Oh, The Places We’ll Go! From the “stars” to the “sea”: Universal, SeaWorld & beyond - Spring 2016

You bet We The North!!!!!
We are a basketball family in this house and we are darn proud of our Raptors!!

However.. last night was painful to watch.

I am hoping that its a case where one of those early-series humblings turns into a massive motivator. The 'poor start, good ending' philosophy.

No matter what happens at this point, this year's Raptors have made history and they have SO much to be proud of. 26 other teams would give their right arms to be in their shoes at this point in the season. We will be cheering our hometown boys to the bitter end....I just hope that bitter end is not three games from now :rolleyes1.

Many basketball fans counted the Raptors out long before this point. I don't think anyone predicted Dwyane Wade would be golfing right now while Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan were still lacing up their shoes.

So I have re-read yesterday’s entry and wow, what a sleeper that was :faint:. I was a bit pre-occupied on Tuesday…..several other pressing issues were foremost in my mind (and no, it was neither the Raptors nor the Jays games that were sending my thoughts off track :rotfl:)…..and as a result, my heart wasn’t really in a trip report entry.

Sadly, it showed :(. It was so blah.

My apologies to all….hopefully I can properly convey the details of our awesome SeaWorld day a little more eloquently going forward :thumbsup2. Let’s keep moving along…….

Monday, April 25th: continued

I left off the last entry with the guys heading eagerly toward Journey to Atlantis…..a favourite for both of them . As someone who is no fan of rides that include steep drops (and also no fan of rides that have the potential to soak me ), I happily took a pass while they had their fun. As they approached the entry to the ride queue, we noted that they were running empty boats so I didn’t expect their wait to be very long at all.

I perused the gift shop for a few minutes…..

….but then thought it probably wasn’t wise for me to dilly dally too long or I’d miss the big descent. Just as I suspected, within just a few minutes of settling myself at the viewing ledge in front of the big drop, down they came with a big splash……just the two of them, in a boat all by their lonesome.

I laughed at the big smiles on their faces like two little boys. We certainly do have a LOT of fun together sometimes .

I waited for them at the photo kiosk where we had their ride picture added to our Photokey account:


….and then we took the time to tour the Jewel of the Sea Aquarium, just adjacent to the Golden Seahorse gift shop and Atlantis exit.

It’s tough not to be very, VERY impressed by the quality of the exhibits at SeaWorld. They are so well done and so immaculately maintained that we can visit them again and again and it never gets old ::yes::.

This particular aquarium features a glass floor where fish swim happily beneath your feet :fish::

….and a domed glass ceiling which houses a selection of sharks (my favourites are the hammerheads):

The eels were feeling particularly photogenic that morning, and I almost swore they were trying to pose as I approached the glass with my camera.

We spent a few moments admiring the fish featured in the various windows:

….and then decided to head out to continue exploring the park. The day was still young but we had a lot on our to-do list.

The guys decided their stomachs were ready to conquer the mighty Manta coaster, so after a quick stop at the washrooms we headed back in that direction. Kraken wasn’t quite open just yet (while Journey to Atlantis opens at 9 am, Kraken’s first run is deferred until 10), so getting Manta out of the way early in the day seemed like a favourable idea. Lo and behold, en route to the Manta entrance, we ran into this happy surprise :

Flamingos! And not JUST flamingos (as some of you may know, you can always find them preening themselves at the flamingo exhibit just past Guest Services near the park entrance)……but flamingos on the walkway, gladly posing for guests and enjoying a leisurely stroll through the park with their handlers. The animal care staff were chatting with visitors, answering any questions that people had and explaining that the morning flamingo walk is a way of providing exercise and stimulation to these animals on a daily basis. Our timing to catch this very cool experience couldn’t have been better.

I think I took a dozen pictures….these birds are simply gorgeous :).

Eventually, it was time for the animal staff to return the birds to the flamingo habitat…..I suppose it would be less than safe to have them out and about as crowds begin to thicken. Following a quick call for attention from one of the staff members, the birds very obediently began their graceful jaunt along the pathway…..and of course, we followed behind!

These are some seriously well behaved and intelligent animals. They truly behaved better than most dogs I know!

We followed them all the way back to the Stingray pool, until they rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight. This seriously left us all with a smile…..even after so many visits to SeaWorld, we are still finding new and cool experiences at this park. So awesome.

