March 2023 W.I.S.H.- Spring Into Health!

I had a really busy weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday DS had a soccer game a little over an hour away. he games were outside. Friday the was 32 with rain/snow. It was miserable watching the game. Saturday was still really cold but at least now rain or snow and yesterday the wind was gone so the cold didn't seem to bad. I had a really bad sinus headache Saturday and Sunday. I think it was from the cold. I woke up this morning with my back hurting really bad. I think it is just from sitting on the bleachers in the car all weekend.

DD is also in bad shape today. Worse then me. She only made it to 3rd mod at school today. The horse she was riding on Saturday spooked twice and took off. She stayed on both times. That is a good thing or she would have been hurt worse. Her back hurts really bad and I think she bruised her tailbone from the bouncing. I think the back is just tight muscles like what happens after a car accident. She has PT this afternoon so we will see what they say on what she should do other then heat and Advil/Tylenol.
This message is perfect timing for me @PollyannaMom. I didn't lose any weight last week, which I'm OK with, actually more than OK because I didn't gain anything either.

Between what Noom is telling me to eat, my Chiropractor is telling me to eat and my Doctor is telling me to eat, it is a lot to take in. At first look they don't seem to fit together well, and I feel like my food choices were all over the place. So this week I am going to simplify and get down to something I can manage and move forward with.

This is the first work morning going back to getting started in dark. Don't love it right now, but I will this evening when the sun is up until 7:13pm! I have Pilates until 5:15p and will still have time for a walk afterwards. Sweet!
I follow my doctor’s orders as far as what to eat…not far off from NOOM. I use NOOM for logging, tracking progress, and the psychological components. I advise you to eat what your medical professionals say.

I also maintained. I lost .5 of a pound and gained it back. Meanwhile, I have done everything right. It’s very frustrating. But I will keep at it and eventually see the positive outcome.
I am having one of those times now. I am the heaviest I have been. Nothing fits right and I just had to buy a bunch of clothes for vacation. My back and hips have been hurting a lot and I think that is because of the weight. I know what I need to do but I am so discouraged with myself that I say why bother. I am working to get myself out of this funk. I did get up on Saturday and get right on the treadmill and walked an hour. I didn't Sunday though. I will get on at lunch today and do a slow walk for as long as I tolerate it. My back is pretty bad today.
It is so challenging to wade thru the funk... any exercise you can do will help and getting outside, even to just sit, will help as well.
I follow my doctor’s orders as far as what to eat…not far off from NOOM. I use NOOM for logging, tracking progress, and the psychological components. I advise you to eat what your medical professionals say.

I also maintained. I lost .5 of a pound and gained it back. Meanwhile, I have done everything right. It’s very frustrating. But I will keep at it and eventually see the positive outcome.
Yes, all good advice. Thx!
It is so challenging to wade thru the funk... any exercise you can do will help and getting outside, even to just sit, will help as well.
I would love to walk more outside. The weather was looking better as the weekend went on and then this morning it has been snowing. I am so over winter and it really has not been bad. I think Friday though we will be in the 50's with sun. I hope it stays there. We need more sun here.
Well here I am to jump on the bandwagon of “the Mondays”!!!!

It’s raining here and freezing cold! It’s my in office day so normally I walk on my lunch break but that’s impossible today! By the time I get home at 6 I won’t be in the mood to do anything…so I am going to log my food-drink my water-take the long way to the restroom here at work and start over again tomorrow!!

@piglet1979 healing prayers for DD
I just got off the treadmill. I got about 23 minutes in. I was only going 1.4 but I needed slow today. It was something and I hope to get on later to do a little bit. I did something and am kind of happy with that. It is a start. I did give DD permission to "yell" at me to work out and eat better. She will be the one to keep me going.
This is something I've been thinking about a lot: the 24/7 110% mentality is centered around what we've been taught to support capitalism - and capitalism really only sees us as tools in the machine. There is no correlation between wealth and working hard, that is a cultural myth perpetuated to keep us working hard. Most wealth is inherited, earned thru the labor of others or acquired illegally. Conversely there are people who work hard at multiple jobs who never break thru the poverty barrier.

I could go on... and on... and on, but bottom line I think "giving some" = getting some rest and we all need to rest.
I like this topic and I have really been trying to embrace it these past few months! While I never have a true day of rest I have been trying to get some time in each day to do something relaxing.

