The Running Thread - 2016

Phew caught up. Summer is busy for me and I keep having prolonged times away from the disboards, this thread is tough to catch up with;) Great discussions though. Some very dramatic, motivational and educational stories in the worst race experience reports.

@Keels, so sorry to hear about your hip issues, but I am sure you will find a way to keep moving and seeing the world! And I am a huge believer in second opinions, not to find one you like, but simply to help clarify issues. My dad would absolutely be dead if he hadn't gone to Dana Farber for a second opinion, and I would have had an entirely unnecessary major operation if I hadn't gone to Boston (B&W) for one. Sometimes they just confirm the first doc (which can be good or bad based on your perspective) other times they are life changing. I hope you get useful info from yours.

Still not running, but my PT gave me a glimmer of hope that he may clear me next week. Have been doing a ton of strength training and non impact cardio at the gym. Usually I'd say at least I'm avoiding this miserable New England heat wave, but my gym's AC is not working properly. :scared:

My worst race experience is a tough call. Princess Half 2016 was toughest emotionally, but I think I learned a lot from that. I think I will go with a 10k in Bedford Ma in November 2014 for proof of time that was probably my most miserable experience (luckily my previous years POT was still good;)). Three factors: I was fighting off ITB syndrome, I looked at the profile of the race ahead, but did not pay attention to the labels, and I started waaaay too fast. I had been dealing with ITB for a while, it had been under control, but it was in the back of my mind the whole time. I looked at the profile online. I train in a very hilly area in Central Massachusetts, so I am used to hills. But, this race course threw me. The profile I saw had much larger higher values for each tick mark up the graph than I noticed, so I wasn't thinking it would be anything worse than I was used to. It was super hilly, as in somehow almost entirely slightly uphill, with some major hills thrown in for fun. And, I started out way too fast, which set me up for trouble on the hills and with my ITB. I was middle to back of the pack to start, planning on a 9:50ish pace. Well, it must have been a lot of fast people because I was just going with the flow, and the first time I looked at my watch, about a half mile in, I was over a minute faster than I wanted to be, around 8:35 if I recall. So, the race was just a struggle fest. I was just recovering from the tough start when the big hills started, and then around mile 4 my ITB pain in my knee got really, bad, forcing me to stop and walk quite a bit. I finished, but I was in the last 10% of runners. As for the learning experience, part, I learned to better examine race profiles :) And I start even further back than I think I need to. I also have a watch now that alerts me if I am going too fast or my heart rate too high.

I joined the Disboards in Jan 2013 according to my profile. I am guessing it was when I was planning my first Disney cruise in April of 2013. I think I lurked for a while before joining because I know I was planning way ahead of January. I started reading the rD boards that summer when I got more serious about running and signed up for my first GSC.
@LSUlakes not sure if you wear a hat when you run or not, but Headsweats has LSU running hats on sale for $6.75. Plus you can use code: Christmas for an additional 30% of. We just got ours in today, and they are great. Here's the link:

For everyone else: They have other schools too, but LSU is the only good one::yes::

Here is the link to all their clearance hats and visors:
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Hi, today's qotd seems perfect for coming out of lurking status. I joined the boards in 2012 after a disney trip in an attempt to find out what had happened to pet souvenirs. I tried to participate in a few threads but got scared away after seeing how intense some people can be. At the beginning of this year I decided I wanted to do my first race and came to the dis boards to see if there were any threads to help me learn about the disney races and I found the rundisney forum. I read several threads and this one just had so much information about running in general that I went back and read all the past posts. Ever since I have been coming here to read before my runs to inspire/motivate me. Now I'm signed up for mickey's holiday 5k and the princess 10k!
First time attempting a race report, so bear with me. I did my first 10K on Monday (yes, Monday - weird Utah state holiday), the Deseret News Classic here in Salt Lake City. There's a marathon, half, 10K and 5K all on the same day with the same finish line, and the last two miles of the 5K and 10K go down the parade route where thousands of spectators camp out overnight.

