Welcome to the CAROUSEL of PROGRESS challenge for December 2015!!

Okay, a little bit of catching up...

I'm 98% sure I was listening to "I Miss You" by Blink 182 when I was registering to post on The Dis (after a long time of lurking), and I am 100% sure I was having trouble coming up with something to use, and there is a line in that song that says "We can live like Jack 'n' Sally if you want", so I thought "why not?"

So ... I have to say, until I read this I didn't realize that that line is about Nightmare Before Christmas. I feel kinda stupid... I love that song.

I have never been to NYC but it is high on my "Dream Trip" list - ESPECIALLY during the holidays. I'd love to see the Rockefeller tree lighting in person one year.

The tree lighting can be a little chaotic, but the tree itself is beautiful. I actually had a friend who got to watch the tree lighting from the NBC offices one year ... her boyfriend worked for NBC and he invited her to watch from his office. My invitation clearly got lost somewhere...
But anyway, there are really so many amazing things to see in NYC this time of year!

My user name is kind of stupid.... it is/was our email address..... P is for Pamela... J is DH, L and L are each of my kiddos and A is our last name..... so we would occasionally get mail (real mail) and packages from family members addressed to PJLL Axxxxx and loe and behold we started using PJLLA as an email address and it just STUCK!

We have the same exact reasoning for our email! Most of us have our own individual email addresses, but our main family email uses all of our initials.

Always, but most especially during the busy holiday season, "ME" time is important! Whether it is time with friends, an extra nap, an afternoon relaxing with a book, or a super fun fitness class.......so what are you doing for YOURSELF to make sure you are on the “NICE” list??

Trying to keep up with my TV schedule. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I have 5-6 TV shows that I like but rarely watch live, and then I never find time to catch up and end up frustrated when I'm a month behind and can't catch up. So for December I'm trying to never be more than a week behind on my TV shows.
Of course, the fact that things go on hiatus in December makes it a little easier...

And since it is the first Friday of December, this is also the first day I will start taking PROGRESS REPORTS. Feel free to post here in the group chatter or send me a PM of your PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL (a percentage please) anytime between now and Monday morning. I will try HARD to have the progress list on page one updated by Monday night.

Reporting in with 33% progress towards goal (aka 1 lb)! A great start to the month for me!

In honor of Walt's birthday......what is your favorite Disney-inspired quote?

So, as kinda corny as this sounds, it's the sign at Disneyland:

It kinda just embodies everything that Walt Disney created.

Hey all! SHE COMES HOME TODAY!!!! I am excited to see her like you cannot believe!

Yay!!! I'm so excited for you ... I know you'll be so happy having her home again!
Dec 6


In 2012:

Walt Disney World marks the grand opening of a new Fantasyland at its Magic Kingdom park. The largest expansion in the park's 41-year history (expanding from 10 acres to 21), new attractions include Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid, Enchanted Tales with Belle and a duplicate Dumbo, the Flying Elephant. The expansion also features Beast's Castle, which sits atop Be Our Guest restaurant, and Storybook Circus.


So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??
So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

I love New Fantasyland. I do miss some of the things it replaced (like Mickey's Toontown Fair, which was adorable), but I really love the amazing theming of the new areas.

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

I'm definitely a creature of habit, so I don't love change ... but I do try to change things up a bit just to make sure I'm not missing out on things that could help me a lot. I try to look at new recipes every so often or try a new exercise ... it doesn't always stick, but if I wasn't open to new things, I would never have discovered Pilates, which is one of my favorite non-running exercises!


Happy Sunday, everyone! I was up at 5:30 this morning to try to help myself prepare for my Disney races in January, where I have to get up almost 3 hours before the race. I went out for my run a litlte after 8 (so only 2.5 hours after I got up), and had a pretty good run. I then came home and ate a giant muffin for breakfast ... but it's okay, because I have to get rid of the muffins somehow, so I'll just be extra careful with what I eat for the rest of the day. Nothing too exciting on the agenda for today, just organizing my schedule for the week and a little bit of sewing.

