Welcome to the CAROUSEL of PROGRESS challenge for December 2015!!

Hey all! No time to chat, but I'll have time to check back with you all from school! TTYL...............P

I have never seen a Disney Christmas parade - it is not on TV here in Germany. :tilt: But I saw a little bit of it being filmed last year on a very rainy day in the MK. It was some Disney Channel singers performing. That did NOT excite me!! However, I loved the Christmas parade that is going on during the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! Not as good as the Halloween parade, but very enjoyable!

No special activity today as I am still battling the cough. I did my usual walk to work and then had to get somewhere during my lunch break where I decided to walk, too. So, I am already at 12000 steps for the day!!
runDisney events are awesome! I'm doing my first 10K in January, and from what I hear people seem to really love the Disney 10Ks. Plus, with proper training, hopefully you can get to a good pace where you can stop for lots of characters and pictures!

Nice! Good for you on the 10K in January. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it once it's over, but it's great to know that the 10K races seem to be a hit with folks. Good luck with your training for January! I bet you're getting to the point of being pretty excited. :)

And I'm glad that the eday with your sister ended up being a good day overall! Yay!

My plan is to:
  1. Actually follow my plan.

Seriously - this is the best plan ever. I laughed out loud when I read this because I totally understand. lol So thank you.

As in today I ate more than I wanted to for dinner, but that doesn't mean I all out binged on a dessert. I adjusted to no dessert and moved on. I'm also refusing to let work stress get to me this month. When I walk out of work, work is done.

Hey, adjusting is a great thing! You did awesomely! And it can be hard to let work go at the end of the day, but bravo for you giving it a go. We'll cheer you on. :D

No special activity today as I am still battling the cough. I did my usual walk to work and then had to get somewhere during my lunch break where I decided to walk, too. So, I am already at 12000 steps for the day!!

I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. :( I hope that you rest up and get to feeling better soon. However, even though you're sick, you're still doing something. That's pretty awesome, so go you!

What are you going to do today to get UP AND MOVE!?? Do you have a walk/run/exercise class scheduled? Maybe you'll grab your favorite pooch and take a good long hike? Share today's exercise plan!

My "up and move" is walking into work from my new parking lot which is about a 10 minute walk from my building. It's not a lot, but I'm still dealing with the virus and feeling like all my energy is sapped. Nothing special today. Hope to jump back into the "real" exercise this weekend.

Have a good day, everyone!
Um..... OMGOSH!!!! Amazing wedding pictures! TOTALLY outstanding!! I can see why you choose that spot! You (and DH) look amazing!! Thank you for sharing!!.........P

Those pictures are amazing! You guys look incredible and so happy, and the setting is so beautiful.

OMG those photos are gorgeous! I love everything about the elopement, the site, the photos.... And I never use OMG!

Thanks y'all!

Expect pic spam of FOUR Croque Glaces. All of us will order them and I'll make sure to have their sammiches pose for a picture.
(Croque Glace is the evil villain to our weight loss story, for real!)

I'm so ticked and pleased with myself all at the same time regarding these darn things..... As we were leaving Epcot last weekend, DH says "I'm proud you didn't get that ice cream thing you've been talking about" WHAT?! I had totally forgotten being in my Disney bubble.... So I guess it's on my list for January since we won't be going to Epcot next trip. How on Earth could I have forgotten about those? But I guess it's good I did!


Dec 3, 2010:

Filming for Disney's Christmas Day Parade takes place at Walt Disney World with host Ryan Seacrest and singer Mariah Carey.

(Were any of you there for that???) I don't know about you, but I am kind of lukewarm on the Disney Christmas Day parades. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I don't. That being said, the Mariah Carey version of “All I Want for Christmas” sung in the MK is a favorite of mine! It makes me want to get up and dance!

What are you going to do today to get UP AND MOVE!?? Do you have a walk/run/exercise class scheduled? Maybe you'll grab your favorite pooch and take a good long hike? Share today's exercise plan!