- I was only able to train to 5 miles, and only did that distance one time a week before the race.
- I normally do walk/run intervals, but just a week before this race discovered I could flat out run a mile and a half without stopping, so changed up my race strategy less than a week out.
- The course map indicated three water stops, but there were only two. I'm someone who really benefits from extra hydration and should've brought my own, but did not.
- Despite the thousands of people in the last two miles of the course, not many were there for the runners, so there was little encouragement relative to the crowd.
- A 10K was a lot harder than I thought, especially the last 1.2 miles and struggling where I thought the water stops would be, but weren't.

- The weather has been really hot, but we had a nice, cool morning and started the race at about 68 degrees and breezy. YAY!
- The course is gorgeous and mostly downhill.
- I stuck to my interval plan of 3 minute run/1 minute walk for the first two miles, then 5/1 for the second two, and run the last 2.2. Almost. I did have to take three :30 walk breaks in the last mile.
- The few spectators who were cheering were great, and even had some fun signs (hit for boost, high five for more power, etc).
- I beat my secret goal time of 1:15 with a 1:14:25 that I can submit for GSC POT!

Hope I did that right!

Gutsy move, changing your training plan that close to race day! I'm glad it worked for you!

Another lurker coming out :)

I ran for a long time, and then got burned out. After 2 kids, I'm ready to get back on the wagon and see running as a way to get back in shape, and get some "me" time - which is hard to come by these days!

I recently registered for the Princess half and can't wait for my first runDisney event and first half marathon. I am planning a 10k in October to use as POT.

Thanks to all for the great info you share daily!

And to answer the QOTD...I used to go by time (scheduling exercise time in) but have recently switched to miles (to actually train for a goal race) and really like that better!


I have a question for all the challenge veterans out there. With Dumbo coming up I am curious what you guys eat between races? Should I focus on carbs or protein or both to prepare for the next day?

I really don't do anything special. I'm just careful. I eat pretty blandly and balanced, with no raw vegetables. It can be tricky and frustrating to eat that way on vacation, but I thank myself for it during all of those races.

QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

I have been here so long, I don't really remember. My profile says I have been a member since 2006, which is also when I went on my first WDW trip. I'm sure I probably Googled something when I was researching for my trip and got this site in my search results. As for the runDisney section, I'm not sure. I probably saw it when I was looking in the WISH section. The Running Thread caught my attention, just like anything else with "running" in the title.

ATTQOTD: Found DIS boards several years when I was vacation planning. One the best sources for info out there. Not sure when I started paying attention to the running part but probably when I signed up for my first runDisney event. Started participating in this thread earlier this year. :)
I joined in 2008 looking for an answer regarding Magical Express. I then proceeded to take an 8 year break before lurking on the runDisney boards this year. Pretty sure I heard about the runDisney boards from the disunplugged podcast when someone was talking about popular threads for that month and decided to check it out. I lurked for a few months until I signed up for the marathon. Not sure why I was so nervous to post but I am glad that I finally did!
@LSUlakes not sure if you wear a hat when you run or not, but Headsweats has LSU running hats on sale for $6.75. Plus you can use code: Christmas for an additional 30% of. We just got ours in today, and they are great. Here's the link:

For everyone else: They have other schools too, but LSU is the only good one::yes::

Here is the link to all their clearance hats and visors:

Thanks for the heads up. I never tried running with a hat on to tell you the truth, but wanted to say thanks for looking out for a fellow tiger fan. The season is just around the corner! Took DD to see Mike the Tiger on Sunday after we had brunch at the Chimes. (DW was out of town so it was a daddy daughter date, shes a little over 2.5.) She was excited to see him and kept saying she needed to hug Mike to make him feel better. You can see the area on his face that I assume they shaved for treatment. She was very excited about our little outing. I have a feeling I am going to miss these types of moments when she gets into her teens.

Got way off topic here...
Thanks for the heads up. I never tried running with a hat on to tell you the truth, but wanted to say thanks for looking out for a fellow tiger fan. The season is just around the corner! Took DD to see Mike the Tiger on Sunday after we had brunch at the Chimes. (DW was out of town so it was a daddy daughter date, shes a little over 2.5.) She was excited to see him and kept saying she needed to hug Mike to make him feel better. You can see the area on his face that I assume they shaved for treatment. She was very excited about our little outing. I have a feeling I am going to miss these types of moments when she gets into her teens.