Since we were already in the Key West area, we figured we might as well have a little visit with the sting rays while we were here…..we were virtually the only ones around the pool, which was nice for a change. Normally this is a pretty busy spot that visitors tends to draw a lot of bodies on busier days.

I asked the guys if they wanted a tray of fish to feed them, but both declined (it was something we’ve already done more than once on previous visits), but they did enjoy the chance to reach out and pet them as they swam by.

There seemed to be quite the buzz occurring over at nearby Dolphin Cove, so we strolled over there to see what all the fuss was about.

The dolphin care team was preparing for a session of dolphin interactions, so the animals were excitedly jumping and playing in anticipation. They were so cute to watch, so we stopped for a moment to enjoy their antics. Eventually, they patiently swam over to the side as if to persuade the trainers to get this show on the road. There was fish in those buckets and gosh darn it, they knew it! :laughing:

Popping our head into the dolphin underwater viewing area, we found it totally empty save for one of the very friendly and informative SeaWorld staff members. We strolled down to watch the dolphins swim for a bit, and had a great conversation with the knowledgeable young woman who was stationed there.

As we chatted with this young lady, we learned that since dolphins are voluntary breathers (ie they have to ‘remember’ to breathe), they don’t sleep like humans do. They essentially have two distinct halves of their brains, each of which “sleeps” at a different time from the other so the other half can be conscious and keep them functioning enough to keep them alive. That was something I didn’t know before, and a very cool little dolphin fact! :teacher: Who says vacations don't make you smarter? ;)

As we left the dolphin viewing in our efforts to head to Manta (yes, finally!) Jake was instantly sidetracked by the Surf’s Up Hoops game. Since we had saved so much by not having to purchase Quick Queue passes for the day, I was happy to toss him some money in an effort to win the first stuffie of the trip. He eyed the big dolphin in the top right of the picture, but only managed two of the three baskets needed to snag the big prize. He did, however, win himself a cute little penguin which was the next best thing .

We strolled past the pelicans:

…and the boys handed me their hats, lanyards, wallets and keys (and the penguin stuffie, of course) as we made our way to the Manta queue. There’s no way I’ll ride that beast, thank you very much!!

I told the guys I’d be shopping in Key West while they enjoyed their coaster. There isn’t much more of a win-win situation than that! :teeth:

Stay tuned…..so much more to come.
Great SeaWorld report so far. I so wish my kids had enjoyed SeaWorld, but when we went a few years ago they just didn't seem that into it. Well we did take the time one morning to wait in the LONG line so they could go feed the dolphins, a request from my daughter, but other than that they just didn't seem to enjoy it that much. I think now that they can ride the big rides (hello Manta!) they might enjoy it a little bit more this time around. I'm really hoping we can stick with the plan to make this a part of our June trip!
Sorry about those Raptors last night...they looked awful! Oh well....I am sure the atmosphere will change quite a bit when the series moves back up to Toronto.

We have never went to Seaworld on any of our visits, but I am thinking we should add it on one of these...I think the kids would enjoy it!
I am with you every step of the way in your Raptors love. What impresses me even more than their performance of late is the obvious respect and affection Lowry and DeRozan have for each other and for their team. I watch the media poke and poke them for a story or scandal that isn't there. Time and time again they have each others backs and refuse to disparage their team. Excellent example for the young eyes watching! They just appear to be a class act.

And please do not apologize for yesterdays entry!! I didn't think there was a thing wrong with it. In fact it was a pretty bad day around here yesterday too so I sure didn't notice anything amiss! Seaworld looks beautiful and so clean and well done. I am looking forward to visiting!
Those flamingoes are awesome! Love that.

I did not know that about dolphins and their sleep. I wish my brain could do that so I could keep doing stuff while I was sleeping LOL

SeaWorld is a great park. I think we've spent three days there total so far and I still don't feel like I have seen everything in depth.
Always enjoy your posts. Nothing wrong with yesterdays.

Awesome pictures. We had the bird walk when we were in BGT. Was really fun to see them, and we got lots of pictures with them all around us. Agreed, beautiful birds.