Me too! I love that song and mainly end up bouncing around in the car and annoying DH when it comes on the radio during the holidays-- mix that with MK and I'm all for it. The parade on the other hand, not a big deal for me. If we happen to be doing nothing on Christmas morning and end up watching it, it's neat. But we certainly don't make it a point like we do the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

As for moving today, no super workouts planned today. Thursday is the day I volunteer at a local cat shelter (yes, there is another peek into my crazy cat lady world -- first Marie, now this... I guess the secret is out!). But it's funny on Thursdays, my steps are way up from walking around and playing with the cats so that's my mini exercise planned for today! LOL!
That's what I did! I have my races planned for Disney - Doing the 10K for Tink and Avengers, but doing the 5K for Disneyland because my dad wants to run the race with me and I promised that as his 65th birthday gift that I'd help him cross that item off his bucket list.

I'm doing 5K & 10K in Florida in January (Marathon Weekend), and then hopefully I'll be able to do 5K & Half at Disneyland. I'm planning on the DL Half as my first half ... and I'm already freaking out about it, even though it's like 10 months away.

(Were any of you there for that???) I don't know about you, but I am kind of lukewarm on the Disney Christmas Day parades. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I don't. That being said, the Mariah Carey version of “All I Want for Christmas” sung in the MK is a favorite of mine! It makes me want to get up and dance!

My grandfather likes to tell people that he got his winter coat from Mariah Carey (he got it with a gift card she gave him for Christmas one year - he used to man the VIP elevator at her record company, so her saw her a lot). That said ... I don't usually watch the Disney Christmas parades. I have minimal interest in them. When I do watch a few minutes, they don't really catch my attention.

What are you going to do today to get UP AND MOVE!?? Do you have a walk/run/exercise class scheduled? Maybe you'll grab your favorite pooch and take a good long hike? Share today's exercise plan!

I went for a run this morning - 30 minutes, 2.59 miles. I'm going to be in Manhattan later today, so I may also take some time to walk around and look at some Christmas decorations (I always love the Macy's windows, so I'm hoping I'll feel up to walking the 8-9 blocks from where I'll be to Macy's).

No special activity today as I am still battling the cough. I did my usual walk to work and then had to get somewhere during my lunch break where I decided to walk, too. So, I am already at 12000 steps for the day!!

Sorry to hear you're still battling the cough! Drink lots of fluids and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!
@SarahDisney I can say Disney races are the first best races to have!! You have all your normal butterflies and worries and then you get in your corral and you're like omg I'm at Disney there is no way I can't crush this and have an awesome time! So that first half will be awesome by default. It sounds like you had a great run this morning!

Dec 3, 2010:

What are you going to do today to get UP AND MOVE!?? Do you have a walk/run/exercise class scheduled? Maybe you'll grab your favorite pooch and take a good long hike? Share today's exercise plan!

Tonight is my MBA group's big practice run-through of our two projects. Disneyland India looks to be fairly solid and the AMC/Regal presentation is fairly straight forward. Just want to be done already! Unfortunately because it's run-through night, there's limited time to exercise. I'm going to see if I can maybe do "double laps" during my morning and afternoon walks so compensate. So far I'm 2/2 on making my step goal every day for the month.

As we were leaving Epcot last weekend, DH says "I'm proud you didn't get that ice cream thing you've been talking about" WHAT?! I had totally forgotten being in my Disney bubble...

That is too funny! We completely forgot about it during our trip last year. We were going to get it during our first of two EPCOT days last year and we pushed it to day two instead... and we bypassed France completely without thinking. Haha.

I'm doing 5K & 10K in Florida in January (Marathon Weekend), and then hopefully I'll be able to do 5K & Half at Disneyland. I'm planning on the DL Half as my first half ... and I'm already freaking out about it, even though it's like 10 months away.

