Magical Miles to the Marathon! Comments welcomed

I was able to wait it out and talk to a CSR. I guess when it is waiting for you at the resort it no longer shows up on your account until you pick it up? I guess I should have had more faith. I decided to buy photopass, i realized it wasn't so much the cost but I still feel very self conscious in pictures, but this is a trip I would like to remember, and I am even worse at selfies! I've been stalking the dining reservations, I want Be our Guest too I have seen it pop up a few times but not when I could make it. I'll keep trying!
Well, my magic band was not there. but they gave me certificate for one of my choice. I had a fabulous time, and am planning to go back for next year Spring surprise! I wish I could go to Marathon weekend as well. I plan on writing up a brief trip report, I'm sorry I didn't make it to the meet up, I definately plan on that next time. I wasn't very good at figuring out transport at first. I hope everyone had fun as well!
I registered for goofy! I was very tempted by dopey but I really want to spend more time in the parks, which I can do after the races for a few days. (though for only 200 more dollars you get three medals!) I am planning on making it to meetups. I booked at POP again, I liked it and I am person who likes familiarity. I now feel the rush to buy new running shoes!!!
Spring Surprise thoughts (part 1)

Originally, I had planned to do dopey for WDMW 2022, but when it came time register, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be ready to travel yet. By the time I thought yes, I can do this, it was too late. So I ended up doing The Spring Surprise challenge. It was a blessing in disguise, I think! I had never been to Walt Disney world, it’s a big learning curve and coupled with the races I learned a lot. I’m glad to have this before doing goofy in 2023.

At first, I was sad, My sister was going to come with me and ended up not. But in the end, it was much easier to go to bed early, get up early not spend as much time in the parks without feeling guilty. I don’t think I would want to do these weekends unless the other people were also doing the races. I stayed in POP and really liked it. Buses were plentiful, I loved the skyliner and the resort didn’t feel too bit. I was a bit cursed that every time I had plan on using the pool it was closed do to weather.

Genie plus took some getting use to. I think it was worth it for Magic Kingdom and Hollywood studios. For animal kingdom the day I was there, Navi river journey was down the whole time, and with Everest closed, it just didn’t seem worth it. I didn’t use it in epcot. I went the Saturday after the 10k and the place was a ghost town! I didn’t do world showcase this day but I was able to ride everything else with hardly a wait. I watched the pixar shorts as the only one in the theater. I bought ILL for, flight of passage and mine train. I don’t think I would that again, I would rope drop. I was too slow tor buy it for Rise. I rope dropped Remy, and made a fatal mistake of buying a treat before going to frozen on my second day in epcot,(which was packed!) and by the time I got there it was longer than I was willing so I didn’t ride that. I should have paid attention to the passport as I had bought some items towards the prize, but didn’t get the stamps.

Memory maker, I’m glad I bought this. Though I have no idea how to pose for pictures (I’m also terrible at selfies). I need to learn when to pose for the race photopass people, too. This is what the photographer had me do, some were very nice in trying not to make me feel awkward. . Also don't bring a purse with a heavy chain for the strap, I was almost always stopped for security


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Spring Surprise thoughts (part 1)

Originally, I had planned to do dopey for WDMW 2022, but when it came time register, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be ready to travel yet. By the time I thought yes, I can do this, it was too late. So I ended up doing The Spring Surprise challenge. It was a blessing in disguise, I think! I had never been to Walt Disney world, it’s a big learning curve and coupled with the races I learned a lot. I’m glad to have this before doing goofy in 2023.

At first, I was sad, My sister was going to come with me and ended up not. But in the end, it was much easier to go to bed early, get up early not spend as much time in the parks without feeling guilty. I don’t think I would want to do these weekends unless the other people were also doing the races. I stayed in POP and really liked it. Buses were plentiful, I loved the skyliner and the resort didn’t feel too bit. I was a bit cursed that every time I had plan on using the pool it was closed do to weather.

