Annual Reading Goal Challenge for 2016 - Come and join us!

Book 1 of 15: Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp

Technically speaking, I started reading this late last year, but only finished it on Saturday, the 2nd.

When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their own ruthlessness to prevail.

“It appears things are as you suspected, Lord Vader. We are indeed hunted.”

Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is just a memory. Darth Vader, newly anointed Sith Lord, is ascendant. The Emperor’s chosen apprentice has swiftly proven his loyalty to the dark side. Still, the history of the Sith Order is one of duplicity, betrayal, and acolytes violently usurping their Masters—and the truest measure of Vader’s allegiance has yet to be taken. Until now.

On Ryloth, a planet crucial to the growing Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as “spice,” an aggressive resistance movement has arisen, led by Cham Syndulla, an idealistic freedom fighter, and Isval, a vengeful former slave. But Emperor Palpatine means to control the embattled world and its precious resources—by political power or firepower—and he will be neither intimidated nor denied. Accompanied by his merciless disciple, Darth Vader, he sets out on a rare personal mission to ensure his will is done.

For Syndulla and Isval, it’s the opportunity to strike at the very heart of the ruthless dictatorship sweeping the galaxy. And for the Emperor and Darth Vader, Ryloth becomes more than just a matter of putting down an insurrection: When an ambush sends them crashing to the planet’s surface, where inhospitable terrain and an army of resistance fighters await them, they will find their relationship tested as never before. With only their lightsabers, the dark side of the Force, and each other to depend on, the two Sith must decide if the brutal bond they share will make them victorious allies or lethal adversaries.


Yes, another Star Wars book. This tells the story of a failed assassination attempt against Darth Vader and his master, the Emporer, in between the end of the Clone Wars and the beginning of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This is canon material, since it was published after the Marvel aquisition and story realignment. Cham Syndulla is not a new name to the Star Wars universe. He was seen several times in the tv series The Clone Wars, and his daughter Hera is a main character in the new Star Wars Rebels show.

4 out of 5.
I'm in. 2015 got away from me - both my goal and even keeping up with the thread! - but 2016 is looking to be a bit calmer with a little lighter workload. I have one full-time and one half-time semester left until I graduate, and no more 16 credit terms or accelerated summer classes. :) So I'm setting my goal at 52, to average one book a week.

I have a long to-read list, as usual, but nothing that is jumping out at me as something I'm really looking forward to. I just finished Pride & Prejudice & Zombies because I wanted to read it before the movie comes out, and I need to do the same with Allegiant because I never did get around to finishing that series. DD got Alice in Zombieland for Christmas so I'll probably read through that series with her, and I'm on the very long waiting list for Between the World and Me from the library.
I stopped posting my updates last year. I would like to join again this year, my goal will be 60 books.

My favorite book of 2015 was Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts simply because she got me so excited about this new trilogy in a way that has been missing for a while now.

I was hoping we'd finally get Winds of Winter this year but looks like it's not going to happen. :(

Books read so far in 2016:

#1 - Blood Kiss by JR Ward: I loved it! This is the first book in the new Black Dagger Legacy series, which is supposed to focus on the relationships, while Black Dagger Brotherhood continues the sprawling "family" saga. The relationships are what made the early BDB books so good so I am glad Ward is writing this.

#2 - The Bargain by Mary Jo Putney. Just okay. I didn't like the heroine very much, she seemed very cold and calculating even as she was falling in love with the hero and the explanations of why she acted this way felt very rushed and tacked on. I browsed some other titles by this author and the plots seem a bit too farfetched for my taste.

#3 - A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare. I liked this. To me it was more about establishing the characters and setting up future relationships for the rest of the series. Will continue the series.
Im going to join in as well - Ive no idea how many books I might read as Ive never done this before so will just set myself a low number of 20 but hopefully will read a lot more than that.

The first book Im going to read is one I borrowed months ago and got part way through and stopped - The Distant Hours by Kate Morton. I really enjoyed others Ive read by her so not sure why Ive not been able to finish this one but am going to start it again and see.

