s the guy!!!!! I had no clue......Tom did tell me at the time, I forgot almost immediately.....can you tell I`m not a huge TF

Last week in September......parks looked quiet at times, but the rides mostly had queues by now.....DM 100 minutes!!!! TF 50 Mins!!!

I love no5.......on others......doesn`t work on me at all......smells like something you would clean your toilet with on me!!! My friend wears it and it smells lovely on so have several variations but the Au Fraiche is gorgeous.....I am never without that perfume!!

I use the green box moisture surge......there is a moisture surge extreme but it`s far too rich for me......the moisture surge I love......feels so nice on your skin and perfect for under make up with a serum too......doesn't look yep, recommend it........:thumbsup2
Great updates which are really fun to read on my morning train. Loving them all!

Thanks Rachel........glad to help the commute......especially on such a miserable morning like today.....I`m assuming it`s the same where you are!!!

Glad you`re still reading along.......:goodvibes
Thanks Rachel........glad to help the commute......especially on such a miserable morning like today.....I`m assuming it`s the same where you are!!!

Glad you`re still reading along.......:goodvibes

yup... rain rain rain & Dull. Reading about sunny Florida really helps take the edge off. :D
Something I totally forgot to mention earlier in my report, was, we met a fellow poster.

We were standing in the lobby talking to our very special friend and someone came up behind me and said "Carole?"........I turned and there was Matt (AussieBritTraveller) and his husband Rob........we had a brief chat and he said some very lovely things to me which made me blush and even our friend teased me how red my face had gone!!!

It was lovely meeting them both albeit briefly and we commented we wished we had been able to meet up with them for a drink at another time.....they looked a fun, nice couple. So yes Matt, it was lovely to chat to you both........:wave2:

So we left the lounge and went down to get a car from outside the front of the hotel to take us to Oceanaire. We were looking forward to going back and rather boringly we were going to have the same meal I said we don't usually take advantage of Magical Dining Month, but this one was a good one. Traffic was fairly busy tonight heading to Pointe, but in around 10 minutes we were there........we entered the restaurant and were greeted by name by the young lady who had welcomed us the other night. Nice touch, it always adds that little bit when people use your name instead of a generic welcome. We were taken to our table which was a booth was nicer actually, but the whole restaurant is nice. We definitely planned to come back here next year for the full menu as it is gorgeous!!!

Our water waiter filled up our glasses immediately with our choice, which was regular filtered as it was nice enough, no nasty tastes at all......then Rich introduced himself as who wold be taking care of us tonight. Nice guy, I told Rich we wanted a bottle of ButterBlock Chardonnay as I had a glass of it the last time and really liked problem.......he brought the pre appetisers and some bread which was lovely, then came back with the wine.

He also brought us another appetiser sampler, it was a small portion of the Spicy Tuna Poke which had a wonton crisp and a wasabi emulsion, it was gorgeous.......definitely an appetiser I would consider. It can just be seen in Tom`s picture below.

I did like Rich asked me to sample the wine when he brought it, some places do sometimes automatically ask the man, maybe not so much now but we have had that in the past and Tom always refers the waiters to me. Anyway wine was lovely so he poured and left us to peruse the menu again.




We again had plenty of time to examine the menu`s so when he came back we told him we knew exactly what we were having.......Asian Pear Salad, Surf and Turf and Key Lime Pie........easy order........



Although he sat this plate in front of us, he looked at it and said he would be back.......I could see immediately what it was.....the lobster had curled and shrunk........although we did start eating as mine was thing Rich came back with a larger Lobster Tail.......I should have pictured it, but was too busy enjoying mine. We thanked him and he said the first Lobster tail wasn`t adequate and he saw it needed replacing.......thing is we probably wouldn't have complained as everything else was so nice and it was a cheap meal at $33 each, but even so it was nice he did it.

When we finished our meal which again came with creamy mash, we were fairly full.........Rich, again was the perfect waiter.....not too intrusive and checked on us just the right amount of when he asked if were ready to order dessert I again asked if I could take mine away in a box......of course not a problem.......Tom however was ready for his........


It was huge!!!! But he ate it and loved every mouthful, of which I may have stolen one tiny husband would give me his entire meal at any time if I asked him.....but he did say this time I wasn`t getting was that good!!!! We sat for a little and finished the wine and paid and asked for them to call us our guy to come back for us......they did and he was there in 5 minutes......

We put my key lime pie in the fridge in our room and then went back to Club Lounge for dessert was Tom putting it......I had a coffee and one tiny little mini cheesecake......we chatted to the staff again and passed the time in there for a while, it was nice and not too busy. We mused over heading to Citywalk or going to Orchids Lounge for a while........we decided on Citywalk and just ambled around there soaking up the nice family atmosphere. It`s so much fun at night....always something going on

We had a cocktail in Margaritaville where despite being so busy someone spotted us from the other side of the restaurant. I saw someone wave and had no idea it was to us.......a few minutes later she was approaching us and asked if I was schumigirl....what do you say......I said from the dis yes, she said she loved the trip reports and saw we were going to be there at the same time and wondered if she would see me......they were staying at CB and going to change to a deluxe as they didn't like it......think they ended up at the HRH.......anyway, such a nice lady and I cannot remember her username. Said she doesn`t post much anyway, just hi to the lady from margaritaville.....

Tom thought this was highly amusing to be, we sat till around midnight and then walked back to the hotel where we fell into bed whooped again......but I had a sinking feeling about tomorrow...........

Would keep that little nugget of information till tomorrow.
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yup... rain rain rain & Dull. Reading about sunny Florida really helps take the edge off. :D

Yep.....same here......hasn`t stopped since last night.......I don't need to go out till later when DH gets back and we get to go do the wondrous activity that is grocery shopping on a Friday afternoon during half term week :crazy:


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