Genie plus took some getting use to. I think it was worth it for Magic Kingdom and Hollywood studios. For animal kingdom the day I was there, Navi river journey was down the whole time, and with Everest closed, it just didn’t seem worth it. I didn’t use it in epcot. I went the Saturday after the 10k and the place was a ghost town! I didn’t do world showcase this day but I was able to ride everything else with hardly a wait. I watched the pixar shorts as the only one in the theater. I bought ILL for, flight of passage and mine train. I don’t think I would that again, I would rope drop. I was too slow tor buy it for Rise. I rope dropped Remy, and made a fatal mistake of buying a treat before going to frozen on my second day in epcot,(which was packed!) and by the time I got there it was longer than I was willing so I didn’t ride that. I should have paid attention to the passport as I had bought some items towards the prize, but didn’t get the stamps.

Memory maker, I’m glad I bought this. Though I have no idea how to pose for pictures (I’m also terrible at selfies). I need to learn when to pose for the race photopass people, too. This is what the photographer had me do, some were very nice in trying not to make me feel awkward. . Also don't bring a purse with a heavy chain for the strap, I was almost always stopped for security
Posing for pictures is the worst—I never know what to do with my arms. I like it when they give me pose to do, and if I like the pose enough, I‘ll reuse it for future pictures.
I got new running shoes! Saucony endorphin pro. Made to smash PR's! it says so in the description. Can't wait to try them out, though I plan to really only wear them for races.
I got a pair of these at a great deal last year. I definitely feel faster in them but they seem to give me horrible pain in my left arch so they’ve more or less been retired. I hope you have better luck!
I got new running shoes! Saucony endorphin pro. Made to smash PR's! it says so in the description. Can't wait to try them out, though I plan to really only wear them for races.
I'll be interested in hearing what you think of them. I've been using Saucony for a while, swapping between Guide and Omni since before the ISO detour.
Well I finally updated the thread title.

I had just registered for a half marathon in Provo, Ut and for a mere $25 you could add the 5k and then get a challenge medal! So of course I did. Its along drive from here but my mom has alot of family there. I was pretty excited. Then we just found out my mom has stage 1 endometrial cancer. Hopefully it can be fixed by a hysterectomy. She says she still wants to go on the trip, but it will depend. Her mom is 85, so I can see why. But its scary, though it seems to have a high survival rate. And she is really private and doesn't want anyone to know. So I can't really talk about in person, and its such a small town that things are hard to keep quiet because everyone knows everyone. To think before this I was worried about the coffee situation at my uncles house because they are Mormon. Sometimes I still feel like im in my twenties, and my parents are still youngish in my mind. Then I remember no "you are over 40, and parents are now elderly"
What an unpleasant surprise. I'm glad they were able to catch it somewhat early. Crossing my fingers the surgery takes care of things and your mom is able to recover quickly.
I finally tried out my fancy new shoes! (I was waiting for a day that was not too long, not too short, not on dirt roads, not on the road that had just been oiled much like goldilocks) I liked them for the most part, I did feel fast. I run alongside highways a lot , and today was a 5 mile. These shoes made the canting/banking really noticeable and not very stable, and while it didn't hurt really it did feel not right. I had to walk places where I didn't in my regular Saucony's. I wonder if all plated shoes are like that. I will try again on a flatter road next week.
More springtime surprise /First WDW trip thoughts

I love sit down dining in the parks! I normally go to Disneyland with my sister’s family, she has five kids, and it is all about rides, rides, rides. We only really do quickservice. I found having a sit down meal was such a nice break. I didn’t do that many. Sadly I had to cancel tiffin’s as I scheduled it at 7:00 ish the night before the 10k. I was spent by the time it rolled around and also was worried about getting any sleep. Next time I think I will try to make one most days. I did eat at Cinderella’s Royal table, it was delightful, themeing. I had a window view. The starter and dessert were very good. The main was odd to me. It is what I call a catch all dinner. I’m a vegetarian, sometimes when you order the vegetarian meal it also serves as the vegan, gluten free, nut free option. It was ok. I’m really glad I did it but wouldn’t do again unless I was with someone who really wanted too. Also I made a solo reservation, and the day I was sent a message that I could have added a person. Since you have to prepay for the dinner (I think it was 7)0 ish including tip/tax think) that is nice if you find someone to accompany later you don’t have to risk paying for it up front. Now I really want to do “Be our guest”. (I'm not sure how to rotate these and too lazy right now to work it out right now.