Im also looking forward to Jeffrey Archer's new book coming out in February - the next in his Clifton Chronicles series.

And Im also going to read at least one Harry Potter book as Ive never read any of them (or seen the movies) - yes really Im the person in the World who hasn't read Harry Potter.

Happy reading everyone :daisy:
I have to ask: for all of you that manage to do 80-100 books a year, how do you do it? I'm in awe. I couldn't do 50 and I consider myself a pretty fast reader.

I figure that there are 52 weeks in a year and I can get through a book in about a week, unless it's something like Outlander, of course, which will take me awhile. I read about an hour a day which is all I have time for. Maybe that's it, I'm not reading enough? So how do you do it? Speedreading, reading several hours a day, short books?
I would like to try for 50 books again.

Welcome, I have put you down for 50 :)

Everyone that wants to participate should state the number of books they are aiming to read in 2016. I'll go for 50 again. I didn't make it in 2015 but I had a lot of gaps and could not find books to read. Hopefully, I can do better with that this year.

If there are any books you are really looking forward to reading in 2016 or any recommendations for a particular book or books you read in 2015 that you would like to share, please also post and I will list those here. I don't have anything I'm looking forward to. Probably one of my favorite books last year was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.

As you finish each book (or multiple books), add a new post with a brief summary and/or opinion of the book and what you plan on reading next (if you know). See next paragraph.

If you have any suggestions on how we could improve things, please let me know. The only thing I would like to see is more discussion on books or, when people post, say whether they actually liked the book or not. Many people are just listing their titles and I have no idea if the book was good, it was horrible, etc. Of course, I don't want to make this thread drudgery for someone who doesn't feel like giving opinions, but I almost view this thread as a "book club." So that would be the only improvement that I can think of.

I have a couple of Kristin Hannah books on my 'to read' list - mind you, I have over 200 books on there, many of which I probably won't get round to reading this year either :scratchin

I completely agree with liking to see people's opinions of the books they have read, rather than just a list of titles. I guess some people find it onerous to write a mini review. perhaps even a star rating might be helpful. We could keep it simple, something like:

* Not worth the paper it is written on
** Worth a read
*** Recommended

What do y'all think?

My goal on Goodreads is 200 so put me down for that.

Wow, 200 books. I can only dream of being able to read that many in a year. Thanks for joining in :)

I've followed along in the past but decided to join in this year. With school books, there isn't a ton of time for "free reading" but put me down for 50, please.

Right now I'm loving anything and everything by Jodi Picoult. I don't know how I just found her but she's the current go-to author for me. Looking forward to getting suggestions from all of you!

Jodi Picoult is one of my favourite authors too, although I have to say a couple of her most recent ones I really struggled with. I still have Leaving Time on my 'to read' list. Have put you down for 50! :)

I would love to participate in this years challenge. Last year I made my goal 100 but did not get anywhere close. This year I think I am going to start my goal at 35 and can always up it if I need to. I look forward to some great new suggestions this year.

Definitely a good plan - start low and increase if needed. Thanks for joining in :)


I'm going to set my goal to 30 with the hopes of actually completing it this year. lol I would really like to go beyond my goal. We shall see.

Right now I'm on a Phillipa Gregory kick so I'm finishing up her Cousin's War series. I'm going to take a little break but then eventually finish up her Tudor Court series.

I plan on reading some classics, more Agatha Christie and I'm really in the mood to read some high fantasy books.

Phillipa Gregory is one of those authors I've never read. I know people really enjoy her books but I can never get past the 'history' element. Not one of my favourite genres. Welcome and good luck reaching your goal :)

My goal is 30 new books. I am going to attempt, for like the 5th time in my lifetime, to read...Les Mis. We shall see how it goes!

30 is a good number, added you to the list :)

I would like to join in again, as well. I didn't meet my goal in 2015, so I'm lowering the number of books. Put me down for 35 books. I just went back to teaching, so my time is more limited now, but I NEED to continue reading to keep my sanity. Reading papers by my 8th and 9th graders just doesn't always cut it for me!

