Sharing the Disney Magic with Family & Friends-DL Diamond Anniversary-DCA F&W Fest Kiosks & The End!

It went relatively quickly and we had the whole car loaded before noon!

That sounds like an achievement especially looking at the amount of stuff you had to shift.

I’m not sure when we arrived, but we were helped out by the Bellman and these were our carts that they brought for all our stuff.

That is an impressive haul.

Margaret got the Philly Cheesesteak with fries

I got the Gumbo which was very good. I ended up eating all the Andouille Sausage out of it since Fran didn’t want much of the soup after she ate her half a sandwich.

This looks delicious. I may have to give this a try in September.

After slicing the Tri Tip, I quickly documented our buffet before everyone insisted that I take the first serving.

The tri tip and the buffet look amazing.

And to introduce the star of the evening, my Mickey Cake!

I love this cake.

However, to save Mickey, we ordered a Tiggr Sheet cake so that we could admire Mickey for a while longer.

This cake looks rather nice, too.

hen we hightailed it back to the Villa and caught the 9:45PM World of Color show. We had the music blaring on all the TVs and everyone was out on their balconies enjoying the show.

That view looks amazing. I can't wait to get to see World of Color again, but of course it will be the new version. I am just hoping that they are doing a better job with this then they did with World of Color Winter Dreams.

We had a lot of cold goods and for some reason everyone just sort of stood around and watched me load them.

:rotfl2: I can make you all honorary state workers!

Only my parents had any idea what Beignets were, and the others at the table were really reluctant to try them. Darcy wouldn’t even give them a try. But we did end up polishing them off. I can’t believe it was such a hard sell!

Seriously?? It's fried dough and sugar, what's not to like?:confused3

I quickly snapped these shots before we trashed the room.

Yep, still looks amazing.

We had a great view of the park!

Absolutely stunning view!

They took the coolers down to the ice machine (which I’m sure had a sign reading, “please do not fill coolers from this machine”) and filled every last one of them! :rotfl2:


I had warned folks that if they wanted to help they could show up anytime after 4PM, but if they didn’t want to be helpful they shouldn’t show up until 6PM.

So you would have expected me at 6 p.m., then?:rolleyes1

Think I cooked the meat properly?

Looks yummy to me...

The rest of the night was spent having loads of fun!

Looks like a great spread and party! I'm jealous!

Then we hightailed it back to the Villa and caught the 9:45PM World of Color show.

Another awesome photo. The lights look amazing.
OMG how did I get so far behind. I'm so happy your birthday bash was everything you'd dreamed of, I know you've been planning this for such a long time. Your buffet looked awesome and you looked so cute in your red dress. Both cakes looked amazing. You really know how to throw a party! :bday:

I can't believe my bad planning that I missed it by a few weeks. DH cousin was committed to showing her crafts on the first weekend of May so we thought we picked a slower week. Now it's turned into a crazy week and I'll be running back home for a conference on Tues/Wed next week.:faint: I need to see what I can salvage of the week.
All caught up now. Looks like you had a fabulous time with lots of great friends and family. Who could ask for more?
Awesome! Love all the hard work everyone did to get the party started! Love the pictures!
UGH! I started a reply today and somehow lost it! I hate it when that happens.

Basically my position now, because I am part therapy and part UR would be moved from behavioral health to case management which would mean a new boss and immediate new co-workers. I love my position now because its 32 hours and it's not ALL therapy which can be totally overwhelming on a locked acute adult psych floor.

Does this all have anything to do with the reason you were "denied"?


My options are to go with the move which would mean moving offices which sounds silly but I love my office location and office mates; stay under behavioral health and do ALL therapy and be a 40 hour a week employee which keeps me in the same office and same department but like I said, 40 hours a week on the psych floor can be taxing; or find a new job which I have been looking and have a final interview this Tuesday. :upsidedow I did the typical pros/cons list and don't see a pronounced winner. I came home to this news on Monday and have been struggling with a decision ever since.

Well...that new job has better long term opportunities...yes? Even though it IS change and you hate change, you will have to deal with it at some point in the not to distant future. Yes?

Commute is a con though on that one, though huh.

OMG! I totally forgot about THAT!

LOL! Looks like you found the picture.