That's exactly how I feel about Tinkerbell 10K. I know it's only 6 miles but I am so scared of the sweepers and being picked up for being too slow. I guess that's why we train, right? :)

@SarahDisney I can say Disney races are the first best races to have!! You have all your normal butterflies and worries and then you get in your corral and you're like omg I'm at Disney there is no way I can't crush this and have an awesome time! So that first half will be awesome by default. It sounds like you had a great run this morning!

I think this is a great perspective for the 10K too. All of us out there that are trying a longer course for the first time will have nervous excitement and when we get to the course we'll feel amazing and as though we can crush it!
Hello everyone!

Waiting on one last student to finish up her writing, but then I only have one more class to teach this semester! Holy crap!

My exercise today was an hour walk before work. I've been getting up early to get more steps in, and I'm really enjoying the quiet time before the day starts. Plus, I usually have 6-7,000 steps before 8:00am, so that's a plus :)

I'm trying again with Couch to 5k - I have some back issues, so running and I are sometimes not the best partners. But I love the idea of a runDisney race, and running burns calories faster than walking does :P So I'm seeing where it goes this time and trying to remember to take it easy if I need to :)
Dec 2

As usual, our first week will involve getting to know more about each other and ourselves! Tell us about your GOAL for this month and your PLAN to make PROGRESS on that goal! ( I noticed many of you did this yesterday when you introduced yourself.... that's great... you're ahead of schedule!) Also tell us how you came up with the username that you use here on the Dis!!!

And to know a bit more about Disney.....


Marc Davis begins working as an apprentice animator at the Walt Disney Studio. He would go on to become one of Walt's "Nine Old Men" and create such memorable Disney characters as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Tinker Bell and Cruella de Vil! He also had a hand in helping to design all four of Disney's 1964 New York World's Fair attractions - Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, The Carousel of Progress, Magic Skyways and "it's a small world".

I am legitimately horrible at coming up with names for things, so thankfully I've never been asked to name anything official. My username is pretty straightforward - it's a reference to Jack & Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm 98% sure I was listening to "I Miss You" by Blink 182 when I was registering to post on The Dis (after a long time of lurking), and I am 100% sure I was having trouble coming up with something to use, and there is a line in that song that says "We can live like Jack 'n' Sally if you want", so I thought "why not?" Of course, I have long since regretted not using TheRedhead (as in the redhead from POTC, because I am a redhead) as my user name, but to create it now I'd have to abandon this account and thus lose my post count and my 8-year-member status, and for whatever reason I don't want to do that! Haha.

On Instagram and email and various other places, I'm even less creative and just use variations of my name, with the exception of Twitter/Periscope, where I'm Peaches3458 (and totally not worth the follow - I RARELY post on Twitter and NEVER Periscope myself). Peaches is my DH's nickname for me and has been his name for me since the day we met, 7 years ago. Why? Because I love peaches. Haha.


Dec 3, 2010:

Filming for Disney's Christmas Day Parade takes place at Walt Disney World with host Ryan Seacrest and singer Mariah Carey.

(Were any of you there for that???) I don't know about you, but I am kind of lukewarm on the Disney Christmas Day parades. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I don't. That being said, the Mariah Carey version of “All I Want for Christmas” sung in the MK is a favorite of mine! It makes me want to get up and dance!

What are you going to do today to get UP AND MOVE!?? Do you have a walk/run/exercise class scheduled? Maybe you'll grab your favorite pooch and take a good long hike? Share today's exercise plan!

I'm not really big on the day parades in general! Though, Festival of Fantasy is really impressive, I will fully admit. I've never been during the parade taping - we always try to avoid busy events like that. I usually watch on Christmas Day, though, if we're able to in between travelling. I'll be watching Disney Parks Blog's livestream coverage of the Christmas party this Sunday night! Anyone else?

Nothing exciting planned for today. I didn't sleep very well last night, and I've been going back to sleep in the mornings after DH goes to work, but I wasn't able to this morning, so I'm really feeling it right now. A nap is definitely on the agenda, haha. I've got plans to be uber-productive and tackle some cleaning and organization projects today, so we will see how far I get in those. I need to sit down and work on some listings using the materials I already have on hand, too. Amazon had a great price on a Silhouette bundle this weekend so I ordered it and am just waiting for it to come in, but I've got some stuff here I can work on in the meantime.