Got way off topic here...

Give it a shot. They're great for keeping the sweat and sun out of your eyes. I won't run without one. Headsweats are pretty much the most comfortable and best ventilated I've found, as well.

I'm just bummed they don't have an NC State version available! But they've got Wake Forest and Duke, whaaaattttt?!
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

ATTQOTD: I first found this site when I was researching the WDW marathon about a year ago I guess. I was pleased to find a thread for the marathon itself had already started and began following it while trying to learn as much about this race as I could. So I discovered this site and this branch of the site at the same time. I do read a lot of other things on here now that I have found them. When the marathon was over, I wanted to continue discussing running with the people who posted in the marathon thread and decided to make a general running discussion thread. I couldn't be happier with the amount of people who also take part in this thread.

I have shared my story before, I don't know if it was on this thread yet or not. My wife told me roughly 3 years ago she wanted a divorce. I was lost. I had spent so much time trying to make her happy I forgot who I was so I turned to Disney because I loved it so much. That's when I joined. Shortly after I decided I was signing up for ToT in 2014. I asked if there is was a section related to running and I was directed to the W.I.S.H. section. I have been on a couple of threads but I am so glad LSUlakes started this thread. It's obviously popular and helpful as it continues to grow.

I am another lurker that has followed this thread from the beginning and decided to post. I have my first runDisney event with the Princess 5k and Half in 2017 (my friend didn't want to do the Glass Slipper challenge since this will be her first half). A Disney half has been on my bucket list for a while. Also on my bucket list is becoming a Half Fanatic member, which I will accomplish in December. I've done various 5k's, some 10k's (including the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta 3x) and the Hot Chocolate 15k, and 2 half marathons. I have loved reading about all the races/training on this thread so decided to join in the fun.

QOTD: My worst race was probably the first Peachtree (10k) that I did. Thought I could go out and just run/walk it with no training. Found out the hard way when I couldn't move for the rest of the day and part of the next. My next 10k went much better!
QOTD: I train by mileage, with some tempo runs (time) built in. This is the first time adding speed work into my training.

Upcoming races:

Chicago Half 9/26/16 - My goal is to PR. My current PR is 2:45 on a hilly course here in Georgia (you can't run in Atlanta without hills, unless you are on a track). With the flat course, I should be able to PR
Lewis-Gale Salem Half, Salem VA 10/15/16 - No goal - this is just on the way to get the half fanatic status (3 halfs in 90 days) and my hometown so no housing costs!
Locomotive Half, Kennesaw GA 12/11/16 - this is the race where I hold my current PR. Just want to beat my 2:45 from last year

Also have a few 5k's planned just for fun - I like to plan a race for each month so I have something to shoot for and to keep my running consistent.
8/6/16 Vinings 5k
10/8/16 Bacon 5k - doing this one walking with my youngest son - because who doesn't love Bacon!
12/3/16 Ugly Sweater 5k (morning) and Lights of Life (evening) - the Lights of Life was added because it's a challenge with the Locomotive Half - extra medal - 'nough said.

Welcome. You sure look like you have a busy schedule coming up. That's awesome!

Hi, today's qotd seems perfect for coming out of lurking status. I joined the boards in 2012 after a disney trip in an attempt to find out what had happened to pet souvenirs. I tried to participate in a few threads but got scared away after seeing how intense some people can be. At the beginning of this year I decided I wanted to do my first race and came to the dis boards to see if there were any threads to help me learn about the disney races and I found the rundisney forum. I read several threads and this one just had so much information about running in general that I went back and read all the past posts. Ever since I have been coming here to read before my runs to inspire/motivate me. Now I'm signed up for mickey's holiday 5k and the princess 10k!