I don't know of anything that I'm really looking forward to reading this year. I enjoy all types of books, and have a notebook full of titles that I've started working my way through. Hopefully, this year I'll make some progress!

Yes, I can imagine that 8th and 9th grade papers can be frustrating reading at times. Welcome :)

I followed the 2015 Challenge. I got many good book recommendations, so thank you.

Would love to join this year. Looking to read 75 books. Last year I read 81 that I can remember as I tried to keep a list.

I am really looking forward to Harlan Coben's new book that's due out in March!:yay:


I am looking forward to Harlan Coben's new one too. One of my favourite authors :thumbsup2 Welcome :)

I will join again this year. My goal for 2016: 15 books (went for 12 last year, ending up reading 14).

Favorite book of 2015: The Martian by Andy Weir

On my list of things to read this year: The Paladin Caper (currently reading), Between the World and Me, The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963, Heir to the Jedi, Weapon of a Jedi, Smuggler's Run, Moving Target, New Republic: Bloodlines, Aftermath: Life Debt, Brotherhood in Death.

My daughter's favourite book of 2015 was The Martian also. I ought to add that to my Kindle as we often like the same books. Added you to the list :)
Okay, I'm going to start my count. I started reading late on 31 December but didn't finish until 1/1 or 1/2. Here goes:

#1/#50: Boy in the Trees: A Memoir by Carly Simon. I definitely enjoyed this book. It got a little rambly and existential in some parts, but I found Carly Simon to be very down to earth and honest. Her details about her marriage to James Taylor were somewhat heartbreaking and I sense that she's still not quite over that one. Enjoyed her descriptions of Mick Jagger as well as her personal discussions on anxiety.

#2/#50: Pogue's Basics: Life: Essential Tips and Shortcuts (That No One Bothers to Tell You) for Simplifying Your Day by David Pogue. This was a *cute* easy read and actually had some good tips in there that I had never heard of. Since I'm in my 50s, I've heard or experienced many of these, but I keep thinking this might be a nice gift for someone just starting out on their own. The author also has a previous book on technological shortcuts and tips that I probably should be reading!

I just started All the Stars in the Heavens by Adriana Trigiani. Not sure entirely what it's about but seems to be about the Golden Age of Hollywood and is based on a true story (with a lot of fiction woven in).

You're off to a great start :thumbsup2 I absolutely adore Carly Simon so might have to add Boy in the Trees to my neverending list.

Book 1 of 15: Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp

Technically speaking, I started reading this late last year, but only finished it on Saturday, the 2nd.


Yes, another Star Wars book. This tells the story of a failed assassination attempt against Darth Vader and his master, the Emporer, in between the end of the Clone Wars and the beginning of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This is canon material, since it was published after the Marvel aquisition and story realignment. Cham Syndulla is not a new name to the Star Wars universe. He was seen several times in the tv series The Clone Wars, and his daughter Hera is a main character in the new Star Wars Rebels show.

4 out of 5.

Another one off the starting blocks :thumbsup2

I'm in. 2015 got away from me - both my goal and even keeping up with the thread! - but 2016 is looking to be a bit calmer with a little lighter workload. I have one full-time and one half-time semester left until I graduate, and no more 16 credit terms or accelerated summer classes. :) So I'm setting my goal at 52, to average one book a week.

I have a long to-read list, as usual, but nothing that is jumping out at me as something I'm really looking forward to. I just finished Pride & Prejudice & Zombies because I wanted to read it before the movie comes out, and I need to do the same with Allegiant because I never did get around to finishing that series. DD got Alice in Zombieland for Christmas so I'll probably read through that series with her, and I'm on the very long waiting list for Between the World and Me from the library.

Welcome aboard. I struggled to keep up with the thread last year so I know how it can get. Looking forward to having you along :)

I stopped posting my updates last year. I would like to join again this year, my goal will be 60 books.

