Something About Nothing ... #12

Well, wet weather is coming our way tomorrow. Thunderstorms in the mix too. Patrica? Not sure, but with 50 degree temps and rain, it's going to be a soggy cool day.

But today, is cool, almost had to scrape the windows of frost again, but a nice enough fall day.

Hope Mac has made it home ok. Hopefully all went well with her trip.

Buckeev, hope you are drying out and glad to hear you got home ok.

Yep, we know it's fall now, as we have such pretty oranges and golds and browns.

Hope all are feeling well, and enjoying this last Tuesday of October. Halloween this week-end, and I have to keep stopping the family from eating the treats we are to hand out, well, my DS to hand out. I hope the weather holds out.
Morning all :wave2: having some coffee this morning weather dark and rainy. Need a minion smile
*peeks in this thread*

So...ahem. This month I'm going to theme parks on both east and west coasts and doing Halloween events.

Anyone interested in a possible trip report when I'm done? I'm doing Disneyland and Knotts Scary Farm in California, then Universal and Mickey's Halloween party in Florida.
lynne - my better half corrected me, said it was a different storm, rare one coming from the east. we're supposed to get high winds tonight into tomorrow & then buckets of rain. I'm just hoping my decorations that are out stay in place. held off on majority of it, hope it blows thru by Friday.

carole - IDK, haven't heard "Boo" from Mac. How dare she have a RL!:joker:

buckeev - glad it's clearing up in your neck of the woods. Lots of people suffering greatly, a shame. 6:15 am! now that is scary! thanks, think i'll play dumb the 1st day and show up 15 min early. Want to get GD into Olivanders to drop my $50:rolleyes1 preferably before the hordes hit.

moving slow, middle son shared a stomach bug with me last few days, oy. way too early in season.
Yes please spacepest. I always like trip reports to read and since I have not done a coast to coast, I always enjoy them a lot.

Keisha, hope you are feeling better soon. It is too early for bugs to come around. With this stormy weather coming soon, not fun to be sick. We are to get high winds too, so hope your lawn decor stays put.
Cool, windy and raining here too...Lynne, where do you live? You seem to have the same weather as I do.

Feel better have a trip report to finish :flower1:

Where the heck is mac?
Hope today is better for you mac......doesn't sound pleasant at all.........:hug:

Can't log in to the dis on DH laptop??? Weird.

We have fog, and it's cool............not doing much today.....just been out shopping stocking up for village Halloween party........we don't go as its just for the kiddies, but always donate......then waxing appointment later......ouch!

11am and I'm ready for lunch.........:scratchin
Janet....never saw your'd I miss it.........:confused3

Oh no to getting the tummy bug.......:sick: Hope it's not too nasty......and clears quickly!! When is it you leave for your trip now.......I forget.......
Mac and Keisha in sick bay.

Hope you both are feeling better!

Tink, I live about 6 hours driving east of Kiesha. I live close enough to the Atlantic Ocean, that we get storms coming up the coast, or from the west, if the mountains don't stop it. Today's storm I think is coming from the southwest, so we have slightly warmer temps with the periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms today. Not pleasant out right now.

Waxing is never fun Schumi. Hope it's over quick. Nice to share with the kids of the village. I started to hide the candy now. At least it's only a few days away to Halloween. Our local town has the stores open on Friday to give treats to the kids. It's a fun time, though I am not sure my younger one is going out this year. She's still deciding. Plenty of time.

Oh, and for Keisha:


Yep, it's Wednesday. Have a great day all!
Mac and Keisha in sick bay.

Oh, and for Keisha:


Yep, it's Wednesday. Have a great day all!


that's close to what I saw looking in the mirror this morning

carole - we have a noon flight in a week. Need to get busy finalizing it, still scrambling for Disney ADRs. DIL's tickets supposed to be delivered here today fed ex, then we can try to link fast passes or start anew. So many hoops with WDW, especially when a kid in tow. Funny how you tend to forget those things.

My washer repairman was supposed to show up Monday, has cancelled 3 days so far this week. Issue has been ongoing for over 3 months. If any one is considering purchasing a warranty from Lowes, keep this in mind. Lowes corporate tells me their hands are crossed, they subcontract the warranties to GE appliance repair company, who then assigns to independent contractors who cover certain areas...tomorrow, tomorrow, he's coming tomorrow :rolleyes:

I'm going to tackle the small pile of Christmas presents stacked up in my dining room today. Wrap, tag & bag & dispatch to storage containers. Even though I finally started shopping, not feeling it yet this year.

good day all.
Hope the sickies are feeling bit better today.........

It is miserable here.......the trees have lost the pretty autumnal look they they just look ravaged and bare........not so pretty anymore.......blowing a hoolie outside too........I`m staying put today......

Will get round to some baking I never did earlier in the week.......and try not to eat too much of it.......

Hope you`re having a good Thursday......
Hope everyone is doing good and the under the weather people are getting brighter.

Been busy down here, yes us floridians work, Florida is not just for vacations, lol.
Hey you sickos...-(no, not all of the homiez...just the ones that actually are under the weather)...get well quick!
We're all suffering from POD 'round here. :crazy2:
Thinkin' of making another little trip in mid January to help my SisTiece move in to their new digs in some state east of here...rumor has it there's some theme parks there. :idea:

We've dried out, except some of the river rats up the road a bit. I can't seem to get anything done this week. :scared:
I need to get my husband a new laptop!

He's resisting it as he likes one he's got......I on,y use it because it's easier to download pics from it......although freezing up today a few times.......

He does tell me to stick to my need something when they're charging!

Baking out of oven.......and not much has been eaten....honest......:rolleyes1
Me too. Keshia, I should have shorter hair. So much for my hairdo today. Windy for sure, and a 14 degree drop from 70 to the high of 54 tomorrow. So much for a light jacket today. And of course a cool week-end, so I will be bundled up for the soccer games, lucky me.


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