For everyone who's asked, the plan for my Etsy is for it be a variety of handcrafted gifts and accessories - vinyl decals, personalized homegoods (glassware & ceramics), bows/headbands and tutus for kids and adults (later on I may add shirts and onesies), and personalized signs/home decor (though, those may wait until later to be introduced). I do so many different crafts that I'm kind of struggling with an overall shop identity to unify everything, and am nervous that I might be planning to do too much - but at the same time I hate to NOT offer something that I know I can do and then miss out on that opportunity... I go back and forth between being Disney-specific or just having Disney-related items. If there's anything any of you would like to see, let me know and I will make it happen! Going back to the previous QOTD, I have a hard time deciding on a name for it. RIght now I'm just planning to go with MSL Creative... which is decidedly pretty UN-creative, lol.

Got our Christmas cards finished up last night and in the mailbox this morning, so yay for that! I love sending out cards but I'm always sad that fewer and fewer people do it anymore... We rarely get cards. Last year we got 4, and I sent out 40. Granted, I 10,000% do not send out cards just in hopes of getting one in return. It's just something I think is fun, and I love getting non-junk mail, so I'm sad that it seems to be falling by the wayside. Or maybe I just need new friends, haha. Am I the only one here that does Christmas cards?
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Got our Christmas cards finished up last night and in the mailbox this morning, so yay for that! I love sending out cards but I'm always sad that fewer and fewer people do it anymore... We rarely get cards. Last year we got 4, and I sent out 40. Granted, I 10,000% do not send out cards just in hopes of getting one in return. It's just something I think is fun, and I love getting non-junk mail, so I'm sad that it seems to be falling by the wayside. Or maybe I just need new friends, haha. Am I the only one here that does Christmas cards?

No, I love sending Christmas cards! I feel a little odd in that this year I am sending photo cards of just me and my husband.... but whatever. I feel like that is something people with kids do. But I'm vain so they are getting pictures of us! (Who am I kidding... I sent one of our cat one year just because!)

We only get about 10 really, but I still love sending them and getting creative coming up with the picture and what to say. This year, I am pretty sure only like 5% of my card receiving base will "get" our card, being that I took our picture as us dressed up as Mary Poppins and Burt from the Jingle Jungle 5K and said Wishing you a Jolly Holiday that's practically perfect in every way- Have a Merry "Poppins" Christmas! Seriously wasted on mine and DH's family, but I love it :rotfl::santa:

I have never seen a Disney Christmas parade - it is not on TV here in Germany. :tilt: But I saw a little bit of it being filmed last year on a very rainy day in the MK. It was some Disney Channel singers performing. That did NOT excite me!! However, I loved the Christmas parade that is going on during the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! Not as good as the Halloween parade, but very enjoyable!

No special activity today as I am still battling the cough. I did my usual walk to work and then had to get somewhere during my lunch break where I decided to walk, too. So, I am already at 12000 steps for the day!!

Well.... if you ever want to check out a Disney Christmas parade on Youtube, look for the one from 2013 with Neil Patrick Harris..... his opening number is WORTH MONEY! I don't even care about the rest of the show.... I just open the link and hit play and sing along and SMILE!

Like I said in the QOTD, several years ago Mariah Carey did "All I Want for Christmas" in front of Cinderella Castle and it became an INSTANT holiday classic for me!

Never had the priviledge of attending a party event.... but maybe someday!

My sore throat turned into laryngitis which has turned into a bit of a head cold, so I'm coughing too.... but at least it really isn't keeping me up at night! Hope you feel better soon!

My "up and move" is walking into work from my new parking lot which is about a 10 minute walk from my building. It's not a lot, but I'm still dealing with the virus and feeling like all my energy is sapped. Nothing special today. Hope to jump back into the "real" exercise this weekend.

Have a good day, everyone!

Sometimes just a LITTLE is enough!