Chickpea Panisse

Crispy Chickpeas Panisse, Tomato Jam, Roasted Carrots, Chermoula-spiced Garbanzos, and Chive Powder (Plant-based) That thing that looks like a pickle was another whole carrot.


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So, I think I want to do a marathon, at the end of sept, beginning of October. I ordered the Hansons guide to your 1st marathon. Since I will have to be training during summer, I liked the idea of the long runs being capped, less time in the heat. I'm looking forward to reading it. And I also like to run most days, right now I am doing Hal Higdon's and he only does 4 days with a cross training day. Depending how things go with my mom, I have a half marathon on June 4th. Hopefully it will give me an idea on my current pacing. I also bought a new light up vest thingy to wear in the mornings, to try to take advantage of the cool. I have only seen 5 snakes so far this season. 3 King Snakes, (2 living, one dead) 2 Rattlesnakes (A huge living one and one dead). Some years I see tons of snakes and some years hardly any.

ETA: I've really fallen off the marvel wagon. I watched Wanda vision and that's about it, since then. I haven't watched Loki, The falcon show, eternals, shang chi, or even the new Spiderman. I need to pick it up again. I think I was on Civil War before I got waylaid.
I wore the new fancy carbon plated shoes. I picked a road that was much flatter, and it felt more stable. I still feel like they work different muscles and will continue to break them in. I'm not sure if I will be able to wear them to the half I have in a few weeks. The e-gels arrived, I and I tried the strawberry vanilla. I liked it and really liked that it wasn't pink but a clear gel. I got the sample pack, so I have the other flavors still to try. The packs are more voluminous then the stingers I had been using but I thought the gel was easier to get down.

My hip flexors have been really tight. I thought I was just in flexible but when looking up stretches I came across a exercise test to see if they were not tight but weak. And they are so weak! So I now added exercises to help strengthen them.
My go tos are vanilla strawberry, watermelon and raspberry.
I did not like the blue one at all (tropical??)

Running has just been ok. Its starting to get hot.

I really loved pandora in animal kingdom. Sadly when I was there Navi' river journey was down. But the land was so beautiful. I did ride flight of passage and I liked it, but overall 3d based rides are not my cup of tea. I also really liked the Canteen. But now is my confession: I have never seen Avatar! I think I will watch it tonight.
Well my running has not been going all that great. I ve been driving my mom to her dr's appt. One thing not so great about living in the middle of nowhere is it is about 6.5 hour drive roundtrip to her dr's in Tucson. It makes for an exhausting day. And I have a half next weekend. Luckily there is a very generous time limit as it is ran alongside a full marathon. I don't think I will be anywhere near my last half of under 2:30. I am just going to do this one as a finish.
Wow, it has been a super busy summer. I did run the Utah valley half marathon, in Provo, Utah. It was beautiful and steep! We were bussed up to the start line up a canyon. They were worried about having enough buses, so were offering 25% off next year if you were one of the first 200 p. I can never sleep anyway before a race, so I got there very early. There was some trouble with the placing of traffic cones, so the race started about a half hour late, which meant I got to stay on the bus the whole time anyway. It was quite cold at the start, they had lots of fires to keep warm, and I had a hideous throw away hoody and I was fine. I live where we have elevation change so I can usually get in some drop, it was nowhere near enough for this route. It was so steep I had to walk some downhills! and I got one part of one black toenail. I started very conservatively so I ended up with an over 3-minute negative split for the second half. It was quite hot at the end, I felt sorry for the marathoners (both the half and full start at the same time so they were delayed as well) I came in at 2:40:04. (Though I think I could have been faster with better pacing at the beginning, I also was bummed I didn't come in and 2:39 or something.). I'm in the Lotso shirt on the attached picture. Free pictures for this race, though I personally didn't really have great ones). I have signed up for next year already and to do the 5k the night before, so you get three medals all together! And my Aunt is going to do it next year too!


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