This (DISNEY)land Was Made For You and Me - July 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

I believe I've ridden all the rides in Fantastyland if I count as an adult and as a kid. The only ones I haven't ridden as an adult are Snow White and maybe Pinocchio. DS is 5 and still loves Casey Jr. I love Peter Pan but I hate waiting in line for it!

If I could create a new ride for fantasyland I'd base it off of Beauty and the Beast which is one of my favorites!
July 22 - Fantasyland!

All right folks, we've made it to the BIGGEST land in our tiny park: FANTASYLAND

We can take two paths to enter Fantasyland from Fantasy Faire - either the back bridge through the side of the castle or go directly through the castle.
It may surprise you that the bulk of Disneyland's attractions are actually IN Fantasyland. Woah! As we meander through the castle
towards the
Carousel there's four dark-type attractions lining the walk way. Behind them are the Casey Jr train and the story book boats,
Dumbo, Tea Cups and the infamous Alice in Wonderland journey. Keep walking towards the back of the park and there's
It's a Small World and The Matterhorn. (And a show - Mickey and the Magical Map!)
Fantasyland holds quite a bit of real estate and
you could spend HOURS riding rides here.

So let's take a moment and look at the Dark Rides - the ones that we all grew up with and enjoy today!


Peter Pan, Snow White, Mr Toad, and Pinocchio are staple attractions at Disneyland (and I guess formally at WDW?) and have
been in the park since opening day - with the exception of Pinocchio, which was installed in in the 1980s.
The dark rides are designed for families to ride together - often with smaller children - and highlight the key scenes from each movie.

July 22 - Question of the Day
So let's have some fun and talk about these rides today since it's FRI-YAY.

Have you ridden on any of these four at ANY Disney park? If not - which are you looking forward to riding.

Bonus: If you could create a new ride for Fantasyland based on a Disney movie, what would it be? Describe it! :)
The only one I've ridden is Peter Pan. I think Snow White was around when I first went to WDW, but I missed it. All these questions makes me think we have to take a trip out to CA to DL. I didn't realize there were so many differences between the parks!

I always thought that the scene from Monsters, Inc where they are chasing each other around the door factory would make a great ride, though it would be out of place in Fantasyland.

Maybe for Fantasyland, a dark ride for Cinderella, like Peter Pan
I would like a Magic Carpet ride. Not like the one they have now. One that is like a roller coaster. Not a big scary one. Something like mine train. You would be in the movie where Jasmine and Aladdin are flying through the city on the magic carpet.

Ohh I love the sound of this!

I have volunteered to host August. Dh goes back to work on the 1st and I don't start teaching classes until after Labor Day. Unfortunately you will all hear about ds1's wedding which takes place on Aug 12th

yeah - looking forward to hearing all about the wedding!

This was a quick stop by ..... I have to get ready for Hockey this morning .... I will be back later to answer the question - that will give me time to think about the ride.
July 22 - Fantasyland!

All right folks, we've made it to the BIGGEST land in our tiny park: FANTASYLAND

We can take two paths to enter Fantasyland from Fantasy Faire - either the back bridge through the side of the castle or go directly through the castle.
It may surprise you that the bulk of Disneyland's attractions are actually IN Fantasyland. Woah! As we meander through the castle
towards the
Carousel there's four dark-type attractions lining the walk way. Behind them are the Casey Jr train and the story book boats,
Dumbo, Tea Cups and the infamous Alice in Wonderland journey. Keep walking towards the back of the park and there's
It's a Small World and The Matterhorn. (And a show - Mickey and the Magical Map!)
Fantasyland holds quite a bit of real estate and
you could spend HOURS riding rides here.

So let's take a moment and look at the Dark Rides - the ones that we all grew up with and enjoy today!


Peter Pan, Snow White, Mr Toad, and Pinocchio are staple attractions at Disneyland (and I guess formally at WDW?) and have
been in the park since opening day - with the exception of Pinocchio, which was installed in in the 1980s.
The dark rides are designed for families to ride together - often with smaller children - and highlight the key scenes from each movie.