Thanks y'all!

I'm so ticked and pleased with myself all at the same time regarding these darn things..... As we were leaving Epcot last weekend, DH says "I'm proud you didn't get that ice cream thing you've been talking about" WHAT?! I had totally forgotten being in my Disney bubble.... So I guess it's on my list for January since we won't be going to Epcot next trip. How on Earth could I have forgotten about those? But I guess it's good I did!

But maybe they were meant to be forgotten.... save something special for next time!

Me too! I love that song and mainly end up bouncing around in the car and annoying DH when it comes on the radio during the holidays-- mix that with MK and I'm all for it. The parade on the other hand, not a big deal for me. If we happen to be doing nothing on Christmas morning and end up watching it, it's neat. But we certainly don't make it a point like we do the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

As for moving today, no super workouts planned today. Thursday is the day I volunteer at a local cat shelter (yes, there is another peek into my crazy cat lady world -- first Marie, now this... I guess the secret is out!). But it's funny on Thursdays, my steps are way up from walking around and playing with the cats so that's my mini exercise planned for today! LOL!

I love kitties.... I could totally volunteer at a cat shelter! I too, have the grand goal of becoming a "crazy cat lady" someday!

We don't tend to watch the parade either.... it is just background noise while we enjoy Christmas morning!

I'm doing 5K & 10K in Florida in January (Marathon Weekend), and then hopefully I'll be able to do 5K & Half at Disneyland. I'm planning on the DL Half as my first half ... and I'm already freaking out about it, even though it's like 10 months away.

WOOHOO.... I'd love to have something FUN to freak out about like that!

My grandfather likes to tell people that he got his winter coat from Mariah Carey (he got it with a gift card she gave him for Christmas one year - he used to man the VIP elevator at her record company, so her saw her a lot). That said ... I don't usually watch the Disney Christmas parades. I have minimal interest in them. When I do watch a few minutes, they don't really catch my attention.

I think that Disney should be paying attention here...... if all of these Disney lovers don't like the parade, then maybe something needs to change!!

I went for a run this morning - 30 minutes, 2.59 miles. I'm going to be in Manhattan later today, so I may also take some time to walk around and look at some Christmas decorations (I always love the Macy's windows, so I'm hoping I'll feel up to walking the 8-9 blocks from where I'll be to Macy's).

Sorry to hear you're still battling the cough! Drink lots of fluids and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!

SO jealous you get to enjoy NYC during the holidays! I have a post coming up in a few days that talks about a Christmas memory I have of NYC.

Hello everyone!

Waiting on one last student to finish up her writing, but then I only have one more class to teach this semester! Holy crap!

My exercise today was an hour walk before work. I've been getting up early to get more steps in, and I'm really enjoying the quiet time before the day starts. Plus, I usually have 6-7,000 steps before 8:00am, so that's a plus :)

I'm trying again with Couch to 5k - I have some back issues, so running and I are sometimes not the best partners. But I love the idea of a runDisney race, and running burns calories faster than walking does :P So I'm seeing where it goes this time and trying to remember to take it easy if I need to :)

Wowza.... one more class!! Take care of your back though..... running is great, but no need to incapacitate yourself!

I am legitimately horrible at coming up with names for things, so thankfully I've never been asked to name anything official. My username is pretty straightforward - it's a reference to Jack & Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm 98% sure I was listening to "I Miss You" by Blink 182 when I was registering to post on The Dis (after a long time of lurking), and I am 100% sure I was having trouble coming up with something to use, and there is a line in that song that says "We can live like Jack 'n' Sally if you want", so I thought "why not?" Of course, I have long since regretted not using TheRedhead (as in the redhead from POTC, because I am a redhead) as my user name, but to create it now I'd have to abandon this account and thus lose my post count and my 8-year-member status, and for whatever reason I don't want to do that! Haha.