My favorite book of 2015 was Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts simply because she got me so excited about this new trilogy in a way that has been missing for a while now.

I was hoping we'd finally get Winds of Winter this year but looks like it's not going to happen. :(

Books read so far in 2016:

#1 - Blood Kiss by JR Ward: I loved it! This is the first book in the new Black Dagger Legacy series, which is supposed to focus on the relationships, while Black Dagger Brotherhood continues the sprawling "family" saga. The relationships are what made the early BDB books so good so I am glad Ward is writing this.

#2 - The Bargain by Mary Jo Putney. Just okay. I didn't like the heroine very much, she seemed very cold and calculating even as she was falling in love with the hero and the explanations of why she acted this way felt very rushed and tacked on. I browsed some other titles by this author and the plots seem a bit too farfetched for my taste.

#3 - A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare. I liked this. To me it was more about establishing the characters and setting up future relationships for the rest of the series. Will continue the series.

Im going to join in as well - Ive no idea how many books I might read as Ive never done this before so will just set myself a low number of 20 but hopefully will read a lot more than that.

The first book Im going to read is one I borrowed months ago and got part way through and stopped - The Distant Hours by Kate Morton. I really enjoyed others Ive read by her so not sure why Ive not been able to finish this one but am going to start it again and see.

Im also looking forward to Jeffrey Archer's new book coming out in February - the next in his Clifton Chronicles series.

And Im also going to read at least one Harry Potter book as Ive never read any of them (or seen the movies) - yes really Im the person in the World who hasn't read Harry Potter.

Happy reading everyone :daisy:

Thanks for joining in :) I have never read any of Jeffrey Archer's books but, again, have got a couple on my 'to read' list. Maybe this year will be the year I actually read some of those on my list instead of downloading new ones :rotfl:

I have to ask: for all of you that manage to do 80-100 books a year, how do you do it? I'm in awe. I couldn't do 50 and I consider myself a pretty fast reader.

I figure that there are 52 weeks in a year and I can get through a book in about a week, unless it's something like Outlander, of course, which will take me awhile. I read about an hour a day which is all I have time for. Maybe that's it, I'm not reading enough? So how do you do it? Speedreading, reading several hours a day, short books?

I have often wondered this too. I am very envious - and yes, in awe - of people who can read that much/quickly. Even having just had two weeks off work at Christmas, I only read 3 books.
I would like in! My goal is 52. Hopefully that'll be obtainable.

I have no idea what I want to read right now. I have a ton I haven't gotten around to. Been in a reading funk for a few years now.
I would like in! My goal is 52. Hopefully that'll be obtainable.

I have no idea what I want to read right now. I have a ton I haven't gotten around to. Been in a reading funk for a few years now.

Welcome, thanks for joining in. My problem is I find books I want to read, download them and then read recommendations and download more. i really need to do some housekeeping on my Kindle. Right now I have well over 200 books in my 'to read' folder and there are probably some really great books in there too. I can't say I have been 'excited' about a book for a long time though, although I did read some good books the last couple of years.
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I would like to join in :)

My goal is to read one book a month - so 12 is my goal not including uni texts.
I have a lot of uni reading but need to make time to slot in some fun reads as well :)
I have to ask: for all of you that manage to do 80-100 books a year, how do you do it? I'm in awe. I couldn't do 50 and I consider myself a pretty fast reader.

I figure that there are 52 weeks in a year and I can get through a book in about a week, unless it's something like Outlander, of course, which will take me awhile. I read about an hour a day which is all I have time for. Maybe that's it, I'm not reading enough? So how do you do it? Speedreading, reading several hours a day, short books?

I always assumed really short books.
Last year I found myself reading more YA novels just to get through them quickly, so I won't be setting a specific goal, but will follow this thread and review what I read.
I'm going to aim for 15 books. I count audiobooks in that goal. I'm going to do a mix of fun and self-development books. I'm on the 2nd book in the Outlander series right now, so I'm looking forward to finishing that series.
I have to ask: for all of you that manage to do 80-100 books a year, how do you do it? I'm in awe. I couldn't do 50 and I consider myself a pretty fast reader.

