VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Good morning groupies. Mid trip report, this is hump day for us. Construction is definitely going on in main lodge. South wing closest to hidden springs. I have been greeting workers on way in as I am leaving for golf. Jack hammer noise dominates the pool scene. We took some pics but one guy stood in doorway to block our view. One day at end of shift they disconnected the compressed air hose. It blasted for approx 20 seconds. Very loud. The entire pool stopped and peered over in their direction. Talk about killing the magic. Oh boy.

We have exact same room as the Christmas trip. Wife n daughter both think the trees are "thinner" than December. I am certain of it. We are taking pics of that, to compare from last trip, but I am pretty sure that several have been felled.

I may wander down the wrong hallway and see how far I get. On my phone typing this so I will sign off for now.
Thanks for keeping us updated!!
On a side note, Luv and I saw JURASSIC WORLD today and thoroughly enjoyed it. For me, it was easily the second best in the JURASSIC series, topped only by the original. Chris Pratt was perfect, and should they ever decide to resurrect the Indiana Jones movies, he would be a great replacement as Indy. JW was exciting, fast-paced, and quite funny, actually. Thumbs up!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Thanks for the review sleepy! I wanted to try and go Thursday on my birthday but timing didn't quite work out. Looking forward to seeing it though and was soooooo hoping it was better than 2 & 3. I never watched Parks and Rec but was pleasantly surprised by Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy and thought he'd do a good job in JW. What an excellent idea for an Indy replacement!

Happy belated birthday Kathy! :bday: Sorry I missed the actual day.

Thanks Julie! :)
Paula - The Sleigh rides start near the horse barns; some years out in front of the barns, some in front of the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue. Both places are paved areas and afford easy access to the sleighs. DiznyDi was surprised that the sleighs have runners with wheels. I was familiar with that set-up; you can't always depend on snow to be all along your route (especially in Florida)!
Wishing rfassett a very Happy Birthday!:cake:

Paula! So nice to have you here! DDad and I may just run into you during your December stay. We'll be there at the same time. Groupie meet ?!
So excited I am officially an owner at VWL, bummed that there is no availability at VWL for our August stay! Thinking of waist listing it as I really want to stay there!!!
So excited I am officially an owner at VWL, bummed that there is no availability at VWL for our August stay! Thinking of waist listing it as I really want to stay there!!!
Congrats and definitely do waitlist. Though the odds aren't in your favor at this late of a date, it certainly won't hurt to go on the list. May pixie dust and fairy tale wishes come through for you!

Also, happy birthday, rfasset!
Saw an article this AM on FB...apparently the rumor of DisneyAmerica is circulating again in VA. Sweet Briar College, north of Lynchburg, is closing and the article writer speculates that Disney has purchased the 3000 plus acres. I for one would love to see it happen, finally, though I was against their 1st choice near Mannassas Battlefield, history buff here, so didnt want to see the land desecrated. In retrospect, the Walmart stuck next door to the entrance of the park is much worse. Hope this is truly a go.
Saw an article this AM on FB...apparently the rumor of DisneyAmerica is circulating again in VA. . . . . . . .

It is always interesting to watch "Disney Rumors" take flight. We had one in our area years ago that Disney was considering buying Sea World in Aurora, Ohio. Wow! 45 minutes away - a Disney property! And you betcha, the real estate market took a jump as speculators scuffled for position. It turned out it was not true. Too bad; a Disney property never does anything but improve the landscape and the local economy. I kind of think it was just a ruse played out by large real estate companies to kick the market. Again, always interesting to watch "Disney Rumors" take flight. We'll all be watching for this one to land!
I live not far from the Disney America rumored site--have friends who went to Sweet Briar--and am amused by the story. I've heard for years that Disney did once look in this area only to decide between the protests from historians and the fact that it snows and gets below zero here on occasion, it wasn't a good place to build. My take is that it's just a rumor as the weather situation hasn't changed any, and I can't imagine Disney building anything that wasn't accessible 365 days of the year.
Sleepy, the weather too me is the kicker in the whole deal. I would love to see a park nearer for long weekend trips, etc. and think that Disney would do justice to an historic based park, and makes great sense to do one in VA, cant think of much more of an historic state than the Old Dominion.