How's everyone's weekend going?
So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

I love the Fantasyland expansion! I love that Magic Kingdom's Fantasyland is so very different from Disneyland's Fantasyland. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie - so having the opportunity to go to Gaston's Tavern, meet Gaston :love:, and dine in Beast's castle are amazing. Enchanted Tales is cute for kids; the mine train is short but fun, and the Little Mermaid ride is the same as the one at California Adventure. I didn't get to experience Old Fantasyland, but I like that Disneyland is kept more traditional with the older rides and some newer rides were added to MK.

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

I'm in a period of transition right now - I'm still doing my walking during my work day, but I'll soon be training for Couch to 10K. (Just have to get through Disney World and Christmas first!). I like to try new things but really I am sticking to my program and will soon be trying to maintain -- maintenance mode will be crazy to get used to... but I'll still hang out with all of you lovely people :)
Dec 6


In 2012:

Walt Disney World marks the grand opening of a new Fantasyland at its Magic Kingdom park. The largest expansion in the park's 41-year history (expanding from 10 acres to 21), new attractions include Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid, Enchanted Tales with Belle and a duplicate Dumbo, the Flying Elephant. The expansion also features Beast's Castle, which sits atop Be Our Guest restaurant, and Storybook Circus.

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So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

Looooove the new fantasyland! And the new attractions. I am a firm believer that the parks will never be finished so I like that things always change. It keeps it fresh and interesting.

For diet, I have done WW many times and it always works. Recently I have shifted from a low fat diet to a low carb diet instead. I enjoy this diet more because it encourages me to eat more "real" food and less of the foods that I actually need less of.


Checking in! It's a great day in MK! Kinda getting warm. We are in the queue for Splash Mountain now because we needed a cool down. It's been a very relaxing trip. This is my 10th trip to the World and DH's 3rd. At this point we know we are coming back and don't feel the need to commando style tour through the parks. It's exhausting and doesn't feel like vacation at all. With that said we've still walked about 7-10 miles every day we've been down here!

I've made some good diet choices and some bad ones. I definitely feel a little puffy but with a drastically changed diet and the humidity that's to be expected. I'm hoping that my good choices reflect when I weigh in later in the week. Regardless I'm happy that I've at least made smarter choices than I have in past trips. (I.e. DH and I have been splitting some sides/desserts/snacks we've been wanting to try)

I hope everyone's weigh-in/week is going well!
Good afternoon everyone! Excited to see as many replies to the QOTD and chatter over the weekend as we've had! Often the weekends are super quiet and with the holidays upon us I wouldn't have been surprised to be alone here with crickets in the background!

I've put in HOURS of WW work at home here today getting ready for an exciting week ahead! I also went into the woods and lugged rocks with DH for a while.... trying to find fieldstone to use to build a firepit in the spring.... so that was today's workout!

DD is HOME!!! Love having her here and that content feeling of EVERYONE being here and safe! We are having our official celebratory dinner tonight because yesterday was kind of busy and crazy..... steak tips, potatoes, roasted broccoli/cauliflower, and apple crisp for dessert! I splurged a bit LAST night on pizza (told you the day was crazy) so I will keep some control tonight.... modest amount of meat, no potatoes or bread, and I'm going to make my own portion of lightened up apple crisp. Gotta save a few calories for celebratory sparkling wine!

Off to start chopping apples and broccoli! I'll be back in the a.m.!...................P
Dec 6


In 2012:

Walt Disney World marks the grand opening of a new Fantasyland at its Magic Kingdom park. The largest expansion in the park's 41-year history (expanding from 10 acres to 21), new attractions include Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid, Enchanted Tales with Belle and a duplicate Dumbo, the Flying Elephant. The expansion also features Beast's Castle, which sits atop Be Our Guest restaurant, and Storybook Circus.

View attachment 138774

So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

I LOVE new Fantasyland. I always go straight for Haunted Mansion and then right over to Fantasyland. Looking up and seeing Beast's castle on the horizon is one of my favorite things. Not to mention the tangled bathrooms and the ones by Gaston's tavern are my favorite. Only Disney would make me pick a favorite bathroom.