I figure that there are 52 weeks in a year and I can get through a book in about a week, unless it's something like Outlander, of course, which will take me awhile. I read about an hour a day which is all I have time for. Maybe that's it, I'm not reading enough? So how do you do it? Speedreading, reading several hours a day, short books?

I read very quickly. I once picked up a book on developing faster reading skills from my mom's desk, in which the first chapter instructed readers to time themselves on a specific set of pages. It said the average reader would take 5 minutes, I took less than 2. Needless to say I didn't bother finishing that book! LOL

Also, probably 1/3 of my reading in any given year is young adult fiction and of course that goes faster than adult fiction and much faster than non-fiction. My 14yo daughter likes to have someone to talk to about her books, so I get a lot of suggestions from her, and English is my 17yo's weakest subject so I usually read the books on his required reading list along with him so I can answer any questions he has and help him with his assignments. And I tend to get a little obsessive when I start a story I really enjoy, so when I'm really into a book or series I spend every free minute on it.
I was hoping we'd finally get Winds of Winter this year but looks like it's not going to happen. :(

Me too! Between waiting for that one and for the next installment of the Outlander series, my patience is about at its limit! ;)
I definitely want to participate, I've a very avid reader! My goal is 50! And I can't think of a fave book from last year lol
I want to sign up again, but like several other posters, I'd like to keep my goal open-ended. We have a wedding (DGD's) and a 50th wedding anniversary celebration (mine!) to plan and carry out, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for pleasure reading.

My favorite book last year was "Come Rain or Come Shine" by Jan Karon. She writes the Mitford series about Father Tim Kavanaugh, an Episcopal priest serving in Mitford, a small town in North Carolina. I've read all the Mitford books, and this one had me sobbing with happiness for these people, whom I have come to adore.

The book I'm most looking forward to reading is "Dead Water: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania" by Erik Larson. Even if I wasn't already fascinated by WWI history, I'd want to read it simply to savor Larson's brilliant writing. He wrote, and I recommended several times on the previous two years' reading challenge threads, "In the Garden of Beasts," about the family of the US Ambassador to Germany living in Berlin at the start of WWII, "The Devil in the White City," about a serial killer in Chicago at the time the World's Fair was being constructed and how the two were connected, and "Thunderstruck," a story of the invention of the telegraph and its role in capturing a murderer trying to cross the Atlantic after a killing spree in England.

I got six books for Christmas and bought four more with a honkin' big book store gift card I received. I also downloaded three books to my new Kindle, including "Street Stalker" by Rainy Kirkland, the third of the Florida Heat mysteries and a book which (she said modestly) I just happened to edit. If you like mysteries, you may want to add this series to your reading list.

Happy Reading!

Queen Colleen
I'd love to join in this year. I found myself more than once last year coming back to this thread looking for some new book ideas, so I might as well participate. Can you put me down for 35 books? I've never tracked how many books I've read in a year, so I'm just guessing, but 35 sounds good. I've been in a huge YA kick lately and my favorite series in 2015 was the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas. My DD is just now starting to get into some YA series and I find it's nice to be ahead of the curve with her and know what she is reading.
Hello! I would like to join!!

I have a Goodreads goal of 35 books this year. I am currently reading Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon.

Last year I read 45 books and my favourite book of all of them was The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde. It's young teen fiction, but the author's voice is so addictive, that I ended up reading all of the books in the series (the last one is coming out this year!) and ended up buying more of his books (his other works are adult novels) when I see them at the used book stores.
May I join please? I've read these threads in the past but never participated, it's about time I joined in!

Could you set my goal to 30 please? It might be highly ambitious; just in the next 3 months we're moving house and I'll be giving birth to baby number 2, but I'll give it a shot!

DH bought me a $250 Barnes and Noble gift card for Christmas and I'm heading to the nearest store this afternoon to stock up. I'm so excited! I don't have anything in mind right now, just going to see what takes my fancy.


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