Dad, we too had a site in Mebane, NC a few years ago, the Disney is coming scenario played out. Oh Boy(in my best Mickey voice)that will be leass than 20 mins down the road, we can go all the time...not! Same deal, just investors jacking price up
So the "Disney is coming" rumors come from time to time. Isn't it wonderful that Disney is a company that generate excitement and enthusiasm from locals when such rumors fly!

Imagine what the local community does when a company wants to place a steel mill facility close by. Yes, the economic moguls rave and try to encourage the investment, but there is always a group of protestors with some issue they want to prove will kill all the children and poison the old folks.

I just finished a two year commissioning of America's most advanced Finishing Mill Facility in Youngstown, Ohio. From the beginning there was infighting of adjacent communities, and groups floating the "we all are going to die" theories.

Please tell me if I'm incorrect here . . anybody ever have protestors against their "Disney Rumor"? If so, I guess I'm so Disney-tised that I am blind to their chants.
Please tell me if I'm incorrect here . . anybody ever have protestors against their "Disney Rumor"? If so, I guess I'm so Disney-tised that I am blind to their chants.

DDad...I can't say that there have been any "Disney is coming" rumors in my area (though there was a strong one decades ago). But I have run into many "Disney haters" in the past several years and they would not be excited to hear of any such plan. I guess if you're not interested in Disney, then the potential for increased traffic may put some off. But I can't see any business that is going to add a ton of local jobs as being shunned by the public at large. I know as you say that there will be protesters for any new project, but in general you would think the majority of people would be excited to see so many jobs created in their area.
So the "Disney is coming" rumors come from time to time. Isn't it wonderful that Disney is a company that generate excitement and enthusiasm from locals when such rumors fly!

Imagine what the local community does when a company wants to place a steel mill facility close by. Yes, the economic moguls rave and try to encourage the investment, but there is always a group of protestors with some issue they want to prove will kill all the children and poison the old folks.

I just finished a two year commissioning of America's most advanced Finishing Mill Facility in Youngstown, Ohio. From the beginning there was infighting of adjacent communities, and groups floating the "we all are going to die" theories.

Please tell me if I'm incorrect here . . anybody ever have protestors against their "Disney Rumor"? If so, I guess I'm so Disney-tised that I am blind to their chants.
Those interested in preserving the historical prestige of the area generating the latest rumors were reportedly fired up when Disney first expressed interest decades ago. All the news outlets here mentioned that opposition from years ago in their recent stories. I suspect if the highly unlikely rumor were to pan out, there'd still be protests but not a lot.
I remember when the Disney America idea was on the way to Northern VA, very near the Mannassas Battelfield,(where Stonewall Jackson got his nickname) which was the site of the 1st major battle of the Civil War, and a year later, was same site of even bigger battle, and many Civil War historians and buffs(including me, this was pre Disney fanatic days)came out in droves against it.

I can say, the result of that park not going in caused worse damage in that a WalMart is stuck right beside entry to the hallowed ground. My cousin who worked as a Ranger at Fredersicksburg VA battlefield and surrounding battlefields told of how that Disney park truly died, with an upheaval from very rich folks, many politicians who lived in surrounding area and felt homes would decrease in value.

Im sorry I was a small part of it to this day, knowing Disney would have helped preserve the history in a positive way. My GG grandfather fought on that battlefield both times, and knowing many of us shot Disney down, not knowing the underlying real reason at the time so many in the area were fighting so hard to kill it off. In the end, getting a WalMart may have been the backfire the rich politicians deserved.

Off to happier thoughts:-)
In reading deeper into your post, I too have faced personal scrutiny in being a builder. We used to build a lot of homes, maybe 15 a year, but they were smaller. As time went on, houses got bigger, and we built less. I was told point blank by our newly appointed Chamber of Commerce leader(I was President of our local HomeBuilders Assoc. of America, so I was the one he targeted)that it was guys like me who's fault it was that CoC couldnt interest businesses to come to our local area.

I asked what he meant, and he was saying we are buying up all the land, wiping it out and building multitudes of homes. Well, building maybe 3 homes a year at that time, he got corrected rather quickly. He was speaking of track builders and I told him local builders loved new businesses, understanding that in return, they generate new homes, furniture sales, etc.

My point being, we are a funny breed, us humans, we dont want change, but when it comes, we tend to forget over time, and accept, and even embrace it sometimes.


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