Change and I are interesting. Before hand I'll resist it and try and talk myself out of it. Once I give the final push I'm fine and I thrive. I honestly love new situations and challenges and have to remind myself of that and keep the anxiety down. Anxiety is my number one issue with change.

I'm back to running tomorrow morning with my fancy new Garmin. I'm so excited to play with my new toy. I'm just worried my gear won't be warm enough. I picked out an amazing Brooks jacket though with a built in optional balaclava. That may be my holiday present to myself.
My marathon work weekend is over, so I'm catching up here before heading to bed :)
Dec 4 Always, but most especially during the busy holiday season, "ME" time is important! Whether it is time with friends, an extra nap, an afternoon relaxing with a book, or a super fun fitness class.......so what are you doing for YOURSELF to make sure you are on the “NICE” list??

I am taking time to myself to work on Christmas presents and to plan an exciting surprise vacation for DBf and myself for after the holidays (these are both things I love to do, craft and plan lol)

Dec 5 In honor of Walt's birthday......what is your favorite Disney-inspired quote?


I have a bracelet from my high school theater director with this quote on it, and I wore that bracelet every day the last two years of high school and the first two years of college, until I was removing it more often than not because of class requirements. It was a constant reminder that anything was possible.

Dec 6 So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

I saw the New Fantasyland in summer 2014, and I liked it a lot! I don't really remember old Fantasyland, so I don't have that nostalgic connection many do.

As for diet, I need a strange balance of change and consistency. I cannot eat the same foods over and over or they begin to become disgusting to me for a time. However, I cannot be "set loose" to just eat whatever I want, because I will then eat junk and mostly only junk. I need a variety, but I need to make meals and snacks part of a routine.
Happy Chanukah!

Down almost one pound yesterday so currently at 20% of goal! Yay!

Got just about everything done weekend to-do list and them some.
  • Tree up!
  • Pup's photo with Santa!
  • Last Costco run for the year!
  • Christmas cookies baked and frozen!
  • Three holiday parties!
What hasn't gotten done? Learning about the new WW program. I still can't get logged on to the site. Or even the app at this point. Grrr. I'll get the new materials at my meeting Tuesday but it would be nice to at least use the tools I am currently paying for....

no! Squirrel... Horse... Kangaroo... That sounds awful! Haha. All of you WWers are making me want to join again. I very briefly and unsuccessfully tried the at-home version last year.

Love naps! So glad you were able to work one into your schedule. There are few things a nap can't fix, in my opinion. Sleep does the body good in a variety of ways! LOVE the short meditations every day. Do you do anything during your meditation time - play soft music, read, lay down, turn

I am primarily using a meditation CD that I've ripped to my phone. I'm way too scattered to do it on my own (hence the need to quiet the brain and stop stressing out about/thinking about everything).

Dec 5

As you may or may not know, today is a HUGE day in Disney History.... the HUGE-EST! Happy Birthday Walt Disney!!!

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In honor of Walt's birthday......what is your favorite Disney-inspired quote?

It all started with a mouse! The first "investment" I ever made was a single share of Disney. I have the certificate framed and hanging in my office with that quote on a plaque on the mat.

ETA full quote "I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it all started with a mouse."

Hey all! SHE COMES HOME TODAY!!!! I am excited to see her like you cannot believe


Weigh-in, Week 1:
Pounds lost: 1 of 3
Percentage: 33.3%

With two weeks to go until we're munching around EPCOT, I'm making great strides in creating a buffer for the weight I'm sure to gain! :rotfl2:

Woohoo! A croque glacé a day can't weigh more than a pound or so, right?

So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

I was lucky enough to be at MK the day they did the soft opening of the first part of the New Fantasyland. DH and I were among the first guests to eat at BOG. We also did Enchanted Tales with Belle, met Ariel, and rode Under the Sea. I loved BOG and thought the rest of the stuff was cute but a little underwhelming. Compared to the magic of say Carsland, New Fantasyland seemed a little lacking. All that being said, I haven't been back to Florida since then and so haven't seen the finished version. I'm looking forward to meeting Gaston and riding the mine train if we manage to get the spring trip back on track. Overall I like change when it comes to Disney. I just wish it were possible to both keep the old and add new stuff!