I'm with you on not wanting to lose my "status" here.... I've wished for a long time they would have just ONE DAY where you could change your name without losing your start date and post count! I hate my user name.... but who knew when I first logged in MANY years ago to research a trip that I would STILL be here in 2015!! I think I joined about 3-4 Disney boards right at that time.... I immediately dropped a few because there was no information or the other participants weren't friendly. I stuck with this one and TalkDisney for a while, but that other board was just too quiet for me!

On Instagram and email and various other places, I'm even less creative and just use variations of my name, with the exception of Twitter/Periscope, where I'm Peaches3458 (and totally not worth the follow - I RARELY post on Twitter and NEVER Periscope myself). Peaches is my DH's nickname for me and has been his name for me since the day we met, 7 years ago. Why? Because I love peaches. Haha.


I'm not really big on the day parades in general! Though, Festival of Fantasy is really impressive, I will fully admit. I've never been during the parade taping - we always try to avoid busy events like that. I usually watch on Christmas Day, though, if we're able to in between travelling. I'll be watching Disney Parks Blog's livestream coverage of the Christmas party this Sunday night! Anyone else?

(underlining is mine)...OOhhhh..... maybe I'll add that to my schedule!!

Nothing exciting planned for today. I didn't sleep very well last night, and I've been going back to sleep in the mornings after DH goes to work, but I wasn't able to this morning, so I'm really feeling it right now. A nap is definitely on the agenda, haha. I've got plans to be uber-productive and tackle some cleaning and organization projects today, so we will see how far I get in those. I need to sit down and work on some listings using the materials I already have on hand, too. Amazon had a great price on a Silhouette bundle this weekend so I ordered it and am just waiting for it to come in, but I've got some stuff here I can work on in the meantime.

For everyone who's asked, the plan for my Etsy is for it be a variety of handcrafted gifts and accessories - vinyl decals, personalized homegoods (glassware & ceramics), bows/headbands and tutus for kids and adults (later on I may add shirts and onesies), and personalized signs/home decor (though, those may wait until later to be introduced). I do so many different crafts that I'm kind of struggling with an overall shop identity to unify everything, and am nervous that I might be planning to do too much - but at the same time I hate to NOT offer something that I know I can do and then miss out on that opportunity... I go back and forth between being Disney-specific or just having Disney-related items. If there's anything any of you would like to see, let me know and I will make it happen! Going back to the previous QOTD, I have a hard time deciding on a name for it. RIght now I'm just planning to go with MSL Creative... which is decidedly pretty UN-creative, lol.

Got our Christmas cards finished up last night and in the mailbox this morning, so yay for that! I love sending out cards but I'm always sad that fewer and fewer people do it anymore... We rarely get cards. Last year we got 4, and I sent out 40. Granted, I 10,000% do not send out cards just in hopes of getting one in return. It's just something I think is fun, and I love getting non-junk mail, so I'm sad that it seems to be falling by the wayside. Or maybe I just need new friends, haha. Am I the only one here that does Christmas cards?

I haven't sent cards in a few years..... I always feel like it needs to be a special handmade card and of course I often run out of time. I do have a few ideas that DD and I could buckle down and pound out in a few hours so I haven't totally given up on the idea of cards this year! I saw the picture of yours.... LOVELY!!

If you are still trying to come up with an idea for a name, let me know. DD is SUPER creative with things like that!

No, I love sending Christmas cards! I feel a little odd in that this year I am sending photo cards of just me and my husband.... but whatever. I feel like that is something people with kids do. But I'm vain so they are getting pictures of us! (Who am I kidding... I sent one of our cat one year just because!)

We only get about 10 really, but I still love sending them and getting creative coming up with the picture and what to say. This year, I am pretty sure only like 5% of my card receiving base will "get" our card, being that I took our picture as us dressed up as Mary Poppins and Burt from the Jingle Jungle 5K and said Wishing you a Jolly Holiday that's practically perfect in every way- Have a Merry "Poppins" Christmas! Seriously wasted on mine and DH's family, but I love it :rotfl::santa:

LOOOOOVVEEE that idea! I'm putting it aside for another year!!