That was when I came out and yelled at the boys for being too loud (I felt like the house mom lol!) they woke up Jenny and Jill. It was pretty funny. I'm glad you didn't fall down the stairs (you were fine, not in danger of falling)

I even drank like 32 oz of water before the "drinking" started that night. Plus I had a bunch before the spa as well.

Sometimes you can do everything right and it just hits you wrong. I think many of us have been there. Heck, that happened to me in my race on Mothers day. Not the same thing hitting wrong but the impact was pretty significant and its super frustrating when it's something you've done before, you think you know how your body will react and it doesn't do what you expect it to!

He likes incriminating photos and has been known to post his own on FB!

that does not surprise me in the least.

What I want is people pictures!

I will try to get you some as soon as I can! I am lame but need to just plug in the phone direct to the laptop and email them over. It will probably be thursday. Email me a reminder?

And she says don't believe something unless she say it three times. She said it once again at the "after party" at my house on Sunday.

That makes three!

It's been so long since I threw a party I forgot how to manage food proportions and I didn't want anyone to go hungry!

We were not hungry!

I still have two bottles of "the good stuff" not to mention 20 or 30 in my cellar. I need friends to drink great wine with!!!

There are some fuzzy bits from that night. :rolleyes1. But I didn't worship any gods, or drive any busses of a certain stone like nature! :thumbsup2

No you didn't! Thank goodness :)

Normally I'm fine after a massage but I usually don't come home to five courses with wine pairings.

True. And they were lovely full glasses!

I got the Gumbo which was very good. I ended up eating all the Andouille Sausage out of it since Fran didn’t want much of the soup after she ate her half a sandwich.

I love gumbo, that looks delish!

Fran and I were all over the Beignets. Only my parents had any idea what Beignets were, and the others at the table were really reluctant to try them. Darcy wouldn’t even give them a try. But we did end up polishing them off. I can’t believe it was such a hard sell!

that's just wrong, I'd have eaten their share!

Jenny, Cynthia and Darcy were the “ice girls”. They took the coolers down to the ice machine (which I’m sure had a sign reading, “please do not fill coolers from this machine”) and filled every last one of them! :rotfl2: Each trip they deduced that the ice machine was still OK, since it wasn’t emitting smoke or anything.

No sign but we were seriously amazed it kept up with us. We really expected it to run dry/empty

We commandeered a couple “bench style” tables that we placed at the back of the living room to make a bar. I believe that Cynthia masterminded that, but I’m sure Jenny gave her some help, at least I think so. :rolleyes1

Yes, bringing the one from the loft area down was definitely a 2 person job!

And I just realized we left a lamp that we moved on top of the TV cabinet in the main LR. LOL!

I had warned folks that if they wanted to help they could show up anytime after 4PM, but if they didn’t want to be helpful they shouldn’t show up until 6PM.

Ok that is a riot, I didn't know about the "unhelpful" part! Explains all the boys arriving later.

We laughed our butts off getting that ice! ::yes:: It was collaborative effort between the ice girls. It was a lot of work setting up for dinner but also lots of fun! Cynthia did a great job organizing the bar and Jill was up to her elbows in chicken carcasses. :lmao: So glad I didn't have that job. :crazy2: I am sure I would have lost at least a finger trying to cut them up. :joker:

Oh my goodness, the funniest part is how directionally challenged we were EVERY time trying to find the ice and then our way back to the villa. And at that point in the day we had one drink lunch!

Our view was incredible! :cloud9: That villa was something else. There was so much room. I really loved the girls' room too!

The view was insane, WOC from that balcony was something I'll never forget. A gift.

You ladies were a hoot! Jill and I were just glad we weren't the ones draining those ice machines!

It was our arm workout for the day. Or week. LOL!

In hindsight, I bought way way way too much chicken, but the tri tip and brats were probably about just right! Thank you so much Jill for your skills with the knife! I never would have thought of cutting the breasts in half, but it made total sense once you thought of it!

It was all fabulous

I loved our room. Even with 11 people staying there, I never felt like anyone was on top of each other.

I agree!

Strawberry Soup, oh yeah and the girls worked really hard to make these little cards so everything was well labeled!

Oh the cards, that was so funny! We used up every postcard in the villa, hit up each desk!

Mac and Cheese (I didn’t buy too much of that either!)

YUM! I had a nice serving of that

This was the only picture for the DIS that we actually took that night.