As far as diet, I love exploring new options! I'm a pretty adventurous cook and I don't often make the same thing more that a few times. I do have a list of things that work for me but I get bored if I don't switch it up a little. As far as exercise goes, well, I'm still working on that. :)
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I'm looking forward to meeting Gaston

I have to say that this is the best 'show' you'll see when you go. Just huddle around the meet-n-greet area if you don't want to say hi (or do if you want! it's worth the wait!). All of the Gastons are fairly amazing and interact with guests of all ages without missing a beat.

True story: This little 5 year old girl dressed as Belle went up to meet him ahead of us and asked something along the lines of "How are you here if you died at the end of the story?" and then Gaston went into a 90 second description of how he was just returning the Beast's letter opener and lost his footing, fell but managed to swan dive off some alligators, which turned into some fabulous boots, and made his way back to the village.
Dec 7


Sunday - Walt Disney hears the news over the radio of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. He receives a phone call from his studio manager telling him that army troops are moving onto their Burbank lot! The troops are going to provide an anti-aircraft installation to protect the nearby Lockheed factory (which manufacture airplanes for the U.S. armed forces).

For those of us in the USA, this is a day that usually stands out because of its history.... it was said by President Roosevelt to be “a day that will live in infamy.”

But how about your weight loss history? Can you look back at specific times when you have fallen away from your healthy habits? Fallen off the wagon, so to speak? What is happening during those times? Why it is so hard to stay on plan? What are you doing to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself?
I have to say that this is the best 'show' you'll see when you go. Just huddle around the meet-n-greet area if you don't want to say hi (or do if you want! it's worth the wait!). All of the Gastons are fairly amazing and interact with guests of all ages without missing a beat.

True story: This little 5 year old girl dressed as Belle went up to meet him ahead of us and asked something along the lines of "How are you here if you died at the end of the story?" and then Gaston went into a 90 second description of how he was just returning the Beast's letter opener and lost his footing, fell but managed to swan dive off some alligators, which turned into some fabulous boots, and made his way back to the village.

Gaston's handler actually pulled me in to interact at the end of a meet and greet because I just hung out through the whole thing laughing like a fool while waiting for a BoG ADR. There was lots of joking about me being the fourth girl out of the triplets and how I needed a purple matching dress. They do amazing with the casting of the Gaston's I LOVE watching them with the little girls they're always so sweet and funny.

Dec 7


Sunday - Walt Disney hears the news over the radio of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. He receives a phone call from his studio manager telling him that army troops are moving onto their Burbank lot! The troops are going to provide an anti-aircraft installation to protect the nearby Lockheed factory (which manufacture airplanes for the U.S. armed forces).

For those of us in the USA, this is a day that usually stands out because of its history.... it was said by President Roosevelt to be “a day that will live in infamy.”

But how about your weight loss history? Can you look back at specific times when you have fallen away from your healthy habits? Fallen off the wagon, so to speak? What is happening during those times? Why it is so hard to stay on plan? What are you doing to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself?

I have been up and down and normal and up and down all my life. I had two big weight losses and to be honest none were healthy. One was the summer between freshman and sophmore year of high school. I lived off of toast with butter and took really long walks all summer and ended up down about 30 LBs. Another I went through a horrible break up (though we're together now 6 years later) and my calories were mainly coming from beer and I wouldn't eat unless I was with friends. I maintained that weight loss for a few years before gaining it all back.

Obviously I'm not so healthy when it comes to food. I'm very much all or nothing. So I'm working on finding my gray area. Normally the "healthy way" hasn't worked for me because I go right into heavy restriction and focus on calories way to much. So this journey is about finding the right mix for my body and respecting myself. Running has helped so much because food is fuel. I can't run well if I don't eat properly. I can't run well if I eat like crap, I can't run well if I starve, and I can't run well if I drink too much. It's awesome and is forcing me into good habits that I want to stick with.
Happy Monday everyone!

I am back after a not so great weekend. I had a very dear friend come and visit and we had some cocktails and she gave me some delicious chocolate truffels. Both not good for weight loss. But we definitely spent some quality time together, so I was doing something for my mental wellbeing, which is important, too!

