Something About Nothing ... #12

Is that an adult beverage store?!
We used to have a "drive-thru" store here... They outlawed it when I was a kid. They had a sliding glass door (this was when I could ride in the front seat... I was only 3 or 4! haha) and you'd tell Mr Larry or Jay what you wanted and they'd go get it for you and pack it in your car. They always gave me a sucker or some bubble gum so I liked going to J's. (The name of the store):rotfl2:It's amazing how I didn't get my mother arrested. I would tell people about it. Like the movie store place after we went to J's... They're next door. They made me a customer for life though... Get 'em while they're young with candy. :rotfl:People tell me that I shouldn't share that my liquor store guys have known me since I was a toddler. I think it's funny! I might be ashamed if I actually had a problem or something.

However.... They outlawed it. My town also won't vote on Sunday sales. We still have a few dry counties around. People think I'm silly when I say I wish they still had the drive-thru, but it's not like they're handing you a beer to drink! They're putting it in the back seat or wherever for when you GET HOME.
We have a place in Panama City that used to give you hunch punch at the drive thru. Now they give you the ingredients....
They only say that on the food industry ones here. Always wondered about it soo I looked it up.
Apparently commercial mayo has all pasteurized ingredients so it's perfectly shelf safe. The reason they don't advertise that is because the risk of cross contamination is high with the jars and if that happens it is no longer self safe. The squirt bottles have such little risk of contamination they are technically self safe. ALSO commercial mayo is acidic (4.4pH) which is acidic enough to not allow the growth of mold and other bacteria. HOWEVER homemade mayo IS NEVER self safe!
The more you know
I will no longer throw my whole thing of mayo away when I accidentally leave it on the counter until my next meal. I will however still keep it in the fridge. It's just one of those things.. it's socially known to keep it in the fridge so we do. Here we also do not let butter sit out at all unless you're getting it to room temp to cook or serve.
My roommate (You know the Zimbabwean, British, Greek one?) used to just leave hers out all the time. I do know what a french butter dish is and I've wanted one for many years.
We keep ours in the fridge too.
We would typically stay home, but we got invited to a crazy party so we're driving the roadster 2 hours tomorrow, we'll crash on an air mattress somewhere sometime, then drive home Sunday.
sounds like trouble!
We have a place in Panama City that used to give you hunch punch at the drive thru. Now they give you the ingredients....
probably best.... No wonder you guys have a reputation. Geez

@macraven I put mayo on everything. However we grew up in a ketchup house. Dad will put ketchup on anything... he even puts it on eggs. I mix my mayo and ketchup for fries. I even put mayo on hotdogs which a lot of people think is strange, but you know whatever. If mayo doesn't go with it ranch probably does. I also like miracle whip just for specific things though. Have you had the apple butter mayo at Leaky Caldron? Incase you didn't know you can get an extra thing or two if it and dip your fries in it. IT'S SO GOOD!!! Soo stinkin good. They put it on the chicken sandwich that I get. I asked for extra for my sandwich the first time I was there and the server said isn't it so good?! You want some to dip your fries in too? Yes, yes I do!
Sounds delicious !

I too put mayo on my eggs
And fish
And meatloaf

Preferred Hellmans over Kraft
Almost time for bed here - we've just watched the Wales v Belgium football match (yawn from me!)
I hope you all have a great long weekend planned? Do you traditionally see family/go away/stay home?
Yes. Most people go out of town. The beach is a VERY popular destination. I'm a property manager at the beach and this is our business/biggest weekend. Granted we are fully booked all summer but.... this is typically the peak of the season. Scallop season usually kicks off this weekend and even locals come in and enjoy. However, as some of the others know scallop season has run into troubles this year. They were going to cancel it, but they decided to shorten it instead. It doesn't start until late August now. Not sure if you're asking us individually or just generally.. Since it's been the theme to ask of different customs I'm going with a general. I know a lot of my neighbors that have work the rest of the week are headed to the river for the day.

In my neighborhood of 3-4 dozen I only know of less than a dozen that will be in town. Three restaurants in town that I know of close for the entire week. (I live in a smaller town.) Growing up my family always went to the beach for the 4th. Now I stick around town away from the chaos and run the phone and email side of the business. My brothers and sisters are always at mom and dad's so there's never room.

This year we're doing something at my oldest brothers house Sunday night and we'll probably meet up with neighbors Monday night. Or maybe just stay in and watch more war movies......

I've never thought about it. I'm not very educated on the matter. What kind of holidays do you all have that are specific to you? We have Thanksgiving, 4th of July... Labor day? Memorial day. Veterans day. Armed Forces day... Most of us don't get those off work though. The later ones I mean.
Sounds delicious !

I too put mayo on my eggs
And fish
And meatloaf

Preferred Hellmas over Kraft
Hellmans. In a pinch Dukes. Used to like kraft but for some reason I dont anymore. Just like I grew up on Parkay butter but cant stand the stuff now. I also grew up drinking Pepsi. Dang yanks... :)
Happy trails bluer

Know you all will have a fun vacation

You'll be seeing your partner in crime this week
Teach him more photo bombing techniques
We usually shot off $500 worth of fireworks. Not this year though, hanging at USO. It rained for a couple of hours this afternoon so I took a nap after a week with extended family. Rode Kong and my youngest got to ride Spider-Man and Simpsons for the first time. Finally hit 40" and he loved the rides. He laughed at the scareactor in Kong. He will be my HHN buddy when he gets older. I can already tell.
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We usually shot off $500 worth of fireworks. Not this year though, hanging at USO. It rained for a couple of hours when this afternoon so I took a nap after a week with extended family. Rode Kong and my youngest got to ride Spider-Man and Simpsons for the first time. Finally hit 40" and he loved the rides. He laughed at the scareactor in Kong. He will be my HHN buddy when he gets older. I can already tell.
Not looking forward to that. Wish I didn't know. Probably would make it easier.
FWIW-I keep my salted butter on my counter. And the REAL maple syrup in fridge. the cheap pancake syrup is shelf stable. Fake food usually is. Also will keep newly laid eggs on counter for days if I am planning to use them within a week. Perfectly safe with my unwashed eggs-the bloom protects the eggs. The kids kiss and handle the chickens all the time and are rarely sick(and then it is respiratory stuff).

I don't put eggs in the fridge - I get them straight from the farm so they are very fresh and they say they are fine for up to a month though they never last that long.
tinydancer09 we have 2 days at Easter, 1 May Day at beginning of May, 1 end of May, 1 end of August, then Christmas Day & Boxing Day (day after Christmas), and NY Day. All traditionally called Bank Holidays as the banks would be closed. No pattern of people heading to the coast etc though schools usually off for a week for the one end of May and the one at end of August is just at the end of schools summer break.

Traffic here is a problem on the weekends when schools break. Last summer we booked to take my daughter & grandchildren to Devon (our UK happy place) the first week of summer break - big mistake - the roads were at a standstill- coming off the motorways even the side roads became crawling speed. A journey that normally took 4.5 hours took us almost 9! We are returning this August after we found we can book Monday to Monday so hoping the roads will be much better!
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Hey y'all! The sun is up, washing machine has an XL load in it, and will hang the clothes outside. The sun is b u ti ful!

Hope all are having a nice Saturday.


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