After this, we cleaned up the food, and packed it up for later. Cynthia put Jenny and Jill to bed, I guess they sort of overdid it at Trader Sam’s the night before. And Cynthia, Naked Jim, and I think someone else helped us put away all the food. I was still standing and still able to enjoy my glass of wine for the birthday girl. I think it was sometime around midnight when we all called it a night!

LOL, they put themselves to bed. Yes, it was around midnight, not too bad all things considered I don't think! We got everything put away and dishwasher loaded, with just "your" items in the sink for handwashing so they didn't get mixed up. It was in pretty decent shape when we went to bed I think.
Hi Alison,
Just catching up after returning from Disneyland Paris. Looks like you had a great birthday bash! I am really glad you enjoyed it after all the recent ups and downs :-)

Did you have a schematics for the car too?! Holy moly you did a good job of squeezing everything in there.

:faint: What I want to know is, how did the CM's face look when he saw all the alcohol?! :rotfl:

This place is really fun! I first went when we met up with Pam in 2013 and it was fun.

Fran and I were all over the Beignets. Only my parents had any idea what Beignets were, and the others at the table were really reluctant to try them. Darcy wouldn’t even give them a try. But we did end up polishing them off. I can’t believe it was such a hard sell!

What the heck, these things are delicious! Their loss I guess!

We had a great view of the park!

The view is seriously amazing. DH and I were talking about this and figured you'd know, is this the best view in the entire hotel? Or does the lounge have a better view?

Aw love this pic!

You in your element with camera in hand!

And can I just say, we were so bummed that we could not make it for this evening. You totally outdid yourself!

Shoot, never saw this. But the Mickey cake was fabulous, they did a great job!

I did have a bowl of strawberry soup and I think I might have had another small plate of food, but I just wasn’t able to eat nearly as much as I wanted. I was a little bummed that I couldn’t enjoy more of the food. This was the only picture for the DIS that we actually took that night.

I think that happens when you're cooking and preparing the food all day, by the time you go to eat yourself, you're kind of full from just looking at all the food.

So gorgeous!

This is probably the most incriminating photo of me (from that night), but I'm still able to go up and down the stairs!

Hmm :scratchin I want to know what you were doing.

Cynthia put Jenny and Jill to bed, I guess they sort of overdid it at Trader Sam’s the night before

:rotfl2::rotfl: I can already see Cynthia helping them into bed!
I'm speed reading to catch up.

Wow oh wow - that villa looks AMAZING! And that view. The night time picture is even more spectacular than the day time pic (if that's possible).

Your dress is adorable.

That cake is amazing.

And that spread of food! Wow - I am getting seriously hungry looking at that.

What a fabulous party! Just wonderful.

I also wanted to add that I think its great that you and Fran are in a concert band. I am in a marching band, but would much rather to sit to play. :rotfl2: I play the flute (piccolo for marching). Would love to hear your band sometime! :goodvibes
Fun fun fun! party:

::yes::, Jill and especially me :blush: had our share of rum at Trader Sam's the night before but I'm a morning person not a night person and was on MST. 10:30 seems early but it was 11:30 at home. I wake up at 6 am everyday so rarely party at night. Great time though!

The food was outstanding! Alison out did herself for sure and we ate like kings.

@eandesmom The *denied* was actually an error that came with an oddly sweet apology. I need to email and catch you up. But your insight is spot on and I need to look at the bigger picture and long term options.

I forgot how we turned the wrong way out of the ice room almost every time! :lmao: Too funny. I laughed so hard during that hour.

The Tigger cake was so delicious though I was stuffed and couldn't eat more than a bite.

Love that pic of the four of us. :hug:
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Wow. What a buffet!! Looked amazing!!! and so gourmet!!! Making me hungry even though I just ate!! And that view...incredible!!

Thanks! What part of it is gourmet? Just curious....In my mind, I was purposely going for foods that I would consider to be more every day and "comfort like".

Okay. Can I just say that that is a LOT of coolers to be bringing? Wow! Now I'm truly sorry I couldn't make the trip across the ditch.

The number of coolers was needed due to the size of Costco packaging mostly. And the sheer amount of food.

That's one heck of a party of food! Looks like you had enough to feed an army there.
I love the cakes. The Mickey is pretty special but I bet that the Tigger cake tasted fantastic.

I probably could have fed twice as many people as were there! :rotfl2: The Tigger cake was really yummy!