Not a basketball fan. What was on our news was the draft, as our team was so bad, we had like 3 first round picks. No matter, we are also a sports loving town, and have been known to boo as loudly as cheer. Was nice to see the Raptors advance though, even if they stunk the first game this round.

Big fan of all Sea World parks do for sea life. We are going to spend Christmas again with them. DH asked where where we are going this year, and I said too long a flight to CA, so back to Orlando. He was fine with that. And my kids are big fans of the roller coasters at SW and BG. So, I plan to people watch and be the holder of eye glasses and phones. Don't mind. There's always a shop to peruse as well. I admit, I can be a ride weenie also.
You got married at Discovery Cove?!?! What a perfect place for such a special event! I sure hope Jake's future wife....whoever she turns out to be.....will get on board with a Florida destination wedding. Perhaps that should be one of the 'interview' questions when he brings around a new "friend"? :scratchin

It was amazing (and surprisingly affordable... less than $5k for 32 people for a wedding and all day fun/eating/drinking). We both have a TON of family members so we were hoping to cut down on the amount of attendees by doing a destination wedding (since we were footing the bill).

Maybe you need to visit the Disney Singles thread in the Adult and Solos forum on here and arrange a marriage... :scratchin
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Nothing wrong with yesterday's report. That flamingo walk looked like such a great experience! I haven't been to a SeaWorld since I was a child. We might have to go there one of these trips :)
Great updates. I love all the flora at Seaworld and am waiting to see if we can get the all day dining when it's Black Friday.
Love the trip report so far and the Raptors haven't won a Game 1 yet but they have won lots of the rest of their series so there is high hopes for them. Let's Go Raptors. Judy
Great SeaWorld report so far. I so wish my kids had enjoyed SeaWorld, but when we went a few years ago they just didn't seem that into it. Well we did take the time one morning to wait in the LONG line so they could go feed the dolphins, a request from my daughter, but other than that they just didn't seem to enjoy it that much. I think now that they can ride the big rides (hello Manta!) they might enjoy it a little bit more this time around. I'm really hoping we can stick with the plan to make this a part of our June trip!

Aw, I am sorry that your first experience was a bit of a bust. Epcot was like that for us....such high hopes and it just fell flat.

Perhaps the second time will be the charm! If your kids love coasters, Manta will be a real hit......its so unique!!

Sorry about those Raptors last night...they looked awful! Oh well....I am sure the atmosphere will change quite a bit when the series moves back up to Toronto.

We have never went to Seaworld on any of our visits, but I am thinking we should add it on one of these...I think the kids would enjoy it!

Yes, if you can squeeze it into an upcoming vacation itinerary, you should definitely go! :thumbsup2 I love the fact that the park has something for everyone....rides, shows, exhibits, animals.....AND, there's no super-planning required (probably my favourite part). Just show up and enjoy.

As a Clemson grad I must say "Jake has excellent taste in shirts." Go Tigers!!!!

That was one of his scores from the Nike Clearance Store :). He loves his US college gear!

I am with you every step of the way in your Raptors love. What impresses me even more than their performance of late is the obvious respect and affection Lowry and DeRozan have for each other and for their team. I watch the media poke and poke them for a story or scandal that isn't there. Time and time again they have each others backs and refuse to disparage their team. Excellent example for the young eyes watching! They just appear to be a class act.

And please do not apologize for yesterdays entry!! I didn't think there was a thing wrong with it. In fact it was a pretty bad day around here yesterday too so I sure didn't notice anything amiss! Seaworld looks beautiful and so clean and well done. I am looking forward to visiting!

It always warms my heart when professional athletes can be good people as well as being good at sports. Lowry and DeRozan are already winners in my book, no matter what the scoreboard says at the end of the series ::yes::.

Those flamingoes are awesome! Love that.

I did not know that about dolphins and their sleep. I wish my brain could do that so I could keep doing stuff while I was sleeping LOL

SeaWorld is a great park. I think we've spent three days there total so far and I still don't feel like I have seen everything in depth.

It always baffles me when people say SeaWorld is a one day park....they have to be skipping soooo much. We filled two days this trip and didn't do one single show! :confused:

Always enjoy your posts. Nothing wrong with yesterdays.

Awesome pictures. We had the bird walk when we were in BGT. Was really fun to see them, and we got lots of pictures with them all around us. Agreed, beautiful birds.

