Yia-Yia, Yetis and Epcotonians. A sweltering Summer of '22 adventure!

We are staying at Coronado in November and your pictures are making me even more excited for our stay.

I feel you on the thousands spent on our kids teeth yet not having straight teeth myself. Lol.

I think you'll really enjoy it!

Some day I may spring for invisilgns.
Following along, as a fellow photographer (actually, just got back into it after many years away), I appreciate all the great photos you take. Getting me excited for the pictures I can take when we come next year.
Loving this! My oldest is just 17 but I already get weepy thinking of my kiddos all growing up, so I love seeing how much fun you’re having with adult kids. And yes, straight teeth is expensive!! Neither my hubby nor I had them as kids.
Following along, as a fellow photographer (actually, just got back into it after many years away), I appreciate all the great photos you take. Getting me excited for the pictures I can take when we come next year.

Thanks! We are becoming a rare breed at WDW. Enjoy your trip and photography!

Loving this! My oldest is just 17 but I already get weepy thinking of my kiddos all growing up, so I love seeing how much fun you’re having with adult kids. And yes, straight teeth is expensive!! Neither my hubby nor I had them as kids.

It's amazing how much they can change from teenagers to young adults!
Just binged through your report and joining in!

How nice your kids still want to travel with you! My two are just babies, so I can only hope they still want to go to Disney with me when they are grown even if DH can't go!

"I spent $5,000 for you to have a beautiful smile so let me see it!"
It is funny you said this, I noticed how stunning your kids teeth are and I am quite jealous!
Following Along! And all caught up!

1) The "WALL" people as we started calling them. Groups of 4 or more that decide the best way to go through the busy parks is to go shoulder to shoulder, forming a single wall that makes it near impossible to pass or forces oncoming traffic to squeeze to the side to let through this privileged group. It's like they are auditioning for those dramatic shots you see in movies. Think "Cherry Bomb" scene in Guardians of the Galaxy 1.

No more than three across seems like a good rule to me.
This is so annoying! And I say 2, 2 across.

2) The "FREEZE" people. Groups or people that are moving along at a good clip then someone just stops dead and calls for the rest to do the same instead of pulling off to the side to regroup. It's the same a a car hitting the brakes on a busy highway. Jams and Pileups ensue behind them. People dash to either side to avoid collisions but then risk head-ons with opposing traffic! I admit to being guilty of this on rare occasion but it seems like it was a constant thing on this trip.
We have done this, but usually realize quickly what we did and try to move over. But sometimes it's hard to do!!!!

While in line I tried to bag another Lightning Lane but nothing we were interested in was available. Tower of Terror had no availability, or Slinky Dog or Smugglers Run. We were planning to hop to AK later so I booked Navi River just to have something. I wasn't too thrilled with Genie + at that moment.
i am luke warm about Genie+

Kylo and his troopers were out and about. Toni, who has just recently started to get into Star Wars, said "Hi mean Star Wars guy."
I wonder how much of that they get.

It was terrific to see this show was back and even more so to see how much Sterg and Toni enjoyed it!
It is a great show! I would say it is underrated but it sounds like it has full shows, so maybe not?

Buh Bye! Which we repeated about 20 times after the ride
We quote that all the time!

The biggest downside it the lack of balcony which is a shame because we had a nice view over the lake.
This is true. We really missed having a place to sit outside.

Sterg and I did our barefoot walk in the hallway and despite how great Gran Destino Tower looks, it's carpets are way behind the Yacht Club and Contemporary as far as plushness and foot massage effectiveness.
We love to do this as well!

Speaking of "real cameras" I was actively looking for someone else like me that was lugging around a dedicated mirrorless camera or DSLR. Day 1 I saw exactly zero other people. Day 2 just one and for the rest of the trip only 2 others. This is in stark contrast to when i bought my first mirrorless camera for our 2011 trip. It seemed that at least every other "group" had at least one person with a "real" camera.
We stopped bringing our big camera a few trips ago. Phones are just so easy if you aren't looking to be serious about it.

Standing is line gave Sterg and Toni an opportunity to update their Social Media feed. Just when I think I'm caught up on their latest sharing apps I realize I'm at least two behind. Last trip is was a lot of Snapchat and Ticktock. This trip Ticktock is still a thing and now there's something called "be real" and something else that is a compilation of mini videos showing how you get through a day
I have not heard of Be Real... But I am old I guess. And my girls are not into social media yet.

Escape Hatch! Inside here is were I thought the fisheye would shine.

I don't think I have noticed the Emergency Escape Hatch before! Probably too busy seeing what my score is.
Wish I could post all photos of my old trips like I used to in these old threads. For some reason after I paid for photobucket membership I lost access to everything so I ended up closing my account.