That all looks amazing and crazy from all of the coolers/boxes that you brought. The meal from eating at Ralph's Brennan and in the room food looks all great. It would have been nice to go down that weekend but I was all busy with work. The cakes looks very nice. It was fun to read your adventures that night.

Thanks! It was lots of good food all day!

That party looks like it was so much fun! That cake is amazing! Glad your birthday went so well!

It was great fun. I felt bad about finally digging into that cake.

Man, I can't believe there aren't more incriminating photos than that! I think you just know better than to post such things on the internet, right?

Rarely do I ever get into incriminating circumstances and I sure wouldn't post any on the internet!
I need to have you cater my next birthday party. :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: I'm not cheap!

Definitely a well played game of car Tetris. Your skills are impressive. :thumbsup2

Thank you very much!

Looks delicious!

It was! Full of garlic!

Even if you don't know what they are, what is there to not like? Dough, sugar... heck yeah, I'll try one!

I know! :confused3 Fran and I couldn't understand it.

I'm glad it didn't take too long. But having the lounge to hang around in and wait would be a nice bonus.

It would have been even better if we weren't all stuffed from the lunch at Brennan's.

Looks like someone got comfortable quickly!

Yeah, my Dad tends to do that!

I'm glad to see the Bell Services people have the right priorities!

We were able to chill the beverages that much more quickly. :thumbsup2

Well organized! I'm glad to see that. I'd hate to grab a soda when I wanted a beer!

Precisely! I hate digging through tons of soda to find what I want.

The best part of grilling. Throw the meat on, grab a drink, and kick back.

::yes:: And the need for a "team", so that there were people to kick back with.

::yes:: Great job all around! The entire buffet looks great!


Wow. Very impressive. Both cakes, actually!

They do good work!

Fireworks and WoC? Wow. That's how you do it, right there!


:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Still upright and you don't look any worse for the wear! :thumbsup2

Well, I kind of do, but it's not obvious probably except to me.

What a fantastic party! A great way to welcome in a new decade. As I get older I realize, as we walk through life, the only thing that really changes in a person is one's body. The thoughts, desires, personality and so forth, stay the same. For example, hearing a song today which was popular during one's teens will evoke the same emotions as it did during the person's teen years. I have a feeling you were a sweet, nurturing teen just as you are a sweet, nurturing adult. I can tell that you were trying to make sure that not only you had a great time at your party but that everyone else also had a great time. I think you succeeded. :)

Well, not as a teen. I was actually a very confused, and unbeknownst to me probably depressed. It wasn't until I was in college that I started this love of cooking and entertaining. I was trying to ensure that everyone had a good time as well as myself, and as far as I can tell it worked out that way!
I guess when I say "gourmet" I just meant really good...and much better than I could make at home lol. And way better than your average buffet where you bring all the food! And with sushi and such...It's a classy comfort food buffet :)
That sounds like an achievement especially looking at the amount of stuff you had to shift.

I was totally astonished at how quickly it went. I thought that it would take us a couple hours just to get the stuff into coolers. Instead we got the coolers and car loaded in the time frame that I allotted to just the coolers.

That is an impressive haul.

I had been amassing it for weeks before, and I still have to put the remnants away.

This looks delicious. I may have to give this a try in September.

I get the gumbo almost every time we go to Brennan's. We usually just get appetizers and then dessert. I've never tried any of the entrees until this trip with the sandwich that I ate half of.

The tri tip and the buffet look amazing.


I love this cake.

I did too, it was so sad to finally cut into it and throw the remnants away.

This cake looks rather nice, too.

It was so tasty. I said on FB that it was Dulce de Leche, but never actually posted it here. It was delicious!

That view looks amazing. I can't wait to get to see World of Color again, but of course it will be the new version. I am just hoping that they are doing a better job with this then they did with World of Color Winter Dreams.

I never saw that one, but this one seemed to be the same thing that I remembered from whenever I saw it last. I hope to see it again sometime. But with Fran not really liking it that's hard. I have to catch it with friends. I think she had gone to bed by this point.

:rotfl2: I can make you all honorary state workers!

Well not me! I was the one working!

Seriously?? It's fried dough and sugar, what's not to like?:confused3

I know! :confused3 That's what Fran and I were saying!

Yep, still looks amazing.

It was so cool. I hope I find a reason to go back there!

Absolutely stunning view!

Definitely the best of all the Villas.