July 22 - Question of the Day
So let's have some fun and talk about these rides today since it's FRI-YAY.

Have you ridden on any of these four at ANY Disney park? If not - which are you looking forward to riding.

Bonus: If you could create a new ride for Fantasyland based on a Disney movie, what would it be? Describe it! :)

We did the Peter Pan ride at MK a couple years ago at rope drop. I can't believe the wait times that thing racks up. It was a fine ride, but not worth waiting more than 15 min in my opinion.

While it doesn't fall under the fantasy land theme ride, one thing I thought about is a special Soarin' ride where they change the movie to a Big Hero 6 theme and your flying on Baymax's back through San Frantokyo. I know most Soarin' purists wouldn't enjoy it, but it would be fun to do for a limited time - maybe right before the new Big Hero 6 tv show starts next year.


Stuck at home today after my eye swelled up from the bee sting yesterday. So thankful that it didn't look this bad last night for the concert. My son and I had an amazing time. It was like the Disney World of concerts - above and beyond any show I've seen! We are hosting a party tomorrow night - we do an annual low country boil for friends and I'm really hoping this swelling goes down before tomorrow night.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I had a happy-crying moment today that I wanted to share. Perhaps a few of you have been here as you've tried on clothes but... today it was different.

I went to Nordstrom at lunch and tried on a bunch of jeans and nothing would fit... they were all too big, like the pants I've had since december. It turns out that while I've been maintaining pretty well at 138-140ish, my muscle toning from running is causing me to loose inches. So now... I'm down to a size 25, which is like a size 0. what. How!?

Two years ago I was wearing a size 14 and horrifically depressed. Today I'm wearing extra small shirts and size 25 pants. The small sizes on the rack that i NEVER thought would fit. I'm fitting into them.

Please, do not ever give up on your dreams or your goals. because it's insane how quickly things change for the better.
July 23 -- Casey Jr and the Storybook Boats

Two rides in one :)

Tucked away in Fantasyland is my favorite ride - the Casey Jr train. This little train is modeled after the
train from Dumbo and features cages or traditional seating cars. It's a great ride if you're
trying to maximize your ride time as it literally sits within another attraction: the Storybook boats.


The storybook boats puts you into a boat and you ride through looking at miniature models
of your favorite Disney movies, including Alice in Wonderland, Little Mermaid, Frozen, Mr Toad, etc.
The queue is usually long - but if you ride Casey Jr and can manage a 10 minute wait
to load - you can cross two rides off your list. :)

July 23 - Question of the Day
The Storybook ride offers you a "real world" look via miniatures at what a Disney story
would look like in real life. Let's have some fun. Imagine you could enter the world
of one of Disney's movies - animated or live action.

Which movie would you pick and why? You don't have to be involved with the story,
but perhaps you really really love the idea of wanting to be a background
character in one of the beautiful worlds they've created.

Bonus: Have you experienced the Storybook Boats or Casey Jr? What did you think?

I forgot to answer yesterday!

Like I mentioned before I was pregnant (in 2006) the only time I have been to DL park (last time we went to DLR we just did DCA). I think I must have suffered from pregnancy brain because I don't remember half the rides there. I have been on Mr. Toad's but I only remember standing in line because there was an actual mouse eating things off the ground in the queue. The other ones I don't even remember being there. I have done Snow White and Peter Pan at WDW. I am sad they took out Snow White, I like 7D but it is too short and the whole family can't ride it. Peter Pan is always a must do but only with a fastpass.

The ride I would create would be something for Mary Poppins, I never understood why the carousel at WDW is not Mary Poppins it just seems like an obvious thing to me since it is the only movie with a carousel in it. I think a Mary Poppins ride could be really neat with becoming a cartoon, tea on the ceiling and dancing on rooftops. I would leave it up to the imagineers to work out the details lol. I also think Zootopia would make a fun ride!

On to today's topic...