We are intense here but in a different way. :teeth: Welcome. Hopefully you, and all the new participants, stick around for a while.
ATTQOTD: I've known about the DIS for a while, as searches for various questions about WDW will bring up various threads and posts. DW and I signed up for the first couple of rD races through a travel agent, but decided we would benefit from APs.So, during the search for help and information in signing up for Wine and Dine, I joined the DIS this March, and through some browsing, found The Running Thread! It's been terrific!
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

I started as a lurker on the trip report threads just to relive trips to Disney through the stories of others. I realized that there were stories about runDisney trips and read everything I could and that led me to the WISH site and then to the different race threads. This led to me signing up for the Goofy Challenge (I had missed the Dopey) and then I began reading the Marathon site and found it to be a wealth of information, resources and inspiration. Then after the 2016 Marathon I was very excited to see @LSUlakes start The Running Thread. It is very exciting to have discussion that involve all the runDisney races and running topics in general. Thank you @LSUlakes!
@LSUlakes not sure if you wear a hat when you run or not, but Headsweats has LSU running hats on sale for $6.75. Plus you can use code: Christmas for an additional 30% of. We just got ours in today, and they are great.

Give it a shot. They're great for keeping the sweat and sun out of your eyes. I won't run without one. Headsweats are pretty much the most comfortable and best ventilated I've found, as well.

Thanks for the heads up! I found my husband's alma mater there (he hates when I wear my alma mater gear around him) and the hat I have now is looking pretty ragged after all these years. When purchasing, it says to pick TOW color. What does that mean?
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?
While preparing for the 2011 Goofy (my first marathon), I became overly obsessed with being swept. A google search led me here. I bounce back and forth between lurker and active participant.
Thanks for the heads up! I found my husband's alma mater there (he hates when I wear my alma mater gear around him) and the hat I have now is looking pretty ragged after all these years. When purchasing, it says to pick TOW color. What does that mean?

I think they call that hat the Top Of the World (TOW) style. My guess is that's how you pick the color when you order a generic one. When I click on that option for one of the University hats the only option that comes up is "None". Probably because the hat color is already fixed to the University's school color. That's my guess, at least.
Thanks for the heads up! I found my husband's alma mater there (he hates when I wear my alma mater gear around him) and the hat I have now is looking pretty ragged after all these years. When purchasing, it says to pick TOW color. What does that mean?

I have no clue, but that was my only option too. They came as pictured though. I have a feeling it's an acronym for them.
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I just read the answer from @camaker and that is exactly the acronym. The tags that came off of the hat were Top of the World. I think it's a sub-brand or style sold by Headsweats.
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QOTD: To build off of yesterdays QOTD, what other forms of social media (Forums, Facebook, twitter, ect) do you use to read and discuss running related topics?

ATTQOTD: On facebook there is a group called the 100 mile a month. It's a good way to post your daily and monthly totals to try to get to 100 miles each month. I find it is just another form of motivation to see others reaching that mark. At times getting to 100 miles is a struggle, while at others I reach that mark nearly two weeks into a month. I also read runners world forums at times. Used to spend a lot of time on the Boston Marathon forum when I was training for that event, but mostly a lurker there these days. The last thing I use of Garmin Connect, which mostly consist of a group of my piers who are much faster than I am. Seeing the things they do to get the results they achieve reminds me I can always do more.

Happy Friday to all and good luck to those who are racing this weekend!
Thanks for the heads up. I never tried running with a hat on to tell you the truth, but wanted to say thanks for looking out for a fellow tiger fan. The season is just around the corner! Took DD to see Mike the Tiger on Sunday after we had brunch at the Chimes. (DW was out of town so it was a daddy daughter date, shes a little over 2.5.) She was excited to see him and kept saying she needed to hug Mike to make him feel better. You can see the area on his face that I assume they shaved for treatment. She was very excited about our little outing. I have a feeling I am going to miss these types of moments when she gets into her teens.

Got way off topic here...

That's adorable. My son likes to tell everyone here in VA that their team is terrible. He doesn't get the concept of conferences & divisions at 4.5 yet, so he thinks all schools are competition. He feels the same about the saints. I'm also complete jealous that you took her to the Chimes. Please tell me you got crab fingers and/or boudin balls.
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ATTQOTD: I am on some private forums that have a running thread, although the forums themselves are not dedicated to running. I am also a member of some running and running related FB groups, although I am not very active in them (Half Fanatics, 100 Half Marathon Club, a couple of runDisney ones, and sometimes a running discussion breaks out in one of my Sparkle Skirts groups). Once in a great while, if I'm feeling particularly masochistic around a large event like the Olympic Trials, I'll go read the forums. :)


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