That is an awesome shot.

Just binged through your report and joining in!

How nice your kids still want to travel with you! My two are just babies, so I can only hope they still want to go to Disney with me when they are grown even if DH can't go!

It is funny you said this, I noticed how stunning your kids teeth are and I am quite jealous!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy the time with them now, it will go quickly!

Yes, looks like I at least got my money's worth at the orthodontist. 😄
Following Along! And all caught up!

This is so annoying! And I say 2, 2 across.

We have done this, but usually realize quickly what we did and try to move over. But sometimes it's hard to do!!!!

i am luke warm about Genie+

I wonder how much of that they get.

It is a great show! I would say it is underrated but it sounds like it has full shows, so maybe not?

We quote that all the time!

This is true. We really missed having a place to sit outside.

We love to do this as well!

We stopped bringing our big camera a few trips ago. Phones are just so easy if you aren't looking to be serious about it.

I have not heard of Be Real... But I am old I guess. And my girls are not into social media yet.

I don't think I have noticed the Emergency Escape Hatch before! Probably too busy seeing what my score is.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

I'm sure by our next trip it will be a different social media app!
The rain started to slow so we left the protection of the MK bus stop to hunt for familiar faces. I noticed the monorail started to move so I assumed that they were now running and it would be an easy ride to the Poly. Just then I saw my brother-in-law Bill and his son Aidan. Bill was a chemistry major in college, worked as a scientist and was now running a small digital marketing company. His son Aidan took after his Dad and is majoring in Bio-engineering at Bucknell. They were both talking to a CM trying to direct traffic. We came over and said our hellos and I suggested the monorail. The CM said it would be an hour or more before they started to run. He recommended the big boat to the Transportation Center and then a walk to Poly. By the look of the crowd waiting for said boat, that would take over an hour.

"Where's Marina and the rest of the gang?"

"They're coming."
Bill replied. "We ran ahead to see how we would get to dinner."

"How about the small boats that go directly to the Poly?"
I asked the CM.

"They stopped running. Not sure when they'll stop."

As we started walking closer to the park exit I saw one of those boat heading to the MK dock. "We can hop on that." I explained.

A few minutes later we spotted Marina, Courtney and Mia and Yia-Yia in her scooter. They were all soaked. The kids ran up to greet Yia-Yia and I briefed Marina on our plan. After taking off our shoes, walking through heavy flooding and Yia-Yia scooter looking more like a boat we were on Seven Seas Lake in a crowded craft heading to the Grand Floridian, then the Polynesian.

We were seated within 10 minutes but the AC and wet clothing were not suiting Yia-Yia. Nobody was carrying a jacket and I offered to get her a sweatshirt but our very attentive and excellent waiter brought over several serving towels and placed them on her shoulders. We all laughed and she thanked him by grabbing him by the neck and pulling him in for a kiss and words of appreciation.

He then promptly brought us our salad and bread...


And a very stiff drink Yia-Yia requested.


It was the start of a memorable dinner.
YiaYia loved having her grandchildren around her.


Sterg, Bill and I were glad there was food around us.


Speaking of the food, it was plentiful but not as good as previous times. Everything was serving in cast iron pots family style. No more skewers of meat coming to the table and individually served. The steak was overcooked, smothered in a bbq type sauce and on the tough side. I wasn't a fan of the wings (vs. last time in 2017 when they were excellent) but I did enjoy the chicken thighs which made up the majority of my meal. The star of the evening was our waiter. He hit it off with YiaYia and they had a number of wonderful back and forths. I wish I remember his name. He also brought the table some delicious fruit juice of his own making which we all enjoyed! Yia-Yia ordered another drink and I was starting to worry, but she was having a great time with her own ohana at Ohana!




One of the greatest waiters ever brought dessert and poured the sauce himself...


and then brought Yia-Yia her own tray of dessert samplers!



He agree to take a photo of our crew and got a great shot! YiaYia up front with Mia, Courtney, Marina and Toni in the middle row; Myself, Bill, Sterg and Aidan in the back. The cost of the meal was crazy and from a culinary viewpoint was a disappointment but we all left there with little room in our stomachs and plenty of smiles on our faces.


Team Marina decided to go back to the resort to freshen up before (maybe) heading back to MK. We said our goodbye's and made our way to the monorail. I was especially excited to be at MK at night especially with the tripod attached to my camera bag.

Up Next - A great night in MK and I'm back shooting fireworks!
Sterg, Toni and I left the Poly and hopped the monorail for MK.

Ready for our Magic Kingdom nightcap!


Then some pics in front...