Another ride I don't remember :rotfl: After seeing a Youtube video of this ride I really want to see it.

Ok If I could pick a movie to be a part of it would be Star Wars, specifically a person that is part of the rebellion in The Force Awakens. All of the worlds look so awesome and it would be fun to be a part of the team that is taking on the The First Order. And The costumes are amazing too.
July 23 -- Casey Jr and the Storybook Boats

Two rides in one :)

Tucked away in Fantasyland is my favorite ride - the Casey Jr train. This little train is modeled after the
train from Dumbo and features cages or traditional seating cars. It's a great ride if you're
trying to maximize your ride time as it literally sits within another attraction: the Storybook boats.


The storybook boats puts you into a boat and you ride through looking at miniature models
of your favorite Disney movies, including Alice in Wonderland, Little Mermaid, Frozen, Mr Toad, etc.
The queue is usually long - but if you ride Casey Jr and can manage a 10 minute wait
to load - you can cross two rides off your list. :)

July 23 - Question of the Day
The Storybook ride offers you a "real world" look via miniatures at what a Disney story
would look like in real life. Let's have some fun. Imagine you could enter the world
of one of Disney's movies - animated or live action.

Which movie would you pick and why? You don't have to be involved with the story,
but perhaps you really really love the idea of wanting to be a background
character in one of the beautiful worlds they've created.

Bonus: Have you experienced the Storybook Boats or Casey Jr? What did you think?

I guess I have entered the world of Disney when I spent 4 months working on the costumes Beauty and the Beast at the local high school. It was truly amazing that we got the show off the ground and we may not won an award for costumes we did win for set and Best Musical.

I can't wait to ride these rides. Thanks for the picture.

If you are a Star Trek fan go see the new movie. It was lot of fun. Lots of action and lots of humor. Really reminded me of the old tv show and why I love Star Trek.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Which movie would you pick and why? You don't have to be involved with the story,
but perhaps you really really love the idea of wanting to be a background
character in one of the beautiful worlds they've created.

Hmmm a tricky one so many to choose from! I'm kind of thinking Lilo and Stitch - I haven't been to Hawaii as yet but would like to - its a fun movie, beautiful tropical setting and great sound track! Not a movie .... but we are really into Once Upon A Time at the moment and it would be fun to spend a day in Storybrook also.

Bonus: Have you experienced the Storybook Boats or Casey Jr? What did you think?

We did both ... but both at night time. We were the last ones on Casey Jr one night and had the ride all to ourselves .... funny thing was the 4 of us all jumped in the one carriage, the animal cage haha ..... we could have had a carriage each to ourselves but we just didn't even think of it.
Another ride I don't remember :rotfl: After seeing a Youtube video of this ride I really want to see it.

Ha! You'll love both rides... :D

If you are a Star Trek fan go see the new movie. It was lot of fun. Lots of action and lots of humor. Really reminded me of the old tv show and why I love Star Trek.
I loved it when I saw it on Thursday. It was perfection and I think I may see it again tomorrow because I just loved it that much.

Not a movie .... but we are really into Once Upon A Time at the moment and it would be fun to spend a day in Storybrook also.

I love that show and I'd love to be a background character in that too.
I had a happy-crying moment today that I wanted to share. Perhaps a few of you have been here as you've tried on clothes but... today it was different.

I went to Nordstrom at lunch and tried on a bunch of jeans and nothing would fit... they were all too big, like the pants I've had since december. It turns out that while I've been maintaining pretty well at 138-140ish, my muscle toning from running is causing me to loose inches. So now... I'm down to a size 25, which is like a size 0. what. How!?

Two years ago I was wearing a size 14 and horrifically depressed. Today I'm wearing extra small shirts and size 25 pants. The small sizes on the rack that i NEVER thought would fit. I'm fitting into them.

Please, do not ever give up on your dreams or your goals. because it's insane how quickly things change for the better.
Woohoo! For the size nothing, the inspiration and for shopping at Nordstrom... We thank you!
July 23 - Question of the Day
The Storybook ride offers you a "real world" look via miniatures at what a Disney story
would look like in real life. Let's have some fun. Imagine you could enter the world
of one of Disney's movies - animated or live action.