Okay..... they changed me around here at school, so I wasn't near a computer this morning, so I'm just catching up now. I'll try to pop on later tonight, but I'm going Christmas shopping after school and then will head straight to DS's robotics meeting and then home by 9pm, so no promises!.....................P
No, I love sending Christmas cards! I feel a little odd in that this year I am sending photo cards of just me and my husband.... but whatever. I feel like that is something people with kids do. But I'm vain so they are getting pictures of us! (Who am I kidding... I sent one of our cat one year just because!)

We only get about 10 really, but I still love sending them and getting creative coming up with the picture and what to say. This year, I am pretty sure only like 5% of my card receiving base will "get" our card, being that I took our picture as us dressed up as Mary Poppins and Burt from the Jingle Jungle 5K and said Wishing you a Jolly Holiday that's practically perfect in every way- Have a Merry "Poppins" Christmas! Seriously wasted on mine and DH's family, but I love it :rotfl::santa:

That is SUCH a cute theme!! Oh my goodness. I haven't done any real THEMES yet, but I am BIG on coordinating. Our cards coordinate with our wrapping paper every year, which is kind of silly because 99% of the card recipients won't ever see our wrapping paper so they have no idea. But it makes me feel good! Haha. One year our wrapping was brown paper with white string and red gift tags, so our cards were brown paper with an all-white snow scene and red birds on it. This year we're doing white/red/green fun & whimsical paper, so our cards are white with a red and green wreath, and I printed the addresses instead of hand-writing them this year, so I made them red and green and a fun shape. DH's best man and his family are Jewish, and Hanukkah starts Sunday, so they are getting a Hanukkah card instead of a Christmas card, and I printed their address so it looks like a dreidel. Haha.

We also included pictures of ourselves, and it's just the two of us. We did it last year, too, so don't feel weird! Haha. Last year our dog was in the picture with us, though, but I couldn't get him to cooperate this year so we just used a photo of us from Disney and I signed it "Love, Josh, Megan, and Mason".... I'm currently taking bets for how many of our family members will assume Mason is our unborn child (we're not expecting haha, but we aren't really close to a lot of the family members that were sent cards since they don't live in town - but since they came to the wedding I felt obligated to send them cards, haha - so I have a feeling that without a picture of our dog, the people who don't ever get to hear about him won't realize "Mason" is our dog).
SO jealous you get to enjoy NYC during the holidays! I have a post coming up in a few days that talks about a Christmas memory I have of NYC.

I have never been to NYC but it is high on my "Dream Trip" list - ESPECIALLY during the holidays. I'd love to see the Rockefeller tree lighting in person one year.

I haven't sent cards in a few years..... I always feel like it needs to be a special handmade card and of course I often run out of time. I do have a few ideas that DD and I could buckle down and pound out in a few hours so I haven't totally given up on the idea of cards this year! I saw the picture of yours.... LOVELY!!

If you are still trying to come up with an idea for a name, let me know. DD is SUPER creative with things like that!

Thank you! I had fun with them this year. Ordinarily I do a lot more by hand, but in the last 2 months they have all received hand-lettered wedding invitations and hand-written "thank you" postcards, so I scaled back a bit on the Christmas cards, haha. I would love some name suggestions! I tend to come up with something wonderful completely out of the blue months after I've settled for something else, LOL, so I am definitely up for reviewing all options early on! I am no good at being witty and clever on command. :laughing:
@pjlla I will send you a link to my Etsy store when I get it back online, so you can order any/all of them :)

I don't know about you, but I am kind of lukewarm on the Disney Christmas Day parades. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I don't. That being said, the Mariah Carey version of “All I Want for Christmas” sung in the MK is a favorite of mine! It makes me want to get up and dance!

What are you going to do today to get UP AND MOVE!?? Do you have a walk/run/exercise class scheduled? Maybe you'll grab your favorite pooch and take a good long hike? Share today's exercise plan!