The good news is that the cough is done. Tonight after work I inted to get running again! Last Christmas I got a head light and I have been using it a few times already this winter. The street lights are rather dark around here and in early 2014 I tripped on an evening run and had a nasty wound on my knee. So, now, only running with my proper head light! The good thing is that over the years I have learned to never feel silly when doing exercise. In my opinion anyone trying to do something for their health has to be treated with respect, however ridiculous they might look in doing so!!!

Catching up on the QOTDs:

So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person? Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were?

I guess I am in the minority, but I am not a fan of New Fantasyland. But that is because I thin Fantasyland is the weakest part of the MK and the refurbishment did not go far enough in my opinion. In DL Fantasyland has a coherent theme and is quite beautiful. in DLP Fantasyland is so large and a perfect fairy tale world. And the MK? Has cheap looking "circus tents". I know they are supposed to be a medieval tournament stlyle. But to me they look cheap. The new additions are pretty to look at, but in my opinion they make the rest of the land look even worse. And then the new additions seem to be more show than substance. The 7DMT is so short (original plans had the track 50% longer) and I feel that the Little Mermaid Ride falls flat as well (even though the improvements I have seen at DCA and which should come to Orlando as well, make it better). Oh, and Sorybook Circus just seems such a "lazy" area. Originally this was supposed to become a whole "Pixie Hollow" area, with a ride like the Mater ride at DCA. So, I am not upset over the change as such, but that it did not change enough. I guess, I feel if you make the effort to change, then it must be not just for the sake of change, but to really improve.

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??

I think it is important to keep an eye open to see if old routines are still working and if not then change them up. In addition, I often use change as a motivateion booster. Trying out something new often motivates me to be more efficient in other areas as well. For example, if I try out a new exercise method, I am more motivated to keep track of my food and make healthy choices as well as I want to succeed. So, change is good for me. But I also don't believe in just changing for the sake of it, I think longterm committment is also necessary. For example, I don't think it makes any sense, to pick a low carb diet and then after two weeks to decide that this is not it and now I should try a low fat diet instead. After two weeks, there is no chance to know if it works or not as the body is still getting used to the change.

But how about your weight loss history? Can you look back at specific times when you have fallen away from your healthy habits? Fallen off the wagon, so to speak? What is happening during those times? Why it is so hard to stay on plan? What are you doing to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself?

I was going to say that the worst, unhealthy times were when I had a lot of stress at work with long hours. But then 2 years ago, I managed to lose quite a bit of weight during a time like that because I made it a priority to focus on staying healthy. But I guess the danger is still there when I am stressed that I try to eleviate my stress with eating...
Totally forgot to update my weight for the weigh-in: I gained 3 pounds, so 0% of my goal
But how about your weight loss history? Can you look back at specific times when you have fallen away from your healthy habits? Fallen off the wagon, so to speak? What is happening during those times? Why it is so hard to stay on plan? What are you doing to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself?

When I was unhappy in my last job... i quit my gym and started to eat my feelings. I gained all of my weight and just didn't care. I think because I was feeling negative inside that I wanted to feel negative on the outside. A lot of things just lead up to that point and it's taken nearly 18 months to undue 6 years worth of damage. Yikes!

Gaston's handler actually pulled me in to interact at the end of a meet and greet because I just hung out through the whole thing laughing like a fool while waiting for a BoG ADR. There was lots of joking about me being the fourth girl out of the triplets and how I needed a purple matching dress. They do amazing with the casting of the Gaston's I LOVE watching them with the little girls they're always so sweet and funny.

That's hilarious! :D
Hey all! I'm at work now, so my response time it probably limited, but I did want to pop on and say HI and assure you that I have been reading! So omany interesting POV on the new Fantasyland.... and I agree with Flossbolna that the circus tents kind of read as "cheap". Circuses are real and as such they don't evoke "Fantasy" to me.... but beasts and mermaids are total fantasy and as such they work in Fantasyland. Plus I really dislike clowns, so seeing clowns in Disney kind of bothers me.... but they were sweet!