Which movie would you pick and why? You don't have to be involved with the story,
but perhaps you really really love the idea of wanting to be a background
character in one of the beautiful worlds they've created.

Bonus: Have you experienced the Storybook Boats or Casey Jr? What did you think?

I want to live in Belle's provincial french town and swoon over Gaston, the true hero of the story. :lovestruc:laughing:

As for Casey Jr, as I mentioned before... it's my favorite ride and I love it. The best seat is the very last row where you face backward. It's worth waiting for because you get an entire view of Fantasyland and of all the miniatures.
REPORTING IN: I am at 70% of my walking goal for the month.

We have had wonderful weather this weekend, remember it is Winter here, but we had a record high for July yesterday 31.4 degrees Celsius which in your language is about 88.5 degrees. So nice and warm without the humidity we get in summer. There were so many boats out in the river today when we drove past the boat trailer car park was overflowing and the were parked up and down the street as well.
Weekly Check-In:

Started the month at 229 and the goal was to lose 10 lbs before July 29th.

Last Sunday I weighed in at 220.25 lbs. Today I weighed in at 219.5 lbs. I lost .75 lbs this week and I'm at 95% toward my goal.


It was an interesting week. Even though I'm still trying to lose weight, I'm more in a maintenance phase than a weight loss phase. This week I cut down my running slightly - ran 4 of 7 days with a few short runs mixed in. I also upped my calories a little. Had ice cream three times this week (cones at McDonald's are only 170 calories - love them)! I ate a ton yesterday at our low country boil. Most of it good with lots of shrimp and corn and a little of the potatoes and sausage. It was the first time I ate like that in months. Had about 4 beers too. To be down after all that has been very positive for me (although I was at 217 earlier in the week).

The thing I learned this week is I was able to eat treats, reduce exercise just a bit, and able to enjoy our party and I didn't gain for the week. I feel like I can totally keep this this up and be happy w/o feeling like I'm missing out of anything.
The thing I learned this week is I was able to eat treats, reduce exercise just a bit, and able to enjoy our party and I didn't gain for the week. I feel like I can totally keep this this up and be happy w/o feeling like I'm missing out of anything.

This. This so much. :D

It took awhile for me to learn this and it's such an important lesson. You can enjoy the things you like but it's everything in moderation. Or you can have splurge days but just be back on track the next few days for it to even out!
July 24 - The Matterhorn

The "Mountain Ride" of Fantasyland

The matterhorn at Disneyland has been a staple attraction since 1958. It's the first ever rollercoaster to
a tubular steel track (!) and is quite a thrilling ride for being located in Fantasyland. The ride
boasts side-by-side tracks -- one from Fantasyland (right side) and one from Tomorrowland (left side).
The tomorrowland side (left) is a bit more thrilling than the Fantasyland side (right) - but Fantsyland
offers more visuals and perhaps a view of the infamous Basketball Court at the top of the ride.

Yes, There is a basketball court! If the lights are on you can see it :)


Pro ride tip: Load the car so that heavier passengers are in the back. You'll get a faster ride that way.
In fact, a ride of all adults is best. Kids don't have enough weight and it makes it 'drag' in some points.

So what is this ride about? There's an abominable snow man that's fairly threatening and you ride
in cars similar to Space Mountain at WDW. You pretty much board a sled and have a thrilling ride
through the mountain. And there's some great bumps and drops along the way!

Another fun fact: My husband's grandfather's company supplied the cement used in the ride.

Question of the Day - July 24
The Matterhorn is not a smooth ride - you feel like you're actually traveling through a mountain.
And life is sometimes like that too -- not quite so smooth and you just have to deal with things.

How do you manage stress and when things don't go according to plan? What do you do

when you experience life's "Matterhorn Drops and Turns" or you turn
into a raging abdominal snowman?