So you would have expected me at 6 p.m., then?:rolleyes1

Actually all the guys were expected at or after 6PM, mostly because they all had day jobs, but there was a specific reference that I'm not mentioning here just because.

Looks yummy to me...

Thanks! I like my meat mooing! Most other people do too. I told the well done folks where they could find those sorts of cuts.

Looks like a great spread and party! I'm jealous!

Sorry you couldn't make it, but I know with a family and job, you have lots of duties and it's a long way away.

Another awesome photo. The lights look amazing.

It was such a surreal view and do cool!

OMG how did I get so far behind. I'm so happy your birthday bash was everything you'd dreamed of, I know you've been planning this for such a long time. Your buffet looked awesome and you looked so cute in your red dress. Both cakes looked amazing. You really know how to throw a party! :bday:

Thanks! I'm glad that I still remember how to throw a party! It's been a long long time!

I can't believe my bad planning that I missed it by a few weeks. DH cousin was committed to showing her crafts on the first weekend of May so we thought we picked a slower week. Now it's turned into a crazy week and I'll be running back home for a conference on Tues/Wed next week.:faint: I need to see what I can salvage of the week.

Well I hope we can meet up during your trip down here at some point. I'd love for you to come by and see the house!

All caught up now. Looks like you had a fabulous time with lots of great friends and family. Who could ask for more?

We did have a great time! It took quite a while to actually recover from the weekend. we were exhausted for quite a while from all the fun we had!
Awesome! Love all the hard work everyone did to get the party started! Love the pictures!

:welcome: It was a great team effort!

UGH! I started a reply today and somehow lost it! I hate it when that happens.

I hate when that happens too!

LOL! Looks like you found the picture.

That was when I came out and yelled at the boys for being too loud (I felt like the house mom lol!) they woke up Jenny and Jill. It was pretty funny. I'm glad you didn't fall down the stairs (you were fine, not in danger of falling)

OK, I'm a little fuzzy, but I'm guessing I was with the boys when they were making too much noise and you being the house mom sent them back to their room and me back to mine. I also didn't have a glass of wine my hand either.

Sometimes you can do everything right and it just hits you wrong. I think many of us have been there. Heck, that happened to me in my race on Mothers day. Not the same thing hitting wrong but the impact was pretty significant and its super frustrating when it's something you've done before, you think you know how your body will react and it doesn't do what you expect it to!

I was pretty wiped when I came back from the treatment, so I should have known to go lightly, but perhaps I never learn.

that does not surprise me in the least.

He is quite a character!

I will try to get you some as soon as I can! I am lame but need to just plug in the phone direct to the laptop and email them over. It will probably be thursday. Email me a reminder?

Done and thanks!

That makes three!

Yeah, and now she says she was only doing it for being "social".

We were not hungry!

No we certainly were not!

No you didn't! Thank goodness :)

Hi Alison,
Just catching up after returning from Disneyland Paris. Looks like you had a great birthday bash! I am really glad you enjoyed it after all the recent ups and downs :-)

Thanks! I hope you had a great time at DLP. We have plans to get there someday!

Did you have a schematics for the car too?! Holy moly you did a good job of squeezing everything in there.

I was lucky that we had my parents car as well. We were able to get all the coolers, boxes and out luggage in our car, and then we put the booze in my parent's cars trunk.

:faint: What I want to know is, how did the CM's face look when he saw all the alcohol?! :rotfl:

I don't think it was that unusual. I mean most of the Valets know us, and they were more like "what time is the party?" We told them to come up and join us, but none of them did. I have a feeling that lots of locals use the Villas as a party location.

This place is really fun! I first went when we met up with Pam in 2013 and it was fun.

I've eaten there quite a few times, and it's always been great. I love going there!

What the heck, these things are delicious! Their loss I guess!

I know! I couldn't believe it was such a hard sell! Fran and I ended up splitting the last one. Their loss!

The view is seriously amazing. DH and I were talking about this and figured you'd know, is this the best view in the entire hotel? Or does the lounge have a better view?

There isn't a lounge with that view. This is the Villa that is the farthest to the center of a WoC view. By far the best view you can get.

Aw love this pic!

I did clean up nice!

You in your element with camera in hand!

And can I just say, we were so bummed that we could not make it for this evening. You totally outdid yourself!

I was bummed you couldn't make it either, but glad you made the second night!

Shoot, never saw this. But the Mickey cake was fabulous, they did a great job!

