The Running Thread - 2016

QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

ATTQOTD: First found the DIS boards almost 10 years ago (I think) when I was planning a surprise Christmas trip to Disney for my 3 boys. It was my go to for everything. About 2 years ago (just about when I started running) I came back to the DIS and I was following a Princess Weekend board in preparation for one of my first 5k's. Seems that running has become part of who I am, and the Running Thread is a good fit.
Agree with others. If you intend to ingest ANY carbs during the half marathon (gels, powerade, etc.), then it is extremely unlikely that glycogen depletion will be a limiting factor. Even when running the half in 3.5 hours (not saying you will, but merely as an example), you're still unlikely to need a carb loading procedure of any kind (including the classic spaghetti dinner or something more sophisticated like the Western Australian method). However, if you're interested I can run the numbers for you to add a layer of confidence to your mind. Send me a PM because it would require a few personal details if you're interested (weight, VO2max, intended carb consumption during race and goal time). With that being said, I would say a normal breakfast, lunch and dinner would suffice to appropriately fuel you between runs. Avoid anything that you haven't eaten before (not a good time to try out squid if you've never had it before).
Thanks for the advice and the offer! I trust that eating normal will be enough for this challenge, but I may take you up on that for Goofy.

Thanks @cavepig @croach & @BuckeyeBama for your answers, it helps give me peace of mind to have a plan going into my first challenge!
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

My DD26 planned a trip for us to WDW February 2015. As it would be our first trip to WDW I googled for info and found the Dis. Then when she suggested W&D, I googled again and found @Ariel484's race trip reports. Pretty sure after reading all her reports I followed the thread backwards and found WISH section. :)
First discovered the disboards in 2013 when I was planning my family's first trip to DW (I then had to change my dis account in 2015 bc I wanted a different email attached to it). My husband and in-laws were so impressed with the way the trip was planned, and I gave all credit to these boards! I first learned about RD races in late 2014 and KNEW I wanted to try one out. Reading RD (and regular) TR are some of things I love best! I really loved being part of the Princess 2016 thread, and after the race weekend, I knew I wanted to stay connected to runners that are Disney fans like myself. So when I saw this thread I was so excited!! Thanks again for starting/managing it @LSUlakes!
ATTQOTD: Signed up for Disboard way back in 2003 or 2004 under a different username. I found the sight because I was a reader and they linked a trip report for someone's "fairytale wedding" or something like that. I can't believe I even remember that. I was sucked into the world of trip report reading. I think one of the tpr readers named Renee posted rundisney reports frequently back then. That was my first exposure to rundisney. I fell off posting for a few years and then started up again when planning my honeymoon years ago. roxymama was a new username once I had magicband & fp+ questions.
I know I found the WISH board off of a trip report, but no idea whose trip report. Started my journal (link in my sig if anyone is interested) once I decided I was going to do WDW marathon weekend. And the rest is history.
ATTQOTD: I originally joined the DIS back in 1998(!!!) and was very active for about a decade. I had well over 5,000 posts and did live streaming video of our Boardwalk view rooms back when you couldn't just do it from your phone and the hotels didn't have wifi. (We traveled with a router, laptop and webcam to do it.) My account got banned along with a bunch of others during some freak misunderstanding with an overzealous moderator, so I took a hiatus for a year or so, then came back in 2009. Early on, there was no social media to discuss all this stuff, but now with all the information out there in so many places, I don't find myself relying on the DIS as much, so I just checked in now and then. I started looking at this board last spring when I was considering signing up for the Princess 5K. I wasn't a runner yet, but had a DVC trip already booked that coincided and figured I could walk it and just see what it was all about. I used this board to get the scoop on what the races are like and how to register, and enjoyed the 5K so much I started actually training and running afterward! Now this is my most frequented board here, and I check in pretty much every day.
I have a question for all the challenge veterans out there. With Dumbo coming up I am curious what you guys eat between races? Should I focus on carbs or protein or both to prepare for the next day?
I eat as close as possible to how I did in training: I'm a firm believer in training how you want to race, race like you trained! Nothing terribly special - I always aim for a good balance of carbs, protein and fat. I do try to limit fiber during challenge weekends, though: I have a cast iron stomach, but too much fiber + running can make me feel icky. So instead of a big salad for lunch, I'd opt for a sandwich, for instance.

QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

ATTQOTD: Oh gosh - I've been around since the old DIS, back in the late 90s! A coworker who was also a Disney freak told me about it. Took a break during a time when I wasn't going to WDW much and when I came back, it was the new format and I couldn't remember any of my old login stuff, so I started over as PrincessV. Discovered the rD threads in the WISH section after a friend ran the WDW Half. I don't remember how I found the Running Thread - I assume someone posted it in one of the race threads?
I first found the DIS in 2011 when I was planning my first trip to WDW as an adult. I wasn't a runner back then and had no idea that there were races at Disney. Then, I somehow stumbled across that information on these boards at the end of 2013 and that is actually what got me to start running! I figured that if I could start running and train up to being able to do the Tower of Terror 10 miler, that would be an adequate justification to be able to go back to Disney World :) Little did I know what that was going to start.
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

I first found the DISboards about seven years ago when I was trying to find information about taking our son with autism on our first WDW family vacation, so I stumbled upon the DISabilities section back then. It was awesome to have so much great information in one place. I didn't join, though, until two years later when I was planning our second family trip. As far as runDisney, I didn't find this section (or what was the subsection of W.I.S.H.) until last year when I was finally prepairing to register for my first rD race.
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?

ATTQOTD: I first joined back in 2010 when I was planning a family trip to WDW. Then in 2012 when I was training for my first half, someone in my running group mentioned that Disney did runs on their property. I decided to do some searching here on the Dis and found one of @Ariel484 's trip reports and that led me to the WISH forum and a wealth of information about runDisney. Thanks again to @LSUlakes for this thread and for keeping it moving!!
I joined in 2001 apparently it says. I was born "Disney" so that's why I visited disboards, the RunDisney threads not until I guess 2013/2014 and didn't start posting on those for awhile. Even the main forums on here I don't post much, sometimes there's too much arguing, I know I had a argument way back when with someone on fastpasses just starting who got nasty, so I've learned it's better to hold back from posting.

This thread is very entertaining I must say even though I don't post a ton. I read a that's creepy I suppose, ha!
ATTQOTD: I found the Dis back in 2008 when planning our first family trip to WDW. I mostly lurked back then. I frequented the boards again in 2013 for our Thanksgiving trip, again mostly lurking, gathering as much info as I could. I didn't find the Wish or RunDisney section until I signed up for this years marathon back in May 2015, religiously following the marathon thread, and now this thread. Being somewhat new to distance running, these threads have been so helpful and awesome!

Recently I've been over at the discount forums, I'm desperately hoping for a good discount or Pin code for spring break next year.
QOTD: What brought you to the DIS boards for the first time? When did you first discover the "runDisney" (Was named something else a few months ago) section of the forum and The Running Thread?
I discovered the disboards by watching the disunplugged podcasts. I figured I might as well join the boards they always discuss. That was in 2013. My main focus which still is, is rumors and news. I just love discussing what is and what could be coming to Disney parks.

I first discovered rundisney in the boards through a news story I think. I then was really interested in what it was so I started checking out the wish sub forum rundisney board.

I then became a moderator here during marathon weekend. The webmaster soften ask suggestions for what changes we think should be made and such and one of the ones I said should be done is a rundisney board. As a sub forum it was always hidden and people didn't know where to go. Now rundisney has its own home.

The running thread was a great idea and I know @LSUlakes asked me some questions about starting this thread before he did. I love how so many of us come here and share our knowledge and experiences.
ATTQOTD: I became a DIS member in 2009, I guess while planning a trip for DH and me -- and have been a relatively active member since (ebbs and flows depending on how far away our next trip is....but since then, we've been visiting ~1/year, except when our first DD was born!). I only discovered the runDisney board ~2 weeks ago when I registered for the PHM - and it has become one of my top go-to boards!


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