Not a basketball fan. What was on our news was the draft, as our team was so bad, we had like 3 first round picks. No matter, we are also a sports loving town, and have been known to boo as loudly as cheer. Was nice to see the Raptors advance though, even if they stunk the first game this round.

Big fan of all Sea World parks do for sea life. We are going to spend Christmas again with them. DH asked where where we are going this year, and I said too long a flight to CA, so back to Orlando. He was fine with that. And my kids are big fans of the roller coasters at SW and BG. So, I plan to people watch and be the holder of eye glasses and phones. Don't mind. There's always a shop to peruse as well. I admit, I can be a ride weenie also.

Lucky girl, there is no place I would rather be at Christmas than SeaWorld. You guys are going to have the most AMAZING time.

Have you ever considered doing a trip report when you come home? I would love to read about your holiday adventures!

It was amazing (and surprisingly affordable... less than $5k for 32 people for a wedding and all day fun/eating/drinking). We both have a TON of family members so we were hoping to cut down on the amount of attendees by doing a destination wedding (since we were footing the bill).

Maybe you need to visit the Disney Singles thread in the Adult and Solos forum on here and arrange a marriage... :scratchin

Oh, dear....don't rush things :rotfl:. He's just 20 and hopefully has at least 5 years before he decides to settle down. I'm not at the marriage-arranging desperation just yet .... and anyway, @dancin Disney style has agreed to negotiate when its time for him to tie the knot. She has two beautiful young ladies who will need a respectable suitor and a 5 star shed in the back yard :teeth:.

What a GREAT deal on a destination wedding, though. I am seriously going to keep that in the back of my mind for when Jake's time comes!!

Nothing wrong with yesterday's report. That flamingo walk looked like such a great experience! I haven't been to a SeaWorld since I was a child. We might have to go there one of these trips :)

It's awesome and comes highly recommended by our little family. You haven't even seen the best yet, either....that's still coming up!

I have not. I'll be back on Fri- I'll see if it is currently open

Thanks for checking that out :thumbsup2. I will be interested to know if its back up and running.

Great updates. I love all the flora at Seaworld and am waiting to see if we can get the all day dining when it's Black Friday.

There was no dining on the BF sales last year, but profits were down again last quarter so who knows what incentives they will extend this year. I say bring on the deals....we'll be anxiously watching and waiting for them, too!

Love the trip report so far and the Raptors haven't won a Game 1 yet but they have won lots of the rest of their series so there is high hopes for them. Let's Go Raptors. Judy

Amen to that! :cheer2:
Monday, April 25th: continued (again!)

After shopping for a bit in Key West (there is something about that store that I just LOVE….it must be because much of the merchandise has a very Florida, “beachy” theme), I strolled over to Manta to wait for the guys to emerge from their ride. The friendly cashier at the store had given me a big brown bag with handles for all of the stuff I was carrying (much appreciated!) which increased my comfort level substantially. I waited less than five minutes when they came giggling out of the exit……Manta is their all-time favourite coaster and always a highlight of our SeaWorld visits.

Ride pic!


We decided to head back to Kraken….it would definitely now be open….and ran into a character meet along the way. While we’ve enjoyed the good fortune of pictures with Shamu on previous trips, we’ve never seen the dolphin greeting guests before. You know we are big lover of character experiences, so this was something very fun and exciting for us! :banana:

Arriving at Kraken, there were no crowds to be found….would this quietness carry on throughout the entire day? :confused3

Yeah, I’ll happily keep my feet on the ground for this one, too. I don’t think I want to tangle with this guy :scared1:.

Right about this point, I’d seriously have a heart attack. No joke.

Even though the park had been open for a while at this point, Kraken was a walk-on. We got the boys' ride picture for the memory book:....though they zoomed in so much to exclude the other riders in their row, it was fuzzy:


I’ve never been sure what these round balls at the Kraken ride are supposed to symbolize (Kraken eggs, maybe?) but I have always found them oddly interesting :scratchin.