Bonus question: Have you ridden on the Matterhorn?
If not - which side are you thinking of riding first - the "view" side of Fantasyland or
the 'fun side' of tomorrowland?

I am a day behind on the questions. For yesterdays question I don't know what show I would like to be in. I think I would have to go with Cinderella. I would love to be at the Ball and wear the nice dresses.

I have not ridden either ride but In have seen a video of the boat ride and really want to go on it. One day.

For today's question. I do not always handle stress well. A lot of time I take it out on the kids or my husband. Other times I will eat but I don't over eat. A candy bar will do. Other times I just cry. It all depends on what is stressing me out and how bad it is. Last October my stress was really high. We had a few things back to back happen and one being our bank account was hacked. I was eating peanut butter M&M's every day for a week and I think there were a few tears in there too.

The Matterhorn scares me. I have never been on it but you can't see the ride to tell if I would like it. This might be one I might just have to suck it up and just do it.

This weekend was a busy one. My husbands birthday was yesterday and we meet up with some friends for dinner. Then they came back to our house and we all played some games. Realized at 11 I still needed to get more steps in. We were playing Battle of the Sexes and I decided to step while we were playing. They thought I was weird but I got my steps in.

I am so happy to be back in the office starting tomorrow. This past week threw me off. Not being on your normal routine is rough. I didn't eat like i normally do or get my steps like I normally do. When in the office I pace out my steps more. Plus when it is as hot out as it was this week I have a cool place to walk. For eating, I had way too many things around and could eat when ever I wanted.

I am sure I have not lost weight this week but this is the week that I would gain a pound anyways plus my eating for the week. This week I should be doing much better.

Check In: 24/31 days of 10,000 steps
7/9 days of works outs
77.5% Complete
July 24 - The Matterhorn

The "Mountain Ride" of Fantasyland

The matterhorn at Disneyland has been a staple attraction since 1958. It's the first ever rollercoaster to
a tubular steel track (!) and is quite a thrilling ride for being located in Fantasyland. The ride
boasts side-by-side tracks -- one from Fantasyland (right side) and one from Tomorrowland (left side).
The tomorrowland side (left) is a bit more thrilling than the Fantasyland side (right) - but Fantsyland
offers more visuals and perhaps a view of the infamous Basketball Court at the top of the ride.

Yes, There is a basketball court! If the lights are on you can see it :)


Pro ride tip: Load the car so that heavier passengers are in the back. You'll get a faster ride that way.
In fact, a ride of all adults is best. Kids don't have enough weight and it makes it 'drag' in some points.

So what is this ride about? There's an abominable snow man that's fairly threatening and you ride
in cars similar to Space Mountain at WDW. You pretty much board a sled and have a thrilling ride
through the mountain. And there's some great bumps and drops along the way!

Another fun fact: My husband's grandfather's company supplied the cement used in the ride.

Question of the Day - July 24
The Matterhorn is not a smooth ride - you feel like you're actually traveling through a mountain.
And life is sometimes like that too -- not quite so smooth and you just have to deal with things.

How do you manage stress and when things don't go according to plan? What do you do

when you experience life's "Matterhorn Drops and Turns" or you turn
into a raging abdominal snowman?

Bonus question: Have you ridden on the Matterhorn?
If not - which side are you thinking of riding first - the "view" side of Fantasyland or
the 'fun side' of tomorrowland?

In the past I did not do good with stress. I always pick bad habits to deal with it. When I was a teenager I self injured, then smoked and used food. I think I finally have found a way to deal with the stress in a healthy way and that is with running. It helps a lot but I still have my moments.

I can't wait to ride the Bobsleds, I think I will try the view first but I hope to get to do both.

This weekend DH and I came to the realization that we can't do our weekly long runs together any more :(. It's just too hot during the time when the in-laws can watch the kids. I knew this day was coming since I signed up to run the WDW marathon alone but it still makes me sad, we have been running together for over a year now.

And my progress has taken a baby step back this week, I gained 1/2 lb so I am at 90%.


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