Something About Nothing ... #12

glad you dropped in and updated us homie.
was wondering where you were.

congrats on getting a better paying job!

i haven't checked but guess rooms would be cheaper in sept than october for offsite.
rof is a great deal for your hhn dates.

hope you will be able to work it out and get to attend hhn

The super 8 is the same either set of dates. Cbay is slightly cheaper, but still outside of my price range.
i know october rates onsite, deluxe and value are higher that month.
september when i last looked at had better and more reasonable rates.

offsite is always less than the UO hotels.

you are only going to be in the hotel to sleep and have a place for your belongings.
most of your time will be in the parks.

just hope you will be able to swing it and make it to orlando this year.
is Damian still working at disney?
i remember him, he was so nice!
Robbie...I selfishly suggest you go in September so we can do HHN together was so much fun the last time. We won't have express either so no problem.
Loadin' up!!! Hobby airport bound...Gage and I are heading to Baltimore 1st...He for his convention and Poppa for CRABS!!! Although I seriously doubt I can top last year's number of crab-infused meals, I'm sure gonna try!!! Then...just because we can-we're gonna return to Houston via MCO. sense letting these APs go to waste! (actually snagged some incredible SWA fares from BWI to MCO, and almost as cheap back home).
Main goal in Orlando is get him a Disney Quest fix or two, check out the Jungle Book Show and hopefully catch Kong and HULK..(wishful/wastefull thinking prob...)...and do some investigating of the Diz Springs area. This is kinda-sorta his graduation present, but I'll get to reap a few treats from it too.
No less than 10 different customers have been texting, calling, emailing...knowing that I'm sneaking away, so I have a feeling there will be some work to do during the next 8 days. It's a good "problem" to have though!

Hope those that are down and dealing with rough stuff bounce back quick.

Carole...Special Pixie stuff for y'all.
Camels needed, that way Keisha knows it's Wednesday.


Happy Wednesday all. Kids went back to work yesterday, and came home really tired. Yeah, that's what you get when you have a 3 day week-end. They will be more tired today, the heat index will be 100 degrees or higher by the afternoon. I hope they drink enough water.

Chickens poop. :rotfl:Did you win Squirlz?

Buckeev, that trip sounds awesome. Of course you have to come home via MCO. ::yes::

Robo :wave2:

Schumi, sending more hugs.

Robbie - yay for better paying job. Hope all the finances work out that you get to enjoy HHN.

Real, hope all is well, and sending some hugs.

Mac, hope you are enjoying this very bright start to the day, have the cats fed, and are drinking some coffee. Hope you are feeling better too.

Loadin' up!!! Hobby airport bound...Gage and I are heading to Baltimore 1st...He for his convention and Poppa for CRABS!!! Although I seriously doubt I can top last year's number of crab-infused meals, I'm sure gonna try!!! Then...just because we can-we're gonna return to Houston via MCO. sense letting these APs go to waste! (actually snagged some incredible SWA fares from BWI to MCO, and almost as cheap back home).
Main goal in Orlando is get him a Disney Quest fix or two, check out the Jungle Book Show and hopefully catch Kong and HULK..(wishful/wastefull thinking prob...)...and do some investigating of the Diz Springs area. This is kinda-sorta his graduation present, but I'll get to reap a few treats from it too.
No less than 10 different customers have been texting, calling, emailing...knowing that I'm sneaking away, so I have a feeling there will be some work to do during the next 8 days. It's a good "problem" to have though!

Hope those that are down and dealing with rough stuff bounce back quick.

Carole...Special Pixie stuff for y'all.
Lucky ducky!
You will be getting crabs in Baltimore!!
And then hit the motherland and new darkside rides
Hope Disney springs is not packed when you go there
Might be quite crowded....

Hope all is fine for you
Be sure to tell Gage I said hello

On my sept sw flight dates, noticed bwi flights were sold out to Orlando that were switching thru Atlanta
Morning everyone :wave: It's pouring rain here. Well that puts an end to yard work for the day :hyper:.
Did not really feel the pull for being outdoors today which is unusual for me.

I think there is a skunk under my back porch. I think I should rephrase that, there is a skunk under my porch. I smelled it about 12:15 this morning. Something must have messed with it. Needless to say my husband said he was not going under the porch to see. Haha me neither :-). Think I will have to hire someone to go after the critter.

Morning Lynne :wave2:. Have a big glass of tea for me today.