My day took a odd turn after I checked in with everyone here on my lunch break! I suddenly felt very warm and got up to check the thermostat in the office and it was 86! I cracked a window and only a few minutes later a supervisor for another area came ripping down my row saying-there’s a heating emergency everyone needs to pack up and go home! Turns out there was a terrible smell coming through the vents as well as 100 degree air-but I could not smell it because I had the window cracked! Once I stood up the smell hit me so hard I almost got sick! So I spent my afternoon working at home!

Thankfully I work from home everyday but Mondays so I don’t need to worry about it until next week!

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
This is a good question. I am struggling with this right now. I am good at work and can balance that but my work is very much into a work/home life balance. My struggle is at home. I am constantly moving. Taking kids to activities, doctor appointments, baking with DD anytime she asks and what ever else anyone in the house needs. I did not want to do anything last night but DD wanted to bake cookies so I did. I love the time with her but sometimes I just need a break. I know part of my issue is her and I don't know how to balance things with her. She gets attached to my hip when ever her anxiety/depression kids in and that is where we are right now. When she is like this I don't tell her no to many things. I feel the more I do with her maybe it will help make her feel better. I still tuck her in at night. Last night I didn't cover her with her blanket real good and I made a comment that I wasn't the best mom last night. I was tired, my back hurt and my sinuses were bothering me so I just threw the covers over her and did the least amount as I could. I wasn't being the best mom but I wasn't a bad one either. After I said that she goes "What!" and gave me this look like I am crazy. I know she apricates everything I do but I don't think she understands that sometimes I just need a break. Thankfully vacation is coming and I will get a break. Well somewhat. We will be in Disney but we will take breaks and hang out at the pool in the middle of the day. So there will be down time.
This is a good question. I am struggling with this right now. I am good at work and can balance that but my work is very much into a work/home life balance. My struggle is at home. I am constantly moving. Taking kids to activities, doctor appointments, baking with DD anytime she asks and what ever else anyone in the house needs. I did not want to do anything last night but DD wanted to bake cookies so I did. I love the time with her but sometimes I just need a break. I know part of my issue is her and I don't know how to balance things with her. She gets attached to my hip when ever her anxiety/depression kids in and that is where we are right now. When she is like this I don't tell her no to many things. I feel the more I do with her maybe it will help make her feel better. I still tuck her in at night. Last night I didn't cover her with her blanket real good and I made a comment that I wasn't the best mom last night. I was tired, my back hurt and my sinuses were bothering me so I just threw the covers over her and did the least amount as I could. I wasn't being the best mom but I wasn't a bad one either. After I said that she goes "What!" and gave me this look like I am crazy. I know she apricates everything I do but I don't think she understands that sometimes I just need a break. Thankfully vacation is coming and I will get a break. Well somewhat. We will be in Disney but we will take breaks and hang out at the pool in the middle of the day. So there will be down time.
Did everything get straightened out with the band teacher?
Did everything get straightened out with the band teacher?
I think so. She is on a different bus now and everything seems to have calmed down. They had a practice last night and he addressed to whole band that the drama needed to stay out of the band room and if it continues he will kick people off of the trip (he has been threating this a lot lately with just about everyone). I guess there is a lot of drama other then DD's. Hers has stopped now. She is just staying away from the band room. She did tell me that he has made her feel that she is not welcome in the band room. She loves the assistant though. He is great. This is his first year with our school and he is wonderful. He is younger and more engaged with the students and seems to be more caring and a lot more fun. We think that the band director is jealous that he is not the top guy anymore as he has been in the past. The directors dad was the director before him so they have been the top guy for like 50 plus years. Now there is a young guy, not part of the family and things are changing. The director is retiring in 2 yours but he made a comment to the kids that they are making it hard for him to want to come in. I think he might retire sooner.
Woohoo... woke up to bright blues skies this morning. It feels so good.

Woohoo... I was able to pick up an appointment at the spa with soaking tubs and a sauna spa last night and it was wonderful. I usually get a bit nervous when I'm super warm, but I've been so cold lately that warming up felt really good.

And lastly woohoo that my blood labs all came back normal, except for A1C which is the same high pre-diabetic that it's been for the past five years. Today I'll make a follow-up appt to talk to her about it and also ask for guidance about why I'm dehydrated even though I'm drinking plenty of water.


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