I am lukewarm on ALL parades, and Disney parades are barely above the standard for me: it's still a long line of people walking past people uncomfortably waiting to see these things walk past. That being said, I grew up listening to "All I Want for Christmas Is You," so seeing that in front of the castle was and is still a favorite! For today, I plan on taking a short walk, the high today is supposed to be around 34 degrees Farenheit, and I am being stubborn about breaking out the winter coat and hat and scarf (my gloves have been out since October, my hands are always freezing!).
I'm trying again with Couch to 5k - I have some back issues, so running and I are sometimes not the best partners. But I love the idea of a runDisney race, and running burns calories faster than walking does :P So I'm seeing where it goes this time and trying to remember to take it easy if I need to :)

Have you signed up for a race yet? Would you prefer Disney World or Disneyland? I can only speak for the Disneyland 5K races, but they're phenomenal and super easy. Plus it isn't florida, so that's a plus! (I hate Florida's humidity. I'm going to be miserable during our end-of-May trip next year).

I go back and forth between being Disney-specific or just having Disney-related items.

Keeping things Disney-themed will help drive traffic to your store. It's weird. I notice a lot of fandom-related things tend to sell well. Maybe do a mixture of both?
Just popping on to say hi and good-bye.... busy evening ahead and no promises that I will get back here until tomorrow, so I'll just say g'night now! Make it a GREAT evening and don't forget tomorrow starts our first weigh-in/progress postings of the month!.....................P
Wowza.... one more class!! Take care of your back though..... running is great, but no need to incapacitate yourself!

I know! Now I need to prep for my class next semester, but I'm ignoring that for the moment :P And I'm definitely taking it easy. I do pretty short run/walk intervals so I make sure I've got plenty of breaks :) At the moment it seems to be going well, but at 2 days in I can't really say much definitively!

Have you signed up for a race yet? Would you prefer Disney World or Disneyland? I can only speak for the Disneyland 5K races, but they're phenomenal and super easy. Plus it isn't florida, so that's a plus! (I hate Florida's humidity. I'm going to be miserable during our end-of-May trip next year).

Not yet - I'm going to see if I can get up to any decent distance and then maybe sign up for one :) If I did a Disney race it would need to be in Florida for sure - we are too far from CA for it to be very feasible to get there. Though the humidity is awful :/
Hello friends! I am doing a horrible job of keeping up here on our threads! And unfortunately my weight is a reflection of my lack of participation :sad:

I did weigh myself yesterday, I am still up 8 pounds from taking two vacations this fall. My overall goal is to be 20 pounds lighter at this time next year. I'm tired of gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. But for this month I will settle on maintaining as it is full of festivities, activities, and things that wear me down LOL

My goal for this month is to weigh myself weekly and maintain, and exercise as much as my body allows. I got a new fitbit, the Surge, and I'm trying to incorporate using the heart rate information with My fitness Pal to do a better job at tracking my food versus calories out .

I love reading everyone story about their username:lovestruc Pamela, did I miss your explanation? Magdelene, I admit I've often wondered about yours! Mine is very boring, i'm a mom in Ohio . And I didn't do a very good job with my capitalization . On other apps, like my fitness pal and Instagram I am "monarchmomx2" because I have two kids, and our school mascot here is the Monarch. As in a lion, not the butterfly :rolleyes:

Quick intro, I'm Molli. I live in central Ohio where it's going to be getting cold and nasty, and I'm not looking forward to that. I have Addison's disease and struggle with hormone balance, replacement of cortisol via steroids, and the damage from having Cushing's disease for about seven years. That's the card I play when I'm MIA :scared: But there is much truth to it. I love WISH and the accountability, I've been on the boards for long time .

So great to see everyone here on such a busy hectic month
I got a new fitbit, the Surge, and I'm trying to incorporate using the heart rate information with My fitness Pal to do a better job at tracking my food versus calories out .

Sounds awesome! I've got the Charge HR on my Christmas list and I do hope it will be under the tree this season :P I have the Flex, but I find myself wanting more accurate calorie information. I'll be curious to see how you like yours :)


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