Robbie congrats on the new job. Hope you are able to swing the trip to HHN.

Buckeev have a great trip

No yard work means desk work in office o_O

Morning Mac and tink :wave2:

The pour down has stopped and the sun is out and it is thundering to beat the band. Guess it's going to be a weird weather day here.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

I used that to get rid of skunks

Pour a box of mothballs under the porch

You will get used to that smell evenually

It is better to have that instead of skunk scent
Yeah, I wouldn't be skunk hunting. Years ago, my dog was a good hunter, and killed a stupid sunk that had gotten into our fenced backyard. Well, both dogs got sprayed before the skunk was killed. Needless to say, the whole house and dogs smelled, even after we washed the dogs with soap from the vet.

Neat idea Mac. Never knew they hated the smell of mothballs.

Hot, hot day today. No rain for us. Hope the weather improves for ya Robo, and hope Mac gets more than a sprinkle.

Well, drank all my iced tea. May have to make another pot.
Yeah September just works better financially, and so I don't have to fly spirit. Hopefully the southwest price doesn't change too quickly, but I'll keep my eye on it.
Came back to say the rain lasted 15 minutes

I'm happen with any amount of rainfall at this point
We got a good rain's trying to rain now but only sprinkles so far.

I'm with you mac, I'll take any amount at this point.

I harvested my tomatoes and am spending the day putting them up in freezer bags...looking forward to homemade vegetable soup.

Happy Hump day to all :flower1:

Just dropping by and then out the door. Sorry for not keeping you on track mac. Thanks for those that have taken up the slack. (It's Wednesday)

I asked mom to take the phones back while I went to my brothers on Sunday for 4th of July festivities. She has kept them ever since. You know what that means? I've have nearly 3 days of break for the first time in months! WOOHOO!!! I'm headed down to the big town to do some browsing/shopping and stop in at Teds to get a good margarita and homemade chips. YUM

Catch you all later :) Hope everyone is well. Glad you stopped in Rob I've been wondering what happen to you. Also.. chicken bingo.. I missed something. I've heard of cow patty/pie bingo but not chicken bingo... going to have to catch up on that.
Out grocery shopping and picked up a box of mothballs

Found baby mice behind bushes in front of house and will put mothballs there
The smell will repel them
They will probably move to neighbors house
Lucky them .......

Rain well drizzle stopped quickly and temps went to 92 and holding for now

Have fun on your mini vacation from work tinyD
No phone work calls finally for you

Get sloshed on margaritas

I used that to get rid of skunks

Pour a box of mothballs under the porch

You will get used to that smell evenually

It is better to have that instead of skunk scent

Never heard of the mothballs for skunks. I will get some. Your right mothball sent is better then skunk scent. The back porch is off my family room. I think the little scutters broke through a wooden barrier I have on the lower half of the porch. I am just glad the scent was not still present this morning. I have seen some foxes around here lately. They might have riled the skunks.

The skunks have got to go. LOL MAC they might go to the neighbors after I get the moth balls. I'am sure they will appreciate the little critters around their pool :D
So stupid me slipped in the shower yesterday, and landed pretty much directly on the left side of my rib cage, and it's super sore. It's slightly better today, but still hard to sneeze, yawn, or breathe deeply. It was completely my fault, I was trying to get something out of the towel closet next to the tub without stepping out to keep the floor dry. Oh well, could be worse. Could've cracked my head open.
Never heard of the mothballs for skunks. I will get some. Your right mothball sent is better then skunk scent. The back porch is off my family room. I think the little scutters broke through a wooden barrier I have on the lower half of the porch. I am just glad the scent was not still present this morning. I have seen some foxes around here lately. They might have riled the skunks.

The skunks have got to go. LOL MAC they might go to the neighbors after I get the moth balls. I'am sure they will appreciate the little critters around their pool :D
We used mothballs along our back fence line at a previous house. The house backed up to a wildlife preserve that was swampy. Lots of snakes would come in the yard. My Rottweilers would run them off though I was afraid the Rotts might get bitten. Mothballs worked like a charm.
We used mothballs along our back fence line at a previous house. The house backed up to a wildlife preserve that was swampy. Lots of snakes would come in the yard. My Rottweilers would run them off though I was afraid the Rotts might get bitten. Mothballs worked like a charm.
That's good to know! Wonder if it would work at my parents house. You know the bea by areas are all brushy and full of critters.


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