So much reflection and insight into our "bad" moments of falling away from a healthy lifestyle.... and I think that we can only serve to LEARN from our bad history!

And i'm with meghammy about needing some version of "consistency" plus some "change" in the foods to keep me interested. For example, I love yogurt and berries for breakfast and I eat it several days a week.... but if you told me that was all I could ever have in the future, it would get boring fast! And I want the flexibility to try new recipes from time to time.

DD and I are going to a book signing tonight, so I won't have time to chat tonight, but I'll be back in the morning with tomorrow's QOTD!.....................P
Hi all!

Forgot to check in over the weekend, but I'm actually down .4 lb this week at 144, so my goal to maintain is going strong so far! I'm trying to concentrate on keeping up my workout schedule this week and not eating whatever I want because I'm not at work. This is finals week for our students, so though I have grading to do I don't have to teach or be on campus. It's great, but staying at home sometimes leads me into some bad eating habits, so I'm trying to head them off.

I've got to head back to the store for something I forgot earlier (of course), but then I'll be doing a bit of work until the husband comes home and we cook dinner - we're having baked chicken parmesan and salads tonight, and I'm excited! It's a Skinnytaste recipe, so it's not bad for me and he also likes it a lot, which is a double win :D

The challenge will be next week, when we'll be at Disney for the first half and then driving across the country for the second bit with the cat - I've got to start scoping out my fast food options!

In honor of Walt's birthday......what is your favorite Disney-inspired quote?


Dec 6

So how do you feel about the Fantasyland expansion? Have you seen it in person?

I am very glad in general that they expanded. I always am. I love having more to see and do. With NFL specifically, though, I was/am underwhelmed. It's GORGEOUS, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't have a ton of repeatability for me. We haven't eaten at BOG yet because none of the menus appeal to us, we rode Little Mermaid once and that was enough for us, and 7DMT is cute and we enjoyed it a LOT more than we expected to, but I wouldn't wait in line for it more than 15-20 minutes. Dumbo is always cute and it was definitely fun to ride for the first time in AGES, but it's not a headliner for me. I kind of feel that way about original Fantasyland, too, though. It's never been a section of the park that I've spent a great deal of time in, though I do have a soft spot in my heart for the classicness and nostalgia of it. I'm sure if/when I have kids, I will feel differently about it.

Do you love the “new” or would you prefer that Disney keep things as they were? And on that note....
Can't we have both?? Haha. There is SO MUCH that I miss. Horizons. ImageWorks and the original Figment. The Backlot Tour, Superstar Television, the Jeremy Irons' version of Spaceship Earth... So many things. But at the same time, I love (so many of) the new things, too.

How do you feel about changes in your diet and/or exercise? Are you constantly trying something new or do you tend to stick with the “same old, same old”? Do you get uncomfortable trying new things or do you like the sense of adventure that comes with exploring new options??
Hm. I think I lean toward the "liking new things", but my issue I don't know what to try. I consider myself open to new things, but I start looking for recipes and have to rule out so much that I (or DH) don't like/won't eat that we end up in a food rut, and then I get burnt out. I ate so much turkey and tuna this summer that I still can't even stomach the idea of picking some up at the store, haha. It's also hard to know what to try because there are SO many things that are AWFUL for you or THE BEST THING EVER FOR YOU depending on who you talk to. It's so hard to know what to eat or how to exercise.

Dec 7
But how about your weight loss history? Can you look back at specific times when you have fallen away from your healthy habits? Fallen off the wagon, so to speak? What is happening during those times? Why it is so hard to stay on plan? What are you doing to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself?
I'm going to the grocery store tonight when DH gets home and I've got several soup and casserole recipes to make up tomorrow. I'm going to make and freeze several things in an effort to hopefully avoid the "I'm too tired to cook/there's nothing here to eat so let's go get fast food" dilemma. I'm also trying to be much more low-budget so I'm hoping that this will help. All of the recipes I picked out make several servings so hopefully that will stretch out our ingredients. I've just got to find a way to keep DH (and me, some days) from having 2 or 3 servings at a time.


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