Yeah, it was tucked away in the fridge, we didn't even finish half of it that night. Tigger was still in tact when we took the cake home.

I think that happens when you're cooking and preparing the food all day, by the time you go to eat yourself, you're kind of full from just looking at all the food.

I also have no appetite any more. It's just sad. I guess that happens as you get older. :sad2:

So gorgeous!

Awesome view!

Hmm :scratchin I want to know what you were doing.

I'm not sure what I was doing, but evidently I had been up to no good with the boys!
:rotfl2::rotfl: I can already see Cynthia helping them into bed!

She says they put themselves to bed....

I'm speed reading to catch up.

Wow oh wow - that villa looks AMAZING! And that view. The night time picture is even more spectacular than the day time pic (if that's possible).

That seems to be the consensus. I love either view!

Your dress is adorable.

Thank you!

That cake is amazing.

They do a great job! You could probably get one from the original location if you wanted!

And that spread of food! Wow - I am getting seriously hungry looking at that.

It will be a while before I put on a spread like that again!

What a fabulous party! Just wonderful.

Thanks! I think we all had a great time!

I also wanted to add that I think its great that you and Fran are in a concert band. I am in a marching band, but would much rather to sit to play. :rotfl2: I play the flute (piccolo for marching). Would love to hear your band sometime! :goodvibes

I used to play flute and piccolo, but a car accident made it impossible for me to do the left arm stretch to continue to play flute. I now have one of those head joints like they make for little kids who can't make the reach, except mine is solid silver and has a gold lip plate. It still hurts to play flute so I could never do it for a living or on a regular basis, but for an occasional small ensemble or sometimes I choose to play flute at the National Band Conferences so I don't have to schlep the saxophone.

Fun fun fun! party:

::yes::, Jill and especially me :blush: had our share of rum at Trader Sam's the night before but I'm a morning person not a night person and was on MST. 10:30 seems early but it was 11:30 at home. I wake up at 6 am everyday so rarely party at night. Great time though!

I'm the opposite! I am rarely up before 8AM and usually closer to 9AM and we got to bed after 11PM in most cases. Last weekend we were up until 2AM Saturday night and that about killed us!

The food was outstanding! Alison out did herself for sure and we ate like kings.

Thank you very much!

I forgot how we turned the wrong way out of the ice room almost every time! :lmao: Too funny. I laughed so hard during that hour.

I'm glad you all had such a good time, I appreciated you getting all that ice. so did Fran!

The Tigger cake was so delicious though I was stuffed and couldn't eat more than a bite.

Love that pic of the four of us. :hug:

I ate the whole piece! That was a good pic of us!
Well I hope we can meet up during your trip down here at some point. I'd love for you to come by and see the house!

Well let's see what time we can match up in both of our schedules, I'll send you an email.
I guess when I say "gourmet" I just meant really good...and much better than I could make at home lol. And way better than your average buffet where you bring all the food! And with sushi and such...It's a classy comfort food buffet :)

OK, that makes sense. I always go above the bar. I learned about good food at an early age and my mom always served us pretty good dinners. Things like TV dinners, McDonald's or sandwiches were never options in my Mom's house, so I just became accustomed to eating well. We only got fast food as a "treat" say on nights my parents went "out" and we had a babysitter or I was the babysitter.

I guess I took those habits into my adult life and once I learned to cook in college, I constantly tried to recreate my favorite restaurant meals. To me gourmet food is when you make something individually for each guest and plate it or if you slave over it hours in the kitchen. Since all these things were made within the time of check in to serving that didn't seem like gourmet, but I can see where you are coming from.
Why were you up at 2 am? :faint:

We went to a 10PM screening of Tomorrowland at DTD so we didn't get home until around 1AM and we never walk in the door and go straight to bed, so by the time we checked our computers, fed the cats, it was 2AM.
Checking in and catching up! As soon as I got home from LA I immediately had to finish packing since I closed on my house on Friday and started moving in on Monday. I'm exhausted!

The weekend was soooo much fun! Thanks again for inviting me!

Jenny and I were on a mission to drink all the rum drinks on the Trader Sam's menu. I think we came close! We had a blast! You guys cannot understand the precision of depth of Alison's planning for the buffet. I've seen military exercises planned with less detail! :worship: The cake was amazing as was all the food.

I'll pull off my pictures and send to you once I get my computer set up this weekend.

Jill in CO


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