Then with my camera...


The 2/3rds were cracking up at this photo. They said I looked like a little boy going to school with his backpack.


My school had one class - taking better photos at WDW with the 14mm and I was starting to aces the quizes that I failed the day before.




While still warm and muggy, the night sky brought relief and comfort the day time sky could not give. With the lights on and the sky's darkening the atmosphere in the Magic Kingdom was indeed becoming magical.


The little LED light cube gave me just enough light!




I didn't know it at the time but I was in the midst of a wonderful time of photography, rides, fun and laughs at Magic Kingdom on the evening of July 16th 2022.
Our lightning lane was BTMRR so off we went!

Some shots on the way...



For this shot I was able to find a stable base on a post along the walkway. It was a 4 second exposure, F/7.1 at ISO 100. I was getting my groove back.


I decided to put the camera away and just enjoy BTMRR with Sterg and Toni. The 2/3rds decided to remind me/educate my on a SpongeBob Squarepants episode where everything was better "at night". It became our mantra going forward when the sun set at Disney...

Toni decided to pick up my slack and record our spin on "at night"...

From there I took them to check off a family tradition and have a great time at it!


If you've read any of my previous Trip Reports you may remember that one of my fondest childhood memories was shooting away with my late Father at the Walt Disney World shooting gallery. I remember not only how much fun I had but how much he had during our 1976 trip. Since then I've gone to the Shooting Gallery to remember those times and my Dad even if it was closed as it was in 2020. But on this night the Shooting Gallery was open and was buzzing! Most of the rifles were actually free to shoot so no more scrambling for quarters. I told the story to Sterg and Toni again and they really started to get into it!


We kept shooting for a good 15-20 minutes and had a grand 'ol time in honor of Sterg's namesake.


Good shooting kids!


What's next?


Next up - Haunted Mansion and some of the best photos I've taken!
Your kids are gorgeous and you can tell their teeth are perfect so your investment paid off! They remind me of my own "kids," especially your daughter with the tik toks and social media!

We were seated within 10 minutes but the AC and wet clothing were not suiting Yia-Yia. Nobody was carrying a jacket and I offered to get her a sweatshirt but our very attentive and excellent waiter brought over several serving towels and placed them on her shoulders. We all laughed and she thanked him by grabbing him by the neck and pulling him in for a kiss and words of appreciation.

Oh, such a sweet story! What a great cast interaction!

Since then I've gone to the Shooting Gallery to remember those times and my Dad even if it was closed as it was in 2020. But on this night the Shooting Gallery was open and was buzzing! Most of the rifles were actually free to shoot so no more scrambling for quarters. I told the story to Sterg and Toni again and they really started to get into it!

The shooting gallery has been a favorite of ours since my DS fell in love with it in 2006. We had to bring a rifle home from there which was tricky to get on the plane...and this was before 9/11 so I'm sure it would have been impossible after! I'll have to check and see if he still has that thing lying around somewhere!
I love Haunted Mansion - another thing that likely goes back to my first trip to WDW. I remember this ride more than any other - my 9 year old self truly believed I was seeing real ghosts. Surprisingly my kids are luke warm on the ride. Regardless, we became foolish mortals on that night and entered the Mansion. I had the camera out for this one and took full advantage of the light sucking ability of the 50mm f/1.2.


I am your host. Your ghost host.



Toni and Sterg grabbed their own doombuggy and I went solo right behind them.


Incredible details...


A more corruptible state...or not.


One of the greatest ghost writers...




The Hallway, at least in my opinion, is the creepiest part.



The M.C. Esher stairs. Try getting this shot with your dumb Iphones 2/3rds...



Somebody's watching me.



I think this guy needed a grave alarm.

Your kids are gorgeous and you can tell their teeth are perfect so your investment paid off! They remind me of my own "kids," especially your daughter with the tik toks and social media!

Oh, such a sweet story! What a great cast interaction!

The shooting gallery has been a favorite of ours since my DS fell in love with it in 2006. We had to bring a rifle home from there which was tricky to get on the plane...and this was before 9/11 so I'm sure it would have been impossible after! I'll have to check and see if he still has that thing lying around somewhere!

LOL! thanks @buzzrelly ! I guess the investment paid off!

Our waiter was great!

I bet it would be near impossible to take a toy rifle on a flight!

Thanks for continuing to follow and comment; it's very much appreciated! 🙂

The photography in this trip report is wonderful! I'm enjoying it so much. Thank you for sharing @fractal !

Thanks @Walk This Way !
You take the on ride pictures I dream of taking. Thank you for sharing. I am enjoying your trip report immensely.

Thank you @MikeWsGirl !


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