The Running Thread - 2016

I sign up for something. I find the reality of having to train for a race is incentive enough to get my lazy a$$ out of bed. If there's nothing on the calendar, I'm not quite as motivated.

yeah, this would be be, which is why I have tried to keep at least 1 5K scheduled every month.
Side note: I'm officially moved into college so that took priority over running today.

Perhaps I have overlooked it, but which school are you at? College is a blast. Just go to class... any other advice I could offer is not appropriate for a Disney forum. I only made B's and mostly C's in college.... As I am sure everyone can tell by my mastery of sentence structure and grammar. LOL
Perhaps I have overlooked it, but which school are you at? College is a blast. Just go to class... any other advice I could offer is not appropriate for a Disney forum. I only made B's and mostly C's in college.... As I am sure everyone can tell by my mastery of sentence structure and grammar. LOL
I'm at Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Your grammar isn't that bad :)
I'm at Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Your grammar isn't that bad :)
I hope you love Marquette - it's where I went too! I graduated in 2009. It's so hard to believe it was 11 years ago I was in your shoes moving in for the first time. Make sure you get to basketball games, even if you don't get the season tickets (which I recommend doing - totally worth it for a student!) They're so much fun!!

Good choice. I graduated from Marquette in 2004.

ETA: That makes me feel really old
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 How cool! Yay for Marquette alumni! Class of 2009 here! :wave:

Wisconsin was my first choice... But...
I almost went to Wisconsin, but I definitely ended up making the better choice for me. As I said above, I hope you love it too. :)
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

ATTQOTD: I find myself in this situation right now. I am not sure if I am just wore out from everything and just being lazy, but I am struggling with getting back into it. I do know that its just a matter of getting back into a routine to get myself back to normal running. It's all mental at this point, and I need to just get out there and do it. The hour to 1.5 hour to drive with the increased traffic around town is not helping my motivation these day either.

Usually I just remind myself that I am happier when I am running and I force myself out the door. After mile 3ish I am happy to be back out and then I am sore for a couple of days which keeps it all fresh in my mind and it's a constant reminder to get out there again.

I am quite worried about getting back out once I am given the all clear though. It is going to hurt so bad.

ATTQOTD: I am trying to find a fall race now to keep me motivated:) I have nothing official on the horizon, and would like to work toward something. The busy fall season is coming and having a race will help keep me focused. I also am feeling a touch discouraged by my lack of fitness post injury, but I know if I keep at it, that will come back. I'm leaning toward the 10k I used for POT last year, because I loved the course. It is my 10k PR and I think I could have done better even than I did. I made myself start slow, because I always go out too fast. But, my first mile was even slower than intended. I'd like to try to beat it, but since I am coming back from a tough injury, I am thinking mid October may be too soon. I may have to settle for my Thanksgiving 10k fave instead. I will decide in a few more weeks. Luckily neither ever sells out and I've registered for both day of in the past. Both are relatively cheap, $30 and $25, so I could do both and make only the second one a truly hard effort.

You mention lack of fitness and as I was reading that it was a coincidence because I had just taken a picture of the difference in my calves. I have attached it, obviously. I was going to ask if you could all tell which leg had the surgery based on the picture but the scar on top of my foot is a dead give away. I can only imagine how long it will take me to get back into reasonable shape.

My average right now is hovering right around 50 miles and I periodically just wake up and really don't want to run. I'm slow enough that just the time commitment to run 80 miles a week would make me want to take a break, and that doesn't even factor in fatigue and other issues.

IamTrike, I quoted the wrong post somehow but you mentioned you were slow in a post after this one. I was surprised. I know there are a lot of people on this thread, and from the marathon thread, but I always remember you being one of the fast ones on here. Am I confused?



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I hope you love Marquette - it's where I went too! I graduated in 2009. It's so hard to believe it was 11 years ago I was in your shoes moving in for the first time. Make sure you get to basketball games, even if you don't get the season tickets (which I recommend doing - totally worth it for a student!) They're so much fun!!

:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 How cool! Yay for Marquette alumni! Class of 2009 here! :wave:

I almost went to Wisconsin, but I definitely ended up making the better choice for me. As I said above, I hope you love it too. :)
Thanks! I definitely will be going to basketball games!
Dude. I graduated (not from Marquette) in 1992, how old do YOU make me feel? Hopefully I've now passed along the "old feeling" to someone else now! :crutches:

I hope I'm correct in inferring some sarcasm in your statement, I definitely meant to imply it in mine. :guilty:Sorry:guilty:.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

You just have to do it. Once you just get yourself out there a few times, it gets easier. There is no magical answer for me other than that.

I try not to take time off of running other than for vacations because it's tough for me to get back into the habit. What I usually do though is convince myself I'll feel better if I run and fake it until I believe myself.

I'm proactive.... I don't take time off from running.

Believe me, it's not a choice I make.
Good choice. I graduated from Marquette in 2004.

ETA: That makes me feel really old

Shoosh. -.-

@rteetz Ditto on going to class. You'll learn more by getting up, getting cleaned up, and going to class every day than you will in any given day of class. Take those random Wednesday night short courses, like salsa dancing, or bartending, and that random stuff. Sign up for Habitat for Humanity one weekend. (You're not missing anything, believe me.) Be nice, but don't waste time on people who aren't worth it. And treat the girls like princesses. Chances are, they've never seen a prince, and never will again.


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