We were starting to get a wee bit hungry, so after Kraken we all agreed to take a break for some much-needed sustenance. I, personally, was more thirsty than hungry (while it wasn’t broiling hot, it was still pretty warm and we’d done a lot of walking since breakfast) but I’d eat anyway. When in Rome, right? :blush:

This was a crowd photo of the waterfront area as we made our way to toward the Spice Mill:

The Spice Mill was the guys’ pick. Jake was feelin’ a burger and Steve, well….he was up for most anything. Spice Mill was a family favourite…..we had enjoyed great meals from there in the past….so it seemed a good place to start :thumbsup2.

Jake opted for a double burger platter with fries, cookies, and a bottle of water.

I had a pulled pork sandwich with fries, chocolate cake, and a lemonade.

Steve had a MASSIVE chef’s salad….it was HUGE! :eek:...with a lemonade and a slice of his Seaworld favourite, chocolate cake. He RAVES about this cake. I think he would eat a whole one if given the opportunity.

All items were entitlements under the all-day dining plan, but would have cost around $56 if purchased out of pocket. We were rapidly getting our money’s worth and more from the wrist band purchase. Everything we had got top marks for taste, too…..hot, fresh, and delicious all around with very generous portion sizes. SeaWorld’s counter service options very rarely disappoint.

Heading out of the restaurant, we decided we’d head to another family favourite: Shark Encounter. Before we could get there, though, we stumbled upon a SeaWorld Rescue Plinko game with minions as possible prizes…..so the boys decided I just HAD to give it a try. They would not take no for an answer, so I ponied up the $5 and started strategically dropping disks.

Unfortunately for me, my aim stinks and I didn’t win the big prize. Nor did I win the medium prize :rolleyes1!! I did get a sweet little green turtle, though (“Everyone is a winner! :p)…..and I had the thrill of playing. Fun memories no matter what way you slice it.

We trundled onward to Sharks….and the new Shark Wreck Reef signage, in preparation for Mako’s opening this summer, looks great!

The Mako ads were EVERYWHERE….and they were just fueling Steve’s excitement for when we return in October. He can’t wait to ride Orlando’s tallest, fastest hypercoaster! :hyper:

We checked out the sharks and the rays in the outdoor pools, and remarked once again that sometime we need to try out Sharks Underwater Grill. Neither of us are big seafood fans (though Steve enjoys a good meal of fish and chips from time to time), but surely they have a chicken dish or two on the menu. Perhaps we will give it a whirl in October….who knows?

In we went! We love this exhibit!

As we first entered, there were SeaWorld team members taking magic shots on green screen, so we stopped to have our family pictures done in various poses by a very fun and energetic pair of photographers. It took barely a couple of minutes out of our day and the older fellow in particular was a real hoot….we laughed a lot during that brief stop. We were given a separate Photokey card and instructed to pay a visit to the kiosk at the attraction exit to view our pictures with the special effects added and have them assigned to our Photokey annual pass, so I tucked it in my pocket as we proceeded through the exhibit.

We took our time walking through the first of the domed glass tunnels…..there is so much to look at as the fish swim overhead :fish:.

We passed yet another plug for Mako as we transitioned from the first tunnel to the second……this is BIG news for the park ::yes::.

The second tunnel features the moving floor, so you don’t even have to walk as you gawk.

You would think we would tire of these attractions, which change little from visit to visit….yet, we don’t. If anything, I think they grow to mean more to us with each visit, if that makes any sense. The guys gave Shark Encounter two thumbs up……yet again :thumbsup2.

As we exited, we stopped at the photo kiosk as previously instructed and provided our picture card to the lovely woman there. While it took a few minutes for her to apply the “magic” of the various backgrounds, it was definitely worth the wait as some of the pictures were super fun.

The shark mouth pic...


Scared faces.....


Mako coaster ride (yep, this is the closest I'll ever get!!).....


There was a photo that brought us nose to nose with the amazing Mako.....


This one, though, is among my favourite of them all:


We weren’t done yet. Still more to come!
I am enjoying this so much! We cannot wait for our June week at Marriott Cypress Harbour. The goal is family time and relaxation, but you've inspired us to try to rope drop sea world at least once. With a little guy who's till naps, we will probably eat lunch back at the resort, but I'd love to have some of those crowds!!
Great report and pictures as always Gina, but I have a quick question. I notice your boys flash a lot of gang signs in their photos. Is there some sort of Canadian Crips and Bloods thing going on up there in the Great White North? Should we be worried down here? o_O


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